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美語三級跳: 024A 體育運(yùn)動(dòng) 初級課程





Professor: That's right, Winnie. Basketball is a very popular sport in America.

中國人也很喜歡打籃球啊! 姚明就是中國人,而且有很多粉絲!

Professor: That's true. Do you think Ryan will be a good basketball player?


Ryan: Thanks for teaching me how to play basketball, Alice.

Alice: No problem. I am happy to be your basketball coach.

Ryan: Great. Where did you learn how to play?

Alice: I played basketball in college.

Ryan: Were you better at offense or defense?

Alice: I was better at offense. I was the best shooter on the team.

Professor: So Winnie, where did Alice learn to play basketball?

Alice說她是在大學(xué)里學(xué)會(huì)打籃球的,她不光是校隊(duì)成員,還是the best shooter - 最棒的投手呢! 這么說,Alice投籃肯定特別準(zhǔn)!

Professor: Right. And in basketball, when you shoot and score a point, you can say you scored a basket.

沒錯(cuò)! 如果你投籃成功,就可以說"score a basket."

Professor: So, is Alice better at offense or defense?

Alice說, she was better at offense than defense,進(jìn)攻能力比防守能力強(qiáng)。這不難理解,她是the best shooter - 最棒的投手嘛! 有她當(dāng)教練,Ryan肯定很快就能變成籃球飛人。

Alice: Alright Ryan, first you have to learn how to dribble.

Ryan: Don't worry, I know how to dribble. Let's just play some one-on-one.

Alice: Uh.... are you sure you don't want to practice a little first?

Ryan: Nope! I'm ready to play. Don't go easy on me.

Ryan是不是有點(diǎn)自信過頭了?Alice想慢慢教他,從 dribble -“運(yùn)球”開始??蒖yan上來就要打one-on-one - 一對一的比賽! Professor, one-on-one這個(gè)短語可以用在其它語境里么?

Professor: Sure! For example, you can say I didn't want the other students to hear me talk to the teacher, so I asked to talk to her one-on-one.

"Talk to her one-on-one", 就是單獨(dú)和她談話。對了,Professor, Ryan讓Alice不要"go easy on him",是不是說,Alice對他不用手下留情?

Professor: Right. For another example, "I haven't studied much for the test, so I hope my teacher goes easy on us."

啊~~因?yàn)闆]好好復(fù)習(xí),所以希望老師手下留情。好! Ryan和Alice一對一比賽已經(jīng)結(jié)束了,我們看看誰勝誰負(fù)!

Alice: Great game, Ryan! I had a lot of fun.

Ryan: (Panting) Yeah, I hope so. It must have been a lot of fun beating me 20 to zero.

Alice: Well do you want to have a re-match? I think you will score a basket next time.

Ryan: I don't think so ... and I can only take one shutout per day.

看來,Ryan根本不是Alice的對手! 讓人家打了個(gè)20比零! professor, 什么叫shutout?

Professor: Winnie, if one team doesn't score any points in the game, you can say the game is a shutout.

哦,shutout, s-h-u-t-o-u-t, shutout 就是輸?shù)舻年?duì)伍得零分的比賽。

Professor: Ryan didn't score any points, so you can say he was "shutout". Alice asks him if he wants a rematch, but Ryan says no.

是啊,Ryan不愿意再被刷個(gè)零,所以他不想play a re-match - 再打一次了。真希望Ryan學(xué)籃球的熱情沒有被徹底澆滅!

Professor: Let's see what Alice says.

Alice: Ryan, I think I know a better way to teach you basketball.

Ryan: Really? What is it?

Alice: I'm going to take you to watch a basketball game.

Ryan: Great! I love watching professional basketball.

Alice: Professional? I didn't say we're going to a

professional basketball game!

哦,原來,Alice打算帶Ryan去看籃球賽,讓他觀摩觀摩。不過,他們要去的不是a professional game - 專業(yè)球賽。

Professor: Right. What kind of game do you think they're going to?




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