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聽電影學(xué)英語:后天 08





   Frank, is he always so obsessive? 弗蘭克  他總是這么專心嗎?

 -Yeah. -Yes. 對是的

 Does he ever lighten up? 他從來沒放松過嗎?

 -Not really. -No. 沒見過沒有

 How long have you been working together? 你們在一起工作多長時間了?

 Well, Frank’s been working with him... 喔  弗蘭克已經(jīng)和他一起工作...

 ...since the Stone Age, but I’ve only had to endure two years of servitude. ...從石器時代就開始了而我剛做了兩年的苦役

 Jack. 杰克

 Jack, we got the results. 杰克  我們拿到結(jié)果了

 Six to eight months? That can’t be. 六到八個月?那不可能

 That time scale isn’t in months. It’s in weeks. 那時間不是按月算的是按星期

 Flooding has caused numerous closures, including the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels. 洪水已經(jīng)造成多處設(shè)施關(guān)閉包括林肯和荷蘭隧道

 The plumbing in the school is really old. 這所學(xué)校里的管道十分破舊

 With this rain, the sewage got stopped up. 這種大雨  下水道很快就堵了

 Where are you staying? 你在哪里過夜?

 They’re finding a place for us with kids here. 他們在為我們找住處

 You can’t get home any sooner than tomorrow? 你肯定不能在明天之前回到家里嗎?

 Well, look, Dad, I would if I could, you know. It’s just.... 喔  看  爸爸  如果我能的話我會的  你知道  只是...

 This smell is unbearable, Dad. 氣味太難聞了  爸爸

 Stop kidding around! I want you home. 別再講笑話了! 我想讓你盡早回家

 Dad, I’ll be on the train. 爸爸  我會上火車的

 Do me a favor. Just don’t worry about me. I’ll figure it out. 幫我個忙  就別擔(dān)心我了我會處理好的

 All right, son. I’ll see you tomorrow. 好吧  兒子  我們明天見

 Hey, Sam, guess what? 嘿  薩姆  猜怎么著?

 We got a place to stay. 我們找到個地方了

 Great. 太好了

 So far, the terrible weather hasn ’t hit D.C., 到現(xiàn)在為止  惡劣的氣候還沒有襲擊華盛頓

 but local residents aren ’t taking chances... 但是本地居民不準(zhǔn)備冒險

 -... the worst storm season on record. -Better be sure. 有史以來最糟糕的風(fēng)暴季節(jié)你最好能確定

 -My ass is on the line. -You saw the model. 我可是生死寄于一線你看過模型了

 And I hope to God it’s wrong. 我希望那是錯的

 -Mr. Vice President. -Tom. 副總統(tǒng)先生湯姆

 -You know Professor Hall. -Yes, we’ve met. 你認識霍爾教授對  我們見過面

 Professor Hall has some information I think you should look at. 霍爾教授有些重要信息我想你該看一看

 We just got these results from our simulation model. 我們剛從模擬模型中得到了些結(jié)果

 -They explain what’s causing this weather. -I’ll read it later. 他們會解釋是什么導(dǎo)致了這樣的天氣我等會兒會讀的

 -I have to meet with the director of FEMA-- -This is very urgent. 我必須先和聯(lián)邦應(yīng)急管理局開個會-- 這非常緊急

 Our climate is changing violently. It will happen over the next six to eight weeks. 我們的氣候在下六到八個星期之內(nèi)將發(fā)生劇烈變化

 -I was wrong. -Well, suppose you’re wrong this time. 我錯了喔  那可能這次你也錯了

 I wish I were, but you’re aware of what’s happening everywhere. 我希望我是錯的  但是你必須意識到到處都發(fā)生了什么

 We’re making all the necessary preparations for 我們已經(jīng)為這次風(fēng)暴做好了必要的準(zhǔn)備

 this storm. What more do you expect? 你還想讓我們做什么?

 You have to start thinking about large-scale evacuations right now. 你必須現(xiàn)在開始考慮進行大范圍的疏散工作

 Especially in the Northern states. 特別是北部的州

 -Evacuations? -Yes. 疏散? 對

 Have you lost your mind, Hall? I have to go. 你瘋了嗎  霍爾? 我必須走了

 Mr. Vice President! If we don’t act now, it’s going to be too late. 副總統(tǒng)先生! 如果我們現(xiàn)在不行動的話那就太晚了

 Come on, Jack. 來吧  杰克

 Thanks for bringing us here. 謝謝你帶我們來這里

 I couldn’t let you leave New York without seeing the Natural History Museum. 我不能讓你們還沒有參觀自然歷史博物館  就走啊

 Of course not. It’s a fine collection of stuffed animals. 當(dāng)然不能  這是一個動物展覽一個個肚子滿滿的

 Hey, guys, check this out. 嘿  哥們  來瞧瞧這個

 "The body of this mammoth was 這個猛犸象的尸體在

 found perfectly preserved in the Siberian tundra... 西伯利亞凍土帶被發(fā)現(xiàn)  它保存完好...

 ...with food still in its mouth and stomach... ...它的嘴和胃里還有食物...

 ...indicating that it froze instantly while grazing." ...說明它在吃草的時候被突然凍僵

 It’s been 24 hours now since the snow started falling across the British Isles... 大雪降臨英倫三島已經(jīng)二十四個小時了...

 ...and over Northern Europe. It shows no signs of letting up. ...北歐地區(qū)也是一樣而且絲毫沒有停止的跡象

 No, no, no. You ’ve got to stop worrying. No, no. 不  不  不你不要再擔(dān)心了  不  不

 It’s fine. We’ve got plenty of supplies. We’re just snowed in. 沒問題  我們有充足的補給我們只是被雪困住了

 Yeah. No, it’s all right. It’s all right. 對  不  沒關(guān)系  沒關(guān)系

 No, you stay where you are. I’ll be fine. 不  你待在那里我會沒事的

 Yeah, I love you too. Okay, bye. 對  我也愛你  好  再見

 -Hey. How’s Jeanette? -Oh, fine. 嘿  珍妮特怎么樣? 喔  還好

 The ferry just landed. 渡船剛剛靠岸

 Must be nice in Spain. Wish I was there. 西班牙一定不錯真希望我能在那里

 An elite RAF search-and-rescue team has been deployed by helicopter... 一支皇家空軍的精銳直升機救助隊已經(jīng)被派出...

 ...to airlift the royal family to safety. ...前往救助皇室成員到安全的地方

 -Yeah, you think they’ll come get us? -Not likely. 哼  你想他們會來救我們嗎? 不太可能

 Luckily we’ve got our own genny, enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. 幸運的是我們自己有儲備足夠把船壓沉的茶和甜品

 Oh, we’ll be fine. 喔  我們會沒事的

 As long as the loo doesn’t back up again. 只要廁所沒問題就好了

 We’ve got zero visibility. Maintain heading and speed. 我們的能見度為零保持航向和速度

 -What’s our heading? -035, sir. 我們的航向? 035  長官

 Approximately 40 kilometers from Balmoral Castle. 大約離巴爾莫羅城堡還有四十公里

 We’ve lost visual contact with you. 我們看不到你


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