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聽電影學(xué)英語-玩具總動員3 10




[00:03.32]Yes, sir. 是 長官
  [00:13.86]Where do you think you’re going? 你以為你逃得了嗎?
  [00:17.79]- Buzz, we’re your friends. - Spare me your lies, Temptress. - 巴斯 我們是你的朋友 - 少花言巧語 你這個妖女
  [00:21.55]Your emperor is defeated and I’m immune to your bewitching good looks. 你的王國已經(jīng)覆滅了 我是不會為你的美貌所蠱惑的
  [00:26.04]Hey, Mungo. Get your paws off my wife. 嘿 大寶寶 把你的爪子從我老婆身上拿開
  [00:28.73]- Let go of me, you drooling doofus. - Not him. I think this potato needs to learn himself some manners. - 放開我 你這個流哈喇子的笨蛋 - 別關(guān)這里 得給這個蛋頭點(diǎn)顏色看看
  [00:35.63]- Take him to the box. - Hey, put me down, you moron! - 把他放到盒子里面去 - 嘿 放下我 你這個混蛋!
  [00:39.00]Where are you taking me to? Bad baby. Bad baby. 你要把我?guī)У侥睦锶? 壞孩子 你個壞孩子
  [00:41.64]- Ken, what’s going on? - Barbie. I told you to wait in the Dream House. - 肯尼 這是怎么回事啊? - 芭比 我說了讓你在夢之屋里面等啊
  [00:46.57]- What are you doing with my friends? - Get in. - 你把我的朋友們怎么了? - 進(jìn)去吧
  [00:49.99]- Barbie, wait. - Don’t touch me! - 芭比 等等 - 別碰我!
  [00:53.16]- We’re through! - Barbie, I... - 我們之間完了 - 芭比 我...
  [00:57.43]- And give me my scarf back. - Ow! - 把我的圍巾還給我 - 噢!
  [01:01.38]- Lightyear, explain our overnight accommodations. - Sir. Yes, sir. - 巴斯光年 給他們說下夜宿的規(guī)矩 - 是 長官
  [01:06.11]Prisoners sleep in their cells. Any prisoner caught outside their cell, spends the night in the box. 囚犯必須睡在自己的囚房 一旦被抓到跑出囚房 就關(guān)在盒子里面過夜
  [01:11.62]Roll call at dusk and dawn. 傍晚和清晨各點(diǎn)一次名

  [01:13.85]Any prisoner misses roll call, spends the night in the box. 點(diǎn)名不到 就關(guān)在盒子里面過夜
  [01:17.78]Prisoners do not speak unless spoken to. 除非長官問話 否則囚犯禁止說話
  [01:20.96]Any prisoner talks back, spends the night... 頂嘴的囚犯 就關(guān)在...
  [01:24.08]In the box. We get it! 盒子里面過夜 知道了!
  [01:26.27]At ease, soldier. They’re neutralized. 冷靜 他們已經(jīng)知道了
  [01:29.20]But remember, they’ll say anything to make you doubt yourself. 但是切記 他們會花言巧語 讓你懷疑自己
  [01:33.51]Don’t worry, Commander. Any doubt I had... 不用擔(dān)心 長官 我所有的疑慮...
  [01:35.17]got pounded out of me at the Academy. 在警官學(xué)校時就都沒有了
  [01:37.88]Listen up folks. We got a way of doing things here at Sunnyside. 聽著伙計(jì)們 國有國法 家有家規(guī) 陽光幼兒園也有規(guī)矩

  [01:42.23]If you start at the bottom, pay your dues, life here can be a dream come true. 只要你從底層做起 任勞任怨 生活總有一天會很愜意的
  [01:48.55]But if you break our rules, step out of line... 但是 如果你們敢壞我規(guī)矩 越過雷池...
  [01:51.93]try to checkout early, well, you’re just hurting yourself. 想要逃走 那你們就是自討苦吃
  [01:59.20]- Woody! What did you do to him? - You all get a good night’s rest... - 伍迪! 你把他怎么了? - 你們都好好休息吧...
  [02:04.34]You got a full day of playtime tomorrow. Ha ha ha ha ha! 明天還要陪孩子們玩一整天呢 哈哈哈哈!
  [02:12.69]1225 Syca... 等我找找 1225號 Syca...
  [02:16.65]Who is Velocistar237? Velocistar237是誰?
  [02:20.89]That’s just a dinosaur toy down the street. That’s nothing. Let me just take care of that. 他只是街角的一個恐龍玩具 沒什么 我來回復(fù)
  [02:25.86]Just a dinosaur... 一個恐龍玩具...
  [02:27.86]All right. Sycamore. Ok. Enter. 好了 Sycamore大道 好了 按回車
  [02:31.37]Please don’t be far. Please. Please. 拜托 不要太遠(yuǎn) 拜托
  [02:34.98]- Right around the corner? It’s right around the corner! - Yay! - 就在街角? 就在那個街角! - 耶!
  [02:40.00]Look at me! I’m big toy on campus! 看我! 哈哈 我馬上就可以去上大學(xué)啦!
  [02:43.15]- Hello. I’ll see you at the Sock Hop. - Ok, Potsie. - 你好 回頭在赤裸舞會見 - 好的 傻瓜
  [02:46.91]Hey, wait, listen ... if any of you guys ever get to Sunnyside Daycare... 嘿 等等 聽著... 要是你們有誰去了陽光幼兒園...
  [02:50.18]- you tell them that Woody made it home. - You came from Sunnyside? - 告訴我的朋友們 伍迪回到家了 - 你從陽光幼兒園來的?
  [02:53.14]- But, how’d you escape? - Well, it wasn’t easy. - 你是怎么逃出來的? - 是不容易
  [02:57.79]What do you mean "escape"? "逃出來"是什么意思?
  [03:00.33]Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair. 陽光幼兒園是毀滅和絕望之地
  [03:03.57]Ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries. 它由一個渾身散發(fā)著草莓氣味的邪惡熊掌管
  [03:08.18]- Lotso? - The guy may seem plush and huggable on the outside... - 抱抱熊? - 這個家伙外表看起來或許平易近人 和藹可親...
  [03:12.17]- but inside, he’s a monster. - But, how do you know that? - 但實(shí)際上 他是個惡魔 - 你們怎么知道?
  [03:17.34]Chuckles. He’ll tell you. 小丑 他會告訴你的
  [03:24.61]Yeah, I knew Lotso. 是的 我認(rèn)識抱抱熊
  [03:27.89]He was a good toy. A friend. 他曾是個很好的玩具 很好的朋友
  [03:30.94]Me and him, we had the same kid. Daisy. 他和我 我們屬于同一個主人 她叫Daisy
  [03:36.27]I was there when Lotso got unwrapped. 抱抱熊來的時候 我在那里

  [03:41.79]Daisy loved us all. But Lotso ... Lotso was special. Daisy非常的愛我們 但是抱抱熊... 它是Daisy的最愛
  [03:49.26]They did everything together. 他們干什么都一起
  [03:52.70]I’ve never seen a kid and a toy more in love. 我從未見過孩子和玩具感情會這么好
  [03:56.97]One day we took a drive. 有一天 我們一起坐車出去
  [04:00.03]At a rest stop, we had a little playtime. 到車站時 我們玩了一小會兒
  [04:04.24]After lunch, Daisy fell asleep. 吃過午飯后 Daisy睡著了
  [04:14.97]She never came back. 她再也沒有回來
  [04:22.35]Lotso wouldn’t give up. 抱抱熊不肯放棄
  [04:27.76]It took forever, but we finally made it back to Daisy’s. 我們走了很久 最終我們回到了Daisy的家
  [04:38.40]But by then, it was too late. 但是 已經(jīng)太晚了
  [04:52.71]Something changed that day inside Lotso. 那天以后抱抱熊就變了
  [04:55.93]- Something snapped. - She replaced us. - 變得和以前不一樣了 - 我們被取代了
  [04:59.50]- Come on. - No, she only replaced you. - 我們走 - 不 只有你被取代了


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