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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):玩具總動(dòng)員3 05




New toys! 新玩具!
 - Howdy, glad to meet you.  - Buzz Lightyear at your service. - 你好 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你  - 巴斯光年 樂(lè)意為您效勞
 Oh, thank you.  May I? Oooh. 哦 謝謝 可以嗎? 哦哦
 The Claw. 利爪
 Well, hello there. 嗯 歡迎諸位
 I thought I heard new voices. Welcome to Sunnyside, folks. 我就說(shuō)自己剛剛聽(tīng)到了一些新聲音 歡迎來(lái)到陽(yáng)光幼兒園 伙計(jì)們
 I’m Lotso, hugging bear.  But please call me Lotso. 我是抱抱熊 請(qǐng)叫我抱抱熊
 Buzz Lightyear. We come in... 巴斯光年 我們到此...
 First thing you gotta know about me, I’m a hugger. 識(shí)人先識(shí)習(xí) 抱抱熊喜歡抱人
 Look at you all. You been through a lot today, haven’t you? 看看你們 今天累壞了吧 是不是?
 - Oh, it’s been horrible.  - Well, you’re safe now. - 哦 不堪回首啊  - 好了 現(xiàn)在你們安全啦
 We’re all cast-offs here. We’ve been dumped, donated... 我們都是棄兒 被拋棄 被捐贈(zèng)...
 yard sales, second-handed and just plain thrown out. 宅前賤賣(mài) 二手交易 甚至赤裸裸地被丟棄
 But just you wait, you’ll find being donated was the best thing to ever happen to you. 且莫傷心 在這兒你們將意識(shí)到 被捐贈(zèng)其實(shí)是最好的歸宿

 Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with everyday? 抱抱熊先生 這兒的玩具每天都有人玩嗎?
 All day long. Five days a week. 周一到周五 一天24小時(shí)
 - But what happens when the kids grow up?  - Well now, I’ll tell you. - 當(dāng)孩子們長(zhǎng)大了呢?  - 問(wèn)得好 讓我來(lái)告訴你
 When the kids get old, new ones come in. 一群孩子長(zhǎng)大了 又一群孩子進(jìn)園來(lái)
 When they get old, new ones replace them. 大孩子走了 新寶寶來(lái)了 周而復(fù)始
 You’ll never be out-grown or neglected, never abandoned... 你們永遠(yuǎn)是適齡玩具 永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)被冷落 被拋棄...
 or forgotten. No owners means no heartbreak. 或是被遺忘 沒(méi)有常主就意味著不會(huì)心碎
 - Yee haw!  - It’s a miracle!  - 嘢哈!  - 夢(mèng)一樣的生活!
 And you wanted us to stay at Andy’s. 而你還叫我們留在安迪家
 - Because we’re Andy’s toys!  - So you got donated by this Andy, huh? - 因?yàn)槲覀兪前驳系耐婢?  - 于是你們被這個(gè)安迪捐出去了 對(duì)不?
 - Well, it’s his loss, Sheriff. He can’t hurt you no more.  - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - 那是他的損失啊 警長(zhǎng) 他再也不能傷害你了  - 哦不 哦不
 Now let’s get you all settled in. Ken? Where is that boy? Ken! 現(xiàn)在來(lái)給你們安新家 肯尼呢? 那家伙到哪兒去了? 肯尼!
 - New toys.  - Far out. Down in a jiff, Lotso. - 來(lái)新玩具了  - 棒極了 抱抱 我馬上下來(lái)
 So, who’s ready for Ken’s dream tour? 那么 誰(shuí)準(zhǔn)備好了踏上肯尼的夢(mèng)幻之旅?
 - Let’s show our new friends where they’ll be staying.  - Uh folks, if you wanna step right this way... - 帶我們的新朋友參觀一下他們的新家  - 啊 伙計(jì)們 請(qǐng)
 - Hi. I’m Ken.  - Barbie. - 你好 我叫肯尼  - 我叫芭比
 - Have we ever met?  - Uh uh. I would have remembered. - 我們以前見(jiàn)過(guò)嗎?  - 啊 沒(méi)有 你這樣的美人我見(jiàn)過(guò)一定會(huì)記住的
 - Love your legwarmers.  - Nice ascot. - 我喜歡你的褲襪  - 你的領(lǐng)帶也不錯(cuò)
 - Come on, Ken. Recess don’t last forever.  - Right on, Lotso. This way, everybody. - 快點(diǎn) 肯尼 課間一會(huì)就過(guò)去了  - 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 抱抱熊 諸位 這邊請(qǐng)
 You got a lot to look forward to, folks. The little ones love new toys. 伙計(jì)們 值得你們期待的東西很多 歲數(shù)小的孩子們喜歡新玩具
 - What a nice bear.  - And he smells like strawberries. - 多好的一只熊啊  - 而且聞起來(lái)像草莓
 Folks, if I could share... here at Sunnyside we’ve got just about anything a toy could ask for... 伙計(jì)們 容我為你們介紹... 一個(gè)玩具想要得到的東西 陽(yáng)光幼兒
 Spare parts, super glue and enough fresh batteries to choke a hungry, hungry hippo. 備件 強(qiáng)力膠 電池 電池之足可以塞滿(mǎn)一只極度饑餓的河馬
 Think you’re getting old?  Well, stop your worrying. 擔(dān)心老無(wú)所依?  打消這個(gè)顧慮吧
 Our repair spot will keep you stuffed, puffed and lighted up. 我們的修理點(diǎn)會(huì)為你填充 松化 保你煥然一新
 And this... well, this is where I live. Ken’s Dream House. 而這里... 正是我住的地方 肯尼的夢(mèng)之屋
 It has a disco, it’s got a dune buggy and a whole room just for trying on clothes. 內(nèi)有迪廳 沙灘車(chē) 還有一個(gè)專(zhuān)用試衣間
 - You have everything.  - Everything, except someone to share it with. - 你擁有一切  - 一切 獨(dú)缺一位女主人
 You need anything at all, you just come talk to me. 如有任何需要 請(qǐng)告知我
 Here we are. 我們到了
 Well, thank you, Big Baby. Why don’t you come meet our new friends? 謝謝你 大寶寶 來(lái)見(jiàn)見(jiàn)我們的新朋友 好嗎?
 Poor baby. We were thrown out together... me and him. 可憐的寶寶 我和他... 我們是同時(shí)被丟棄的
 Abandoned by the same owner. But we don’t need all this at Sunnyside... 被同一個(gè)主人遺棄 但在陽(yáng)光幼兒園 我們不需要主人...
 We own ourselves. We’re masters of our own fate. 自主命運(yùn) 我們就是自己的主人
 We control our own destiny. 我們掌握著自己的命運(yùn)
 Oh, watch out for puddles. 哦 當(dāng)心腳下
 Here’s where you folks will be staying. 這兒就是你們的新家啦
 The Caterpillar Room. 毛毛蟲(chóng)小兒室
 - Look at this place! - Wow! - 瞧這地方!  - 哇!
 - Holy moley guacamole!  - Jackpot, baby! - 全能的主啊!  - 中頭獎(jiǎng)了 寶貝!
 Hello. Hello. Hello. 你好 你好 你好
 It’s so beautiful! 太漂亮了!
 Huh? What the...? 嗯? 這是...?
 Oh, hey, little guy. 嘿 小家伙
 How long’s it been since you all got played with? 你們有多久沒(méi)被玩了?
 - It’s been years.  - Well, just you wait... - 好多年了  - 那么 稍安勿躁...
 in a few minutes, that bell’s gonna ring and you’ll get the playtime that you’ve been dreaming of. 靜候幾分鐘 當(dāng)鈴聲響起 你們夢(mèng)寐以求的玩耍時(shí)間就到來(lái)了
  Play. Real play. I can’t wait! 玩耍 真正的玩耍 我迫不及待了!
  Now, if you’ll excuse us, we best be heading back. 現(xiàn)在 請(qǐng)?jiān)?我們也該回去了
  - Welcome to Sunnyside, folks.  - Thank you. Bye. - 伙計(jì)們 歡迎來(lái)到陽(yáng)光幼兒園  - 謝謝 再見(jiàn)
  - Will I see you again?  - Oh, I’ll see you tonight... - 我還能再見(jiàn)到你嗎?  - 哦 我今晚就能見(jiàn)到你...
  - in my dreams.  - Ken, let’s get a move on. - 在我的睡夢(mèng)中  - 肯尼 我們走吧
  Barbie, come with me. Live in my Dream House. 芭比 跟我走吧 住進(jìn)我的夢(mèng)之屋
  I know it’s crazy. I know we just met. Ah heck, you don’t know me from GI Joe... 我知道這很瘋狂 我們才剛剛認(rèn)識(shí) 該死 你未曾見(jiàn)過(guò)我在特種部隊(duì)時(shí)的風(fēng)姿...
  - but when I look at you, I feel like we were...  - Made for each other? - 但當(dāng)我看到你時(shí) 我感覺(jué)我們是...  - 天造地設(shè)的一對(duì)?
  - Yay!  - Yes!   - 嘢!  - 太好了!


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