Very clever
Very smart
Very sharp
He is sharp.
He is a refine gentleman.
What a pro! 我們常用“不愧是行家”來稱贊他人。英語中也有相同的說法,what a pro!(不愧是行家。)
He’s a pro in this field. (他是這一行的專家)
You’re like a pro.
You are a glamour girl. (你真是個迷人的女孩)
You have a strong build. (你有強健的體格)
He’s a wheeler-dealer. (他是個能干的人)
He’s an old fox. (他是只老狐貍)
What’s happened?
Oh, I left my umbrella in my car.
I should’ve brought more money with me.
Oh, what have I done!
It hurts.
So so.
Just so so.
Neither very good nor very bad.
How is your exam?
Just so so.
How did the pictures come out?
Just so so.
How is your business going on?
Just so so.
How is the food at the party?
Just so so.
No good at all.
Everything is going well.
No kidding.
No, I’m serious.
I won one million Yuan in XX.
No kidding.
I lost my wallet.
No kidding.
You must be kidding.
Are you kidding?
It’s the joke.
Don’t tell me a lie.
I was scared.
Stop crying.
Knock it off.
Cut if off!
No, no, no!
It serves him right!
He served his company well! (他對公司十分盡職)
See what I told you?
As you sow, so shall you reap? (自作自受)
I won’t sympathize with you. (我不會同情你的)
What a pity!
I took my revenge on him.
I should’ve done as you had told me to.
No problem.
Can you finish it by Sunday?
No problem.
No sweat.
No sweat. I can do it in two hours.
Remember me to her.
You’ll be sorry.
Don’t do hat. You’ll be sorry.
I’ll be sorry.
She’ll be sorry.
Love means never having to say you’re sorry.
I’ll get back at you.
This’ll cast an evil eye on you.
That’s enough.
Get out!
Step outside!
Get away!
Get set! Get up! (準(zhǔn)備)
Be quiet.
I never want to see you again.
The victory is ours.
I won.
I won the victory over.
I’m beaten. (我被擊敗了!)
You win.
I lost in contest.
He is a good loser.
He always cries sour grapes. (他總是懷著酸葡萄的心理)
I salute you. (我向你致意)
No excuse!
What’s on your mind?
A fly is on the ceiling.
It’s on my mind.
It’s been always on my mind.
What’s on her mind?
What’s on his mind?
Nothing in particular.
One of those things.
It’s not working out.
He must be crazy.
She’s crazy about music.
He’s crazy over her.
You must be out of your mind.
Do you mean it?
Are you serious?
A little birdie told me.
Rumor says so.
Why do you know that?
A little birdie told me.
It’s confirmed information.
It’s a groundless rumor. (那是沒有根據(jù)的傳聞)
Better than nothing.
Better early than late.
Better once than never.
You have nothing to gain.
You have nothing to lose.
You’re better than him.
Better some money than nothing.
Smoking is nothing but a poison.
You gain nothing by keeping company with him.
This big that small
How big the fish you failed to catch.
It was this small.
That small?
It became bigger and bigger.
I’m dying with sleep.
I’m dying for a smoke.
I’m dying to see you.
I want to see you.
Oh, it looks delicious.
I have a sweet tooth.
Do you like sweets?
I’m full.
A full bus
A full audience
The train is full.
I threw up.
I fell sick.
Pop the cookies.
My stomach is growling. (我的肚子咕咕作響)
My stomach is digesting itself. (我的胃在消化它自己。)
I’m starved to death. (我快餓死了)
Do you have a digestive?
I have a small appetite.
I’m suffering from indigestion.
After all I like Japanese dishes best.
A light meal will do.
I want to eat greasy food.