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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):如果能再愛(ài)一次 02




Good luck. In your meeting. Not that you need it. You'll be great. 祝你開(kāi)會(huì)好運(yùn)你應(yīng)該用不著,你會(huì)很棒的

I'm sorry. 對(duì)不起

You've got to be kidding me. 一定是在開(kāi)我玩笑

Oh no, the stupid jerk. 不會(huì)吧,那個(gè)死笨蛋

You know, don't be late. I'll take care of this. See you tonight at the concert. 別遲到了,這事我自行處理就好今晚演奏會(huì)上見(jiàn)了

Concert? What concert? 演奏會(huì)? 什么演奏會(huì)?

I was kidding. Kidding you see, because it turns out I forgot the thing and... 我開(kāi)玩笑的啦因?yàn)榻Y(jié)果我忘了這檔子事,而且...

Oh, this must be that british sense of humor I keep hearing about. 哦,這一定是我不斷聽(tīng)說(shuō)的英國(guó)式幽默感

Okay. I'll see you tonight. 好的,晚上見(jiàn)了

Gentlemen, we at AGS are not only at the forefront of biotech... 各位,我們AGS不只是位于生物科技最前線(xiàn)...

not the forefront, the vanguard! 不是最前線(xiàn),是先鋒!

Bollocks! 該死!

What happened? 發(fā)生了什么事?

I cracked it this morning. 我早上弄破了


But it says eleven o'clock. 但表停在十一點(diǎn)

Well, the hands must have moved. 指針一定是移位了

At least it'll be right twice a day. 至少一天會(huì)正確個(gè)兩次

Do me a favor. 幫我一個(gè)忙

Call Tantra, push my reservation to nine. 打電話(huà)到密傳餐廳把我的預(yù)訂席位延到九點(diǎn)

And have someone dash over to Harvey Nicks. I need a present for Samantha... 派個(gè)人去夏菲尼高商店我需要送份禮物給珊曼莎...

For Samantha's graduation concert. 珊曼莎的畢業(yè)演奏會(huì)

How did you remember that? 你怎會(huì)記得那事呢?

I'm not sure, could be because she told me. 不清楚,可能是因?yàn)樗嬖V過(guò)我

She sent you an invitation which is on your desk, we programmed the date into your palm... 她寄了張邀請(qǐng)卡放在你桌上我們把這日子排進(jìn)你的掌上秘書(shū)...

Okay, got it, got it. Thanks. 好的,懂了懂了,謝謝

Anyway, I promised her a surprise. 無(wú)論如何,我答應(yīng)要給她一份驚喜

So, how about a sweater? Something cashmere? 送件毛衣如何? 羊毛的?

Red! Red's her favorite color. 紅色的! 她喜愛(ài)紅色

She's already got one. 她已經(jīng)有一件了

A red cashmere sweater. She was wearing it last time she was here. 紅色羊毛衫她上次來(lái)這兒就穿那件

She went on and on about how much she loved it. 不斷地說(shuō)她有多喜愛(ài)

Really? Where was I? 真的? 我那時(shí)人在哪?

Right next to her. 就在她旁邊

'You have no idea... ' "你根本不懂..."

'What I feel inside' "我的內(nèi)心感受"

'Hold me, babe' "抱著我,寶貝"

Sorry to make you pick me up all the way over here. 抱歉害你大老遠(yuǎn)來(lái)這兒接我

Don't know why I put up with you. 不知道我怎會(huì)受的了你

Pick up, pick up... Cute hair! 快接,快接... 發(fā)型好可愛(ài)!

Shit. Voicemail. 可惡,是語(yǔ)音信箱

I just found your blue folder. The one with all the notes in it. 我剛發(fā)現(xiàn)你的藍(lán)色資料夾裝有你所有筆記的那一份

I'm on the way to the hotel right now. 我現(xiàn)在正要趕去飯店

Go. 走

Sorry, sorry. 抱歉,抱歉

Ladies, gentlemen, 各位先生女士

today we are given an opportunity to help mankind. 今日我們有機(jī)會(huì)來(lái)幫助人類(lèi)

- Excuse me, sir. - Yes? -抱歉,先生-有事嗎?

Could you please take this folder into the conference room for me? 可否請(qǐng)你幫我將這資料夾拿進(jìn)會(huì)議室?

My... Mr. Wyndham's expecting it. 我的...溫漢先生正等著要

I'm sorry, miss, but that's against hotel policy. 對(duì)不起,小姐那樣子違反飯店政策

But he could lose his job. 但他可能會(huì)丟了工作

That's tragic. 真是悲慘

But alas, not my problem. 不過(guò)呢,不是我的問(wèn)題

God, even when you guys are nasty it sounds polite. 老天,你們這些人講話(huà)卑鄙的還這么斯文

Now, in terms of your investments... 現(xiàn)在,用你們的投資...

Shit. Briefcase is open. I have to go in. 糟糕,公事包打開(kāi)了我得進(jìn)去才行

Excuse me for interrupting, Mr. Wyndham. 恕我打擾了,溫漢先生

This is for you, I just thought that you might need the exact same folder you already have. 這是要給你的,我剛以為你可能需要... 跟你手上拿的那份一樣的資料夾

I see. 我明白了

Okay, well... 好的,嗯...

false alarm. Terribly sorry. 假警報(bào),真是非常抱歉

I just thought, I just wanted to make sure you, he had everything he needed. 我只是以為...我只想確定你... 確定他需要的東西都齊全了

Because he worked so hard on it. 因?yàn)樗撕芏嘈难?/p>

I mean, really dedicated... 我意思是,他真的很熱真...

and he deserves for this to all go perfectly. 這事理該一帆風(fēng)順


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