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讓名詞"動(dòng)"起來 (二)



  16. grandfather:名詞,祖父;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指保護(hù)(免受限制)或保持現(xiàn)狀 (to protect or to keep the same status)。例如:

  Our current employees will be grandfathered under the existing health insurance.(現(xiàn)有衛(wèi)生醫(yī)療制度為我們的員工提供了保障。)

  Everybody would like to grandfather this regulation as it is. (大家都想要保持現(xiàn)有的制度。)

  The new staff members can not be grandfathered into the old pension system. (新員工不能享受舊有的養(yǎng)老制度。)

  17. corner:名詞,角落或壁角;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指將某人逼入困境或令人無地自容(to put someone in a bad spot )。 例如:

  Don't try to corner your spouse. (不要讓你的愛人為難。)

  He has been cornered by his best friend. (他最好的朋友卻讓他感到無地自容。)

  Finally, the escaped criminal was cornered. (那名逃犯最終走投無路了。)

  18. distance:名詞,距離;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指冷淡、疏遠(yuǎn)或與某人保持距離(to keep yourself a distance from someone)。例如:

  It is difficult for him to distance himself from her. (對(duì)他來說,疏遠(yuǎn)、冷淡她是很困難的。)

  The politicians will distance themselves from the controversial issues. (政客們想要盡量遠(yuǎn)離有爭議的問題。)

  The parents advise their daughter to distance herself from her boyfriend. (她的父母勸告她要和男朋友保持一定距離,不可太過親密。)

  19. book:名詞,書本;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指預(yù)訂飛機(jī)座位、機(jī)票、旅館房間等。此外還指警方將……登記如冊(cè)以為指控之用(to press charge against someone, generally by the police)。 例如:

  Mr. Chen has booked(或made)a reservation at a hotel. (陳先生已經(jīng)預(yù)訂了旅館房間。)

  Yesterday he booked a flight to Taiwan. (昨天他訂購了到臺(tái)灣的機(jī)票。)

  The police booked him for drunken driving. (他被指控酒后駕車。)

  20. house:名詞,房屋;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指供給住所 (to provide shelter)。 例如:

  The farmer has housed the horse in the barn. (農(nóng)夫把他的馬圈在馬廄里。)

  I would be glad to house you for the weekend. (我很高興這個(gè)周末你能夠住在我這里。)

  21. radio:名詞,收音機(jī);當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指用無線電發(fā)送訊息,廣播,發(fā)報(bào)(to send a message)。例如:

  At airport the lady radioed for a missing child. (機(jī)場(chǎng)中,有一位女士正在廣播尋找一個(gè)走失的孩子。)

  All U.S. ships will have to radio the Coast Guard when they are in trouble. (美國船只如果遇到困難,可以用無線電同海岸巡邏隊(duì)取得聯(lián)系。)

  22. dog:名詞,狗;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指尾隨某人,困擾某人或某事(to bother someone or something)。例如:

  He was dogged wherever he went. (他不管到哪里,總被人尾隨。)

  Her career was dogged by misfortune. (她一生屢遭不幸。)

  23. fare:名詞,票價(jià);當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指過活、進(jìn)展(to get along or to turn out)。例如:

  How do you fare?= How are you doing?

  I fare very well. = I am doing (feeling) well.

  How did you fare in your exam? (考得怎樣?)

  I fared very well in my exam. (我考得很好。)

  If he gets caught for shoplifting, he may fare a punishment. (如果他因?yàn)楸I竊被捕,將會(huì)受到懲罰。)

  24. father:名詞,父親;當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用,是指為人父(to beget a child)。例如:

  He has fathered two children before his remarriage. (他再婚前已經(jīng)是兩個(gè)孩子的爸爸了。)

  Hopefully, Mr. Chen is going to father a child soon. (希望陳先生很快能夠當(dāng)上爸爸。)


  She bore him two children. (她為他生了兩個(gè)孩子); 或

  She bore a son. 也就是 He begot a son.

  所以"to father a child",也就是"to beget a child"


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