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聽電影學(xué)英語:落跑新娘 16




Yeah, just a minute. I don’t know yet. 請稍等,我還未知道
  You okay? 你沒事吧!
  Come on, Ike. Take a shot at Maggie live. 當面揶揄一下美姬
  It’s more fun than print. 比在專欄挖苦她更有趣
  Excuse me? 你說什么?
  It’s a joke. They’re kidding, Ike. 賓客是說笑而已
  - Yeah, come on. Let’s go. 對啊,來吧
  - All right. We’ll have a toast! 好,我們祝酒吧
  To Maggie’s family and friends. 敬美姬的家人與親友一杯
  May you find yourselves... the bull’s-eye of an easy target. 希望你們都會成為眾矢之的
  May you be publicly flogged for all of your bad choices, 希望你們都會飽受鞭撻
  and may your noses be rubbed in all of your mistakes. 希望你們都知取笑美姬是錯誤的
  Well, that was funny, but enough toasting. 講得真有趣,祝酒都祝夠了
  Let’s hula! 我們跳呼拉舞吧
  Everybody! Let’s get up and start the band! 各位,我們盡情玩吧
  We’re gonna make a line right down here. Maggie. Maggie? 大家先在這里排隊
  Here. She might need this. 拿住,她可能需要穿了
  Where’d Maggie go to? 美姬呢?
  She went to get me something from her car. 去了車子那里給我拿一些東西
  - Maybe she needs help. - B-B-B-Bob. Okay. 也許她需要有人幫一幫她
  The guard, who threw the block? Forrest Gregg. 當年是誰阻擋格力帶球的?
  No, Elijah Pitts. 是卑斯吧
  - The Fridge. Refrigerator Perry? 是貝利吧?
  - He’s a running back. 他是打后衛(wèi)的,不會是他
  Maggie? 美姬
  Hey. Here’s a coat. 外衣給你,天氣冷了
  - Put this coat on. It’s cold. 外衣給你,天氣冷了
  - Don’t pretend to be a nice person. 別扮好人了
  I was the only person in there defending you. 維護你的只有我一個人
  You humiliated me! 你侮辱了我
  No, Maggie, I defended you. Humiliating you is what everyone else did in there. 不,我是維護你呀!
  - That is the theme of the party tonight. - No. It was under control. 侮辱你的是那一群人 不,當時場面已受控制了
  Now they all feel sorry for me. 現(xiàn)在他們都替我感到惋惜了
  They should. They’re about to see you hang yourself again. 他們應(yīng)該,你又會再摧殘自己了
  What do you keep-- 你為何…
  Tell me something. Do you really care about Mount Everest? 告訴我,你還在乎珠穆朗瑪峰嗎?
  It’s fun. It’s high. 很有趣,很高嘛
  Sexual practices of locusts? 你還擔心洞房之夜
  (Maggie)Every one of those times I was being supportive. 我一直都贊同
  Not supportive! You weren’t being supportive! 你并不是贊同,我以前對你說過了
  You were scared! 你是害怕

  You were scared then, you’re scared now. 你當時害怕,現(xiàn)在也害怕
  You are the most lost woman-- 你是個很迷惘的人
  - Lost? 迷惘?
  - Yes, lost. You’re so-- 對,很迷惘!
  You’re so lost, you don’t even know what kind of eggs you like. 你迷惘得不知想吃什么蛋
  - What? 什么?
  - Yes. Yes! 是真的
  That’s right. With the priest, you wanted scrambled. 想嫁那神父前你想要炒蛋
  With the Dead Head, it was fried. 想嫁紀朗前你想吃煎蛋
  With the bug guy, it was poached. 想嫁那捉蟲佬前你又想吃煮蛋
  Now it’s like, "Oh, egg whites only. Thank you very much." 現(xiàn)在你又只想吃蛋白
  No, that’s called not having a mind of your own. 不,這叫做毫無思想
  Maggie, what are you doing? 美姬,你怎么啦?
  You really want that guy up there to drag you... 你真的要人把你扯上喜馬拉雅山
  up Annapurna for your honeymoon? 你才肯享受蜜月
  You do not wanna climb Annapurna! 你是不是想爬那座山的
  Yes, I do! 我是想啊
  No, you don’t. 不,你并不想
  You want a man who’ll lead you down the beach... 你需要一個男人把你帶到海灘
  with his hand over your eyes... 掩住你一雙眼
  just so you can discover the feel of sand under your feet. 讓你體悟腳踩黃沙的奇妙感受
  You want a guy that’ll wake you up at dawn. 你需要一個男人在黎明前弄醒你
  He’s just bursting to talk to you. Can’t wait another minute... 對你說出綿綿情話
  just to find out what you’ll say. 因為他迫不及待想知你想說什么
  Am I right? 我說得對嗎?
  Stop it. 別再說了
  I’m getting married on Sunday. 我星期日就嫁了
  And you are just trying to make me run. 你只是企圖想我又再逃跑
  Because you’re a cynical, exploitive, 因為你是個憤世嫉俗
  mean-hearted creep... 心胸狹隘的人
  who wouldn’t know real love if it bit him in the armpit. 愛神之箭射中臂膀也絲毫不知
  All you do is... is tear others down, 你會做的只是抨擊、取笑別人
  and laugh at them and criticize what they do... 批評人家所做的事
  because you’re too afraid to do anything yourself. 因為你自己什么也不敢做
  I read your columns. 我讀過你的專欄
  You never once wrote anything about yourself. 你從來沒有寫過你自己的事
  I am not the only one that is lost. 迷迷惘惘的并不只我一個
  And you know it. 你根本是知道的
  Am I right? 我說得對嗎?
  Am I right? 我說得對嗎?
  (Bob) Mag? 美姬
  Hey, help me out here. 幫一幫我
  Green Bay right guard. Uh, you know, Bart Starr, uh-- 記得當年是誰阻擋格力帶球嗎?


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