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  英語(yǔ)中代詞的類型主要有人稱代詞、物主代詞、反身代詞、指示代詞、疑問代詞、關(guān)系代詞、相互代詞和不定代詞八大類。在這幾類代詞中如:人稱代詞(I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they及其賓格);物主代詞(my, your, his, her, its及其復(fù)數(shù),mine, yours, his, hers, its及其復(fù)數(shù));指示代詞(this, that, these, those)對(duì)考試的影響比較大。這些詞很小,在聽題或者做題過程中都非常容易被忽略,而考生如果沒有弄清楚代詞的指代,理解上一定會(huì)有出入,導(dǎo)致做題出錯(cuò)。


  例1:劍5 Test 1 Section 4 Question

  31. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand __politics___, economics and finance.

  32. However, women are more prepared to _______ about them.

  在審題時(shí)非常容易預(yù)測(cè)到32題需要填的是一個(gè)動(dòng)詞原形,根據(jù)31和32兩題之間however的轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系以及上下句分述男女的不同情況,可以想到them指代的為31題中提到的politics, economics and finance。原文:……unwilling to accept essential instruction. He also said, A woman, having fewer pretensions, is far more willing to learn. 原文兩句話都是作家George Bernard Shaw提出的有關(guān)男女對(duì)政治經(jīng)濟(jì)的不同對(duì)待態(tài)度,根據(jù)這層關(guān)系及詞性,learn為最終答案。


  例2:劍8 Test 2 Section 3

  Question 22. A problem with Asian honey bees is that they

  A. attack native bees

  B. carry parasites

  C. damage crops

  問題中的they指代Asian honey bees, 即三個(gè)選項(xiàng)的主體。原文有點(diǎn)復(fù)雜,定位點(diǎn)聽到后就需要對(duì)代詞進(jìn)行判斷:What’s wrong with Asian Honey Bees(定位點(diǎn))? Are they (Asian Honey Bees) so different from Australian bees? Well, in fact, they (Asian Honey Bees) look almost the same, but they (Asian Honey Bees) are infested with mites—microscopic creatures which live on them (Asian Honey Bees), and which (mites) can seriously damage our own home-grown bees, or could wipe them out. 很多考生常常因?yàn)槁牭絛amage而錯(cuò)選了A選項(xiàng),damage的主體其實(shí)是mites而不是Asian Honey Bees, 因此不成立;如果錯(cuò)選了C選項(xiàng),則是沒有注意到crops完全沒有出現(xiàn),這種錯(cuò)誤更不應(yīng)該。如果這兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)能夠成功排除,那么即便parasite(寄生蟲)不認(rèn)識(shí)也可以選出B選項(xiàng)。

  同理Question 23. What point is made about Australian bees?

  A. Their honey varies in quality.

  B. Their size stops them from pollinating some flowers.

  C. They are sold to customers abroad.

  選項(xiàng)中的their和they都是指Australian bees。原文中:Australia exports native Queen bees to a large number of countries because of this. 該句是正確選項(xiàng)C的對(duì)應(yīng)點(diǎn),但是考生可能由于對(duì)export和sold abroad的同義轉(zhuǎn)換不敏感而忽略該信息。而B選項(xiàng)對(duì)應(yīng)的句子when the European Honey Bee was first discovered out in the bush……and they (European Honey Bee) were also too big to pollinate many of our native flowers here in Australia中出現(xiàn)了和選項(xiàng)中一樣的單詞,干擾性比較強(qiáng),但主體是European Honey Bee, 和原文不符。


  例3:劍4 Test 2 Section 2

  Question 12. Stress may be caused by

  Question 13. International students may find stress difficult to handle because

  這兩道連續(xù)的選擇題都是和stress相關(guān)的,因此在第一題的內(nèi)容講完后,原文中說(shuō)道:you have to cope with all this without your usual social network. 該句話和Question 13的題干同義轉(zhuǎn)換:international students轉(zhuǎn)換為you, stress轉(zhuǎn)換為this, handle轉(zhuǎn)換為cope with, 由于定位名詞stress轉(zhuǎn)換成了this不容易被發(fā)現(xiàn),所以考生很容易在定位上出現(xiàn)問題。

  例4:劍5 Test 4 Section 4 Question 37-40, 這是一道典型的以代詞來(lái)判斷答案的題目,如果在聽的時(shí)候注意不到代詞的指向,會(huì)覺得題目講得特別快,很難選擇。如:

  Question 38. advising on bibliography presentation _________

  原文:Your tutors will tell you at the outset how to set out the chapters they (tutors) require but you will need to ask them (tutors) how they (tutors) would like you to organize the bibliography. 在該句中考生在聽的時(shí)候需要理解到they和them指的就是前面提到的tutor才能做出正確選擇,而由于語(yǔ)速問題,審題不全面或者整體節(jié)奏沒有跟上等等原因,很多考生都非常容易在這里出錯(cuò)。

  另外,還要提醒考生們關(guān)注的是,考生在聽每一篇文章,不論是對(duì)話還是獨(dú)白時(shí),都可以在開頭介紹處關(guān)注一下對(duì)話的雙方或者說(shuō)話者和聽話者分別是誰(shuí),這對(duì)理解或者猜題都有好處。上文例4中的international students為說(shuō)話人口中的you就能體現(xiàn)出這一點(diǎn)。


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