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  My interests are manifold, including jogging, reading and playing computer games.我的興趣很廣泛,包括慢跑、閱讀和玩電腦游戲。

  I enjoy reading books in my leisure time.閑暇時(shí)我喜歡讀書。

  I'm fond of sports and especially like playing badminton.我喜歡體育運(yùn)動,特別是打羽毛球。

  My hobby of climbing mountains keeps me fit and close to nature.我的業(yè)余愛好是(通過)爬山以保持健康并親近自然。

  Collecting stamps educates me in a variety of ways.集郵教會了我很多東西。

  I'm diligent, modest and kind-hearted.我是一個(gè)勤奮、謙遜、熱心的人。

  I'm always ready to help people in need.我隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備幫助那些需要幫助的人。

  Sensible of my shortcoming, I always try to overcome it.我深知自己的缺點(diǎn),總是盡力克服它。

  Being timid is my greatest shortcoming.膽小是我最大的缺點(diǎn)

  I'm an outgoing girl who likes to make friends with people.我是一個(gè)喜歡與人交友的外向女孩。

  Being easy-going, I'm able to get along well with most of the people I know.^由于個(gè)性隨和,我能夠和我認(rèn)識的大多數(shù)人友好相處。

  With a strong determination to succeed, I make steady progress in my studies.懷著對成功的強(qiáng)烈決心,我在學(xué)習(xí)上取得持續(xù)(穩(wěn)定)的進(jìn)步。


  My father is from a working-class background.我父親是工人階級出身。

  My father works hard to support the family.父親辛勤工作來養(yǎng)家。

  My father is the backbone of my family.我父親是家庭的主心骨。

  My family is a two-career family with both my parents working.我父母都工作,所以我家是“雙職工”家庭。

  The decision power of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.重大家庭事務(wù)的決策權(quán)在我媽媽的手中。

  I have no say in family affairs.在家庭事務(wù)中我沒有發(fā)言權(quán)。

  My mother queens it over the whole family.我媽媽掌管整個(gè)家庭。

  We have a family gathering every month.我們每月舉行一次家庭聚會。

  Children learn their first lesson from their parents.父母是孩子最早的老師。

  Whenever I feel frustrated or sad, I turn to my family for comfort.每當(dāng)我感到挫折或傷心時(shí),我就會回家尋求安慰。

  A harmonious family is important for the growth of children.和諧的家庭對孩子的成長很重要。

  Family is the basic unit of society.家庭是社會的基本組成部分。


  I treasure the friendship of a friend in need.我珍視患難中的友情。

  A true friend will always be there when you need a shoulder to lean on.真正的朋友是在你需要肩膀依靠的時(shí)候,他總在你身邊。

  The only way to have a friend is to be one.獲得朋友的唯一方法是要先成為別人的朋友。

  For me, friendship is one of the most valuable possessions in the world.對我來說,友情是世界上最珍貴的財(cái)富之一。

  The traditional Chinese believe that a gentleman should be able to die for his friends.中國傳統(tǒng)認(rèn)為,士為知己者死。/(真正的紳士能夠?yàn)榕笥讶ニ?。

  ]To build up friendship needs the efforts on both sides.建立友誼需要雙方的努力。

  People like to make friends with those who have similar interests.人們通常和有相似興趣的人交朋友。

  Pouring out troubles to friends is a good way of easing off pressure.向朋友傾訴煩惱是減輕壓力的一個(gè)好方式。

  A true friend will not stand by when you are in trouble.真正的朋友不會在你有困難的時(shí)候袖手旁觀。

  In friendship,loyalty may be the most important thing.在友情里,忠誠最重要。

  Friendship is a comfy situation like home.友情就像家庭一樣給人帶來舒適。

  Friendship is an inner relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty and understanding.友誼是包含信任、支持、溝通、忠誠和理解的深層(內(nèi)部)關(guān)系。


  I always pour my troubles to her.我經(jīng)常向她傾訴我的苦惱。

  I adore her delicate skin.我喜歡她嬌嫩的皮膚。

  Being tender and understanding, she is like a sister to us.她既溫柔體貼又善解人意,對我們來說像姐姐一樣。

  We have much memorable time together.我們共度了許多值得記憶的美好時(shí)光。

  We share our sorrow and happiness together.我們共同分擔(dān)痛苦、分享喜悅。

  We are birds of a feather.我們是一丘之貉。

  Our friendship is built upon a solid base.我們的友誼基礎(chǔ)穩(wěn)固。

  I know her inside and out.我完全了解她。

  A bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your secrets.親密的朋友就是你能將所有秘密告訴他的人。

  Her personality is exactly the same as mine.她的個(gè)性與我的完全一樣。

  He gets along well with everyone in our class.他和我們班上每個(gè)人都相處得很好。

  We have known each other since we were in kindergarten.從幼兒園開始,我們就互相認(rèn)識。


  Premier Zhou Enlai is the person I admire most.周恩來總理是我最崇拜的人。

  Nowadays many young people consider TV stars as their role models.當(dāng)下,許多年輕人把電視明星當(dāng)作是他們的榜樣。

  The young actress achieves international fame with only one movie.這個(gè)青年女演員僅憑一部電影就獲得了國際聲譽(yù)。

  It is immoral to probe into other people's privacy even if they are not famous.窺視他人的隱私,即使他們不是名人,都是不道德的行為。

  We should learn from the shining points of the stars while being cautious against their shortcomings.我們應(yīng)當(dāng)在學(xué)習(xí)明星們的優(yōu)點(diǎn)(閃光點(diǎn))的同時(shí).謹(jǐn)慎對待他們的缺點(diǎn)。

  I admire Chairman Mao for what he has done for the chinese pople.我佩服毛主席為中國人民做的一切。

  He is not only successful in the IT field, but also active in the charity drive.他不僅在IT領(lǐng)域取得成功.還積極參與慈善事業(yè)。

  Kaifu Li has written a book named Be The Best Yourself, which is popular among young people.李開復(fù)寫的《做最好的自己》一書在青年人中很受歡迎。

  He is my idol both in my study and life.他是我學(xué)習(xí)和生活中的偶像。

  I like the songs of this singer, particularly their lyrics.我喜歡這個(gè)歌手的歌曲,特別是(這些歌曲的)歌詞。

  Every successful man must have had a lot of failures before he becomes a star.每一個(gè)人在成功之前都要經(jīng)歷很多失敗。

  Every dog can be successful.人人都可能成功。


  The relationship between neighbours in rural area is closer than that in cities.農(nóng)村里鄰居之間的關(guān)系較之城市里親密一些。

  We Chinese always say that a near neighbour is better than a distant relative.我們中國人常說“遠(yuǎn)親不如近鄰”。

  My neighbour often brings over some delicious food she makes.我的鄰居經(jīng)常給我們送來她做的美味食品。

  Sometimes the noise on the other side of the house makes it difficult for us to fall asleep.有時(shí)房子的另一端的嘈雜聲,使我們很難入睡。

  Neighbours need more understanding between them.鄰里之間需要更多的理解。

  I am always careful not to make big noises at night.我一直謹(jǐn)慎,不在夜晚發(fā)出大的噪音。

  A good neighbour is better than a brother in the next village.遠(yuǎn)親不如近鄰。

  t's better to keep on good terms with our neighbours.同鄰居保持良好關(guān)系是很好的。

  When problems occur, neighbours should try to understand each other.當(dāng)問題出現(xiàn)時(shí),鄰里之間應(yīng)該加強(qiáng)理解。

  A good neighbour is supposed to be helpful and considerate.好鄰居應(yīng)該相互幫助,相互體貼。

  I pay visits to my neighbours almost every day.我?guī)缀趺刻於及菰L我的鄰居。

  It is our duty to give a hand to our neighbours when they need.當(dāng)鄰居需要幫助的時(shí)候,向他們伸出援手是我們的職責(zé)。


  Respecting old people is a long-standing tradition of china.敬老是中國的傳統(tǒng)美德。

  China has entered the aging society period.中國已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了老齡化社會的階段。

  Old people sometimes behave like children.老年人的舉止有時(shí)就跟小孩子一樣。

  The rich life experiences and wisdom of elderly people are a treasure.上了年紀(jì)的人豐富的生活閱歷和智慧是一種財(cái)富。

  Aging is an unavoidable natural process.變老是一種無法避免的自然過程。

  In my family old people are honored.在我的家庭里,老年人是受到尊敬的。

  When people grow old, sometimes they turn to be irritable and stubborn.當(dāng)人們變老.有時(shí)他們就會變得暴躁而又頑固。

  Many young people neglect their duties to the old ones in the family.許多年輕人忽視了他們贍養(yǎng)父母的責(zé)任。

  Different generations shall be more understanding to each other.幾代人之間的相處要求更多的包容和理解。

  In China old people often shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the babies.在中國.老年人經(jīng)常肩負(fù)起照顧嬰兒的責(zé)任。

  Old people pass down tradition to the younger generation.老年人把傳統(tǒng)傳承給下一輩。

  Many old people today are even more open-minded than the young.現(xiàn)在許多老年人甚至比年輕人更加思想開明。


  A teacher should teach not only knowledge but also morals.老師不僅要傳授知識,還要教會德行。

  Patience is an important quality required of a teacher.耐心是老師必須具備的一個(gè)重要品質(zhì)。

  He is very much devoted to the cause of education.他非常忠誠于他的教育事業(yè)。

  He treats us as if we were his own children.他幾乎把我們當(dāng)作他自己的孩子。

  ]Teaching is an honorable profession.教師是崇高的職業(yè)。

  My parents are my first teachers.父母是我們的啟蒙老師

  The school shall create a stimulating atmosphere to attract great teachers.學(xué)校應(yīng)該營造充滿新思維的氛圍以吸引更多的好老師。

  As the science develops teachers should improve their teaching methods to satisfy the requirement of the modern society.隨著科學(xué)的發(fā)展,老師們應(yīng)當(dāng)提高他們的教學(xué)方法以適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代社會的要求。

  Teacher should motivate students to be creative.老師應(yīng)該激發(fā)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)造力。

  A good teacher shall encourage rather than simply preach.好的老師不僅僅是說教,而是應(yīng)該鼓勵。

  Teachers are required to learn something about psychology.老師必須學(xué)習(xí)一些關(guān)于心理學(xué)的知識。

  All students should be treated equally.所有的學(xué)生應(yīng)當(dāng)一視同仁。



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