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聽電影學(xué)英語:后天 06




[00:14.26]Honey, I’ll be right back. 寶貝 我馬上回來
  [00:16.66]The Coast Guard closed the beaches, as waves have grown too big for.... 海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)已經(jīng)封鎖了海岸海灘 海浪已經(jīng)變得太大了...
  [00:23.42]-L.A. Weather Center. -It’s Tommy. 洛杉磯氣象中心 這是湯米 我在海灘上呢
  [00:25.42]I’m in the middle of something, Tommy. What do you need? 我有事情要忙 湯米 你需要什么?
  [00:30.38]There’s hail the size of golf balls coming down here. 這里正下著象高爾夫球 一樣大小的冰雹
  [00:31.18]A low-pressure system along the California coast... 一個低氣壓氣團(tuán) 正沿加里福尼亞海岸運(yùn)動...
  [00:36.02]...is creating a cyclonic system across the L.A. Basin. ...生成的颶風(fēng)橫掃洛杉磯盆地
  [00:44.26]- Yeah? -Boss, turn on The Weather Channel. 什么? 老板 打開氣象頻道
  [00:48.78]-I think we have to issue a tornado warning. -What are you talking about? 我想我們得發(fā)布一個龍卷風(fēng)警報(bào) 你在說什么?
  [00:51.94]Palmdale and Lancaster are reporting wind speeds in excess.... 帕穆戴爾和蘭喀斯特報(bào)告風(fēng)速在增強(qiáng)...
  [00:56.02]-Hold on a second. -Conditions highly unusual for California. 等我一下 加里福尼亞情況很不正常
  [01:20.46]We’ re building a forecast model, we need-- What? 我們正在建造一個預(yù)報(bào)模型 我們需要... 什么?
  [01:22.38]Priority access to the mainframe for two days, maybe three. 讓我們優(yōu)先使用巨型計(jì)算機(jī) 兩天 也許是三天
  [01:24.02]-Oh, is that it? Anything else? -We need it immediately. 喔 就這樣嗎?沒別的了? 我們現(xiàn)在就要
  [01:27.14]I would say that you’ve lost your mind... 我會說你瘋了...
  [01:29.98]...but you’ve been this way for the past 20 years. ...但是你這樣已經(jīng)二十年了
  [01:34.10]-Tom, this is important. -What’s this forecast model you’re building? 湯姆 這很重要 你要建造的預(yù)報(bào)模型是什么樣?
  [01:36.54]Janet Tokada, this is Jack Hall. 珍尼特·霍卡達(dá) 這是杰克·霍爾
  [01:39.78]Janet’s a hurricane specialist with NASA. 珍尼特是國家航空航天局的颶風(fēng)專家
  [01:43.74]Jack’s a paleoclimatologist, and I have absolutely no idea what he’s up to. 杰克 古氣象學(xué)家 我不知道他要干什么
  [01:49.02]Booker. What’s going on here? 卜克 這里發(fā)生了什么?
  [01:51.38]They just issued a tornado warning in Los Angeles. 他們剛剛在洛杉磯發(fā)布了颶風(fēng)警報(bào)
  [01:54.54]Breaking news as we prepare to go live to Los Angeles. 特別新聞 在我們正準(zhǔn)備去洛杉磯 進(jìn)行現(xiàn)場報(bào)道
  [01:58.46]Mixed reports are coming in about some extreme weather occurring in the area. 數(shù)份報(bào)告顯示這一地區(qū) 出現(xiàn)了一些極為特殊的天氣情況
  [01:59.90]Okay, we’re now going live to our Fox affiliate in Los Angeles. 好 現(xiàn)在由我們福克斯的同事 為您在洛杉磯現(xiàn)場報(bào)導(dǎo)
  [02:08.10]We have live coverage now from our Fox 1 1 chopper. Are you there, Bart? 我們現(xiàn)在在??怂故惶栔鄙龣C(jī)報(bào)道 你在嗎 巴特?

  [02:14.02]Yes, I’m here. These tornados are forming so fast-- 對 我在 這些龍卷風(fēng)形成的太快了--
  [02:15.90]-Bart! -What? Oh! Oh, my God. 巴特! 什么?喔! 喔 天啊!
  [02:19.82]Lisa, are you getting this on camera? 利薩 你在拍嗎?
  [02:21.10]This tornado just erased the Hollywood sign. 龍卷風(fēng)正在卷走好萊塢的標(biāo)志
  [02:25.90]The Hollywood sign is gone. It’s just shredded. 好萊塢的標(biāo)志被刮沒了 就這么成碎片了
  [02:41.26]Bart, what can you see? Is anyone hurt? 巴特 你能看到什么? 有人受傷嗎?
  [02:41.30]I wouldn’t be surprised. There is so much damage. 對此我不會驚訝的 損失太大了
  [02:44.74]And there are people down there taking pictures. 有很多人在那里拍照片
  [02:47.34]Hey, what the hell are you guys doing? Go for cover! 嘿 你們在干什么? 快找地方躲一躲!
  [02:51.02]You can’t stay here! Get out of here! 你不能待在這里! 離開這里!
  [02:56.30]What you’re seeing are two actual tornados 你們正在看到的是兩個龍卷風(fēng)正在
  [02:59.30]striking Los Angeles lnternational Airport. 襲擊洛杉磯國際機(jī)場
  [03:01.98]Wait. It looks like they’ve joined and formed one large tornado. 等一下 看來它們合并成了 一個巨大的龍卷風(fēng)
  [03:03.74]-Tommy! -Oh, my God! 湯米! 喔 天啊!
  [03:09.10]Holy shit! 糟了!
  [03:11.30]I’d like to urge all of our viewers to stay away.... 我要警告所有觀眾遠(yuǎn)離這里...
  [03:13.38]-Jeff, where are you? -I’m on Yucca and Vine. 杰夫 你在哪? 我在雨卡和萬恩街口
  [03:15.78]-I’m on my way. -You’re on TV. You’re in the middle of it. 我在路上 你在電視上 你正好在鏡頭里
  [03:19.86]God! Oh, my God! 天啊! 喔 我的天啊!
  [03:28.58]You gotta get out of there, man. 你應(yīng)該馬上離開這里 哥們
  [03:36.46]That bus just got dropped on top of that Porsche! 那輛客車正好砸在保時(shí)捷上!
  [03:38.26]Oh, my God. I hope no one was in that car. 喔 我的天啊 希望車?yán)餂]人
  [03:42.02]For our national audience just joining us now... 現(xiàn)在為那些剛剛打開電視的觀眾解釋一下
  [03:43.70]... we are going live to downtown Los Angeles right now. Tommy? ...我們現(xiàn)在正直播洛杉磯市區(qū) 湯米?
  [03:46.50]If you look over there behind me, that’s a tornado. 如果你看到我后面 那是龍卷風(fēng)
  [03:49.94]Yes, a twister in Los Angeles. 對 洛杉磯的龍卷風(fēng)
  [03:54.34]It’s one of many tornados that are destroying our city. 這是那些正在毀滅我們城市的 龍卷風(fēng)其中之一
  [03:56.54]There’s another one. That’s the Los Angeles skyline. 那還有一個 那里是洛杉磯的地平線
  [04:01.30]It’s unbelievable! It’s huge! I’ve never seen anything like it. 這真令人難以置信! 太大了! 我從來沒見過這樣的
  [04:18.02]It looks like some sort of... 這看起來像...
  [04:18.42]What’s happening? 發(fā)生了什么?

  [04:21.18]...huge, horrific, terrifying nightmare, only this is the real thing. ...巨大的 驚人的 恐怖的噩夢 只不過這一次是真的


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