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  P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence (swiming pass)。


  N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checkd. You need to have a fluoroscopy done.你需要檢查一下眼睛、耳朵和血壓。你需要做透視檢查。

  P: The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me.醫(yī)生要我的體重,請給我量一下。

  N: Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.請帶一張你的照片來,我們要在它的角上蓋個印兒。

  P: The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do?


  N: I'll make an appointment for you at once. Come next Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Please don't eat or drink any thing after midnight.我現(xiàn)在就給你約定。下星期五早晨8點(diǎn)鐘來。到后半夜就不要再吃東西或喝水了。

  P: Not even water?


  N: A sip of water is all right.小口水還是可以的。

  P: Where can I get the certificate stamped?


  N: Right here. I'11 do it for you.就在這兒。我來給你蓋。

  P: If it is an emergency case, we can come at any time, can't we? Or should we phone first?


  N: If you have the time better notify us befor you come.假如有時間,最好來之前打個電話。

  Have you had your lungs x-raged this year?


  P: When can I get the result?


  N: Right away.馬上就可以。

  In two days.兩天以后。

  Next Monday.下星期一。

  P: May I ask our interpreter to phone for the result?


  N: Yes you may. You can have all the results next Monday when you come to see the doctor.是的,可以。 你下星期一看病的時候,所有的結(jié)果都會出來的。

  P: The paper for the driving licence need my height.駕駛執(zhí)照上要有我的身高。

  N: DO you know your height in centimeters?


  P: No I don't know.I measure five feet eleven inches.不知道,我的身高是5英尺11英寸。

  N: OK! I'11 calculate it for you. That's one hundred and seventy-seven point five centimeters.好,我替你算算。這就是 177.5厘米。

  lf the patient is too weak, we can do home visit. Our doctor and nurse can go to the patient's home by our ambulance. In case the patient needs to be hospitalized, we shall bring him(her) back.假如病人太弱,我們可以出診。我們的醫(yī)生和護(hù)土可以乘我們的救護(hù)車到病人家去。假如病人需要住院,我們就把他(她)帶回醫(yī)院來。

  I'11 take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve.我要從你的手臂上取點(diǎn)血。請脫掉上衣,卷起袖子。

  I'11 take some blood from your ear. Please take off your ear ring.我要從你的耳朵上取點(diǎn)血。請摘下你的耳環(huán)。

  Your veins don't stand out very clearly. I'11 try to do it care.Be patient.Please clench your fist.你的靜脈不明顯,我需要仔細(xì)找找。請耐心些。請你握拳。

  Pleas open your hand. Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.請張開手,用這塊棉花壓一會兒。

  I'll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity.我要先給你做個皮膚試驗(yàn)看看你有無過敏現(xiàn)象。

  Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to youin fonr doses, at an interval of twenty minutes.由于你對破傷風(fēng)抗毒素過敏,我們要分四次注射,每次相隔20分鐘。

  P: How often should I have the injection?


  N: Once a day(twice a day)。


  P: Where do you give it?


  N: In the buttocks(in the arm)。


  P: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?


  N: Let me have a look.Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for fifteen minutes, If It doesn't get better, we'11 try ghysiotherapy.讓我看一下。最好用熱手巾敷。一天敷兩次,每次15分鐘。假若不見好,我們可以做做理療。

  Patient: How do I take these medicines?


  Pharmacist: One tablet, threetimes a day.一天三次,一次一片。

  Two tablets, four times a day.一天四次,一次兩片。

  two tablets at night.晚上服兩片。

  Take one tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not more than once every four hours.假如你覺著疼就吃一片止痛片,但每次必須間隔四個小時。

  One line (half line) three times a day. Shake it well before taking it.每天三次,每次一(半)格。服前先搖勻。

  Please put it under your togue, don't swallow it.把藥放在舌頭底下,不要往下咽。

  Please suck It.請含服。

  Please dissolve the pill in water before taking it.服前請將藥丸放在水中溶化。

  One teaspoon three times a day.每天三次,每次一茶匙。

  P: How do I use this suppsitory?


  Ph: Inset one into your anus (vagina) every night.每晚塞一個在肛門(陰道)內(nèi)。

  P: Is this for internal use too?


  Ph: This is for gargling only.這是含漱劑。

  This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.這是通大便的。請每晚在肛門里擠一些。

  This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every two day.這是專為止痛用的藥膏。貼在痛處,兩天換一次。

  Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin.涂一些這種藥膏并揉進(jìn)皮膚里去。

  Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab)。


  Please dissolve the tablet(powder) in hot water. Soak your hand(foot) in it for twenty minutes twice a day.請將這藥片(藥粉)溶化在熱水里。將你的手(腳)泡在里面,每日兩次,每次20分鐘。

  P: How do I use these eye-drops and ointment?


  Ph: Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 tims a day, each time one to two deops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.將這種眼藥水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、兩滴,每晚在眼皮里擠一點(diǎn)眼藥膏。

  P: How do I apply the nose drops?


  Ph: Bend your head back as far as possible and then put them in.盡量把頭向后仰然后將藥滴進(jìn)去。

  P: How do I apply the ear drops?


  Ph: Turn your head to the side, put one to two drops in your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.將頭歪向一側(cè),在耳朵里滴一、兩滴藥水,再把耳屏按幾秒鐘。

  P: How do I take(make) the herb medicine?


  Ph: Put herbs into a pot. Add about 300c.c.of cold water. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Drain the solution. The amount left will be 40 to 50 c.c.This is the first dose. Don't throw the heabs away. DO the same in the evening. That is the second dose. Take the first dose in the morning, the second in the evening.把草藥放進(jìn)鍋內(nèi)。加入 300毫升冷水。用慢(文)火煎 20分鐘。將藥水潷出,約 40-50毫升。這是頭煎。不要將藥扔掉。仍照原法下午再煎一次,這是二煎。頭煎早晨服,二煎晚上服。

  We can make the solution for you for six days. Take one bottle daily, half in the moning, half in the evening. Please put them in the refrigerator or keep them in a very cool place. Don't take the medicine while it is cold.我們可以給你煎出六天的藥。每天服一瓶上午半瓶,下午半瓶。瓶子要放在冰箱里或是放在涼爽的地方。不能服冷藥。

  P: Must I boil it before taking it?


  Ph: No. Put it in a glass and warm it in a bowL of hot water.不必??梢詫⑺幨⒃诓AП?,將它放在一碗熱水中加溫。

  P: How do I take these big balls?


  Ph: Chew and swallow the bits with water or put them in water to melt them. Remove the wax before taking it.把它掰成小塊,嚼后用水咽下,或者把它泡在水里化開再喝。服前把蠟皮去掉。不必??梢詫⑺幨⒃诓AП?,將它放在一碗熱水中加溫。


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