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1. 我吃了兩天的剩飯。 I ate the left-overs for two days.

2. 我們的談話涉及了許多內(nèi)容。 The conversations we had covered a lot of ground.

3. 我真納悶兒。 It really threw me.

4. 我盡了很大力來(lái)應(yīng)付的。 I struggled to cope with the situation.

5. 他站在那里一言不發(fā)。 He just stood there speechless.

6. 我弄清了糾紛的真正原因。 I've gotten to the bottom of the dispute.

7. 她使我不再羞怯。 She drew me out of the shell.

8. 就你目前已做的工作來(lái)說(shuō),干得還是不錯(cuò)的。

What you've done is pretty good as far as it goes.

9. 她總愛(ài)打聽(tīng)別人的私事。 She's always prying into other people's affairs.

10. 你要保密的。 Keep it quiet.

11. 只有一兩個(gè)人不贊成。 Only one or two took a dim view of it.

12. 你講出了我想說(shuō)的話。 You took the words out of my mouth.

13. 能幫我復(fù)印20份好嗎? Could you run off 20 copies of it for me, please?

14. 機(jī)器壞了。 The machine's gone on the blink.

15. 燈一下子滅掉了。 The light was off out of the blue.

16. 簡(jiǎn)直太奇怪了。 That's weird.

17. 還真有點(diǎn)害怕呢! It was a little scary, too!

18. 她是個(gè)兩面派。 She's really two-faced.

19. 我幸免于難。 I landed on my feet.

20. 我們不能逃避現(xiàn)實(shí)。 We can't run away from the facts.

21. 公司正處于困境。 The firm is now in serious trouble.

22. 你應(yīng)該勇敢的正視困難。 You ought to face up to the difficulties boldly.

23. 你失言了。 You broke your word.

24. 她說(shuō)漏了嘴。 She spilled the beans.

25. 這部電影如果再次上演的話,我就再去看一遍。

I'd like to see the movie if they re-run it.

26. 我有些空閑時(shí)間。 I have some time on my hands.

27. 這是世界上大自然奇觀之一。 It's one of the great natural wonders of the world.

28. 按我現(xiàn)在的心氣,我今天就想買(mǎi)下了。 In my frame of mind, I'd like to buy one today.

29. 表演太成功了,很多人都慕名而來(lái)觀看。

The performances were really a big hit and drew in large crowds.

30. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)了。 I got wind of it.

31. 他們的婚姻破裂了。 Their marriage broke up.

32. 我猜測(cè)一定是有第三者插足。 I gather there must be a third person involved.

33. 這個(gè)名字聽(tīng)起來(lái)很耳熟,但我就是想不起來(lái)是誰(shuí)。

The name rings a bell but I just can't place it.

34. 從這兒我們能夠看到城市的全景。 We got a bird's-eye view of the city from here.

35. 你看著辦吧。 I'd rather leave that up to you.

36. 不言而喻。 It goes without saying.

37. 我們旗開(kāi)得勝。 We really got off to a flying start.

38. 他發(fā)脾氣了。 He blew the fuse.

39. 我從未見(jiàn)過(guò)他這么生氣。 I never saw him so angry.

40. 他是個(gè)挺不錯(cuò)的人。 He's not half bad fellow.

41. 與她初次相識(shí)時(shí),她看起來(lái)有些冷淡。 She seemed rather standoffish on first.

42. 不用多久你就會(huì)熟悉這兒的。 It won't take much time for you to get into the swing of things here.

43. 配齊這些(家什)要花費(fèi)很多的。 It'll cost a mint to get set up.

44. 他是個(gè)有求必應(yīng)的人。 He's the kind of guy that's always willing to go the extra mile.

45. 這使我擺脫了他們的糾纏。 It gets me out of their hair.

46. 我們?cè)谠S多事情上意見(jiàn)不和。 We don't usually see eye to eye on many things.

47. 不可能事事都要依著你。 You can't expect to get your own way in everything.

48. 你必須走向社會(huì),依靠自己奮斗。 You must go out and make it on your own.

49. 就在我嘴邊,可我說(shuō)不出來(lái)。 It's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out.

50. 世界到底不大嘛!(真是太巧了) Isn't it a small world?

51. 我不喜歡漫無(wú)目的地游逛。 I don't like the hit-or-miss traveling.

52. 他一定是個(gè)旅游老手。 He must be a seasoned traveler.

53. 別擔(dān)心。 Never mind.

54. 別錯(cuò)過(guò)機(jī)會(huì)。 Don't miss the boat.

55. 這份工作使我情緒低落。 This job gets me down.


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