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[初中]全新英語語法09-4 48組易混動(dòng)詞用法辨析






09-4 48組易混動(dòng)詞用法辨析

1.agree with,agree to和agree on

■agree with ...指“同意某人或某人的意見、觀點(diǎn)、決定、想法、安排、解釋”等,其后可以是一個(gè)名詞,也可以是what引起的從句。如:

I don't agree with you.我不同意你的意見。

I don't agree with what you said.我不同意你所說的。

■agree to是指“同意某計(jì)劃、建議、或提議”等;后跟動(dòng)詞原形,意為“同意干某事”。如:Who else will agree to this suggestion besides him?除他以外,還有誰會(huì)同意這個(gè)建議呢?

We agreed to start early.我們同意早點(diǎn)動(dòng)身。

■agree on 指在某方面取得一致的看法或意見。如:

We agreed on leaving for Beijing the next day.我們一致同意第二天去北京。



Who can answer the question?誰能回答這個(gè)問題?

Please answer the telephone.請接一下電話。

■reply 較answer正式,既可指用語言、書面作答,也可指用動(dòng)作或手勢作答,常用于正式場合或書面語中,指經(jīng)過慎重考慮作出的答復(fù)。如:

I sent in my application,and the school replied immediately.我把申請書交上去,學(xué)校立即給了答復(fù)。

I don't know what to reply.我不知道該回答什么。



answer the question回答問題;reply to the question回答問題。

3.apologize to和apologize for

■apologize to sb.相當(dāng)于say sorry to sb.表示“向某人道歉”。如:

You should apologize to the old man.你應(yīng)當(dāng)向那老人道歉。

■apologize for sb.意為“替某人道歉或認(rèn)錯(cuò)”。如:

Johnny,I want to apologize for us all.約翰尼,我代表我們大家向你道歉。


apologize to后通常只接表示人的名詞或代詞,apologize for后除可接表示人代名詞或代詞外,還可接表示事物的名詞。apologize for sth.意為“因……而道歉”。如:

I must apologize for the untidy state of the room.屋子這么不整潔,實(shí)在抱歉。

I must apologize for calling you so late.實(shí)在抱歉,這么晚給您打電話。

4.argue about和argue with

■argue about指“為某事而爭論、爭吵”。如:

Don't argue about the matter any more.不要再為那件事爭論不休了。

■argue with 指“與某人爭吵、爭論或吵架”。如:

The two brothers often argue with each other.那兩兄弟經(jīng)?;ハ酄幊?。


表示“因某事與某人爭吵”或“與某人辯論某事”為argue with sb.about sth.或argue against sb.on sth.如:

They argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.他們與服務(wù)員為飯錢而爭吵起來。

5.arrive,reach和get to


Has the train arrived?火車到達(dá)了嗎?

They arrived at the village on a rainy night.他們在一個(gè)雨夜里到達(dá)了那個(gè)村莊。


arrive at指到達(dá)較小的地方,如車站、機(jī)場、碼頭、學(xué)校、工廠、商店等。如:

It was dark when I arrived at the airport.我到達(dá)機(jī)場時(shí)天就黑了。

arrive in指到達(dá)較大的地方,如村莊、城鎮(zhèn)、地區(qū)、國家等。如:

When did you arrive in Beijing yesterday?你昨天什么時(shí)候到達(dá)的北京?


He reached Japan on October the second 2017.他于2017年10月2日到達(dá)日本。

■get to是短語動(dòng)詞,相當(dāng)于及物動(dòng)詞,在口語中用的多,使用的范圍也很廣,不管是步行還是乘車、乘船、乘飛機(jī)等到達(dá)目的地或中途暫停都可以用。如:

Can you tell me how I can get to the airport?你能告訴我到機(jī)場怎么走嗎?


當(dāng)arrive,get to后跟副詞home,here,there時(shí),arrive后不再用at或in,get后不再用to。如:

When the train arrived here,it was raining hard.火車到達(dá)這兒的時(shí)候,正在下著大雨。

When did you get home?你什么時(shí)候到家的?



I would like to be a bus-driver.我想成為一名公共汽車司機(jī)。

My younger sister wants to be a movie star.我妹妹想當(dāng)一名電影明星。


Later the boy became an artist.后來那男孩成為一名畫家。

Her mother became angry when she heard the news.她媽媽聽到這個(gè)消息時(shí)非常生氣。


It's getting darker and darker outside.戶外天色越來越暗。

In winter the days get shorter.冬季白天變得較短。


Leaves turned brown in the mountains.山里的樹葉已變成了棕色。

7.be about to和be going to

■be about to do意為“就要、即將干某事”,指最近的將來,表示動(dòng)作馬上就要發(fā)生。如:

Don't leave now.We are about to have lunch.現(xiàn)在不要走,我們馬上就要吃午飯了。

■be going to意為“即將、打算干某事”,表示對某事事先有準(zhǔn)備、有計(jì)劃或有打算,也可表示預(yù)計(jì)要發(fā)生或不可避免要發(fā)生的事。如:

Look,it's cloudy.It's going to rain.看,天開始陰沉沉的,要下雨了。


be about to本身已清楚地表示出即將到來的短暫時(shí)刻,故句子中不能與at once,immediately及表示具體的將來的時(shí)間連用。如:

I'm about to go.我馬上過去。(不能說成:I'm about to go at once.或I'm about to go tomorrow.)

8.be angry about,be angry at和be angry with

■be angry about指對某事生氣,其后跟表示某事的名詞或代詞。如:

He was angry about the noises in the next room.他因隔壁房間的吵鬧而生氣。

■be angry at指對某人的言行生氣。如:

He was angry at her answer.他對她的回答很生氣。

■be angry with指對某人生氣,其后跟表示人的名詞或代詞。如:

She is angry with me.她在生我的氣。


■beat后接表示人及人的群體名詞或代詞作賓語,常用于游戲或比賽中戰(zhàn)勝某人或打敗某人。如:Our class beat Class One in the table tennis match yesterday.昨天我們班在乒乓球比賽中贏了一班。


Who won the game?誰贏了那場比賽。

She won the first place in the competition.她在比賽中獲得第一名。

[一言辨異] Yesterday I beat my classmate at chess.He won only one set,while I won two sets.昨天下棋我贏了我同學(xué)。他只贏了一盤,而我贏了兩盤。

10.believe和believe in


Don't you believe me?難道你不相信我嗎?

I don't believe until I see it with my own eyes.我親眼看到后我才相信。

■believe in指信賴或信任某人的人格、力量等;也指信奉某宗教、神等。如:

We believe in him,for he is always careful with everything.我們信任他是因?yàn)樗鍪裁词虑槎己苷J(rèn)真。

11.be made of和be made from

■be made of指從所制成的物品中能看到原材料,即原材料只發(fā)生了物理變化。如:

Our desks and chairs are all made of wood.我們的課桌和椅子都是用木材制成的。

■be made from指從所制成的物品中看不出原材料,或者說是原材料發(fā)生了化學(xué)變化。如:Some paper is made from wood.有些紙是由木材制成的。


有時(shí),在制成品中很難斷定能否看出原材料,這時(shí)be made 后用of或from皆可。如:

Bread is made of/from flour.饅頭是用面粉做成的。

12.be out,go out和turn off

■be out表示“熄滅、滅”時(shí),指燈、火等熄滅的狀態(tài),句子的主語通常是表示燈或火的名詞而不是人。如:

The forest fires were out at last because of two days' heavy rain.因?yàn)橄铝藘商煊?,森林大火終于熄滅了。

■go out表示“熄滅、滅”時(shí),側(cè)重于燈或火熄滅的動(dòng)作,句子的主語是表示燈或火的名詞而不是人。如:

The lights went out at ten o'clock last night.昨夜電燈是十點(diǎn)鐘熄滅的。

■turn off表示“熄滅、滅”時(shí),是指某人把燈或火熄滅,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,句子的主語是人而不是表示燈或火的詞。如:

Please turn off the light before you leave the room.離開房間前請關(guān)上燈。


be out,go out表示自身的動(dòng)作,即當(dāng)主語是燈、火、燈火一類的詞時(shí),用be out或go out;當(dāng)主語是人時(shí),則用turn off。如:

The fire on the hill was out yesterday.山上的火昨天就熄滅了。

Will you please turn off the TV?請關(guān)上電視好嗎?

[一言辨異] The light went out suddenly.Do you know who turned it off?電燈突然滅了,你知道是誰關(guān)的嗎?

13.be pleased at,be pleased with和be pleased to

■be pleased at指“因……高興”,其后常常跟動(dòng)名詞。如:

We are pleased at hearing of your success.聽說你獲得成功,我們都感到很高興。

■be pleased with指“對……感到高興;對……感到滿意”,其后的賓語可以是物,也可以是人。如:

The boss was pleased with John's work.老板對約翰的工作是滿意的。

They were very pleased with the boy.他們對那個(gè)男孩很滿意。

■be pleased to指“高興做……;樂意做……;因做……而感到高興”,其后要用動(dòng)詞原形。如:

I am very pleased to help you.我非常樂意幫助你。


be pleased at與be pleased with有時(shí)候可以互換使用,這時(shí)其后只能接名詞。如:

He is pleased with (at)the bike.那輛自行車他很滿意。

14.be proud for和be proud of

■be proud for指“為……感到驕傲、自豪”,強(qiáng)調(diào)主語設(shè)身處地地為他人取得的成就而感到自豪。如:You have four books published so far,I am proud for you.到目前為止,你已出版四本書了,我為你感到自豪。

■be proud of指“因……感到驕傲、自豪”,一般指因自己有了某人、某物或某成就而感到驕傲或自豪。如:

He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.他為女兒能說四種語言而驕傲。

15.be strict in和be strict with

■be strict in指在某一方面或某事上對自己要求嚴(yán)格,in后接表示某事的名詞。如:

We all must be strict in our study.我們都必須在學(xué)習(xí)上嚴(yán)格要求自己。

■be strict with指對某人嚴(yán)格要求,with后接表示人的名詞。如:

Our teacher is very strict with all of us.我們老師對我們大家要求很嚴(yán)格。


be strict后跟反身代詞表示對某人自己嚴(yán)格要求用with,不能用in。如:

We should be strict with ourselves in our study at school.在學(xué)校我們應(yīng)當(dāng)在學(xué)習(xí)上嚴(yán)格要求自己。

16.be used to和get used to

■be used to指已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于某一客觀事實(shí)或狀態(tài),并不強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作。如:

He is used to the weather here.他已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于這里的天氣。

■get used to指的是從不習(xí)慣到習(xí)慣這樣一個(gè)過程的轉(zhuǎn)變,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,還往往包含克服困難去適應(yīng)的意思。如:

In the end he got used to the weather here.最后他終于習(xí)慣于這里的天氣了。


be used to和get used to后跟動(dòng)詞時(shí)要用動(dòng)名詞形式。如:

They are used to getting up early in the morning.他們已習(xí)慣于早上早起床了。

17.be used to和used to

■be used to表示“已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于干某事”,指某動(dòng)作過去不常做而現(xiàn)在已習(xí)慣做了,強(qiáng)調(diào)目前的情況。to后接名詞或動(dòng)名詞。如:

The teacher is used to going to bed late in the evening.老師已習(xí)慣于晚上晚睡覺。

■used to表示“過去常常干某事”,指過去經(jīng)常性的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài),現(xiàn)在已不再那樣,側(cè)重與現(xiàn)在的比較;to后用動(dòng)詞原形。如:

The woman used to help the others in troubles.那婦女過去常常幫助有困難的人。

He used to play basketball after school.他過去放學(xué)后常常打籃球。


①used to do表示“過去常常干……”;used to be 表示“過去常常是……”。如:

The old man used to be a great airplane driver.那位老人過去是一位出色的飛機(jī)駕駛員。

The young pioneers used to help the old man carry water after school.那些少先隊(duì)員過去常常在放學(xué)后幫那位老人打水。

②be used to do表示“……被用來做……”,其后的不定式作主語補(bǔ)足語。如:

Computers are used to help people do many things.電腦被用來幫助人們做很多事情。


■borrow 指從主語的角度“借進(jìn)、借入”,表示“從(向)……借……,自己暫時(shí)使用”,常與from連用,構(gòu)成borrow sth.from sb.句型。如:

You can borrow this dictionary from the library.你可以從圖書館借那本字典。

■lend 指“把……借給”,表示將自己的東西借給別人,常與to連用,構(gòu)成lend sth.to sb.句型。如:I have lent my bike to Xiao Li。我把自行車借給小李了。

■keep指借閱或保留多長時(shí)間,常與how long,for引起的時(shí)間連用。如:

How long may I keep the book?這本書我可以借多長時(shí)間?

[一言辨異] I have an MP3 here,you can borrow it and keep it for two weeks,but you mustn't lend it to others.我這兒有一款MP3,你可以借去用,而且可以借用兩周,但是你不能把它借給別人。


■bring 指從別處把東西或人帶來、拿來。如:

He brought a new book with him.他帶來一本新書。

■take 指把東西帶走或拿走。如:

Please take the letter to the post office.請把這封信帶到郵局去。

■carry 指帶較重的東西,不強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作的方向性。如:

Let me carry the box for you.讓我替你拿這個(gè)箱子吧。

■fetch 指到別處去把某人或某物帶來或拿來,有去回雙程的意味。如:

Please fetch some chalk for me.請去給我拿些粉筆來。

■get 是常用詞,多用于口語,與fetch 同義。如:

Go and get some water.去打些水來。



I bought a bike last week.上周我買了一輛自行車。


I was not able to afford a new car.我買不起新車。


She got two tickets for today's train.她買了兩張今天的火車票。


①buy是短暫動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞,在現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)中不能與how long及for引起的一段時(shí)間連用。在表示某物買了多長時(shí)間時(shí)要用have代替buy。如:

I have had the dictionary for two years.這本字典我買了兩年了。

How long have you had your bike?你的自行車買了多長時(shí)間了?

②can't afford to buy sth.意為“買不起……”;can't afford to waste sth.意為“浪費(fèi)不起”。

21.catch a cold和have a cold

■catch a cold表示“感冒”,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,但不能延續(xù)。如:我們可以說He caught a cold.他感冒了。但不可以說He has caught a cold for two days.他感冒已兩天了。

■have a cold表示“感冒”,強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài),可以延續(xù),有時(shí)可以與catch a cold通用。如:

The boy often has/catches a cold.那男孩經(jīng)常感冒。

He has had a cold for three days.他已感冒三天了。


①catch a cold中的冠詞a 可以省略,而have a cold中的冠詞a則不能省略。如:

正:Be careful not to catch cold.當(dāng)心別感冒。

誤:Be careful not to have cold.當(dāng)心別感冒。

②cold前面若有形容詞修飾時(shí),catch a cold中的冠詞a則不能省去。如:

正:He seemed to have caught a very bad cold.他好像患了重感冒。

誤:He seemed to have caught very bad cold.他好像患了重感冒。



Did you close all the doors and windows?你把所有的門窗都關(guān)上了嗎?


You should shut the door before going to bed.睡覺之前你應(yīng)當(dāng)把門關(guān)好。



They've closed the road for repairs.他們已關(guān)閉這條公路,要翻修。


Shut up!閉嘴!

Shut the bloody door!關(guān)上那個(gè)鬼門!

He shut his eyes to the severe reality.對于這嚴(yán)峻的現(xiàn)實(shí),他閉著眼睛假裝看不見。


■collect 指有目的、有計(jì)劃、有挑選地精心收集。如:

He collected a lot of valuable stamps.他收集了許多有價(jià)值的郵票。


The country girl gathered some firewood.那個(gè)農(nóng)家姑娘拾了些柴火。



The pen cost me ten yuan.這只鋼筆花了我十元錢。

The job cost a lot of time.那項(xiàng)工作花了很多的時(shí)間。


It takes me three hours to go there.我去那兒需要花三個(gè)小時(shí)。


I paid 5,000 yuan for the computer.買那臺(tái)電腦我花了五千元錢。

■spend表示花費(fèi)時(shí),賓語通常是時(shí)間、金錢等,強(qiáng)調(diào)句子的主語必須是人,常用的句型有spend ...on和spend (in)doing。如:

She spent a lot of money on books.她花了很多錢買書。

She spent the whole evening (in)reading.她把整個(gè)晚上都用來讀書。

[一句多譯] 我爸爸買那輛車花了十二萬元。

◇The car cost my father 120,000 yuan.

◇It took my father 120,000 yuan to buy the car.

◇My father paid 120,000 yuan for the car.

◇My father spent 120,000 yuan on the car.

◇My father spent 120,000 yuan buying the car.

25.die of和die from

■die of指因疾病、年老、悲傷或饑餓等而死亡。如:

The old man died of SARS.這位老人死于非典。

■die from指死于非命,即因事故等外部原因而致死。如:

Thousands of people die from traffic accidents every year.每年有成千上萬的人死于交通事故。

26.deal with和do with

■deal with常與how連用,表示處理的方式。如:

How are you going to deal with the TV set?你打算怎么處理這臺(tái)電視機(jī)?

■do with往往與what搭配使用,表示處理的結(jié)果。如:

What are you going to do with the camera you found?你打算怎么處理你找到的那部照相機(jī)?



I dislike his way of talking.我不喜歡他說話的方式。


We hate our enemy.我們憎恨我們的敵人。

28.dress,wear,put on和have on


She dressed her brother every morning.她每天早上給弟弟穿衣服。


She is wearing a black jacket.今天他穿著一件黑色的夾克衫。

■put on強(qiáng)調(diào)穿、戴的動(dòng)作,后跟衣、帽、鞋、襪等作賓語。如:

He put on his coat and hat and went out.他穿上外套、戴上帽子,然后出去了。

■have on強(qiáng)調(diào)穿、戴的狀態(tài),相當(dāng)于wear,但have on沒有進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)和被動(dòng)語態(tài)。如:

She had on a red dress that day.那天她穿著紅色的裙子。

29.find和look for


Her lost watch was found yesterday.她丟失的手表昨天找到了。

■look for表示“尋找”,側(cè)重“找”的動(dòng)作和過程,不強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果。如:

What are you looking for in the room?你在房間里找什么呢?

[一言辨異] My brother looked for a job everywhere,but he hasn't found one till now yet.我哥哥到處找工作,但直到現(xiàn)在也沒找到。



I forgot his name.我忘記了他的名字。


I left my key at home.我把鑰匙忘在家里了。

He left his exercise book in the classroom.他把練習(xí)本忘在教室里了。

31.go to bed,go to sleep和fall asleep

■go to bed意為“去睡覺、就寢”,指上床睡覺這一動(dòng)作,但不一定睡著。如:

I used to go to bed at eleven o'clock.我過去常常在11點(diǎn)睡覺。

■go to sleep意為“入睡”,指睡著了,強(qiáng)調(diào)睡覺的結(jié)果。如:

I often go to sleep very late in the evening.我晚上常常很晚才睡著。

■fall asleep與go to sleep用法相同,但fall asleep更強(qiáng)調(diào)進(jìn)入睡眠的狀態(tài)。如:

When I visited him,he fell asleep in the chair.我去看他的時(shí)候,他在椅子上睡著了。


get to sleep,get into sleep,be asleep都有“入睡、睡著”的意思。get to sleep,get into sleep與go to sleep用法相同;be asleep與fall asleep用法相同。他們常??梢酝ㄓ谩?/p>



They hanged the prisoner at dawn.拂曉時(shí)分他們絞死了犯人。


They hung four new paintings in the foyer.他們在門廳懸掛著四幅新的繪畫作品。

33.happen和take place


The accident happened yesterday.事故發(fā)生在昨天。

■take place 指“發(fā)生事先計(jì)劃或預(yù)料到的事”。如:

The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.按計(jì)劃會(huì)議在八點(diǎn)舉行了。

34.have和there be


I have a brother.我有個(gè)弟弟。

The table has four legs.那張桌子有四條腿。

■there be表示存在關(guān)系,指某處有某物。如:

There isn't anything interesting in today's newspaper.在今天的報(bào)紙上沒有什么有趣的東西。



The girl has a digital camera.那個(gè)女孩有一臺(tái)數(shù)碼相機(jī)。

②There be句型的現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)形式是there is,there are;過去時(shí)態(tài)形式是there was,there were;將來時(shí)態(tài)形式是there will be;完成時(shí)態(tài)形式是there have been。如:

There will be a sports meeting in our school next week.下周我們學(xué)校將有一場運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)。

35.have a word with和have words with

■have a word with意思是“與……談話”,無論談話是內(nèi)容多少,word都不能使用復(fù)數(shù)。如:Are you free now?I want to have a word with you.你現(xiàn)在有空嗎?我想跟你談?wù)劇?/p>

■have words with意思是“與……吵架”,在表示這個(gè)意思時(shí),word必須用復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:Fangfang had words with her husband again yesterday.芳芳昨天又和她丈夫吵架了。


have words with sb.等于quarrel with sb.都是“與某人吵架”的意思。

36.hear和listen to


I heard someone knocking at the door just now.剛才我聽到有人在敲門。

■listen to是指有意識(shí)地“聽”,但不一定能聽見,強(qiáng)調(diào)“聽”的行為。如:

Please listen to the teacher carefully in class.在課堂上請認(rèn)真聽老師講課。

[一言辨異] I listened to them carefully outside the door,but heard nothing.我在門外仔細(xì)地聽了聽,但什么也沒聽到。



I hope to see you next week.我希望下周能見到你。

I hope that you will come tomorrow.我希望你明天來。


I wish I could have a new car.我多么希望有一輛新車。

We wish you a safe journey.祝你一路平安。



What you read influences your thinking.你讀的東西對你的思想有影響。


This article will affect my thinking.這篇文章將會(huì)影響我的思想。

39.join,attend和take part in


He joined the Party last year.他是去年入黨的。

■attend指出席,參加某場合,著重指動(dòng)作。如attend a meeting出席會(huì)議;attend a lecture聽演講,聽課;attend a wedding參加婚禮。

■take part in常用來指參加某項(xiàng)活動(dòng),并在活動(dòng)中起一定作用。如:

They took part in the game last Friday.上星期五他們參加了那項(xiàng)比賽。


join表示參加游戲等活動(dòng)時(shí),其后要加介詞in,如join in a game參加游戲。

40.leave和leave for

■leave意為“離開”,指從……走出或遠(yuǎn)離,作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí),其后的名詞就是離開的地方。如:I left the school last month.我上個(gè)月離開了那所學(xué)校。

■leave for意為“動(dòng)身去某地,前往某地”,強(qiáng)調(diào)離開的目的是為了去某地,leave for后的名詞不是離開的地點(diǎn),而是要去的地方。如:

I'm going to leave for the school this afternoon.今天下午我要去那所學(xué)校。


表示“離開某地去某地”用leave ...for ...。如:

Her father left the city for Shanghai yesterday.她父親昨天離開這座城市去了上海。

41.Let's和Let us

■Let's 指向?qū)Ψ教岢鼋ㄗh,勸誘對方一同做某事,即“咱們?nèi)プ瞿呈掳伞保瑥?qiáng)調(diào)我們做,對方也一起做;反意疑問句用shall we。如:

Let's have a rest,shall we?咱們休息一下,好嗎?

■Let us指向?qū)Ψ教岢稣埱?,請求對方允許,即“讓(或允許)我們做某事”,強(qiáng)調(diào)對方不做,我們做;反意疑問句用will you。如:

Let us have a rest,will you?讓我們休息一下,好嗎?

42.like,love,enjoy和be fond of


I like English.我喜歡英語。

He likes reading aloud.他喜歡大聲朗讀。

■love 包含一定的感情色彩,意為“愛、熱愛、(深深地)喜歡”,其后可以跟名詞、動(dòng)詞不定式或動(dòng)名詞。如:

We love our motherland.我們熱愛我們的祖國。

The boy is a football fan and he loves watching football matches very much.那男孩是個(gè)足球迷,他很喜歡看足球比賽。


The old man enjoys fishing.那位老人喜歡釣魚。

Mary enjoyed the gift from her boyfriend.瑪麗非常喜歡她男朋友給的禮物。

■be fond of表示“喜歡、愛好、喜好”,強(qiáng)調(diào)對某事有深厚的情感,近乎于嗜好、酷愛的程度。其后跟名詞、代詞或動(dòng)名詞。如:

He is fond of sweet food.他喜愛甜食。



She likes him,but she doesn't love him.她喜歡他,但是她不愛他。



She looked at me with a smile.他微笑地看著我。


I saw him standing at the gate.我看見他站在門口。


They watch TV only on Sunday evening.他們只在星期六晚上看電視。

They are watching a football match.他們在看足球比賽。



44.pay,pay for和pay ...for


Who will pay our traveling expense?誰來付我們的旅行費(fèi)?

He hasn't paid the mobile phone bill yet this month.他還沒有交這個(gè)月的手機(jī)費(fèi)。

■pay for意為“付……的錢,為……付款”,表示為所買的東西或其他費(fèi)用付款。其后的賓語是物或事等。如:

How much did you pay for the book?那本書你付了多少錢?

I have paid for the meal.飯錢我已經(jīng)付過了。

■pay ...for意為“為……付款,付給(某人)……的費(fèi)用”,表示為某物或某事支付……費(fèi)用,或?yàn)槟呈禄蚰澄锔督o某人款,常用的結(jié)構(gòu)有①pay some money for sth. ;②pay sb.some money for sth. ;③pay sb. for sth. 。如:

I paid ten yuan for the English book.我花了10元錢買那本英語書。

He paid me 20 yuan for the dictionary.為那本字典他給了我20元。

When will you pay us for the work?你什么時(shí)候付給我們工錢?



He said thanks to the young man.他對那個(gè)年輕人說謝謝。

I have something to say.我有話要說。

■speak 著重講話這一動(dòng)作本身,既可指系統(tǒng)的長篇講話,又可指簡單的開口發(fā)言,但不注重說的內(nèi)容。如:

The baby is learning to speak.那個(gè)嬰兒在學(xué)說話。

Our monitor will speak at the meeting.我們的班長將要在會(huì)上發(fā)言。


He told her that the dress was sold.他告訴她說那件衣服賣掉了。

注意: tell a story意為“講故事”。


I'm talking to a friend.我正在與朋友談話。

46.think of,think about和think over

■think of表示“想到、想起、想出、記得”,指對以前事情的回憶或?qū)π碌氖挛锏奶岢?,后接名詞或動(dòng)名詞。如:

I can't think of his name at the moment.我一時(shí)想不起他的名字。

Can you think of a good way to spend our holiday?你能想出好的方法來度過我們的假期嗎?

■think about意思是“考慮”,指對某事的思考與反思,后接名詞或動(dòng)名詞。如:

Everyone is thinking about his or her future.每個(gè)人都在考慮自己的未來。

I'm thinking about changing my job.我正在考慮換一個(gè)工作。

■think over表示“仔細(xì)考慮、仔細(xì)琢磨”,含有對某問題動(dòng)腦筋,努力而深入思考的意味。如:Please think over what I've said to you.請仔細(xì)想想我對你說的話。

We should think the plan over before we carry it out.我們應(yīng)該先認(rèn)真做好計(jì)劃再實(shí)施。


think of在疑問句中與what連用,構(gòu)成What do you think of ...?句型,表示“你覺得……怎么樣?”與How do you like ...?句型同義。如:

What do you think of the movie?你覺得那部電影怎么樣?

How do you like the bike?你覺得這輛自行車怎么樣?

47.turn on,turn off,turn up和turn down

■turn on表示“打開、旋開”,指打開自來水、燃?xì)獾鹊拈_關(guān)及電燈、電視、收音機(jī)、電閘、電冰箱等電器的開關(guān)。如:

Don't turn on the radio.The baby is sleeping.小孩在睡覺,不要把收音機(jī)打開。

■turn off表示“關(guān)上”,指關(guān)上自來水、燃?xì)獾鹊拈_關(guān)及電燈、電視、收音機(jī)、電閘、電冰箱等電器的開關(guān)。如:

Turn off the light when you leave the room.離開房間時(shí)關(guān)上燈。

■turn up表示“開大”,指把收音機(jī)、電視機(jī)、音響等的聲音調(diào)大,或把電燈等的亮度調(diào)高,自來水的流量開大等。如:

I can't hear a word.Please turn up the TV.我一句話也聽不見。請把電視聲音調(diào)大一些。

■turn down表示“關(guān)小、調(diào)低”,指把收音機(jī)、電視機(jī)、音響等的聲音關(guān)小,或把電燈等的亮度調(diào)低,自來水的流量關(guān)小等。如:

Would you please turn down the water?We shouldn't waste water.請把水關(guān)小點(diǎn)好嗎?我們不應(yīng)當(dāng)浪費(fèi)水。



The radio is too loud.Can you turn it down a little?收音機(jī)聲音太大,你能關(guān)小一點(diǎn)嗎?

48.wake up和wake ...up

■wake up是自身的動(dòng)作,表示某人自己從熟睡中或睡夢中醒來。如:

I usually wake up at six o'clock in the morning.我通常早上六點(diǎn)鐘醒來。

■wake ...up中間接表示人的名詞或代詞,意為“把某人叫醒、弄醒、喚醒”,wake后是被叫醒的人。如:Please wake your father up when you get up.你起床后請把你父親叫醒。


1.[云南中考考題] As long as all the Chinese people pull together,our China Dream will _____.

A.come true B.come out

C.come up D.come down

2.[吉林中考考題] Many parents have to _____ early to make breakfast for their kids.

A.get up B.stay up C.give up

3.[青海西寧中考考題] Please _____ the water when you brush your teeth.

A.turn down B.turn off C.turn on D.turn up

4.[湖北荊州中考考題] — Could you _____ me your bike,Tom?

— OK.And you can _____ it for a week.

A.lend;keep B.borrow;lend

C.lend;borrow D.borrow;keep

5.[遼寧丹東中考考題] — Let's go out for dinner.

— Great!But Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now.We can't _____ making a plan.

A.take off B.see off C.put off D.cut off

6.[湖北黃岡中考考題] — I'm sorry,Mr.Hu.I _____ my English exercise book at home.

— It doesn't matter.Please remember _____ it here this afternoon.

A.forgot;to bring B.left;to take

C.forgot;to take D.left;to bring


1.答案:A 句意:只要所有的中國人團(tuán)結(jié)在一起,我們的中國夢就會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)。come true實(shí)現(xiàn);come out 出版,發(fā)行;come up上來;come down下來。由句意可知選A。

2.答案:A 句意:許多家長不得不早起給他們的孩子做早餐。get up起床;stay up熬夜;give up放棄。由句意可知選A。

3.答案:B 句意:你刷牙時(shí)請關(guān)上水。turn down關(guān)??;調(diào)低;turn off關(guān)掉,關(guān)閉;turn on 打開;turn up開大。由句意可知選B。

4.答案:A 句意:“你可以借給我你的自行車嗎,湯姆?”“可以。你可以借一周。” lend 借出;borrow借入;keep保存。由句意可知第一空用lend;由答語中for a week可知第二空用keep,故選A。

5.答案:C 句意:“我們?nèi)コ酝盹埌??!薄疤昧?!但是清掃日距現(xiàn)在只有兩周了。我們不能推遲制定計(jì)劃。” take off脫下;起飛;set off送行;put off推遲,拖延;cut off切除。由句意可知選C。

6.答案:D 句意:“對不起,胡先生,我把英語練習(xí)本忘在家里了。”“沒關(guān)系。請記著下午帶來?!薄鞍涯澄镞z忘在某處”用“l(fā)eave sth.+地點(diǎn)”;表示“帶來”用bring。故選D。

【語法專練 體驗(yàn)中考】

1.[山東臨沂] Before stamps,people didn't _____ for the letters they sent,but for the letters they received.

A.pay B.cost C.spend D.take

2.[貴州銅仁] — Remember to _____ the lights when you leave the room.

— OK!I will.

A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down

3.[黑龍江龍東] My grandfather _____ live in the countryside,but now he _____ living in the city.

A.used to;used to B.got used to;gets used to

C.used to;gets used to

4.[福建廈門] — I've made much progress in grammar.The ideas you _____ worked out fine.

— Glad I could help.

A.came up with B.ran out of C.looked up to

5.[新疆烏魯木齊] This bus doesn't go to the train station.I'm afraid you'll have to _____ at Hongshan stop and take BRT Line 1.

A.take off B.put off C.get off D.get out

6.[湖北荊州] — Mum,I have nothing to do in my free time but do homework.

— My dear,you should _____ a hobby like drawing or taking photos.

A.take up B.make up C.set up D.put up

7.[廣西貴港] — When will Mr.Green _____ Beijing?

— In a week.

A.reach B.get C.arrive D.come

8.[山東濟(jì)南] More and more people have realized that we shouldn't _____ the ancient buildings in cities.

A.get off B.put off C.cut down D.pull down

9.[湖北隨州] — Don't _____ late,Betty.You have to go to school early tomorrow.

— OK,Mom.I'll go to bed right now.

A.put up B.stay up C.sit down D.fall down

10.[呼和浩特] — Jack,could you help me _____ when the plane will take off on the Internet?

— I'm sorry,but my computer doesn't work.

A.get out B.look out C.take out D.find out

11.[山東威海] Their football team was _____ in that important game.

A.won B.beaten C.failed

12.[河北考題] We need to do some research to _____ the answer.

A.find out B.look out C.hand out D.take out

13.[湖北黃岡] — You aren't supposed to smoke in public.It's bad for our health.

— Sorry,I will _____ my cigarette right now.

A.give up B.put down C.put out D.give away

14.[江蘇南京] It took me almost a whole day to _____ so many emails.

A.deal with B.cut in C.cheer for D.run out

15.[甘肅蘭州] You can _____ new words in your e-dictionary.

A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look around


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.A


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