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聽電影學英語:后天 02




You’re not gonna make it! 你辦不到的!
  Jack! 杰克!
  Jack! Give me your hand! 杰克! 把你的手給我!
  I’ve got you! 我抓到你了!
  What were you thinking? 你剛才在想什么呢?
  -What’s happening? -The whole damn shelf is breaking off! 這是怎么回事?整個冰架裂開了!
  That’s what’s happening! 就是這樣
  We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 1 0,000 years ago. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一萬年前災難性的氣候遷移的證據(jù)
  The concentration of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores... 這些溫室效應氣體在冰芯中的聚集...
  ...indicates that runaway warming pushed Earth into an ice age... ...顯示出氣候失控性的變暖 把地球推向冰川時代...
  ...which lasted two centuries. ...而這一直持續(xù)了兩個世紀
  I’m confused. 我被你搞糊涂了
  I thought you were talking about global warming, not an ice age. 我還以為你是在討論全球變暖問題 而不是冰川時代
  Yes, it is a paradox, but global warming can trigger a cooling trend. Let me explain. 是  有點自相矛盾  但是全球變暖
  trigger a cooling trend. Let me explain. 能夠?qū)е職夂蚶鋮s的趨勢  我來解釋一下
  The Northern Hemisphere owes its climate to the North Atlantic Current. 北大西洋暖流直接影響北半球氣候
  Heat from the sun arrives at the equator and is carried north by the ocean. 來自太陽的熱量到達赤道后 再由洋流傳送到北方
  But global warming is melting the polar ice caps and disrupting this flow. 但是全球變暖正在融化極地的冰川 而這干擾了這個洋流
  Eventually it will shut down. And when that occurs... 最后它會慢慢停下來 到那時候...
  ...there goes our warm climate. ...我們溫暖的天氣就消失了
  Excuse me. When do you think this could happen, 對不起  你認為這情形什么時候 會發(fā)生呢?
  professor? When? 教授?什么時候?
  I don’t know. Maybe in 1 00 years, maybe in 1 000. But what I do know is... 我不知道  也許一百年 也許一千年  但是我知道...
  ...that if we do not act soon, ...如果我們不很快采取行動
  our children and grandchildren will have to pay the price. 我們的子孫后代會為此付出代價
  And who’s going to pay the price of the Kyoto Accord? 那誰將會為京都協(xié)定書付出代價呢?
  It would cost the world’s economy hundreds of billions of dollars. 世界經(jīng)濟將會為此損失億萬美圓
  With all due respect, Mr. Vice President, 恕我直言  副總統(tǒng)先生  如果我們
  the cost of doing nothing could be even higher. 不采取行動的話  付出的代價會更高
  Our climate is fragile. 我們的氣候十分脆弱
  At the rate we’re burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment... 按照我們?nèi)紵秃臀廴经h(huán)境的速度...
  ...the ice caps will soon disappear. ...冰川將會很快消失
  Professor Hall... 霍爾教授...
  ...our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. ...我們的經(jīng)濟就象環(huán)境一樣脆弱
  Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims. 也許在做出這種聳人聽聞的聲明之前 你應該記住這一點
  Well, the last chunk of ice that broke off... 喔  上次斷裂的冰塊...
  ...was about the size of Rhode lsland. ...差不多象羅德島州那么大
  Some people might call that pretty sensational. 有些人可能會覺得這相當?shù)穆柸寺犅?br />   Stop global warming! Stop global warming! 阻止全球變暖! 阻止全球變暖!
  I’m at the Global Warming Conference in New Delhi... 我現(xiàn)在正在新德里的 全球變暖會議場外...
  ...where, if you can believe it, it’s snowing. ...這里  難以置信的是  正在下雪
  The coldest weather on record has thrown the city into chaos... 有史以來最寒冷的氣候給整個城市 造成了嚴重的混亂...
  ...with numbers of homeless people freezing to death. ...大量的無家可歸者被凍死
  Taxi! 出租車!
  I enjoyed your testimony, professor. It was very spirited. 我非常欣賞你的報告  教授 非常有感染力
  Oh, thank you. That’s what we’re here for, right? 喔  謝謝  那正是我們來這里的目的 不是嗎?
  Quite. I was wondering if I could talk to you 很對  我在想我能不能和你談?wù)?br />   Put on a good show? 擺出來讓大家看看?
  about your theory on abrupt climate shift. 有關(guān)暖流遷移中斷的理論呢
  The name’s Rapson. Terry Rapson. 我叫瑞博森  特里•瑞博森
  -Professor Rapson? Of the Hedland Center? -That’s me. -瑞博森教授?海德蘭中心的? -就是我
  I’ve read your work on ocean currents. 我讀過您有關(guān)洋流的論文
  What do you say to a spot of tea? 你認為我們找個地方喝杯茶怎么樣?
  Absolutely. If we can hail a cab. 非常好  如果我們能打到車的話
  Over here. 這里
  Welcome back to Glasgow, Scotland, 歡迎您回來收看  這里是蘇格蘭格拉斯哥
  where Manchester United... 曼徹斯特聯(lián)隊...
  ...Ieads 3- 1 over hometown Celtic. ...在客場以三比一領(lǐng)先凱爾特人隊
  We return 63 minutes into the second half as Manchester United... 現(xiàn)在比賽進行到下半時六十三分鐘 曼徹斯特聯(lián)隊...
  Let’s get back to our commentator... 我們來看看我們的評論員...
  ...Iooks to put the game out of reach. ...看起來已經(jīng)牢牢控制了場上局勢
  ...Donald MacFarland. ...唐納德•麥克法蘭德怎么說?
  What? Yeah. 怎么啦?哦
  -I just closed my eyes for a sec, man. -Yeah. 我剛剛打了個盹  哥們 是
  The baby kept us awake all night. 小孩折騰了我們一宿
  -And still. -Yeah! 進球 好!
  Dennis? NOMAD buoy 431 1 is showing a 丹尼斯?流浪者型浮標四三一一號


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