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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):復(fù)制嬌妻 17





She's fabulous. 她真難以置信
All of this, Mike, the wives, Stepford, this was all your idea? 所有這些,邁克,太太們,斯戴福 都是你的主意?
Yes. All I wanted was a better world. 對(duì) 我想讓這世界變得更好
A world where men were men and women were cherished and lovely. 一個(gè)男人像個(gè)男人 而女人迷人的被珍愛(ài)的世界
Does anyone have a screwdriver? 有人有螺絲刀嗎?
She's nuts. 她瘋了
A world of romance and beauty, 一個(gè)美麗和浪漫的世界
of tuxedos and chiffon, a perfect world. 燕尾服和薄紗禮服的世界 一個(gè)完美的世界
But you were married to a robot. 可你和一個(gè)機(jī)器人結(jié)了婚
The perfect man. 是最完美的男人
And all I wanted was to make you, all of you... 我想要的只是把你們 你們所有人…
...into perfect women. …變成完美的女人
We don't need to be perfect. 我們不需要完美
How could you do this to us? 你怎么能對(duì)我們這么干?
Because I was just like you. 因?yàn)槲乙苍?jīng)像你一樣
Overstressed, overbooked, under-loved. 過(guò)分緊張,日程過(guò)于繁忙 可沒(méi)有足夠的愛(ài)
I was the world's foremost brain surgeon and genetic engineer. 我曾經(jīng)是世界首席腦外科專家和基因工程師
I had top-secret contracts with the Pentagon, Apple and Mattel. 我和五角大樓,蘋(píng)果電腦 美泰玩具都有頂級(jí)機(jī)密的合同
I was driven. 我身不由己
Exhausted. 身心俱疲
Until late one night, I came home to find... 然后在一天深夜 我回到家發(fā)現(xiàn)…
...Mike. 邁克
With Patricia. 和帕特里夏在一起
My brilliant... 我聰明的…
...blond... 21歲的…
...21 -year-old research assistant. 金發(fā)助理研究員
It was all so... 那是如此的…
...ugly. 難堪
Then early the next morning, as I gazed across the breakfast table 然后第二天清早 當(dāng)我盯著餐桌對(duì)面
at their lifeless bodies, I thought... 他們毫無(wú)生氣的尸體,我想…
..."What have I done?" “我做了什么?”
But more importantly... 但更重要的是…
...what I could do to make the world more beautiful? 我能做些什么 讓這個(gè)世界變得更美麗?
But I needed help to realize my larger vision. 但是我需要幫助 來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)我更遠(yuǎn)大的規(guī)劃
I had the skills. 我有技術(shù)
And so I made... 所以我制作了…
...Mike. 邁克
Because he was someone other men would listen to. 因?yàn)樗莿e的男人會(huì)聽(tīng)從的那種人
And then I asked myself, 然后我問(wèn)自己
"Where would people never notice a town full of robots? “在哪里人們不會(huì)注意到 滿滿一個(gè)鎮(zhèn)子的機(jī)器人呢?”
"Connecticut." “康涅狄格”
So I decided to turn back the clock, 所以我決定把時(shí)鐘向前撥
to a time before overtime, 撥到需要加班之前
before quality time, 撥到我們向時(shí)間要質(zhì)量之前
before women were turning themselves into robots. 撥到女人們把她們變成機(jī)器人之前
- Back off! - Sorry. - 退后- 抱歉
Why didn't you change the men too? 你為什么不把男人也一起改了?
That's next. 那是下一步
You're insane. 你真是瘋了
I'm in love with a waltz and a town... 我愛(ài)著一支華爾茲一個(gè)小鎮(zhèn)…
...and a man. 和一個(gè)男人
So, Joanna, you produced the hard-hitting documentary, 那么,喬安娜 你制作了這部很有震撼力的記錄片
Stepford: The Secret of the Suburbs. 斯戴福:城郊的秘密
And won... Five Emmys, was it? 得過(guò)…五次艾美獎(jiǎng),是嗎?
Oh, six. 噢,六次
- She's shy. - And so humble. - 她有點(diǎn)害羞- 而且還如此謙虛
And, Bobbie, your ordeal has lead to a bestseller. 另外,芭比 你痛苦的經(jīng)歷給你帶來(lái)了一本暢銷書(shū)
You know, I just can't hold a grudge. 是啊,我沒(méi)什么可抱怨的了
So I've written my very first book of poetry. 所以我寫(xiě)了第一本詩(shī)集
And it's all about hope and communication 是關(guān)于希望,溝通
and the healing power of love. 還有愛(ài)的復(fù)原動(dòng)力
What is it called? 叫什么名字?
- It's a page-turner. - I cried. - 絕對(duì)讓你愛(ài)不釋手- 我都哭了
Wait Until He's Asleep, Then Cut It Off. 等他睡著后切下來(lái)
Now, Roger, good news. 現(xiàn)在,羅杰,好消息

You ran and won. You're in the state senate. 你競(jìng)選勝利了 你現(xiàn)在是州參議員了
- Independent. - Next stop, the White House. - 無(wú)黨派的- 下一站,白宮
- Yes, this country needs highlights. - That's our hero. - 對(duì),這個(gè)國(guó)家需要一些精彩- 這是我們的英雄
And, Jo, Walter really came through for you, 另外,喬安娜 沃爾特真的為你做了很多
so how's your marriage now? Is everything just perfect? 那么你們現(xiàn)在的婚姻怎么樣? 一切都很完美嗎?
No way. 絕對(duì)不是
But we're doing just great. 但我們相處得很好
Because, um... 因?yàn)椋?hellip;
Because now, now we know for sure that it's not about perfection. 因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在 現(xiàn)在我們知道這和變得完美沒(méi)有關(guān)系
Perfect. Perfect doesn't work. 完美,完美行不通
What about all those other husbands? 那么其他的丈夫們呢?
Are they still angry? Do they still want all these women to be robots? 他們還生氣嗎? 還希望自己妻子是機(jī)器人嗎?
Of course. Men are pigs. 當(dāng)然,男人們都是豬
They're disgusting, they're frightened, repulsive little rodents. 他們是膽小的令人厭惡的嚙齒動(dòng)物
But we're trying to help them, right, Bobbie? 但是我們?cè)谠噲D幫助他們 對(duì)嗎,芭比?
- Right. - Yes, we're trying to reeducate them. - 對(duì)- 我們?cè)噲D對(duì)他們進(jìn)行再教育
And where are they? 那他們?cè)谀膬海?br /> Oh. Oh, they're still in Stepford. 噢,噢,他們?nèi)栽谒勾鞲?br /> Under house arrest. 被軟禁了
Hey, you guys. 嘿,伙計(jì)們
Which aisle is quilted paper towels? 加棉絮的紙巾在哪一排?
If I don't get the right kind, my wife's gonna kill me. 如果我買錯(cuò)的話 我老婆會(huì)殺了我的
Oh, aisle three. And I need... 噢,第三排,還有我需要…
No talking, keep shopping. 不準(zhǔn)談話,繼續(xù)購(gòu)物


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