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聽電影學(xué)英語:如果能再愛一次 08




[00:03.78]You know, like it's from the dream? 就好像和夢里的情節(jié)一樣
  [00:06.29]Yes. I have. For example last night, 是的,我有! 好比說昨晚...
  [00:10.58]I dreamt that you would bore me to death first thing this morning, and lo and behold... 我夢見你今天一大早 會先令我無聊的要死...
  [00:15.21]Come on, seriously. 拜讬,認(rèn)真點
  [00:17.71]Seriously? 認(rèn)真點?
  [00:20.72]Yes. 是的
  [00:23.85]Ian, I believe dreams are very important. 伊恩,我相信夢非常重要
  [00:28.23]They should be listened to. 應(yīng)該仔細(xì)去傾聽
  [00:30.94]You really think so? 你真這么想?
  [00:32.94]Yes. 是的
  [00:36.86]And I also believe that you should get over to that meeting... 我也相信你該去開會了...
  [00:40.15]or you'll be sacked, and I'll be on the dole. 否則你會被開除 而我會領(lǐng)失業(yè)救濟(jì)金
  [00:46.95]And those are AGS's main objectives. 那些是AGS的主要目標(biāo)
  [00:50.96]To design new ways to treat, cure, 設(shè)計新方法來治療、治愈...
  [00:52.96]or prevent the countless illnesses that inflict humankind. 或預(yù)防人類所罹患的 數(shù)不清的疾病
  [01:00.09]I'm happy and more than a little proud to report... 我很高興也有些驕傲地報告...
  [01:02.76]that AGS is way ahead of the competition in this area. AGS在此領(lǐng)域遙遙領(lǐng)先競爭對手
  [01:10.68]Now... 現(xiàn)在...
  [01:16.61]in terms of your investments... 用你們的投資...

  [01:33.96]these 7-year projections clearly document everything we've discussed so far. 我們目前所討論過的一切 清楚地印證了這些七年為期的計劃
  [01:38.75]We've amortized the cost of the research over a 10-year period. 我們已經(jīng)攤還了 為期十年的研究花費
  [01:42.47]I knew it! I knew you'd be here! 我就知道! 我就知道你會來!
  [02:07.57]Okay. 好的
  [02:10.16]You've heard my pitch, and I can tell by the unbridled excitement on your faces... 你們已聽完了我的話 我看的出你們臉上神情無比的興奮...
  [02:18.29]Come on, guys. Settle down. This is not a party. 拜讬各位安定下來 這又不是派對
  [02:23.72]This research isn't about perfect projections or amortized costs or beating the competition. 這個研究并非關(guān)于完美的計劃 或是攤還費用,或打敗競爭對手
  [02:29.64]It's about giving people the most precious gift possible... time. 是關(guān)于給予人們 可能是最寶貝的禮物...時間
  [02:35.52]This is a great opportunity, and I say grab it. 這是大好機(jī)會,我覺得該好好把握
  [02:40.23]What do you think? 你們覺得如何?
  [02:47.86]- Did you land the money? - I did. -你釣到錢了嗎? -有的
  [02:51.03]And it was the strangest thing because the other time when Samantha walked into the meeting, 那事最奇怪 因為前一次珊曼莎走進(jìn)會議室時
  [02:54.37]I thought she messed everything up. 我以為她搞砸了一切
  [02:58.17]Oh, I didn't tell you guys about the dream I had. 哦,我沒跟你們提過我做的夢
  [03:01.04]Of course not, because that would be tonight. 當(dāng)然沒有,因為那會是今晚的事
  [03:04.26]Okay. Tell us about the dream. 好的,跟我們說說夢的事
  [03:07.47]It's more of a deja vu. 不僅僅是巧合
  [03:08.76]Deja vu. Sometimes dismissed as a random neurological event... 巧合,有時候像是 隨機(jī)出現(xiàn)的神經(jīng)事件...
  [03:12.76]but is often a message from deep within the soul. 不過經(jīng)常是潛意識里的訊息
  [03:15.27]And when the soul comes tapping at the door, it's time to let him in. 當(dāng)潛意識來敲門時 就該讓它進(jìn)來
  [03:20.69]Oprah. 歐普拉說的
  [03:21.90]No. 不是
  [03:24.90]Dr. Phil. 是菲爾博士說的
  [03:27.11]You're up guys. 起來一下,各位
  [03:28.41]No, no, no. That's not what I'm talking about. 不不不,我說的不是那樣
  [03:31.62]There are certain things that I know are going to happen. 我知道有某些事即將發(fā)生
  [03:35.83]Excuse me? But haven't we met before... 抱歉,我們有沒有見過...
  [03:39.75]in my dreams? 在我夢中?
  [03:41.13]Oh, just piss off, will you? 閃一旁去吧你
  [03:43.25]You see? I knew that would happen. 瞧吧? 我就曉得會那樣
  [03:45.55]We all knew that would happen. 伊恩,我們?nèi)珪缘脮菢?br />   [03:50.43]Can you remember anything useful? Like the 3:30 winner at Newmarket? 有沒有記得比較有用的事? 像是紐馬克三點半那場比賽哪一方贏?
  [03:54.56]No I'm afraid not. But everything's the same. 不,恐怕沒有 不過一切都一樣
  [03:58.94]It's just in a slightly different order. 只是順序有點不太相同
  [04:06.07]Slightly different order. 順利有點不太相同
  [04:16.79]I've got to go. 我得走了

  [04:30.13]Mackenzie street, please. 麻煩到麥肯錫街
  [04:32.14]Yes, sir. 好的,先生
  [04:44.15]You've got to be kidding me. 一定是在開我玩笑
  [04:46.44]Excuse me, sir? 你說什么,先生?
  [04:48.32]You're the driver from yesterday. 你是昨天的司機(jī)
  [04:51.15]Anything's possible. 凡事皆有可能
  [04:53.03]Yesterday you knew certain things about me. 昨天你對我的事了若指掌
  [04:56.33]About your love life? 你的感情生活嗎?
  [04:58.33]Yes. 對
  [04:59.83]Yeah well people in my profession are second only to barmen... 做我這行的是僅次于吧臺酒保...


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