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  如:walk play sleep live













 ?、伲杭拔飫?dòng)詞(transitive verb)與不及物動(dòng)詞(intransitive verb)


  如:John himself opend the door to me



  如:The car stopped.



  如:The meeting will be hold in the town hall


  ②:連系動(dòng)詞(link verb)是一個(gè)表示謂語關(guān)系的動(dòng)詞


  如:It is not late


 ?、郏悍瓷韯?dòng)詞(reflexive verb)相當(dāng)于及物動(dòng)詞,通常以反身動(dòng)詞做賓語

  如:She always prides herself on her cooking


  1.實(shí)義動(dòng)詞(national verb)與助動(dòng)詞 (auxiliary verb),情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 (modal verb)。實(shí)義動(dòng)詞意義完全,能獨(dú)立作謂語

  如:The burglar broke the window



  如:When do we meet again?



  如:They dare not tell the truth.


  4.限定動(dòng)詞(finite verb)與非限定動(dòng)詞。這些動(dòng)詞的形式由它們?cè)诰渥又械墓τ脹Q定。限定動(dòng)詞在句子中起謂語作用??膳c助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞連用,亦可不連用。但必須與主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致。

  如:Mark smokes a lot.

  Mark 抽煙很多。

  非限定動(dòng)詞有不定式,動(dòng)名詞和分詞三種。它們?cè)诰渥又胁黄鹬^語作用,可擔(dān)任主語,賓語,補(bǔ)語,狀語,如:He wanted to tell her of the incident.


  5.短語動(dòng)詞(phrasal verb)短語動(dòng)詞是一個(gè)固定詞組。由動(dòng)詞加介詞或副詞等構(gòu)成。其作用相當(dāng)于一個(gè)動(dòng)詞。

  如:The plane took off at seven sharp



  動(dòng)詞的基本形式有五種。動(dòng)詞原形(verb stem)第三人稱單數(shù) (third person singular present tense form) 過去式(past tense form)過去分詞 (past participle) 和現(xiàn)在分詞(present participle)

  如: 原形 第三人稱單數(shù) 過去式 過去分詞 現(xiàn)在分詞

  do does did done doing

  Have 的兩種特殊句型

  have是英語中最活躍的動(dòng)詞之一,它與不同的詞搭配表示不同的意思。如:have a meeting(開會(huì)),have a rest(休息),have a class(上課)等。你可知道have構(gòu)成的兩種特殊句型嗎?不看不知道,一看就明了。


  該句型中作主語的"人或物"讓作賓語的"人或物"去做某事。此時(shí)的賓語與省略to的不定式(賓語補(bǔ)足語)之間有邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。如:I would have you buy a new bike. 我想讓你買輛新自行車。We can't have the car stop. 我們無法讓汽車停下來。


  該句型中作主語的"人或物"讓作賓語的"人或物"被……。此時(shí)的賓語與過去分詞(賓語補(bǔ)足語)之間有邏輯上的動(dòng)賓關(guān)系。如: I'll have my hair cut tomorrow.

  我明天要理發(fā)。They have just had their car repaired.他們剛找人把車修理了一下。


  1)He had me wash the table cloth.→He had the table cloth washed.

  2) The man had the bike mended.→ The man had someone mend the bike.



  You should have someone_____a house. You should have a house_____.

  2.現(xiàn)在我們請(qǐng)下一位演講者到前面來。 Now we'll have the next speaker_____to the front.


  You must have these books_____ to the classroom

  Do 的四作用



  do作實(shí)義動(dòng)詞時(shí),有do, does, did, done, doing五種形式,還有及物、不及物之分。如:

  1. vt. "做;研究;整理;完成"。如:

 ?、賂he old man does an hour of sport every day.

  ②She did her homework at home last night.

 ?、跰other was doing the cooking when I reached home.

  ④Have you done the exercises yet?

  2. vi. "行動(dòng);工作;進(jìn)展;足夠"。如:

  ①Kate does very well in her Chinese.

 ?、贖ow do you do?

  ③Well done!

 ?、躎hat will do.


  do作助動(dòng)詞時(shí),只有do, does, did三種形式,無詞義,限用于含行為動(dòng)詞的一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)和一般過去時(shí)兩種時(shí)態(tài)的否定句和疑問句中。如:

 ?、賂hey don't have any tickets for tonight's concert.

 ?、贙ate stayed at home last night, didn't she?

 ?、跦ow many books does the library have?

  ④She doesn't do the washing in the evening.


  為避免動(dòng)詞的重復(fù),使語言簡(jiǎn)練,常以do, does, did替代前文所用的行為動(dòng)詞。如:

  ①Tom runs much faster than you do.

 ?、?Lucy, can you get some more tea, please?

  -Sure. I'll do it right away.

 ?、?Who broke the cup?

  -Mimi did.

 ?、?I like bananas.

  -So does he.



 ?、貲o be careful.

 ?、贒on't tell a lie.

  ③He did come.

 ?、?You often go to the park.

  -So we do.

  Like 用法聚焦

  時(shí)間:2008年05月09日 作者: 來源:




  Tom likes fish very much.湯姆非常喜歡魚。

  Mr Wang is a good teacher.We all like him. 王老師是個(gè)好老師,我們都喜歡他。

  2.like to do sth. 意為"(偶爾或具體地)喜歡做某事"。例如:

  I like to swim with you today.今天我喜歡和你一起去游泳。

  3.like doing sth. 意為"(經(jīng)常或習(xí)慣地)喜歡做某事"。例如:

  He likes singing.他喜歡唱歌。

  4.like sb. to do sth.意為"喜歡某人做某事"。例如:

  She likes them to ask questions like this. 她喜歡他們像這樣問問題。

  5.would like to do sth. (=want to do sth.)意為" 想要做某事"。例如:

  I'd like to go shopping with you.我想要和你一起去買東西。

  6.would like sb. to do sth.意為"想要某人做某事"。

  I'd like you to meet my parents.我想要你見見我的父母親。


  1. be like, look like后接名詞或代詞作賓語,意為"像……;跟……一樣"。例如:

  What is he like?他是怎么樣的一個(gè)人?

  The little girl looks like her father.那個(gè)小姑娘看起來像她的父親。

  2. feel like后接V?鄄ing形式、代詞或名詞,意為"想要做某事"。例如:

  Do you feel like having a rest?你想休息嗎?

  We'll go for a walk if you feel like it.如果你想散步,我們就去吧。


  1. What do you like about...?意為"關(guān)于……你喜歡什么?",用來詢問對(duì)方所喜歡的內(nèi)容。例如:

  -What do you like about China?你喜歡中國(guó)的什么?

  -The food and the people.食物和人民。

  2. How do you like...?意為"你認(rèn)為……怎么樣?"(=What do you think of...?)例如:

  -How do you like the film?你認(rèn)為這部電影怎么樣?

  -It's very interesting.很有趣。

  3. Would you like +名詞 / to do sth.?意為"你想要……嗎?",用來詢問對(duì)方是否需要什么或征求意見與看法。例如:

  Would you like some water?你想要一些水嗎?

  Would you like to play football with us?你愿意和我們一起去踢足球嗎?

  Keep 用法解讀



  1. 意為"保存;保留;保持;保守"。如:

  Could you keep these letters for me, please? 你能替我保存這些信嗎?

  I'll keep a seat for you.我給你留個(gè)座位。

  It can help to keep vegetables, fruit and meat for a long time in hot summer. 在炎熱的夏天,它有助于蔬菜、水果和肉類長(zhǎng)時(shí)間保鮮。

  Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密嗎?

  2. 意為"照顧;養(yǎng)活"等。如:

  She kept her sister for a week while her sister was ill.她妹妹有病時(shí),她照看她了一個(gè)星期。

  I have a family to keep.我得養(yǎng)活一家人。

  3. 意為"留下;不必還"。如:

  You can keep the pen if you like it.你要是喜歡就把鋼筆留下吧。

  Keep the change.不用找零錢了。

  4. 意為"遵守;維護(hù)"。如:

  Everyone must keep the rules. 人人必須遵守規(guī)章制度。

  The teacher is keeping order in class.老師正在課堂上維持秩序。

  5. 意為"售;賣"。如:

  The shop keeps everything you need.那家商店里出售的東西應(yīng)有盡有。

  He keeps everything you will drink.他出售你想喝的各種飲料。

  6. 意為"記(日記、帳等)"。如:

  She keeps a diary every day.她堅(jiān)持每天記日記。

  He keeps exact accounts of the money he spends and a diary of the events of his holidays.他詳細(xì)地記載他所花的錢數(shù)和假期中所發(fā)生的事情。

  7. 意為"使……保持某種(狀態(tài)、位置或動(dòng)作等)"。這時(shí)要在keep的賓語后接補(bǔ)足語,構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語。其中賓語補(bǔ)足語通常由形容詞、副詞、介詞短語、現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞等充當(dāng)。如:

  We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.(形容詞)我們應(yīng)保持教室整潔干凈。

  You'd better keep the child away from the fire.(副詞)你最好讓孩子離火遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)。

  The bad weather keeps us inside the house.(介詞短語)壞天氣使我們不能出門。

  Don't keep me waiting for long.(現(xiàn)在分詞)別讓我等太久。

  The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.(過去分詞)班上其他同學(xué)都閉著眼睛。



  You must look after yourself and keep healthy.(形容詞)你必須照顧好自己,保持身體健康。

  Keep off the grass.(副詞)請(qǐng)勿踐踏草地。

  Traffic in Britain keeps to the left.(介詞短語)英國(guó)的交通是靠左邊行駛的。


  She knew she must keep calm.她知道她必須保持鎮(zhèn)靜。

  Please keep silent in class.課堂上請(qǐng)保持安靜。


  1.keep away意為"(使)離開;(使)不接近",其后常接介詞from。如:

  Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 請(qǐng)把狗拉得離我孩子遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)好嗎?

  Keep everybody away from the accident.人人遠(yuǎn)離事故!

  2.keep back意為"阻止;留在后面"。如:

  She sat down quietly, but she couldn't keep

  back her tears.她靜靜地坐下來,卻忍不住流下了眼淚。

  3.keep together意為"在一起;動(dòng)作協(xié)調(diào)"。如:

  Keep together, please.請(qǐng)聚在一起。

  The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one.賽船時(shí),這8個(gè)人動(dòng)作協(xié)調(diào),好像一個(gè)人似的。

  4.keep up意為"持續(xù);使不低落"。如:

  The noise kept up all night.噪音整夜持續(xù)著。

  To keep your strength up, eat well and get enough sleep.為了保持力氣,要吃好、睡足。

  5.keep up with意為"跟上;和……來往"。如:

  I'm trying my best to keep up with the others in class.我正在設(shè)法趕上班里的其他人。

  Do you still keep up with Tom? 你和湯姆還有聯(lián)系嗎?

  6.keep...in mind意為"把……記在心里"。如:

  The teacher asked us to keep these sentences in mind.老師要我們把這些句子記在心里。


  1.keep doing sth. 意為"繼續(xù)干某事",表示不間斷地持續(xù)干某事,keep后不能接不定式或表示靜止?fàn)顟B(tài)的v-ing形式,而必須接延續(xù)性的動(dòng)詞。如:

  He kept working all day, because he wanted to finish the work on time.他整天都在不停地工作,因?yàn)樗霚?zhǔn)時(shí)完成工作。

  Keep passing the ball to each other, and you'll be OK.堅(jiān)持互相傳球,你們就行。

  2.keep on doing sth. 意為"持續(xù)做某事"。如:

  The pupil kept on asking me the same question.這個(gè)學(xué)生不斷地問我同一個(gè)問題。

  I kept on thinking about the match in the afternoon.我總是想起下午的那場(chǎng)比賽。

  3. keep...from doing sth.意為"阻止/防止……做某事"。如:

  The heavy snow kept us from going out.大雪使我們不能出去。

  Be 的四功能



  be為連系動(dòng)詞,中心詞義是"是",句型為"主+系+表"結(jié)構(gòu)。be的形式常用am, is, are(現(xiàn)在式);was, were(過去式);will/can/may/must be(助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+原形);have/has/had been(助動(dòng)詞+過去分詞)等。如:

  To help animals is helping people.(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))

  The twins were very busy yesterday.(一般過去時(shí))

  It will be sunny tomorrow.(一般將來時(shí))

  She has been ill for over a week.(現(xiàn)在完成時(shí))



  1. be+doing:構(gòu)成進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài),有現(xiàn)在和過去兩種進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。如:

  The girls is reading and copying the new words now.

  Young Tom was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.

  2. be+done:構(gòu)成被動(dòng)語態(tài)(主語是動(dòng)作的承受者,done必須是及物動(dòng)詞)。如:

  Tea is grown in my hometown.(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài))

  This building was built three years ago.(一般過去時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài))

  Our classroom has been cleaned and tidied already.(現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的被動(dòng)語態(tài))

  How could this kind of cakes be made in your home?(含情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的被動(dòng)語態(tài))

  That is a day never to be forgotten.(動(dòng)詞不定式的被動(dòng)語態(tài))

  3. be+going to do,表示"打算或?qū)⒁瞿呈?quot;,be有現(xiàn)在和過去兩種形式。如:

  We are going to plant trees in the park.

  I didn't know if she was going to come here.

  4. be+to do,表示"按計(jì)劃安排將要做某事"。如:

  The new shop is not to be opened till next Monday.

  One night an angel came to Mary and told her that she was to have this special boy.

  功能三,there be

  there be句式為:there be+主語部分+狀語部分,表示"某處存在某物",be常用現(xiàn)在時(shí),過去時(shí)和將來時(shí)等。如:

  Oh, cool! And there are many things to see. There is even a deer park in Sanya.

  There are about 80 pyramids in Egypt.

  Will there be a football match in your school next week?



  His daughter wants to be a doctor for animals in her twenties.

  Kate's birthday party will be at half past six this evening.

  Jim has been in China for more than two years, but he has not yet been to Yichang.

  there be中考知識(shí)點(diǎn)掃描

  there be結(jié)構(gòu)作為初中的一個(gè)重點(diǎn)句型,在教育部新頒布的《英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》中,作為簡(jiǎn)單句的基本句型列入其中,在各地中考試卷中也頻頻亮相。

  考點(diǎn)一:對(duì)there be基本理念的考查

  1.—What did you see on the desk then?

  —There ________ a bottle of orange.


  A. was B. were C. has D. had

  2. There ________ an English film here tomorrow. [04武漢]

  A. has B. is going to be C. will have

  3. There used to have few tall buildings around our village. (找錯(cuò)并改正)

  A  B  C  D


  4.—What’s on the plate?

  —There ________ some bread on it.


  A. is B. are C. has D. have



 ?、佻F(xiàn)在時(shí)(is / are)、過去時(shí)(was / were)、將來時(shí)(will be)、完成時(shí)(have / has / had been);

  ②可以與情態(tài)動(dòng)詞連用,組成there +情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+be的形式,表推測(cè)語氣;

 ?、劭膳cseem, appear, used to等狀態(tài)詞連用,構(gòu)成there seems / appears / used to be...;



  2.題中有一個(gè)表示將來的tomorrow,又因?yàn)閠here be的形式中不能用助動(dòng)詞have,故答案為B。


  4.題中some bread為不可數(shù)名詞,應(yīng)選A。

  考點(diǎn)二:考查there be句型的臨近一致性

  1. There ________ a pencil on the desk and you may use it. [03北京石景山區(qū)]

  A. is B. are C. was D. were

  2. There ________ two knives in the pencilbox. [03哈爾濱]

  A. are B. be C. is D. am

  3. There ________ a pair of shoes under the bed. The shoes ________ mine. [04蘭州]

  A. is;are B. is;is C. are;is D. are;are


  be的形式受后面靠近它的主語在人稱和數(shù)上的制約,必須采取就近原則,與臨近的主語保持一致,必須看清楚there后跟的是可數(shù)名詞,還是不可數(shù)名詞。還必須注意既有可數(shù)名詞又有不可數(shù)名詞的時(shí)候,be的形式的臨近一致性。如:There is a bag of rice, two baskets of apples and three people under the tree.


  1. a pencil為可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)形式,可從A、C中選,又從and you may use it可以得出,選擇A。

  2.句中有two knives,名詞復(fù)數(shù),故選A。

  3. a pair of修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)形式,而shoes是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),故答案為A。

  考點(diǎn)三:考查there be和have/has表示“有”的含義時(shí)的區(qū)別

  1. There ________ two pictures on the wall.


  A. is B. have C. are D. has

  2. There ________ a football game in our school next week. [03新疆生產(chǎn)建設(shè)兵團(tuán)]

  A. has B. is going to be C. have D. is going to have

  3. There________ a football match on TV this evening. [04陜西]

  A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have

  4. There is going to have a football match next Friday afternoon.

  A    B          C    D



  英語中表示“有”的含義時(shí)可以用there be句型,也可以用have/has(got)表達(dá),但二者在用法上有根本的區(qū)別:

  there be句型表示存在,即某處有某物;have/has (got)表示所有、擁有,即某人(物)有……。如:

  They have a beautiful home.

  I’ve got an idea.

  在there be句型中be的形式不能用have/has替代。

  答案要點(diǎn):根據(jù)以上分析可得:1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B(應(yīng)把have改成be)

  考點(diǎn)四:考查there be的反意疑問句

  1. There is a beautiful clock on the wall, ________? [03桂林]

  A. isn’t there B. is there C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it

  2. There is little milk in the bottle, ________? [03廣東]

  A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there

  3. There was no time for the twins to go shopping, ________ ________?(完成反意疑問句) [03哈爾濱]


  there be句型的反意疑問句必須用there進(jìn)行反問,這時(shí)需要注意的是there be句型中是否有seldom, hardly, little, few, no, nothing, nobody之類的否定詞或半否定詞,若有,則該部分應(yīng)看成是否定的,反意疑問部分必須用肯定式。如果there be中帶有否定的前綴的詞,則該部分應(yīng)看成肯定式,反意疑問部分仍要用否定形式。如: There was an unusual bike under the tree, wasn’t there?

  答案要點(diǎn):根據(jù)掃描4可得,1. A 2. D 3. was there


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