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Happy Summer Vacation


1st Stop: Burj Al Arab Hotel

Spend a night at the world's fanciest five-star hotel. Get treated like royalty, served, spoiled and 1)pampered till your heart's content! One spectacular suggestion, the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. A 2)limousine picks you at the airport and 3)whisks you off to your private paradise. Once inside the colorful hotel, you'll be 4)escorted to your guest suite, which comes with your own private 5)butler. The room is 6)crafted from the finest materials from around the world and 7)decked out with every imaginable luxury, from video on demand to a steamy Roman spa. The price for all this 8)indulgence: $10,000 a night, but that includes the butler!

2nd Stop: Northern Lights

See the Northern Lights, also known as "God's Light Show. "This magical 9)iridescent phenomenon has 10)entranced people for centuries both for its beauty and mystery. While you can sometimes catch sight of them in the northern United States, the farther north you go the more vivid they glow, the North Pole being best.

3rd Stop: Great Museums

Plan a great museum vacation, great art museums in the great cities of the world. Start with the Louvre in Paris: after walking through the I.M. Pei pyramid entrance, visitors encounter one of the greatest art collections in the world, including treasures like the 11)Venus de Milo and the Mona Lisa. Next, travel to Washington, D.C. and the world's biggest museum, the 12)renowned Smithsonian. There are a total of 16 different museums within the Smithsonian, from the Air and Space Museum to the Museum of American Art, which houses great works of art by the likes of 13)Georgia O'Keefe and 14)Andrew Wyeth.

4th Stop: The Tanzanian Plain

Visit Africa's Serengeti Plain in northeast Tanzania, near Kenya. This 15)sprawl of wilderness is home to world's largest concentration of zebras, 16)hippos and giraffes. If you're lucky, you might witness the incredible 17)spectacle of a mass 18)wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains?19)dwindling elephant and 20)rhino populations, which have sadly been 21)decimated by 22)poachers. This may be your last and best chance to see these spectacular creatures outside a zoo. So go -- now!

5th Stop: The Ganges & The Nile

I mmerse yourself in the great rivers of the world. First the Ganges, the sacred river of India. The Ganges is 1,560 miles long. Indian people use its waters to drink, to irrigate their fields and to bathe. These waters have a value to them that is both physical and 23)metaphysical: here they can 24)cleanse their skin and their souls. Next the Nile, the longest river in the world. At 4,187 miles, the waters of the Nile have nourished Egypt for thousands of years. Wherever you 25)plunge your hand in to the waters of the Nile, you'll be 26)reenacting a 27)ritual that goes back to the very dawn of civilization.

6th Stop: Star Screen Test

Getting the most out of life may or may not include getting your 28)proverbial 15 minutes of fame, but our next pick will get you one step closer. Take a screen test and become a star. For every actor who becomes a star, tens of thousands don't make it and yet it's still a classic fantasy. So, what the heck! Give it a try! It's a tough, risky, possibly humiliating grab at the big brass ring of money, fame and fortune.

7th Stop: Fly!

Fly! Not in a plane, 29)chopper or some other 30)contraption, just you and several thousand feet of open air! Jump out of a plane, and for once in your life find out what it feels like to soar! Free, 31)unfettered, 32)tumbling in a 33)rapture of weightless wonder at speeds of a 115 to 130 miles an hour suspended between heaven and earth, it's a moment of 34)sheer 35)bliss that's only slightly 36)hindered as you 37)deploy your 38)parachute, which is why you should do it.

And finally the first thing you should do on your life's journey, make up your own list and live your own dream. At the end of the day, you alone can decide what the well-lived life is for you. Don't be afraid to dream the biggest dreams and after you've made your own list just turn those wishes into gold by giving them a deadline and remember, it's not too late if you start right now!

1) pamper v. 溺愛,縱容 2) limousine n. 豪華轎車
3) whisk v. 急送 4) escort v. 護送
5) butler n. 男管家 6) craft v. 精制
7) deck v. 裝飾 8) indulgence n. 放任 ,沉迷
9) iridescent a. 虹彩的 10) entrance v. 使著迷;使狂喜
11) Venus de Milo 米洛的維納斯(著名古希臘大理石雕塑,作于公元前2世紀(jì),公元1800年在希臘的米洛島被發(fā)現(xiàn))
12) renowned a. 著名的 13) Georgia O'Keefe 喬治亞·奧基夫,美國著名女畫家
14) Andrew Wyeth 安德魯·懷斯,美國著名畫家 15) sprawl n. 蔓延
16) hippo n. 河馬 17) spectacle n. 奇觀,壯觀
18) wildebeest n. (荷蘭語)野獸 19) dwindle v. 減少
20) rhino n. 犀牛 21) decimate v. 大批殺死或毀滅
22) poacher n. 偷獵者 23) metaphysical a. 超自然的
24) cleanse v. 清潔;使純潔 25) plunge v. 使投入
26) reenact v. 再扮演 27) ritual n. 儀式
28) proverbial a. 出名的 29) chopper n. 直升飛機
30) contraption n. 新設(shè)計,新發(fā)明 31) unfettered a. 自由的,無拘無束的
32) tumble v. 翻筋斗 33) rapture n. 狂喜
34) sheer a. 純粹的 35) bliss n. 福佑
36) hinder v. 阻礙 37) deploy v. 展開
38) parachute n. 降落傘


第一站 阿拉伯塔酒店

到世界上最豪華的五星級酒店住上一晚,領(lǐng)略皇族般的禮遇,享受貼心的服務(wù),接受別人無微不至的安排,甚至是予求予取的對待!不妨考慮一下迪拜的阿拉伯塔酒店吧,在機場就有豪華轎車快速把你送到這私家天堂。一進入這富麗堂皇的酒店,你就會被護送至自己的套房,那里還為你配有私人男管家。套房選用的是全球一流的材質(zhì),同時從應(yīng)有盡有的視頻點播,到熱氣騰騰的羅馬水療浴池,豪華設(shè)施一應(yīng)俱全。頂級享受所需花費: 每晚房價一萬美元,不過這已包含了男管家的費用。

第二站 極光


第三站 博物館


第四站 坦桑尼亞平原


第五站 恒河與尼羅河


第六站 明星試鏡


第七站 飛翔




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