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  1. The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning.

  A. bottom of the mountain  B. foot of the mountain

  C. top of the mountain  D. starting point

  2. The judges must exercise the power to end the case.

  A. make  B. use  C. have  D. watch

  3. We were all there when the accident occurred.

  A. happened  B. broke  C. spread  D. appeared

  4. If we had discussed it with the manager, he would have surely agreed with it.

  A. unnecessarily  B. simply  C. certainly  D. possibly

  5. Please don't refuse his help because he is so kind a man.

  A. turn down  B. go down  C. put down  D. pull down

  6. The factory can produce a lot of rubbish every day.

  A. make  B. apply  C. finish  D. reduce

  7. Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive.

  A. aware  B. accurate  C. actual  D. abroad

  8. One's education background often affects his or her way of life.

  A. method  B. road  C. style  D. plan

  9. The girl felt shy and uneasy when she was asked to answer the teacher's question.

  A. difficult  B. stupid  C. foolish  D. worried

  10. Mary is looking for the book she lost yesterday.

  A. trying to find  B. looking up  C. looking at  D. finding

  11. Parents should not only complain to teachers for students' performance.

  A. feel unhappy  B. say badthings  C. care  D. praise

  12. This program is so boring that I don't want to watch it anymore.

  A, interesting  B. exciting  C. lazy  D. dull

  13. What were the effects of the action she took?

  A. reasons  B. results  C. causes  D. bases

  14. People haven't realized the seriousness which this earthquake has caused.

  A. known  B. thought  C. doubted  D. remembered

  15. The government should take measures immediately.

  A. far away  B. right away  C. right here  D. all right

  16. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.

  A. in danger  B. in despair  C. in condition  D. in control

  17. John talked over the new program with his workmates,

  A. discussed  B. mentioned  C. accepted  D. rejected

  18. They are ready to try their way to solve the problem.

  A. grow  B. wrap  C. hide  D. test

  19. The workers finally called off the strike.

  A. put off  B. ended  C. cancelled  D. took off

  20. The government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices since the drought.

  A. slight  B. surprising  C. sudden  D. harmful


  1. C。句意:那天早上十點半,探險隊達(dá)到了山頂。題干中劃線單詞summit意為“山頂,頂峰”。選項bosom ofthe mountain意為“山底”,foot ofthe mountain意為“山腳”,top ofthe mountain意為“山頂”, starting point意為“起點”,因此正確答案為C。

  2. B。句意:法官行使權(quán)力,結(jié)束了這個案子。題干劃線詞exercise意為“練習(xí),運用”,make意為“做,制造”,use意為“使用”,have意為“有,讓”,watch意為“觀察”,所以正確答案為B。

  3. A。句意:當(dāng)事故發(fā)生的時候,我們都在那里。該題無論是題干劃線詞還是選項中的單詞都是常見的基礎(chǔ)詞匯。occur意為“發(fā)生”,happen意為“發(fā)生”,broke原形為break,意為“打碎,打破”,spread意為“散布,傳播”,appear意為“出現(xiàn);好像”,所以正確答案為A。

  4. C。句意:如果我們當(dāng)初與經(jīng)理討論這件事,他肯定會同意的。題干劃線詞surely意為“當(dāng)然,無疑”,necessarily意為“必要地”,simply意為“簡單地”,certainly意為“當(dāng)然地,確定地”,possibly意為“可能地”,所以正確答案為C。

  5. A。句意:請不要拒絕他的幫助,因為他是個很好的人。題干劃線詞refuse意為“拒絕”,tum down意為“降低音量,拒絕”, go down意為“下降”,put down意為“鎮(zhèn)壓”,pull down意為“摧毀,推翻”,所以正確答案為A。

  6. A。句意:這個工廠每天制造很多垃圾。本題是對動詞的考查。題干劃線詞produce意為“生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)生”,make意為“做,制造”,apply意為“申請,運用”,finish意為“結(jié)束,完成”,reduce意為“減少”,所以正確答案為A。

  7. B。句意:告訴我下趟火車到達(dá)的確切時間。本題是對形容詞的考查。題干劃線詞exact意為“確切的,準(zhǔn)確的”,aware意為“意識到的”,accurate意為“準(zhǔn)確的”,actual意為“實際的,真實的”,abroad意為“國外的”,所以正確答案為B。

  8. C。句意:一個人的教育背景通常會影響其生活方式。本題是對名詞的考查。題干劃線詞way意為“方法,方式”,way of life意為“生活方式”,method意為“方法”,road意為“路”,style意為“風(fēng)格,方式”,plan意為“計劃”,所以正確答案為C。

  9. D。句意:當(dāng)被要求回答老師的問題時,這個女孩感到害羞和不安。本題是對形容詞的考查。題干劃線詞uneasy意為“不舒服的,不安的”,difficult意為“困難的”,stupid意為“笨的,愚蠢的”,foolish意為“傻的,愚蠢的”,worried意為“焦慮的,擔(dān)心的”。因為職稱英語考試詞匯題一般不考查近義詞辨析,所以正確答案為D。

  10.A。句意:Mary正在尋找她昨天丟的書。劃線部分是短語,而選項為單個詞和短語。此題考查的是look的短語形式,即“同一動詞+不同介詞”構(gòu)成的短語,如“look+for/up/at”。需要指出的是,在做這類題目時,如果選項中出現(xiàn)“與題干劃線部分相同的動詞+不同的介詞”,如本題中的looking up和looking at,這種選項一般是干擾項,因為同一動詞后跟不同介詞或副詞構(gòu)成的短語意思往往是不同的。look for意為“尋找,查找”,try to find意為“試圖找到”,find意為“找到”,因此可知A為正確答案。

  11.A。句意:對于學(xué)生的成績,家長不能只抱怨老師。本題是對動詞的考查。題干劃線詞complain意為“抱怨,發(fā)牢騷”,選項中feel unhappy意為“感覺不開心”,say bad things意為“說壞話”,care意為“在乎,在意”,praise意為“贊揚,稱贊”,所以選項A在意思上比較接近。




  15.B。句意:政府應(yīng)該立即采取措施。本題是對副詞的考查,但是選項為短語的形式。題干劃線詞immediately意為“立即,立刻”,選項中far away意為“遙遠(yuǎn)的”,right away意為“立刻,馬上”,right here意為“就在這里”,all right意為“好,可以”,故B為正確答案。

  16.A。句意:消防員緊急行動, 因為有生命處于危險中。本題考查的是短語。題干劃線短語at stake的含義是“處于危險中”,選項in danger意為“處于危險中”,in despair意為“絕望地”,in condition意為“處于健康狀態(tài)”,in control意為“處于控制之中”,故答案為A。

  17.A。句意:John跟他的同事討論新的項目。本題考查的是短語。題干劃線詞talk over意為“討論”,選項中discuss意為“討論”,mention意為“提及,提到”,accept意為“接受”,reject意為“拒絕,排斥”,所以答案為A。


  19.C。句意:工人們最終取消了罷工。本題考查動詞短語的含義。題干劃線短語call off的含義是“取消”,選項中put off意為“延期,推遲”,end意為“結(jié)束”,cancel意為“取消”,take off意為“脫,起飛”,故C是正確選項。



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