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聽電影學(xué)英語:朋友一場 05




Be right down. 馬上就好
  # La da da, da da #
  # La da da da #
  # La da da, da da #
  # La da da da #
  # La da da, da da #
  # Da da da da. #
  I do not remember Jersey being this cold. 我不記得新澤西有這么冷
  Well, it’s been uncommonly cold this month. 嗯,這個月冷得有點不尋常
  We’ve gone through seven bags of rock salt. 我們已經(jīng)用光了七包崖鹽
  Your house is just so quaint, Mrs. Brander, 你的房子真是古雅,布蘭德太太
  I mean, Chris, you never told me you were so provincial. 我是說,克里斯,你從沒有告訴我你是如此節(jié)省
  It’s like a true rags to riches story, 就像個真實的從貧窮到富有的故事
  but I’ve always found the middle class to be just so much more real. 但我總是覺得中產(chǎn)階級更好一些
  I mean, isn’t Chris great? 我是說,克里斯多棒???
  Yeah, he is a nice boy. 對,他是個好孩子
  You know, he usually flies us out to Los Angeles. 你知道他總是讓我們飛去洛杉磯
  It’s been, uh... 有,嗯...
  oh, nine, 10-- 哦,九,十--
  - It’s 10 years. Yeah. - 10? - 已經(jīng)十年了,對- 十年?
  10 years since he’s been home. 他有十年沒有回過家了
  - All right. Good job, Dougie. - Oh, hi, honey! - 好了,干得好,道吉- 哦,嗨,親愛的!
  Oh my God. 哦我的天
  - Mikey. - Oh my God! - 麥克- 哦我的天!
  - Is that my Christmas present? - Sam, my younger brother Mike. - 那是我的圣誕節(jié)禮物?- 薩曼沙,我的小弟弟麥克
  - Samantha James. - Samantha James. - 薩曼沙杰姆斯- 薩曼沙杰姆斯
  Mike Brander. It is an honor. 麥克布蘭德是我的榮幸
  I have your poster on my wall, 我的墻上貼著你的海報
  - but you are way hotter in person. - I know! - 你本人看上去更辣- 我知道!
  - You have her poster on your wall? - Yeah. - 你的墻上貼著她的海報?- 對
  I slapped the ham to it like an hour ago. 我一小時前才在她海報面前打手槍
  What ham did you slap? 你打什么?
  Not the ham that I just bought? 不是我剛買的火腿吧?
  Oh, Mrs. Brander, do you have anything else besides ham? 哦,布蘭德太太,除了火腿你還有什么?
  Because I’m on the Perricone diet 因為我在減肥
  and I need salmon like now. 我需要鮭魚
  I love salmon. It’s the prettiest color for bedrooms. 我喜歡肉粉色臥室最漂亮的顏色
  - So relaxing. - I’m gonna start drinking. - 很放松- 我要喝點什么

  Um, does anybody want anything? Some coffee? 嗯,有人要來點嗎?咖啡?
  Maybe some salmon or something? 或者鮭魚什么的?
  Just gonna-- 只要--
  yeah. 對
  Mike! Good to be home. 麥克!回家真好
  Oh, boy. Okay. 噢,天哪,好吧
  Hi. Yes, I know, very exciting. 對,我知道很興奮
  Hi. Hi. 嗨,嗨
  Oh. Chris, let’s get it to go. 噢,克里斯我們走吧
  People are staring at me. 大家在看我
  Oh my God-- plastic menus! 哦我的天-- 塑料菜單!
  Well, this isn’t gonna work, is it now, Chris? 這個不錯,是不是,克里斯?
  Chris? 克里斯?
  Excuse me, but I was wondering if you think 很抱歉,但是我想知道你是不是認為
  America will ever switch to the metric system? 美國會轉(zhuǎn)換度量衡為公制?
  Well, that’s a very interesting-- 嗯,這是很有意思的--
  - Oh my God! Chris! - I don’t believe this! - 哦我的天!克里斯!- 我真不敢相信!
  - Oh! God, you look great! - I don’t-- you look great! - 哦!天哪,你看上去不錯!- 我不-- 你看上去不錯!
  - Well, thank you! How you been? - We’re married. - 謝謝!你好嗎?- 我們結(jié)婚了
  - You’re married! - Married? - 你們結(jié)婚了!- 結(jié)婚了?
  - Oh, yeah, we’re married, we got a kid. TJ. - We have a son. TJ. - 對,我們結(jié)婚了,還有個孩子,小杰- 有個兒子,小杰
  - TJ! - He looks like me. He’s got Clark’s eyes-- - 小杰!- 他像我,有克萊克一樣的眼睛--
  Oh my God! Where does the time go? 哦我的天!時光飛逝???
  He’s like the creative mind kid, he’s like, brilliant and you can meet him. 他很有創(chuàng)造力,他就是聰明極了,你可以見見他
  - That’s great! - God, look at those teeth! - 很好!- 天哪,看看你的牙!
  Those are some nice veneers you got, my friend. 可夠能唬人的,我的朋友
  - Don’t tell me that you’re a dentist. - A dentist? - 別告訴我你是個牙醫(yī)- 牙醫(yī)?
  - I totally sold out, dude. - Hey, you and me both, buddy. - 我絕對會出賣你,伙計- 嘿,我們彼此彼此,伙計
  Hey, lover, aren’t you gonna introduce me, huh? 嘿,愛人,你不準(zhǔn)備介紹我嗎,嗯?
  Yes! 對!
  Samantha, these are my old friends. 薩曼沙,這是我的老朋友
  Your names are "Clark" and "Darla"? 你們叫“克萊克”和“達拉”?
  This is Clark, this is Darla. 他是克萊克,她是達拉
  - Yeah. - Mm-hm. - 對- 嗯哼
  Oh my God, that is so cute! 哦我的天真可愛!
  I just wanna eat you both up! 我真想吃了你們兩個!
  Oh. 噢

  Okay, I am gonna go to the little girl’s room. 好吧,我要去趟洗手間
  - Good. - And then we’re outie. - 好- 然后我們走
  - Okay. - Okay. - 好- 好
  She’s... uh, incoming. 她是... 嗯,新來了
  Oh my God. 哦我的天
  Check out that girl’s ass. Huge! 看看那女孩的屁股,真大!
  It was so nice meeting you. 很高興見到你
  She’s adorable. 她很可愛
  - And affectionate. - Christ sakes. - 而且親切- 克里斯t的福氣
  - Chris Brander, ladies and gentlemen! - Yes! You guys, so good-- - 克里斯布蘭德,女士們先生們!- 耶!很高興--
  Chris Brander? Chris Brander? 克里斯布蘭德?克里斯布蘭德?
  Holy-- 天哪--
  I saw you at the Grammys sitting next to P. Diddy! 我看見你在格萊美頒獎禮上坐在蒂奇旁邊!
  It’s me Tim. You remember? 是我,提姆你還記得嗎?
  Hey, you got $5 嘿,你有5塊錢
  Oh, how could l forget you, Tim? 噢,我怎么能忘了你,提姆?
  that I can, like, have? 能借給我嗎?
  You keep living the dream, Tim. 你還在做夢,提姆
  Done! 好了!
  Buh-bye now. 再見
  - Class of ’95! - Class of ’95! - 95班!- 95班!
  Here’s your money, bitch! 你的錢,婊子!
  - He looks good. - Man, I can’t believe-- - 他看上去不錯- 我不敢相信--


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