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> VOA > 美語訓(xùn)練班 >  第77篇





A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓(xùn)練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學(xué)什么?

A: 沒問題! 今天,我們要聊聊旅游攻略,看看有沒有倒時(shí)差的好方法,還要告訴你怎么說全盤交待!

B: Yeah, a lot of people suffer from jet lag, but it has never been a problem for me. I normally take an anti-histamine and pass out for the whole flight! I guess it's just a skill you acquire when you're a citizen of the world like me.

A: Oh my gosh! 看你自信都流出來了吧?快擦擦! (B: But it's true!) 好了好了,我們言歸正傳,趕快先來進(jìn)入第一個(gè)單元, learn a word!

Learn A Word 1612 around-the-clock

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 around-the-clock. around is spelled a-r-o-u-n-d, around, clock is spelled c-l-o-c-k, clock, around-the-clock. around-the-clock 意思是日夜不停的,連續(xù)不斷的。The two sides talked around-the-clock, trying to reach an agreement before the approaching deadline. 雙方夜以繼日地談判,努力在最后期限來臨之前達(dá)成協(xié)議。星期一是美國(guó)法定假日哥倫比亞日。The DC government gave 42 bars and restaurants permission to stay open around-the-clock on Columbus Day. 華盛頓特區(qū)政府準(zhǔn)許42家酒吧和餐館在哥倫比亞日這天不用關(guān)門,可以連續(xù)24小時(shí)持續(xù)營(yíng)業(yè)。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 around-the-clock, around-the-clock, around-the-clock....

A: 說起這個(gè) around the clock, 我感同身受呀!I've been looking online around-the-clock for a cheap plane ticket to Beijing!

B: Wait, I thought you are not going back until the spring festival? Why do you want to buy a ticket now?

A: Haven't you heard prior planning prevents poor performance? It's a lot cheaper to book international flights early. Plus I want to travel a bit during my vacation, maybe to Southeast Asia. 這不,我一直在網(wǎng)上看旅游攻略呢!

B: You are making travel plans! Personally I think you should pick two or three places that you really want to visit, and leave the rest to itself. Sometimes you will be happily surprised if you just take a random walk in the city!

A: 恩,也是!不過只有在旅游攻略里我才能知道哪里的吃的最地道!哈!在今天的美語怎么說里,我們就要來告訴你旅游攻略該怎么說!

B: Let's listen!

How to say it in American English


Jessica: Wuqiong, what are you doing on the computer? You've spent hours on the Internet!

WQ: Jessica, 我下個(gè)月要去意大利,出門在外,不先看看旅游攻略怎么行?

Jessica: 攻略?Are you going to attack Italy?

WQ: 哪有! 旅游攻略就是去過那里的人寫的心得體會(huì),總結(jié)建議,這在美語里要怎么說呢?

Jessica: I see. You were referring to travel tips. You are right, Wuqiong, flipping through travel guide books and get some tips from the Internet can be really helpful, especially when it is your first trip to a new place.

WQ: Yep! For example, I was just looking for ways to get discount on museum tickets, and some of the tips that people shared online came in really handy!

Jessica: Make good use of the tips. They also help you avoid tourist traps!

WQ: Tourist traps? 哦,就是旅行陷阱吧! 這個(gè)最煩人了,Tourist traps are annoying and can spoil the whole trip!

Jessica: So, Wuqiong, how long are you going to stay in Italy?

WQ: 我當(dāng)然希望可以慢慢走,慢慢看,仔細(xì)領(lǐng)略意大利的風(fēng)景和文化,不過我假期有限,財(cái)力也有限,所以只有4天時(shí)間。

Jessica: Four days only? So you are going to stay in one city?

WQ: Actually I'm going to tour 4 cities and they are far away from each other.

Jessica: I see. This is a whirlwind tour then.

WQ: W-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d, whirlwind 是旋風(fēng)的意思,whirlwind tour 就是旋風(fēng)旅游,也就是一陣風(fēng)似的在很短的時(shí)間內(nèi)去很多地方走馬觀花。唉,I can only afford a whirlwind tour right now. I really wish I had more time and money.

Jessica: You will! Italy's not going anywhere. You can always go back someday!

WQ: 今天我們學(xué)了,旅行攻略是 travel tips, 旅游陷阱是tourist trap, 旋風(fēng)旅行則是 whirlwind tour.

B: Tourist traps! This totally reminds me of the time when I was in China.

A: 啊?你去中國(guó)的時(shí)候被坑過?怎么回事?

B: The worst were the hair salon and massage combo shops. You would go in to get a hair-cut and they would always try to sell you a hot oil massage. So annoying!!!! Or my second year in China, we went to a so-called "silk factory," but in fact it was just a tourist trap trying to sell us silk comforters! We didn't even suspect foul play before!

A: 可不!旅游陷阱處處都是,可得當(dāng)心!不過你剛才提到了一個(gè)很好的詞兒,foul play!咱們來聽聽今天的words and idioms, 學(xué)學(xué)這個(gè)習(xí)慣用語的用法!

Words and Idioms992

現(xiàn)在播送美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語第 992講。我是楊琳。

M:我是Steve Baragona.


M: Foul play. Foul is spelled f-o-u-l-, and play; p-l-a-y. Foul-play.

Foul play 這個(gè)短語的意思是"不正當(dāng)?shù)男袨?,?yán)重犯規(guī)"。就像上面提到的情況,老師認(rèn)為不可能所有人成績(jī)都這么好,所以懷疑有人舞弊。She suspected FOUL PLAY. 在下面的例子里,一名公司主管談到他看到辦公室一團(tuán)混亂之后的反應(yīng),我們一起來聽一聽。

M: "When I got back to my office, my papers were scattered. I found my file cabinet had been opened and my computer turned off. My first thought was that it was a case of FOUL PLAY. But, it turned out to be rather innocent; just my colleague's kids playing around without any supervision."

[這段話是說: 當(dāng)我回到辦公室的時(shí)候,桌上的紙撒了一地。我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的檔案柜被打開,電腦也被關(guān)了。我第一反應(yīng)是有人闖進(jìn)了辦公室。但后來我發(fā)現(xiàn)這只是虛驚一場(chǎng),是我同事的孩子在沒有大人看管的情況下,在我辦公室里玩來這。]

大家可能已經(jīng)注意到了,foul play 也經(jīng)常被用在犯罪行為上,意思就是非法的暴力行徑。我的一個(gè)朋友就跟我講過,去年圣誕節(jié)他們整個(gè)社區(qū)都遭到了一場(chǎng)洗劫。She discovered that thieves had broken in, and other neighbors had reported similar incidences of FOUL PLAY. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)小偷破門而入,其他鄰居也有類似遭遇。所以說,居住的社區(qū)真的很重要呢!好了,言歸正傳,我們?cè)賮砺犅爠偛拍蔷湓?

M: "When I got back to my office, my papers were scattered. I found my file cabinet had been opened and my computer turned off. My first thought was that it was a case of FOUL PLAY. But, it turned out to be rather innocent; just my colleague's kids playing around without any supervision."

上面提到,foul play經(jīng)常被用在犯罪行為上。下面的例子就提到了這樣一起犯罪,讓我們一起去一探究竟。

M: "Police discovered the woman's body in the river. Her husband claimed she had accidentally fallen out of a canoe. Soon enough, it was determined that FOUL PLAY was involved. She had been struck on the head with a rock and left to die. The husband murdered her and intended to collect an expensive insurance policy!"

[這段話是說:警方在河里發(fā)現(xiàn)一具女尸。死者丈夫說,她是不小心從獨(dú)木舟掉到河里去的。但是不久后,警方發(fā)現(xiàn)這其中其實(shí)參雜了非法行為。死者的頭部是被石塊擊中,然后流血而死。她的丈夫謀殺了她,是為了一大筆保費(fèi)! ]

太可怕了!不過到最后,這個(gè)丈夫肯定也被繩之以法了。這就像英語里一句俗語說的,Crime doesn't pay. 意思就是犯罪得不償失。好的,我們?cè)賮砺犅爠偛拍嵌卧?

M: "Police discovered the woman's body in the river. Her husband claimed she had accidentally fallen out of a canoe. Soon enough, it was determined that FOUL PLAY was involved. She had been struck on the head with a rock and left to die. The husband murdered her and intended to collect on an expensive insurance policy!"

今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的習(xí)慣用語是foul play, 意思是不正當(dāng)?shù)男袨?,或者是暴力犯罪。好的,這次[美國(guó)習(xí)慣用語]就到此結(jié)束,我是楊琳,我是Steve Baragona。謝謝各位的收聽。

A: Yeah, I definitely hate any kind of foul play. 這集可真夠沉重的,咱們還是回頭來說說我的旅行吧!我每次回北京,都要倒時(shí)差,太浪費(fèi)我寶貴的吃喝玩樂時(shí)間了!

B: Didn't you tell me you sleep like 10 hours per day? Why can't you put your superb sleeping ability into use and just sleep through the flight? Then I promise you will be fine!

A: I guess I just can't sleep on anything that's moving. 只要是在車?yán)铮w機(jī),什么交通工具上我都睡不好!哎...命苦呀...

B: haha, it's ok. In today's business etiquette, we are going to talk about jet lag and how to deal with it! Maybe you can get some tips from our show!

A: yep! 我們趕快來聽吧!

禮節(jié)美語Jet Lag I

Mike 出差剛回來,遇到同事 Larry.

Larry: Hey, Mike! Good to have you back! You look exhausted!

Mike: Hi, Larry. Yeah, I'm totally beat. I can barely keep my eyes open!

L: Was it a rough trip?

M: Well, it was actually pretty productive, but all the flying really got to me.

L: Ah, jet lag...the scourge of business travelers.

M: Yep. I flew from Beijing to Boston for a meeting, and then hopped back on a plane for a flight to the trade fair in Frankfurt. Then back to Beijing before catching a train back here to Shanghai.

Mike出差回來十分疲憊,因?yàn)橐箷r(shí)差 Jet lag. Larry 說時(shí)差是 the scourge of business travelers. scourge is spelled s-c-o-u-r-g-e, 意思是災(zāi)禍。Mike 抱怨說,All the flying really got to me. 飛來飛去真是把我折騰壞了。說一件事情 get to me 意思是這件事情對(duì)我產(chǎn)生了影響。

L: Wow! That's a lot of traveling! No wonder you're exhausted!

M: The worst thing was adjusting to the time zones! It's so hard to get used to the difference!

L: Yeah, it's hard. You know jet lag only hits if you travel east-west or west-east. You could fly from Germany to Cape Town in South Africa and you wouldn't feel anything.

M: Right...because it's all in the same time zone. Unfortunately for me...all my travel was between different time zones. I've gotta say: I'm really suffering! Why is jet lag so nasty?

Mike 出差去的地方老是跨時(shí)區(qū) time zones,所以 The worst thing was adjusting to the time zones. 最討厭的就是倒時(shí)差。從一個(gè)時(shí)區(qū)進(jìn)入另一個(gè)時(shí)區(qū),為什么會(huì)有時(shí)差,讓身體感覺不舒服呢?

L: Travel between time zones basically resets your body's internal clock. M: So when you travel between time zones your body is thrown off its cycle?

L: Exactly! Some experts say it takes a full day to recover from each time zone you cross.

M: Wow, that's a long time. I'm going to need a few weeks off!

L: (chuckle) That would be best, but unfortunately our boss isn't quite that generous.

M: Is there anything I can do to make my jet lag less severe the next time I make an international trip?

Larry 解釋說,進(jìn)入一個(gè)新時(shí)區(qū),就要重新調(diào)整生物鐘。reset the body's internal clock。換句話說,your body is thrown off its cycle. 身體原來的作息周期被打亂了。to throw off 意思是讓一件事情偏離預(yù)期的軌道。比如,His performance in the game was thrown off by the injury. 傷勢(shì)讓他的比賽表現(xiàn)受到了影響。有什么辦法讓倒時(shí)差不那么痛苦嗎?我們下次繼續(xù)聽。

A: 這篇文章里的Mike被時(shí)差折騰的夠嗆, all the flying really got to him。 Larry解釋說,the worst thing is adjusting to the time zones, 最討厭的就是得倒時(shí)差。因?yàn)?your body is thrown off its cycle, 作息被打亂,要重新調(diào)整生物鐘。

B: Yep. Some experts say it takes a full day to recover from each time zone you cross. So DC to Beijing, you just need about two weeks! You will be fine, Yanglin!

A: 啊?那一個(gè)月的假期不是全用來倒時(shí)差了?那可不行!

B: Here, Larry is throwing out some tricks about how to deal with jet lag! You should pay attention Yanglin! Let's listen!

禮節(jié)美語Jet Lag II

Mike 出差剛回來,被時(shí)差折磨得痛苦不堪,向同事 Larry 咨詢緩解時(shí)差的好辦法。Larry 說,

Larry: Some people take herbal medicine, but there's really no solid proof that it works. Some people take sleeping pills and try to sleep for the whole flight.

M: I guess each person has to try and find the solution that works best for them.

L: Yeah, everyone is different. But I believe there are a few things that can definitely make jet lag a little easier to deal with.

M: Oh, yeah? Like what?

L: For one don't drink alcohol on flights. It dehydrates you and only makes jet lag worse.

M: Oh, I usually have a few drinks when I fly. Maybe I'll stick to water next time.

Larry 說,為了緩解時(shí)差,有人吃中藥,有人吃安眠藥,上飛機(jī)就睡,這些做法因人而異。不過,也有一些普遍適用的原則,其中之一就是不能喝酒,因?yàn)榫凭珪?huì)讓人 dehydrate 脫水,從而加劇時(shí)差癥狀,最好是 stick to water 只喝白水。

L: Water is best because you really need to stay hydrated, especially when you're breathing the dry air in an airplane. Also, you should try to get on the local schedule as soon as you land.

M: So even if back home it's 3:00 in the morning, I should follow the local time and not go to bed?

L: That would be best. If you get there and it's dinner time, go eat...try to adapt as quickly as possible and sometimes you'll adjust quicker. If you get super tired in the afternoon, take a catnap, but don't sleep for hours.

M: I guess that makes sense.

Larry 還建議,到達(dá)目的地后,最后立即適應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)氐淖飨r(shí)間 get on the local schedule,如果實(shí)在太困,可以 take a catnap 小睡一會(huì)兒,catnap is spelled c-a-t-n-a-p, 但是不要蒙頭大睡。

L: Your body will slowly accept a new sleep-wake cycle.

M: But the cycle is based on light from the sun, right? Then maybe I should take a walk in the morning and try to re-set my brain to the new time for light.

L: Actually, that's probably a great idea. And the exercise can't hurt either.

M: I think I'll try some of these ideas next time and see which ones work for me. Thanks for your input, Larry.

L: Sure! And have a nice rest tonight.

既然人體的生物鐘受到日光照射的影響,那早上出去走走,一定有幫助,讓日光重新設(shè)定身體的節(jié)律。Larry 表示贊成,因?yàn)槌鋈プ咦?,運(yùn)動(dòng)一下也一定沒壞處,the exercise can't hurt either.

A: Larry說 , 有些人take herbal medicine or sleeping pills, 吃中藥或者安眠藥在飛機(jī)上睡覺,不過這也要因人而異。有一些原則肯定是對(duì)的,比如don't drink alcohol,不要喝酒,adjust to local schedules as soon as possible, 盡快適應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)刈飨?,如果?shí)在太累,take a catnap 打個(gè)盹,但是不能呼呼大睡。Hmm, I like these tips, I think it's really going to be helpful! Larry

B: Yeah, sometimes I start to live on my destination's schedule a day earlier! That way it will help me adjust even faster. And of course, exercise always helps.

A: 好吧! 我回頭就要把這些竅門都用上!好了,節(jié)目快結(jié)束了,我們最后再來學(xué)個(gè)詞兒!

Learn A Word 1609 tell-all

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是 tell-all. tell-all is spelled t-e-l-l, all, a-l-l, tell-all. Tell-all 意思是毫無保留的,全盤揭秘的。Arnold Schwarzenegger says in his tell-all book that his affair with the maid was stupid. 施瓦辛格在他全盤大揭秘的新書中說,自己跟女傭的婚外情愚蠢之極。Pop megastar Justin Bieber's mom revealed her painful past in her tell-all book. 流行巨星賈斯汀.比伯的媽媽在大揭秘新書中,公布了自己以往痛苦的經(jīng)歷。有報(bào)道說,Monica Lewinsky is set to write a tell-all book about her affair with former president Bill Clinton, including her love letters to Bill. 萊文斯基正準(zhǔn)備寫一本書,徹底揭秘她跟前總統(tǒng)克林頓的那段婚外情,其中包括她寫給克林頓的情書。好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是 tell-all, tell-all, tell-all....

A: 哇!全盤大揭秘!Someday when I'm famous, I can write a tell-all book as well....

B: Oh, about what? About how much you eat and sleep?

A: 聽眾朋友們,mike 很天真可愛,每次都不知道自己已經(jīng)死到臨頭了。 哈哈, 好了同學(xué)們,這次節(jié)目時(shí)間就到這里了。


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