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聽電影學(xué)英語:變形金剛 10




[00:03.12]Bring them home. 帶他們回家
[00:06.52]You get those men stateside right now. 把那些士兵帶回美國
[00:09.00]I want them debriefed in 10 hours. 十小時后進(jìn)行簡報
[00:18.80]There's only one hacker in the world who can break this code. 世上只有一個駭客能破解密碼
[00:32.16]Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Stop! 喂,停車!
[00:37.40]I am sorry to bother you. 抱歉打擾你
[00:39.40]- Maggie? - Listen, I need your help. 瑪姬? 我需要你的幫忙
[00:43.36]No! This is my private area, my place of Zen and peace. 拜托,這是我的秘密基地 讓我打坐思考的地方
[00:47.76]- Listen to me. - Glen! Who is it? 葛倫,是誰呀?
[00:48.84]Shut up, Grandma! 閉嘴,奶奶!
[00:51.76]- What are you doing here? - Just give me a break, will you, please? 你跑來這里干嘛? 幫我個忙
[00:52.92]Grandmama! Drink your prune juice! 奶奶,我要喝你的蜜棗汁哦
[01:00.20]- What level are you on, man? - Six. 你破了第幾關(guān)? 第六關(guān)
[01:06.72]Oh, here come the matrix! Here come the matrix! 母體來了!母體來了!
[01:10.80]Glen, seriously, don't you want to see something classified? 葛倫,你想看機(jī)密檔案嗎?
[01:13.56]Yeah. Get low. 低一點(diǎn)
[01:16.20]- Here we go. Here we go. Double tap. - Hey, I just paused it. I just paused it. 很好,踏兩步 我按了暫停
[01:20.36]Hey. I need a moment. 等我一下,拜托
[01:22.72]- Please. - Sorry. 抱歉
[01:24.32]Hey, man, save my game. 別忘了儲存我的分?jǐn)?shù)
[01:28.12]How classified? 多機(jī)密的檔案?
[01:31.92]Like "I will go to jail for the rest of my life for showing you" classified. 如果我給你看的話 就得吃一輩子的牢飯
[01:34.28]Yes! One quick peek. 好耶!我只看一下下
[01:36.36]Special Ops got a thermal snapshot of whatever hit the base in Qatar. 特種部隊(duì)拍下敵人的影像
[01:40.44]- I want to see it. - Well, the imager was damaged, sir. 讓我看看 影像受到損壞
[01:42.00]The rangers are en route with the imager, 正在傳送影像
[01:45.68]but we also have a security issue. 不過也有安檢的問題
[01:47.68]Circle logs indicate one of the analysts made a copy 有一名分析師
[01:48.16]of the network intrusion signal. 拷貝了侵入者的訊號
[01:54.84]The signal strength is through the roof. Where did you say you got this? 這個訊號強(qiáng)到不行 你從哪里弄來的?
[01:56.44]It hacked the national military air-guard frequency 它在一分鐘內(nèi)
[02:00.20]in less than a minute. 侵入軍事電腦系統(tǒng)
[02:00.88]- No way. - Yeah. 不可能
[02:06.56]Looks like there's a message embedded in the signal. Let me work my magic. 訊號里好像植入了某種信息 讓我大展身手
[02:15.84]"Project Iceman"? 冰人計劃?
[02:16.52]- What's Sector Seven? - Who is Captain Witwicky? 第七區(qū)是什么? 魏瓦奇隊(duì)長是誰?
[02:21.28]Are you playing those video games again? 你又在打電玩游戲嗎?
[02:25.44]Cops! Cops! 條子!條子!
[02:27.84]FBI! Clear right! 聯(lián)邦探員!
[02:30.72]Lock it down! Lock it down! 把他們抓起來
[02:34.20]Cops! 條子!
[02:36.12]Lock it down. 把他抓住
[02:38.80]Wait! I'm just a cousin! I'm just a... 我只是他表弟...
[02:41.64]Get off my Grandmama's carpet! She don't like nobody on the carpet! 這是我奶奶的地毯,誰也不能亂踩
[02:47.24]It was an awesome spectacle here an hour ago 一小時前這里發(fā)生驚人的景象
[02:47.32]Especially police! 尤其是條子
[02:52.72]when over 40 C-17 s lifted off of this very base. 超過40架戰(zhàn)機(jī)從這里起飛
[02:55.76]We're not told where they're going. 我們不知道它們?nèi)ツ睦?br /> [02:58.28]Morning, Mo. 小魔,早
[02:59.68]The government has been very quiet about what's going on but in our... 政府什么都不肯透露
[03:00.32]- Mojo. Mojo. - They were headed directly 魔汁,魔汁
[03:04.24]towards North Korea. 我們認(rèn)為目的地是北韓
[03:04.80]Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please? 拜托,一大早不要亂叫
[03:12.68]Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. 麥斯,聽好
[03:14.16]- My car, it stole itself, okay? - What are you talking about, man? 我的車昨晚自己開走 你在說什么?
[03:17.68]Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me. 撒旦派來的車子在我家院子 它在跟蹤我
[03:27.80]Stop! 停下來!
[03:29.36]No, no, no, no, no, no. 不,不,不
[03:35.32]Oh, my God! 啊,我的天!
[03:37.20]Sam? 山姆?
[03:41.48]Hi. 嗨
[03:43.52]That was... That was really awesome. 那真的是...太棒了
[03:48.00]- Well, it felt awesome. - Are you okay? 我也覺得很棒 你還好吧?
[03:50.24]I'm getting chased by my car right now. I got to go. 我的車在追我,我得閃了
[03:50.84]I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. 不好,我快發(fā)瘋了
[03:52.12]You know what? I'm gonna catch up with you guys later. 我待會再去找你們
[04:27.64]Oh, great. Cops. 太好了,警車
[04:36.36]Officer! 警官!
[04:38.68]Listen! 聽我說
[04:42.92]Oh, that hurt. 好痛哦
[04:45.72]Listen to me! 聽我說
[04:46.12]Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever! 幸好你來了,我今天倒楣透頂了
[04:52.08]And my car's right there and it's been following me here! 我的車子一直在跟蹤我
[04:56.88]So get out of the car! No! Stop! Oh, God. Okay, okay! Okay, all right! 趕快下車,停車!好啦,好啦
[05:03.12]Okay! I'm sorry! I'm... I didn't mean to hit your car! Look! 對不起,我不是故意撞到你
[05:08.20]Okay, look, look, look! Stop, stop! 求求你,停車!
[05:16.36]Please! Okay, what do you want from me? 拜托,你要我怎樣?
[05:21.80]Okay. 好的
[05:28.56]Oh, God, no! No! 天啊,不!
[05:33.16]Oh, shit! Oh, shit, shit, shit! Oh, God! Oh, shit! 媽呀!我的媽呀!可惡!
[05:40.08]It's a bad dream. 這是一場惡夢
[05:45.60]Are you username LadiesMan217? 你是“使用者猛男217”嗎?
[05:46.16]Are you username LadiesMan217? 你是“使用者猛男217”嗎?
[05:47.08]I don't know what you're talking about! 我不知道你在說什么
[05:50.04]Yeah. 是啊
[05:51.96]Where is eBay item 21153? 你拍賣的21153號貨品呢?
[05:53.12]Where are the glasses? 那副眼鏡在哪里?


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