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> VOA > 美語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練班 >  第90篇





A: 歡迎大家來(lái)到這期的美語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練班! 我是小北!

B: 我是Mike! What are we going to teach today, Xiaobei?

A: 今天,我們要和大家聊聊買車,還要告訴你怎么說(shuō)陷入停頓。

B: But first, let's learn a word!

Learn A Word 1667 extended

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 extended, extended is spelled extended, extended. Extended 是形容詞,延長(zhǎng)的,長(zhǎng)期的。He has been on extended sick leave since this summer. 他因?yàn)樯。瑥慕衲晗奶炀烷_始休長(zhǎng)假。圣誕節(jié)前,Many retail stores are offering extended hours to meet the need of lastminute shoppers. 很多零售商家都延長(zhǎng)營(yíng)業(yè)時(shí)間,滿足拖到最后一刻才來(lái)采購(gòu)的顧客們的需要。extended warranty 延長(zhǎng)的保修期。Experts say in most cases buying extended warranties are bad ideas. 專家說(shuō),大多數(shù)情況下,購(gòu)買商品的長(zhǎng)期保修其實(shí)并不劃算。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 extended, extended, extended...

B: You know what, Xiaobei? Yanglin wechatted me the other day and said she might take an extended vacation and come back 2 weeks late, which means you'll have to continue hosting the show with me for a while.

A: 啊?楊林假期延長(zhǎng)兩周?憑什么啊?不管,我已經(jīng)代班這么久了,下周你自己主持吧!

B: You want me to go solo?

A: I have faith in you.

B: You must be kidding! This show would grind to a halt if it was just me doing it! Think of our poor dedicated listeners Xiaobei!

A: Grind to a what? I don't think I've ever head of that idiom before, let's listen to Words and Idioms to find out what it means. 先聽一聽!

Words and Idioms 815 GRIND TO A HALT



M: Grind to a halt. Grind is spelled Grind, and halt; halt. Grindtoahalt. Grind to a halt.

Grind 是動(dòng)詞,有嘎嘎作響的意思。Halt 是名詞,停頓的意思。Grind to a halt 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)就是慢慢停下來(lái),無(wú)法繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。大家現(xiàn)在明白了吧,我剛才說(shuō)最近天氣特別熱,如果沒(méi)有空調(diào),Work would grind to a halt. 工作就會(huì)陷入停頓。

你們肯定還記得,上個(gè)世紀(jì)末的時(shí)候,因?yàn)閾?dān)心從二十世紀(jì)邁入二十一世紀(jì),電腦無(wú)法正常工作,世界各地都在吵 Y2K 的問(wèn)題。讓我們聽聽下面這個(gè)歷史學(xué)家的介紹。

M: "Before the new century began, there was a lot of discussion of Y2K. That's the name of the software problem that was feared when the clocks rolled over into the year 2000. But despite terrible predictions, the world didn't GRIND TO A HALT. Most computers continued to work just fine."

這個(gè)歷史學(xué)家說(shuō),進(jìn)入新世紀(jì)之前,出現(xiàn)了很多圍繞 Y2K 的討論,指的是鐘表敲響 2000年的時(shí)候,電腦軟件可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)狀況。盡管有很多聳人聽聞的預(yù)測(cè),但世界并沒(méi)有因此而陷入停頓。大多數(shù)電腦都照常運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),并沒(méi)有出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題。我還記得,當(dāng)時(shí)所有人都如釋重負(fù)。

就在上周末,我去參加外甥的畢業(yè)典禮。他們這屆學(xué)生特別多,所以決定在室外舉行。出席畢業(yè)典禮的學(xué)生、家長(zhǎng)和老師大約有1000人??删驮诩钨e講話的時(shí)候,忽然陰云密布,瓢潑大雨劈頭蓋臉地下了起來(lái)。不用說(shuō),The program ground to a halt. 畢業(yè)典禮告一段落。我們只好開車回家,但是因?yàn)槁飞夏芤姸忍?,The traffic started to grind to a halt. 路上的車流開始陷入停頓。好的,讓我們?cè)賮?lái)聽聽上面那段話。

M: "Before the new century began, there was a lot of discussion of Y2K. That's the name of the software problem that was feared when the clocks rolled over into the year 2000. But despite terrible predictions, the world didn't GRIND TO A HALT. Most computers continued to work just fine."


M: "Last season's strike by writers in Hollywood had a significant impact. Without scripts, production on most television series and movies GROUND TO A HALT. It took months of negotiations before a settlement was reached and filming started again."


值得一提的是,grind to a halt 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)還有另外一種說(shuō)法,是 come to a grinding halt. 意思完全一樣。所以我們可以說(shuō),Work would have come to a grinding halt without air conditioning. 假如沒(méi)有空調(diào),工作恐怕就得停下來(lái)了。The world didn't come to a grinding halt because of Y2K. 世界沒(méi)有因?yàn)?Y2K 而陷入停頓?;蚴?Hollywood productions came to a grinding halt. 好萊塢劇目的制作陷入了停頓。好的,讓我們?cè)俾犚幌律厦娴睦洹?/p>

M: "Last season's strike by writers in Hollywood had a significant impact. Without scripts, production on most television series and movies GROUND TO A HALT. It took months of negotiations before a settlement was reached and filming started again."

美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)真是太多了,所以大家不用擔(dān)心,Our show won't grind to a halt.

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

B: See? If you desert the show next week, and Yanglin's not back yet, our show will grind to a halt! Then 領(lǐng)導(dǎo) gets mad, and we all get fired!

A: 說(shuō)得也對(duì)。所以不管楊琳會(huì)不會(huì)來(lái),咱們都還是老實(shí)干活吧。

B: Yep. Besides, Yanglin hasn't finalized her plan yet, so she might be back on time.

A: 好吧,咱們繼續(xù)聽節(jié)目吧,今天的禮節(jié)美語(yǔ)要聊聊買車。

禮節(jié)美語(yǔ)215 Buying a Car I

Chris告訴同事Jason, 準(zhǔn)備買輛新車。

Jason: Hey there Chris, what are you up to?

Chris: I'm just poring over some brochures about various car models.

J: Oh, so you're thinking about buying a new car?

C: Yeah, it looks that way. My wife has been bugging me about it. I thought we could probably survive without one, but with a baby on the way, maybe it is time to get a car.

J: So this would be your first automobile?

C: That's right. For quite a few years, I rode a bicycle to work. Then I got a motorbike.

Chris太太懷孕,所以不得不考慮買車。Chris說(shuō),my wife has been bugging me about it. 意思是我太太一直在軟磨硬泡要說(shuō)服我,to bug someone是沒(méi)完沒(méi)了煩某人的意思,比如說(shuō),Stop bugging me. 意思就是別煩我了。這是Chris的第一輛車,他以前都是騎自行車或是騎摩托車上班,但現(xiàn)在 with a baby on the way 眼看就要有孩子了,所以只好考慮買車。Jason表示理解。

J: Yeah, I think I can understand your wife's position. Asking her to ride on a motorcycle when she's pregnant is a tall order.

C: Oh...I don't let her ride with me. It's just too dangerous. She takes the bus to work, but it is sometimes difficult to get a seat and it's crowded and hot.

J: So it's time to buy your very first car! Wow, that's exciting!

C: Yes, but it's also a pretty big financial responsibility.

J: Yeah. I still remember my first car. It was an old clunker that my dad gave me when I turned 17. I drove it around for a couple of years until I scraped together enough money to buy a better secondhand car.

Jason說(shuō),讓太太挺著大肚子坐Chris的摩托車確實(shí)有點(diǎn)強(qiáng)人所難,It's a tall order. tall order 意思是很難完成的任務(wù)或要求。Christ解釋說(shuō),其實(shí)太太不坐他的摩托車上班,但是擠公交車也很辛苦,所以才必須買車。Jason說(shuō),他的第一輛車是 17歲過(guò)生日時(shí)老爸送的,It was an old clunker. clunker is spelled clunker, clunker, clunker 是老破車的意思,開了幾年后,攢夠了錢才自己買了輛稍微像點(diǎn)兒樣的 secondhand car 二手車。Chris 說(shuō),

C: I'm having a hard time deciding which model is best for us.

J: Yeah, it is a tough call. Each one has its pros and cons. Are you looking for a sedan?

C: Yes, I'd like a Jeep, but my wife says we have to get a comfortable sedan for long drives home to see her relatives.

J: I'd advise you to listen to your wife. She will be sitting in the back taking care of the kids so whatever she prefers is probably the best choice.

Chris說(shuō),拿不定主意應(yīng)該買什么型號(hào)的車。Jason承認(rèn),It's a tough call. tough call意思是很難做的決定。他還說(shuō),不同型號(hào)的車有各自的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),pros and cons 是指一件事情的正反面,pros 是優(yōu)點(diǎn),正面的,cons 是缺點(diǎn),負(fù)面的。Chris想買吉普車Jeep,但他太太堅(jiān)持要買轎車sedan, 因?yàn)閟edan開長(zhǎng)途坐著更舒服些。買車還要考慮其他哪些因素呢?我們下次繼續(xù)聽。

A: 我覺(jué)得等到孩子生出來(lái),轎車也不夠大,最好直接來(lái)個(gè)SUV!

B: Or a mini van! Some of my friends have had kids, and whenever they take a trip with their kids they have to carry tons of baby stuff along with them. So no car is too big for parents with kids!

A: 是啊,所以咱們繼續(xù)聽聽,看看Chris會(huì)不會(huì)考慮更大的車。

禮節(jié)美語(yǔ) 216 Buying a Car II


Chris: What do you think about this one? Here....take a look.

Jason: I like it. It's quite stylish. But....it's also pretty small.

C: That's OK. We are only a family of three.

J: This model has a 1.3 liter engine. With a small engine, you'll save a lot of money on gas.

C: That's one of the reasons I'm considering this one. It gets good gas mileage and overall has good value.

J: When I was young, having a car was all about power, prestige and fashion. But today, everything is about economy, value and savings.

C: The world has changed.

Chris看中了一款車,征求Jason的意思。Jason說(shuō),車外觀還是挺有形的,但就是有點(diǎn)小。Chris覺(jué)得,小點(diǎn)沒(méi)關(guān)系,因?yàn)樗麄兙腿谌?,a family of three, 小點(diǎn)也夠用了。Jason說(shuō),這款車引擎是1.3公升的,省油,是優(yōu)點(diǎn)。Chris承認(rèn),這也是他看中這款車的原因之一,It gets good gas mileage and overall has good value. 意思是說(shuō)這輛車油耗低,總體上說(shuō)很劃算。Jason大發(fā)感慨,說(shuō)自己年輕那會(huì)兒買車就是為了馬力,時(shí)尚,如今大家考慮的卻都是實(shí)用和省錢。

J: Have you considered getting a secondhand car?

C: My wife rejected that idea. She says that you never know if the car dealer is unscrupulous. The car could be water damaged or could have been involved in an accident.

J: She makes some good points. Anyway, having a new car is a great experience.

C: I'm also trying to decide if I should take the three or fiveyear payment option.

J: If I can make a suggestion: go with a threeyear plan. The fiveyear might look easier, but in the end, the interest payments are not worth it.

Chris不準(zhǔn)備買二手車,因?yàn)樗珦?dān)心碰上個(gè)缺德的二手車車行老板,把出過(guò)車禍的車買回家,上面所說(shuō)的 unscrupulous is spelled unscrupulous, unscrupulous, unscrupulous 意思是沒(méi)有道德操守的。Jason覺(jué)得,she makes some good points. 她說(shuō)的很有道理。在貸款方面,Chris不知道應(yīng)該三年還清還是五年還清,Jason建議他做三年的貸款,因?yàn)槲迥曩J款每個(gè)月付的錢看上去雖然少些,但其實(shí)把交的利息都算進(jìn)去,就不值了。

C: I'll go home and do the math, but you're probably right.

J: How about the color?

C: Blue is my lucky color, so I'll pick blue if possible. My wife says we should consider black because it doesn't look dirty so quickly.

J: Cool! Well, let me know when you decide. I'd love to check out your new car!

C: Sure, Jason. Thanks for the input.

Chris說(shuō),我回家算算 I'll go home and do the math. Do the math 是口語(yǔ)里很常用的一種說(shuō)法,意思是算算清楚,特別是指明擺著的事情,比如:We cannot afford that house with our salaries. You do the math. 咱們的工資買不起那棟房,你自己算算吧。在顏色選擇上,Chris說(shuō),藍(lán)色是自己的幸運(yùn)色,而太太覺(jué)得黑色經(jīng)臟。Jason最后說(shuō),I'd love to check out your new car! 買了新車別忘了給我看看。

A: 這個(gè)準(zhǔn)爸爸也太小氣了,車買得不夠大,又怕費(fèi)油,要不是老婆攔著,他弄不好還想買個(gè)二手車!

B: I don't blame him. With a baby on the way, a father needs to be a bit frugal.

A: 也是,咱們沒(méi)孩子,體會(huì)不到現(xiàn)在養(yǎng)一個(gè)孩子要花多少錢。不過(guò),對(duì)父母來(lái)說(shuō),孩子都是無(wú)價(jià)寶,容易為這個(gè)小家伙沖動(dòng)購(gòu)買。

B: That's right. But looks like Chris is still quite coolheaded. Okay, now let's listen to another episode of Learn a word.

Learn A Word 1668 substitute

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 substitute, substitute is spelled substitute, substitute. Substitute 名詞,是替代,替補(bǔ)的意思。A substitute teacher is heir to a trove of gold coins worth more than $7 million. 一名代課老師繼承了很多珍貴的金幣,價(jià)值七百多萬(wàn)美元。Across the country, a lot of people are using a drug called Spice as substitute for marijuana. 美國(guó)各地有不少人吸食一種叫Spice的毒品,做為大麻的替代品。Pure maple syrup is the perfect sugar substitute in a variety of dishes, including desserts and baked food. 純楓樹糖漿在做菜時(shí)是糖的絕佳替代品,包括甜點(diǎn)和烘烤食物。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 substitute, substitute, substitute...學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 substitute, substitute, substitute...

A: I've been a substitute for Yanglin for quite a few weeks. 不知道聽眾朋友喜不喜歡我主持。

B: I think you did well. Even Yanglin spoke highly of your performance on the show!

A: Really? 難道她就不擔(dān)心被我徹底取代 ?

B: Ha! She probably is worried. The phrase we're teaching next describe her concern to a T. Let's listen.

Words and Idioms 816 Has Had one's Day

我先要考考大家。你們都知道,一美元等于一百美分。誰(shuí)能說(shuō)出一美分 one cent 的另外一個(gè)名字?

(Tickers, and Buzzer Sound) 時(shí)間到!如果你說(shuō)的是 penny, penny, 那就對(duì)了。Penny 以前還挺值錢的,可如今,早就沒(méi)人想要了,很多美國(guó)人甚至主張讓美分退休。這倒提醒了我。今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)就是:

M: Has had its day. Hashaditsday. Has had its day.

如果說(shuō)什么東西 has had its day, 意思就是這種東西已經(jīng)沒(méi)什么用,不再受歡迎,不象以前那么成功了。換句話說(shuō),就是過(guò)時(shí)了。什么是你最喜歡的交通工具?讓我們聽聽下面這個(gè)記者的報(bào)導(dǎo)。

M: "Until very recently, travelers in the U.S. have chosen to get on an airplane for quick and affordable transportation. So HAS the train HAD ITS DAY? Maybe not. Because of increased security at airports and higher airfares, many passengers have shown a renewed interest in rail service. It may become popular once again."



M: "Until very recently, travelers in the U.S. have chosen to get on an airplane for quick and affordable transportation. So HAS the train HAD ITS DAY? Maybe not. Because of increased security at airports and higher airfares, many passengers have shown a renewed interest in rail service. It may become popular once again."

還有什么東西是 has had its day 過(guò)時(shí)的呢?比如說(shuō),電報(bào),肯定大家都同意。Telegram has had its day. 再比如說(shuō),報(bào)紙。 估計(jì)有一部分人同意。那 Internet 因特網(wǎng)呢?因特網(wǎng)如日中天,正火呢,肯定不能說(shuō) it has had its day. 還有啊,現(xiàn)在大家都上網(wǎng)購(gòu)物,Shopping mall 購(gòu)物中心是不是過(guò)時(shí)了呢?那恐怕也不盡然。

Has had its day 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)也可以用在人身上,比如說(shuō)早已沒(méi)人提起的老電影明星,我們就可以說(shuō) She has had her day. 下面讓我們聽聽一名消防隊(duì)員是怎么說(shuō)他的老隊(duì)長(zhǎng)的。

M: "I have the greatest respect for the fire chief. Over the last thirty years, he's been a courageous leader. But, frankly, he HAS HAD HIS DAY. Firefighting has changed and it's time we appoint a successor who can take on new challenges."

這個(gè)消防隊(duì)員說(shuō),我對(duì)我們隊(duì)長(zhǎng)有著無(wú)限的敬意。過(guò)去三十年來(lái),他一直是我們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),勇氣過(guò)人。但是坦率地講,他那一套已就過(guò)時(shí)了。消防工作日新月異,他需要一個(gè)能夠接受新挑戰(zhàn)的接班人。既然有過(guò)輝煌的事業(yè),那么急流勇退也沒(méi)有什么不好。我昨天晚上看電視,是兩個(gè)喜劇表演的老搭檔。我從小就是看他們的節(jié)目長(zhǎng)大的,可是40年過(guò)去的,同樣的笑話他們今天還在講。I really believe they have had their day. 好,我們?cè)俾犚幌律厦娴睦洹?/p>

M: "I have the greatest respect for the fire chief. Over the last thirty years, he's been a courageous leader. But, frankly, he HAS HAD HIS DAY. Firefighting has changed and it's time we appoint a successor who can take on new challenges."

大家可能會(huì)問(wèn),這種說(shuō)法是從哪里來(lái)的? Has had its day 這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)最早可以追溯到16世紀(jì)。Every dog has its day. 意思是所有人都會(huì)有得意的日子,也就是我們常說(shuō)的風(fēng)水輪流轉(zhuǎn)。

M: Until next time.


M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: Yanglin, you've had your day! Come back quickly, otherwise the job is mine.

B: I'll relay the information to her. I'm sure it will help her decide to come back as soon as possible.

A: 咱倆可真夠壞的! 好了,不開玩笑了,今天節(jié)目時(shí)間又到了,咱們得說(shuō)再見啦!

B: If you have any questions or comments, please email us at [email protected]. Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!


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