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聽電影學(xué)英語:朋友一場(chǎng) 16





This is it. 就這樣
Hell yeah. Her feet aren’t even cold. 該死的 她的腳沒有那么冷
Don’t even think about how weird tomorrow’s gonna be. 不要想明天會(huì)多尷尬
- Chris. - Oh, God. Oh, God. - 克里斯- 哦天哪,哦天哪
What’re you doing? Where’re you going? 你在干什么? 你去哪里?
- Is everything all right? - Oh, everything’s fine. - 沒事吧?- 噢,沒事
Yeah. You okay? Uh, you need another blanket or anything? 你還好嗎?嗯,你要另一床毯子什么的嗎?
- No, I’m fine. - Ah. - 不,我沒事- 啊
You’re not gonna make a move, are you? 你不準(zhǔn)備采取行動(dòng)了,是不是?
- Good night, Jamie. - Good night, Chris. - 晚安,潔蜜- 晚安,克里斯
You don’t deserve a penis. 你真沒用
God, and we had this great night 天哪,我們過了美好的一夜
and we were showing each other old pictures and-- 給對(duì)方看老照片--
and we were laughing 我們笑啊
- Did he try anything? - No! - 他試別的了嗎?- 沒有!
- Did you try anything? - No, but I put myself out there. - 那你呢?- 沒有,但我有暴露
I mean, I wore the sexy white shirt 我是說,我穿著性感的白襯衫
and I did the whole cold-feet move and we slept in the same bed. 湊近他取暖 我們睡在一張床上
What the hell is wrong with you? I mean, why didn’t you sleep with her? 他到底有什么毛?。?我是說,他為什么不跟她做愛?
- Oh, I know. I had her. - I mean, are you two - 噢,我知道,我要過她了- 我是說,你們兩個(gè)

on the same menstrual cycle yet or what? 沒有相同的生理周期還是怎么的?
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. 我不知道 我不知道,我不知道
Maybe I just don’t compare to these L.A. girls. 或許我就是比不少那些洛杉磯的姑娘
Look, the timing just wasn’t right, you know? 聽著,只是時(shí)機(jī)不對(duì),好嗎?
I’m-- I’m laying there. I’m about to make my move 我--我躺在那里 我準(zhǔn)備更進(jìn)一步
and then suddenly it just hits me. 然后忽然想到了
Where’s this going? 什么
What happens after we sleep together? 我們做愛之后會(huì)發(fā)生什么?
Does she move to L.A.? Do I move back here? 她搬去洛杉磯? 還是我搬回來?
Jesus, Dude. I thought you just wanted to sleep with her. 天哪,兄弟,我以為你只是想和她纏綿
Maybe he just wants to be friends. 或許他只是想做朋友
Maybe he’s gay. 或許他是個(gè)同性戀
I can’t just sleep with Jamie Palamino. We have a history. 我就是不能碰潔蜜 帕拉米諾 我們有過去

- We’re-- we’re-- we’re-- we’re... - Friends. - 我們--我們--我們--我們是... - 朋友
God damn it! 該死的!
I’m right back in high school again, you know? 我又回到高中時(shí)代了 你知道嗎?
I gotta follow my own advice. I gotta just walk away. 我得聽我自己的 我得離開
No, put me on the 3:00. 不,3點(diǎn)鐘
The sooner I get out of here, the better. 我越早離開越好
- You sure about this? - No. - 你確定?- 不
# When Janice smiles... #
- Janice? - # I realize # 賈尼絲?
# She’s no ordinary #
# Girl. #
Hey listen. I gotta hang out 聽著 我得過去
with my friends over there, okay? 跟朋友打個(gè)招呼,好嗎?
- I’ll talk to you tonight. - Whoo! - 我晚上再跟你說- 喔!
- What’s up, homies? - You tell me. - 怎么了,同性戀?- 你說呢
- What’s with the nurse? - Oh, Janice. - 你和那個(gè)護(hù)士怎么回事?- 噢,賈尼絲
Oof, another bee in the hive, my friend, 哦,只是另一個(gè)伴,我的朋友
- just another bee. - Well, what about Jamie? - 只是另一個(gè)伴- 那潔蜜呢?
What about her? I mean, hey, 她怎么了?我是說,嘿
it’s great, right? Two biggest geeks back in the day 很好,是不是?以前的兩個(gè)小丑
now finally have a shot with the hottest chick in high school? 現(xiàn)在爭(zhēng)奪高中?;??
- You can’t write that stuff, my friend. - Hey, are you kidding me? - 你沒這本事,我的朋友- 嘿,你開玩笑嗎?
Oh, come on, man. Cut the nice guy routine. 哦。來啊 別來什么好男人的規(guī)矩
I mean it is gonna be sweet revenge on Jamie Palamino 我是說這是對(duì)潔蜜 帕拉米諾的甜蜜報(bào)復(fù)
I know what you’re up to and I am all for it. 我知道你的斤兩 我完全贊同
for keeping us in the friend zone all those years. 那些年只把我們兩個(gè)作為朋友
Oh, yeah, you wish you were in the friend zone. 哦,對(duì),你希望你是她朋友
I was in the friend zone. Friend zone’s mine. 我是她朋友 只有我是
- Dusty, popcorn’s ready. - Copy that, I’m mobile. - 達(dá)斯丁,爆米花好了- 收到,我來了
- Listen, I gotta run. - The man’s juice! - 聽著,我得走了- 這家伙該死!
You guys have a nice time. It’s been nice seeing you. 你們很好吧 見到你真高興
Have fun with Jamie. I know I will. Clark, always a pleasure. 和潔蜜快活點(diǎn),我知道我會(huì)的 克萊克,隨時(shí)歡迎
- Dinkleman. - Son of a bitch. - 丁克曼- 王八蛋

So we’re looking at day cares. 我們這在考慮日托
And Darla’s got this one picked out for TJ and it’s great. 這樣達(dá)拉就給小杰選了這家,很不錯(cuò)
And you know, don’t get me wrong, I want the best for my kid. 還有你知道嗎,別說我 我想給我孩子最好的
I mean he deserves the best 我是說他應(yīng)該得到最好的
but Tiny Tots is just too-- oh, Mariah Carey! 但小孩子就是太-- 哦,天哪!
What the hell are you doing?! 你到底在干什么?!
This is a Pontiac Grand Prix! 這是輛龐迪克格蘭瑞斯!
I’m sorry, okay?! 對(duì)不起,行了嗎?!
But I can’t let Dinkleman get away with this! 但我不能讓丁克曼得逞!
I refuse to sit back and let Jamie get used by another asshole! 我不愿意回去而讓潔蜜跟了另一個(gè)混蛋!
You could’ve asked! L.A. guys are so dramatic. 你可以問問?。?洛杉磯男人真沖動(dòng)
- I’m sorry! - Okay. - 對(duì)不起!- 好吧
- # Christmas, Christmas... # - Oh my God. 哦我的天
You know, one good snowfall and you won’t see any of this. 下了好大一場(chǎng)雪 你不會(huì)看見這些了
# Where sleigh bells ringing and go jingle-ling #
# Spreading Christmas cheer. #
Hi, Mr. Palamino. How are you? 嗨,帕拉米諾先生 你好嗎?
Come to destroy the rest of the house, huh? 還來毀我的房子嗎,???
Look, I’m really sorry about yesterday. 聽著,對(duì)于昨天的事我真的很抱歉
- Ho-ho-ho. - And that. - 吼-吼-吼- 還有那個(gè)
Look, I know you hate me, but I need to speak with Jamie. Where is she? 聽著,我知道你恨我,但我要和潔蜜談?wù)?她在哪里?
- She’s gone off with Mr. Lee. - Dry cleaner? - 她和李先生出去了- 干洗店的?
- No. Dusty, you jackass. - Where are they? - 不是,是達(dá)斯丁,笨蛋- 他們?nèi)ツ牧耍?br /> - # I’ve been workin’ on the railroad... # - No, Chris! This way. 不,克里斯!這邊
# All the livelong day #
# I’ve been workin’ on the railroad #
# Just to pass the time away #
# Can’t you hear the whistle blowing?
# Rise so early in the morn’ #
- Dinkleman! - # Can’t you hear the captain shouting? # 丁克曼!
- Chris, what’re you doing here? - I need to talk to you. - 克里斯,你來這干嘛?- 我要跟你談?wù)?/p>


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