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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):玩具總動(dòng)員3 02




  - Ok, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position. - Wait, I can’t find my other eye. - 好了 各就各位 快點(diǎn) 趕快就位 - 稍等 我的另一只眼睛找不到了
  - All right, whose foot’s in my face? - It’s mine, give it back. - 哎 誰(shuí)把腳放到我臉上了? - 是我的 還給我
  You saved our lives. We are eternally grateful. 你救了我們 我們這輩子都感激不盡
  Buzz, mind if I squeeze in next to you? 巴斯 你介意我擠在你旁邊嗎?
  Yes. No. I mean, why would I mind if I squeeze... squeeze in next to... you? 是的 不 我是說(shuō) 我怎么會(huì)介意擠... 擠在你... 旁邊呢?
  - Is it hot in here? - Oh, here they come. - 這里太熱了吧? - 哦 他們來(lái)了
  - Sarge, you got it? - Mission accomplished. - 警長(zhǎng) 你們搞到了? - 完成任務(wù)
  Hooray! 萬(wàn)歲!
  Careful. Careful. 小心 小心
  All right guys. We’ve got one shot at this. 好了 大伙兒 我們只有一次機(jī)會(huì)
  - Everybody ready? - We’re ready, Woody. Let’s do it. - 大家準(zhǔn)備了嗎? - 我們準(zhǔn)備好了 伍迪 開(kāi)始干吧
  Ok Buzz, make the call. 好的 巴斯 打電話(huà)吧
  - Target is on approach. - Just like we rehearsed it guys. - 目標(biāo)正在靠近 - 就跟我們排練的情形一樣 伙計(jì)們
  Hello. Hello. Anyone there? 喂 喂 有人嗎?
  - Molly, stay out of my room. - I wasn’t in your room. - Molly 別進(jìn)我的房間 - 我沒(méi)去你房間
  - Then who was messing with my stuff? - It wasn’t me. - 那是誰(shuí)在亂搞我的東西? - 不是我
  - Well, that went well. - He held me! He actually held me! - 哈 進(jìn)展還真順利 - 他拿起我了! 他真的拿起我了!

  - Uh, this is just sad. - Who we kidding? The kid’s 17 years old. - 呃 真悲哀 - 我們?cè)隍_誰(shuí)啊? 這孩子已經(jīng)17歲了
  We ain’t ever getting played with. 我們不能再在一起玩了
  Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone, a staff meeting. 大伙兒 嗨 等一下 我們得開(kāi)個(gè)全體會(huì)議 大家都過(guò)來(lái) 開(kāi)全體會(huì)議
  - Oh, not again. - Oh come on. Sling, gather everyone up. - 哦 別又開(kāi)會(huì) - 哦 拜托 彈簧狗 把大家都召集來(lái)
  Uh, we are together, Woody. 呃 我們都在啊 伍迪
  Ok. Uh, first off ... we all knew "Operation Playtime" was a long shot. 好的 呃 首先... 我們都知道"游戲時(shí)間"這個(gè)計(jì)劃成功的希望很渺茫
  - More like a misfire. - But we’ve always said this job isn’t about getting played with - 貌似失敗了 - 但我們一直說(shuō)我們的目的不是玩耍
  - it’s about ... - Being there for Andy. We know. - 而是為了... - 陪在安迪身邊 我們知道

  But we can try again, right? 但我們可以再試一次 對(duì)嗎?
  - I’m calling it guys. We’re closing up shop. - What? - 哦 還是算了 各位 我們就此打住吧 - 什么?
  Andy’s going to college anyday now. 現(xiàn)在安迪要去上大學(xué)了
  That was our last shot. 剛才的行動(dòng)就是我們最后的機(jī)會(huì)
  We’re going into attic mode folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times. 我們要轉(zhuǎn)移到閣樓上了 伙計(jì)們 保證你們的附件佩戴齊全
  Spare parts, batteries ... anything you need for an orderly transition. 備用零件 電池... 把需要的所有東西都帶上 有序搬遷
  Orderly? Don’t you get it? We’re done! Finished. Over the hill. 有序? 你還不明白嗎? 我們玩完了! 結(jié)束了 風(fēng)光不再了
  Hey, hey, hey. Come on guys. We all knew this day was coming. 嘿 嘿 嘿 拜托了 各位 我們都知道這一天遲早會(huì)來(lái)臨
  - Yeah, but now it’s here. - Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see ... - 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 但現(xiàn)在這一天真的來(lái)了 - 聽(tīng)我說(shuō) 每個(gè)玩具都要經(jīng)歷這一天 沒(méi)人希望看到...
  - Hey Sarge! What are you doing? - War’s over folks. - 嗨 警長(zhǎng)! 你們?cè)诟墒裁? - 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)已經(jīng)結(jié)束了 伙計(jì)們
  Me and the boys are moving on. 我和兄弟們要離開(kāi)這里了
  - Moving on? - You’re going AWOL? - 離開(kāi)? - 你們要擅自離開(kāi)?
  We’ve done our duty. 我們已經(jīng)完成了使命
  - Andy is grown up. - Let’s face it ... - 安迪已經(jīng)長(zhǎng)大了 - 讓我們面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)吧...
  ]when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go. 等開(kāi)始收垃圾的時(shí)候 最先被丟進(jìn)去的就是我們
  - Trash bags? - Who said anything about trash bags? - 垃圾? - 誰(shuí)說(shuō)我們要變垃圾啊?
  It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck folks. 很榮幸曾與你們并肩作戰(zhàn) 各位 祝你們好運(yùn)
  - You’re gonna need it. - No, no, wait, wait, wait. - 你們會(huì)需要垃圾袋的 - 不 不 等等 等等 等等
  - We’re getting thrown away? - No. No one’s getting thrown away. - 我們會(huì)被扔掉? - 不 沒(méi)有人會(huì)被扔掉
  - How do you know? - We’re being abandoned. - 你怎么知道? - 我們被拋棄了
  - We’ll be fine, Jessie. - So why did Sarge leave? - 我們會(huì)沒(méi)事的 翠絲 - 那警長(zhǎng)為什么要離開(kāi)?
  - Should we leave? - I thought we were going to the attic? - 我們也要離開(kāi)嗎? - 我以為我們要去閣樓的啊?
  - Oh I hate all this uncertainty. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Quiet! - 哦 我討厭這種不確定的感覺(jué) - 喔 喔 喔 等一下 安靜!

  No one’s getting thrown out, ok? 沒(méi)有人會(huì)被扔掉 明白了嗎?
  We’re all still here. I mean, yeah, we’ve lost friends along the way ... 我們還會(huì)都在這兒 我是說(shuō) 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 我們一路走來(lái)也曾失去過(guò)一些朋友...
  - Wheezy and Etch and... - Bo Peep. - 吱吱和畫(huà)板 還有... - 寶貝兒
  Yeah, even, even Bo. 沒(méi)錯(cuò) 甚至 寶貝兒
  All good toys who’ve gone on to new owners. 這些好玩具都已經(jīng)找到了新主人
  But through every yard sale, every spring cleaning... 但經(jīng)過(guò)了那么多次舊貨出售 春季掃除...
  Andy held onto us. 安迪留下了我們
  He must care about us or we wouldn’t be here. 他一定很在乎我們 否則我們?cè)缇筒辉谶@兒了
  You wait. Andy’s gonna tuck us in the attic. It’ll be safe and warm. 你們等著瞧 安迪會(huì)把我們收到閣樓里的 那里既溫暖又安全
  - And we’ll all be together. - Exactly. - 而且我們?nèi)紩?huì)在一起 - 完全正確
  - There’s games up there and books and ... - The racecar track. - 那里有游戲有圖書(shū)還有... - 賽車(chē)道
  - The racecar track, thank you. - And the old TV. - 賽車(chē)道 謝謝 - 還有舊電視
  There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations. 你說(shuō)得對(duì) 還有舊電視 還有圣誕節(jié)裝飾用的那群伙計(jì)
  Well, they’re fun, right? 是的 他們很有趣 對(duì)吧?
  And some day, if we’re lucky, Andy may have kids of his own. 有朝一日 如果我們幸運(yùn)的話(huà) 安迪會(huì)有自己的孩子
  And he’ll play with us then, right? 他又會(huì)跟我們一起玩了 對(duì)吧?
  - We’ll always be there for him. - Come on guys ... - 我們會(huì)在閣樓里等著他 - 來(lái)吧 大伙兒...
  let’s get our parts together, get ready and go out on a high note. 讓我們收拾好東西 準(zhǔn)備光榮引退吧
  - I’d better find my other eye. - Where’d you leave it this time? - 我得找到我的另一只眼睛 - 這次你又把它丟在哪兒了?
  Some place dark and dusty. 一個(gè)黑乎乎的 布滿(mǎn)灰塵的地方
  Come on. Let’s see how much we’re going for on eBay. 來(lái)吧 我們看看我們?cè)谝兹ぞW(wǎng)上值多少錢(qián)
  Don’t worry, Andy’s going to take care of us. I guarantee it. 別擔(dān)心 安迪會(huì)照顧好我們的 我保證


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