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> VOA > 美語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練班 >  第97篇





A: 歡迎大家來(lái)到這期的美語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來(lái)告訴大家今天都要學(xué)什么!

A: 好! 今天,我們要一起來(lái)聊聊賭博上癮該怎么辦,看看億萬(wàn)富翁是如何練成的,還要告訴你怎么說(shuō)嚴(yán)厲懲罰!

B: I've never really been into gambling. I lived in Las Vegas for 2 years, and honestly I think I enjoyed all the buffets more than the slot machines!

A: That sounds like you!

B: Hey! ... Yeah, that's true.

A: 好了, 咱們言歸正傳,先來(lái)進(jìn)入第一個(gè)單元...

B: Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1716 self-made

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 self-made. Self-made is spelled s-e-l-f, self, and made, m-a-d-e, made, self-made. Self-made 意思是憑借自己力量完成的。有統(tǒng)計(jì)顯示,在全球各大名校中,哈佛畢業(yè)生里百萬(wàn)和億萬(wàn)富翁人數(shù)最多。While about 14% of millionaires and billionaires inherited their wealth, 74% are self-made. 在這些百萬(wàn)和億萬(wàn)富翁里,大約14%的人是繼承了父輩的財(cái)產(chǎn),還有74%的人則是白手起家,自己創(chuàng)業(yè)積累的財(cái)富。在中國(guó)百名首富里,八位是女性。與美國(guó)不同的是,Successful women in China are mostly self-made businesswomen. 中國(guó)最有錢的女性大部分都是白手起家創(chuàng)業(yè)成功的女商人。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 self-made, self-made, self-made...

A: 哈佛畢業(yè)生成為百萬(wàn)富翁的機(jī)率最大! 這次我去哈佛參觀,覺得他們的畢業(yè)生不僅自身都很優(yōu)秀,而且還非常努力! 哎,怎么比嘛....

B: You don't need to compare yourself with others. Surpassing yourself is the greatest achievement.

A: 哎喲,你還真會(huì)安慰人! Speaking of improving myself, I need to improve my time management skills! I've got so much going on in my life right now I feel like I'm not getting ANYTHING done! And worst of all, my reading time has gotten lost in the shuffle...

B: Ha, that must also be the reason for arriving at the office 4 hours behind me....

A: Hey! Shush!

B: (Laugh) Ok ok. . Actually you just mentioned an idiom, lost in the shuffle, let's check it out!

Words and Idioms 829 LOST IN THE SHUFFLE

美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)第 829講


M: Lost in the shuffle. Shuffle is spelled s-h-u-f-f-l-e. Lost-in-the-shuffle. Lost in the shuffle.

如果你喜歡玩牌的話,肯定知道,Shuffle 是洗牌的意思。lost in the shuffle 意思是在混亂之中把某件事情遺漏或是忽略了。比如說(shuō)我們那個(gè)讀書俱樂(lè)部。俱樂(lè)部的成員們東拉西扯,可就是忽略了俱樂(lè)部的真正目的,交流讀書心得。The discussion of our book got LOST IN THE SHUFFLE.


M: "There's been so much controversy over the collapse of the bridge. The mayor's office blames the engineers for poor design while they fault the city for not keeping up with routine repairs. But no one is showing much concern for commuters like me who desperately need the bridge to be fixed. We're getting LOST IN THE SHUFFLE."


我以前一直痛恨開會(huì),因?yàn)楹芏鄷r(shí)候,開來(lái)開去,討論的都是一些并不重要的話題。最近我們剛換了主管,每次開會(huì)都按照輕重緩急,列出會(huì)議日程,so that the most important issues won'e be LOST IN THE SHUFFLE. 保證重要問(wèn)題不會(huì)被忽略掉。好的,讓我們?cè)賮?lái)聽聽上面那段話。

M: "There's been so much controversy over the collapse of the bridge. The mayor's office blames the engineers for poor design while they fault the city for not keeping up with routine repairs. But no one is showing much concern for commuters like me who desperately need the bridge to be fixed. We're getting LOST IN THE SHUFFLE."


M: "Growing up as a middle kid in my family could be tough. Sometimes my folks seemed to spend a lot of time looking after my younger brother and sister or worrying about my older siblings. Is it any surprise I felt LOST IN THE SHUFFLE? I wanted mom and dad to notice me more often."



M: "Growing up as a middle kid in my family could be tough. Sometimes my folks seemed to spend a lot of time looking after my younger brother and sister or worrying about my older siblings. Is it any surprise I felt LOST IN THE SHUFFLE? I wanted mom and dad to notice me more often."

對(duì)了!IN THE SHUFFLE 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)源于二十世紀(jì),毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),是從撲克牌來(lái)的。今天盡顧著解釋這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)的用法,The explanation of its original nearly got LOST IN THE SHUFFLE! 差點(diǎn)就忘了解釋它的來(lái)源。

好的,這次美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)就到此結(jié)束了。我是楊晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。這次節(jié)目的制作人是胡小玲。謝謝各位的收聽。我知道,大家每天的工作生活十分繁忙,但我還是要提醒大家,英語(yǔ)水平的提高靠的是勤學(xué)苦練。 Don't let practicing your English get LOST IN THE SHUFFLE.

M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.


A: So how do you feel as the second kid in the family Mike, do you feel like you are lost in the shuffle?

B: Not at all. I think it's because that I'm the youngest in the family. I get tons of attention from my parents. And what about you huh? You must always be the center of attention since you are the only-child!

A: Yes...but sometimes I feel like there's just too much attention on me. My parents want to protect me from EVERTHING.

B: That sounds like my parents too. When I went to Las Vegas for my internship, they were so worried that I'm going to come home with a gambling problem!

A: 哈哈,理解父母吧! 我覺得你永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)成為賭徒,cuz you will be spending too much time and money at the great buffets!

B: True, true. Actually, we are going to touch on gambling in today's business etiquette. Kelly and Patricia are going to Macau for a business trip, and Patricia seems really excited to go gamble! Let's see what we can learn from them!

禮節(jié)美語(yǔ)BE-229 Gambling I


Patricia: Hey, Kelly...the boss just called me into his office. You and I have to go to Macau for a meeting with our international marketing department. The meeting is on a Friday afternoon so I was thinking we could spend the weekend down there!

Kelly: Macau, eh? So I guess you're thinking about doing some gambling, right?

P: Well, it is legal in Macau. We might as well take advantage of this golden opportunity! Oh, there's John. John and I used to win some serious money in Las Vegas.

Patricia告訴Kelly,老板讓他們兩人星期五去澳門出差,跟公司的國(guó)際營(yíng)銷部同事開會(huì),問(wèn)Kelly愿不愿意索性在澳門待一個(gè)周末,去賭場(chǎng)試試手氣。這時(shí)候,另外一位同事John走過(guò)來(lái),Patricia說(shuō),John和他以前就曾在美國(guó)的賭城拉斯維加斯贏過(guò)不少錢,他說(shuō)的some serious money意思是可觀的數(shù)額。John說(shuō),

John: Yep, Pete and I used to go to Las Vegas at least twice a year. Gambling can be a lot of fun.

K: I've never really seen the appeal of gambling. I know it's possible to win big, but I've never won. I really hate losing money.

P: I hear you....but if you ever hit a jackpot you'll be addicted for life!

J: Winning is a pretty good feeling, but a lot of people can take it too far. Patricia, did you hear about Joe?

P: You mean Joe Klein? How's he doing?

J: Not so good. He lost his house and his wife left him. We didn't know it at the time, but he actually had a serious gambling problem.

John 和 Patricia以前每年至少一起去兩次拉斯維加斯。Kelly說(shuō)自己逢賭必輸,所以賭錢對(duì)她沒(méi)有appeal吸引力。Patricia說(shuō),雖然win big贏大錢的機(jī)會(huì)不多,但是if you ever hit a jackpot, you'll be addicted for life. 一旦中了頭獎(jiǎng),就會(huì)一輩子上癮。John說(shuō),贏錢感覺是不錯(cuò),但千萬(wàn)不能 take it too far 玩過(guò)頭,他們有個(gè)朋友Joe Klein had a serious gambling problem. 就是賭錢上癮,結(jié)果輸了房子不說(shuō),老婆也不要他了。

P: Really? That's too bad.

J: He was over $75,000 in debt...so eventually the bank took his house. As you can imagine, his wife wasn't too happy about that.

K: See? These are exactly the kind of stories I'm talking about! I think gambling can be as addictive as illegal drugs!

J: And I would have to agree. I don't have an addictive personality by nature so I'm generally able to control myself. But...I have lost more money than I can afford on more than one occasion.

Kelly 覺得,gambling can be as addictive as illegal drugs. 賭博跟毒品差不多,讓人上癮。John 表示贊同,他說(shuō)自己雖然自控能力比較強(qiáng),and don't have an addictive personality by nature 也不是那種做事喜歡上癮的人,但是賭錢的時(shí)候,還是不止一次輸?shù)贸隽俗约旱某惺苣芰Γ@里說(shuō)的 more than one occasion 意思是不止一次。

A: Kelly和Patricia討論去澳門該不該賭博,Patricia覺得他們可能會(huì)win some serious money, 贏一大筆,但是Kelly說(shuō),同事Joe就很愛賭錢, he has a serious gambling problem, 賭錢上癮,結(jié)果老婆房子都沒(méi)了。

B: Yeah, I guess if you have an addictive personality by nature, you should just stay away from casinos.

A: 沒(méi)錯(cuò)! 我去Las Vegas賭場(chǎng)的時(shí)候都不帶卡,這樣你有多少錢,就只能賭多少錢。

B: That sounds like a smart idea for not overspending, period! Let's keep listen to Patricia and Kelly!

禮節(jié)美語(yǔ)BE-230 Gambling II


P: So what happened to Joe? How is he holding up?

J: Joe is in Gamblers Anonymous right now. He sent me an e-mail the other day and he says he's doing better...but recovering from any addiction is a long process.

K: What's Gamblers Anonymous?

P: Have you ever heard of Alcoholics Anonymous or AA?

K: Not really.

J: Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization that tries to help people with alcohol problems overcome their addiction. Gamblers Anonymous does the same thing for gamblers.

K: I see, so it's sort of like rehab.

Patricia問(wèn)起Joe近況。John說(shuō),Joe現(xiàn)在加入了Gamblers Anonymous嗜賭者互誡協(xié)會(huì)。Gamblers Anonymous跟Alcoholic Anonymous嗜酒者互誡協(xié)會(huì)差不多,是幫助賭徒戒賭的組織。在英語(yǔ)里,有某件事情上癮可以用problem這個(gè)字,比如,He has a drinking problem. 他酗酒成性。He has a gambling problem. 他賭博成性。因此說(shuō),嗜賭者互誡協(xié)會(huì)差不多就是一種戒賭組織,it's like a rehab. Rehab is spelled r-e-h-a-b, rehab 是戒毒,戒賭中心的意思。 John 接著說(shuō):

J: That's right. Gamblers Anonymous offers a support system to gamblers who have a problem.

K: Well, I hope your friend gets better soon. So....what casino games do you usually play?

P: I've always liked card games....poker, especially. I don't like slot machines because I don't think there are any skills involved.

J: I like poker and all kinds of table games, but my favorite is Blackjack. Blackjack is a nice mix of skill and luck.

嗜賭互誡協(xié)會(huì)為賭博上癮的人提供了一個(gè) support system 相互支持的系統(tǒng)。話說(shuō)到這,Kelly問(wèn)Patricia和John去賭場(chǎng)一般都玩些什么。Patricia說(shuō)自己一般都是玩card games玩牌,不喜歡拉老虎機(jī)slot machines, 因?yàn)樗X得老虎機(jī)完全憑運(yùn)氣,一點(diǎn)技術(shù)含量也沒(méi)有。John說(shuō),凡是table games他都喜歡玩。在賭場(chǎng)里,table games除了撲克牌以外,還包括 craps輪盤骰子和羅萊特 Roulette等。John還說(shuō),但是他最愛玩的還是Blackjack, 21點(diǎn)。

K: I think I might be able to enjoy a game or two of Poker or Blackjack. Do you think I'll get addicted?

P: Kelly, I've known you for a few years and you have excellent self-control. I don't think you'll have a problem controlling yourself.

J: Besides, you only get to go to Macau once in a blue moon. What I suggest is you set yourself a reasonable budget of money that you can afford to lose. Don't go beyond that limit.

P: A little bit of legal gambling can be a lot of fun...but we have to know when to call it a night.

K: All right. You're on! Let's hit the casinos on Friday night.

Kelly 擔(dān)心自己賭錢上癮 get addicted. John建議她給自己設(shè)定一個(gè)合理的限度,set yourself a reasonable budget that you can afford to lose. 給自己定個(gè)輸?shù)闷鸬念A(yù)算,不要超過(guò)那個(gè)限度。John還說(shuō),況且,You only get to go to Macau once in a blue moon. 去澳門的機(jī)會(huì)少之又少,once in a blue moon 是非常罕見的意思。Patricia 也說(shuō),we know when to call it a night. 我們知道什么時(shí)候該打住。Kelly 在兩人說(shuō)服下,最后說(shuō),You're on. Let's hit the casinos on Friday night. 星期五去賭場(chǎng),我們就這么說(shuō)定了。

A: Exactly! A little bit of legal gambling can be a lot of fun...偶爾去一次賭場(chǎng)玩玩,其實(shí)還挺有意思的。

B: I don't think you should ever try it, 楊琳。Remember your addiction to Korean sitcoms? or Cheese-cake? or Ice-cream?

A: Ugh....maybe I have an addictive personality by nature...

B: Haha, I don't think so, but I do know of a good "Korean Sitcoms Antonymous" group if you ready to kick the habit.

A: 哈! 咱們接著來(lái)聽下面的Learn a Word, 再來(lái)多學(xué)學(xué)additive這個(gè)詞兒的用法!

Learn A Word 1714 addictive

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 addictive. Addictive is spelled a-d-d-i-c-t-i-v-e, addictive. Addictive 容易讓人上癮的。Deaths from drug overdoses rose for the 11th straight year in 2010. Most cases were accidents involving addictive painkillers. 2010年,藥物服用過(guò)量造成的死亡事件連續(xù)11年持續(xù)上升,其中大部分案例都涉及服用后容易上癮的止痛藥。臉書網(wǎng)和推特網(wǎng)的用戶總數(shù)加在一起,有十億多人。美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),Social networking can be more addictive than nicotine or alcohol. 使用社交網(wǎng)站甚至可能比尼古丁和酒精更能讓人上癮。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 addictive, addictive, addictive...

A:Social networking is totally addictive! I can't go on one day without checking my facebook.

B:Yeah...the first thing I do in the morning is to check my gmail and facebook accounts on my cell phone, and I definitely check my email more than necessary.

A: You are totally addicted to your cell phone! You even take it with you when you go to the bathroom...

B: Well...let's...talk about something else! We still have one last segment to go!

A: 哈哈,小樣! 好吧,來(lái)聽今天的最后一個(gè)單元!

Words and Idioms 830 LOWER THE BOOM

美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)第 830講


M: Lower the boom. Lower is spelled l-o-w-e-r and boom; b-o-o-m. Lower-the-boom. Lower the boom.

大家都知道,low 是低的意思,后面加上 er, 變成 lower, 就是動(dòng)詞,是降低、放低的意思。 Lower the boom 里的 boom 是一個(gè)帆船上的專業(yè)術(shù)語(yǔ),指的是張帆桿,又叫下桁。Lower the boom 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)是嚴(yán)厲懲罰的意思。比如說(shuō)剛才談到的培訓(xùn)班的那位老師,對(duì)學(xué)生遲到進(jìn)行了嚴(yán)厲的懲罰。She lowered the boom on the student.


M: "We warned our teenage son not to come home late again. So when he returned after midnight, we were in the living room waiting. That's when we LOWERED THE BOOM. For the next month, he'd have to stay in except for going to school. It was a harsh but necessary punishment."



M: "We warned our teenage son not to come home late again. So when he returned after midnight, we were in the living room waiting. That's when we LOWERED THE BOOM. For the next month, he'd have to stay in except for going to school. It was a harsh but necessary punishment."


M: "A buddy of mine is stupid if he thinks he can avoid paying income taxes. Eventually the government will find out and then LOWER THE BOOM on him. That means he'll get a stiff fine. Well, that's what happens when you don't obey the law!"


我注意到,一到周末,我們社區(qū)路口旁總有一個(gè)女交警在那里值勤,對(duì)來(lái)往車輛的司機(jī)進(jìn)行抽查。一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)酒后駕駛的人,毫不留情。She lowers the boom on drunk drivers, immediately taking them to jail。馬上把他們帶走關(guān)起來(lái)。好的,我們?cè)俾犚幌律厦娴睦洹?/p>

M: "A buddy of mine is stupid if he thinks he can avoid paying income taxes. Eventually the government will find out and then LOWER THE BOOM on him. That means he'll get a stiff fine. Well, that's what happens when you don't obey the law!"

即使你不精通帆船,可能也會(huì)知道,風(fēng)向發(fā)生變化的時(shí)候,帆船的張帆桿會(huì)劇烈搖擺,這也是最危險(xiǎn)的時(shí)候。Lower the boom 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)是在二十世紀(jì)上半葉出現(xiàn)的,可能就來(lái)源于此。

好的,這次美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)就到此結(jié)束了。我是楊晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。這次節(jié)目的制作人是胡小玲。謝謝各位的收聽。我知道,大家每天的工作生活都十分繁忙,如果不能每次按時(shí)收聽美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)節(jié)目,也沒(méi)有關(guān)系。I'm not about to LOWER THE BOOM!

M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.


A: Never try to escape from your taxes. The IRS will lower the boom on you!

B: I think the fashion police are going to lower the boom on you YL, I mean, seriously? That dress with those boots?


B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!


瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴世雄 zero是什么意思梅州市江南法政路小區(qū)一樓帶陽(yáng)臺(tái)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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