嗨!喂!有事沒? Hey! Hey! What up?
你一定是我室友 You must be my roommates.
你叫什么名字? What’s your name?
- 塞巴斯蒂安•海斯丁斯 - 杜克•奧斯諾 - Sebastian Hastings. - Duke Orsino.
好了 OK.
好了,好了,好了 OK, OK, OK.
這十安德魯和托比 他們住隔壁 This is Andrew and Toby. They live next door.
但一年級的宿舍在另一邊 小神童 Yeah. Freshman dorm’s that-a-way, twiglet.
認(rèn)真說,你多大了? Seriously, how old are you?
我跳了幾級 I skipped a couple grades.
我是天才 I’m brilliant.
話說回來 知道足球隊試隊是什么時候? Anyway, do you know when soccer tryouts start?
中午。你踢球? Noon. You play?
當(dāng)然。中鋒 你知道的,兄弟 Absolutely. Center forward. You know it, bro.
你也很會玩…兄弟? So you play the beautiful game... bro?
伙伴?同志? Brothers? Brethren?
對,我是前鋒 安德魯和托比是中衛(wèi) Yeah, I’m a striker. Andrew and Toby are halfbacks.
行啊 Schveet.
慢著,為什么你靴子里有衛(wèi)生棉條? OK, why do you have tampons in your boot?
我經(jīng)常流鼻血 I get really bad nose bleeds.
那你把那個塞鼻子里? So, you stick them up your nose?
干嘛?你們沒試過? What? You’ve never done that?
是啊 Yeah.
哦,天…貝克漢姆經(jīng)常這么做 Oh, my... Beckham does it all the time.
- 真的? - 是的 - Seriously? - Yes.
看,我來示范一下 Look. I’ll just show you how to do it.
打開這… Take that off and...
...不管是什么 ...whatever that is.
然后直接插進去 And you stick it right in.
幫你吸得一干二凈 It absorbs right up.
- 你逗我吧? - 惡心死了 - Are you kidding me? - That’s disgusting.
哦,上帝,你室友是個怪胎 Oh, my God, your roommate’s a freak.
太惡心了 That’s so disgusting.
那就和往常一樣開始訓(xùn)練 Let’s start the season how we finished the last.
機靈點! Sharp!
你算什么,家里的矮冬瓜? What are you, the runt of the family?
好了,脫衣訓(xùn)練 OK, shirts and skins.
對不起,教練 我得穿著上衣 Pardon me, sir. I have to be a shirt.
- 什么? - 我對陽光敏感 - What? - I’m allergic to the sun.
你對陽光敏感? You’re allergic to the sun?
非常非常非常敏感 致命的敏感 Very, very, very deathly, deathly allergic.
我天天為你打把陽傘 好嗎,大少爺? So I’ll follow you around with a parasol. All right, Nancy boy?
我們很樂意和伊利里亞通融一下 We like to accommodate here at Illyria.
那就穿著吧 You’re a shirt.
好了,隊員們,開始了 OK, guys, let’s go.
一,二,三! One, two, three!
一,二,三! 一,二,三! One, two, three! One, two, three!
我今天已看到不少激情和承諾 I’ve seen a lot of energy and commitment out there today.
值得讓一名教練自豪 And that makes a coach proud.
現(xiàn)在,我要把你們分成 先鋒隊和候補隊 Now, I want to split us up into first string and second string.
你們候補隊員 別太喪氣 You second-stringers, don’t take it too hard.
你們和先鋒隊一樣重要 You’re just as much part of this team as the first-stringers.
當(dāng)然只是在場外 Apart from, of course, playing the game part.
舒樂 Schuler.
海姆斯 Haims.
珀坦斯基 Potensky.
多納 Donner.
海斯丁斯 Hastings.
你們是候補 Second string.
其余的,恭喜你們加入先鋒隊 The rest of you, congratulations. First-stringers.
好了,去洗澡 Now, hit the showers.
洗澡嘍 Shower time.
洗澡? Shower time?
- 海斯丁斯,不許洗澡! - 好 - Hastings! No shower for you. - OK.
慘了,我完了。他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了 I’m over. It’s done. They know.