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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ):落跑新娘 03




       "I have enclosed a list of gross factual misrepresentations in your article. 隨函列上尊稿舛誤之處
    P.S. 再啟:
    There are fifteen." 共有十五處
    (Ike) Funny. I like her. 真有趣,我很喜歡她
    She’s got spunk. 她有種
    Ike, look. She sent us this list. 這就是舛誤清算了
    Our lawyers say it’s actionable. 我們的律師說(shuō)她可以采取行動(dòng)
    I left you four messages. You don’t return my calls. 你沒(méi)有回我的電話(huà)
    I never returned your calls. Even when we were married I didn’t-- 我們婚后我從不回你的電話(huà)
  -What’s Fisher doing here? 菲莎干嘛會(huì)在這里?
  -Ellie asked me to offer moral support. 雅莉叫我來(lái),在精神上給予支持
  Since when does Ellie need moral support? 雅莉幾時(shí)要靠精神上的支持啊?
  It’s for you, Ike. 是在精神上支持你呀!
  What? What? 你說(shuō)什么?
  Journalism lesson number one: 新聞行業(yè)第一條守則
  If you fabricate your facts, you get fired. 凡捏造事件者必遭革職
  Lesson number two: 第二條守則
  Never work for your former spouse. 切勿為前度配偶工作
  You cooked this story up, and you know it! 你捏造這篇報(bào)導(dǎo)!
  That has nothing to do with it. 與那件事無(wú)關(guān)
  I did not cook anything up. I had a source. 我并非捏造的,資料是有來(lái)源的
  Someone reliable? Some boozehound in a bar? 來(lái)自酒吧的醉酒鬼吧?
  In vino veritas. 古語(yǔ)有云:酒后吐真言
  Hey, hey, hey. Don’t knock drunk guys in bars. It means they’re not driving. 別攻擊酒吧里的醉漢了 至少他們不會(huì)醉酒駕駛
  lam a columnist. 我是個(gè)專(zhuān)欄作家
  Besides,  況且嘛…
  This is what columnists are supposed to do. 專(zhuān)欄作家是這樣寫(xiě)稿的嘛
  We push, we stretch, 我們力求創(chuàng)新,突破常規(guī)
  It’s what you like. 你一向喜歡我這樣寫(xiě)法
  we go out on a limb. 甘冒危險(xiǎn)
  That’s what makes me good! 這種寫(xiě)作態(tài)度令我自得其樂(lè)
  No, that’s what makes you unemployed. 是會(huì)令你打爛飯碗!
  All right. Let’s consider that my wrist has been slapped. 讓我受一下輕微的處罰吧
  There. Slap it. Go ahead, just-- 輕微地打我的手腕吧,來(lái)啊
  Slap my wrist. That’s done. 打我的手腕,功過(guò)相抵了
  Just give me a call when you feel  覺(jué)得我受夠懲罰就打電話(huà)給我吧
  that I’ve served my time, and move on. 我們可以卷土重來(lái)
  This is permanent, Ike. 你這次是永不超生了,艾基!
  If you go quietly, I’ll get you severance pay. 如果你肯悄然引退 我還可以按年資給你遣散費(fèi)
  (Secretary) I’m sorry, Ike. 我很抱歉
  In the kitchen! 我在廚房
  - (Maggie)Bob? Honey? - 親愛(ài)的?
  Honey, she canned him! Honey? 她把他開(kāi)除了
  Bob, she canned him! 她開(kāi)除了他啦

  - Yea! What are you talking about?  你說(shuō)什么啊?
  - Try this on first. - Okay. 先試一試
  - Listen, it’s in the paper. 聽(tīng)著
  I wanna read it to you, 我讀給你聽(tīng)
  so come over this way. 你過(guò)來(lái)吧
  Ready? "Dear Maggie Carpenter: 準(zhǔn)備聽(tīng)吧,“美姬女士雅鑒”
  I apologize to you for this unfortunate matter.’’ “這是次錯(cuò)誤報(bào)導(dǎo),謹(jǐn)致由衷歉意”
  Here it is. "Ike Graham’s column will no longer be appearing in this paper. “甘艾基之專(zhuān)欄將被本報(bào)刪除”
  Best of luck in your upcoming marriage." “敬?;橐鲂腋o(wú)比”
  - You let me know if it’s too heavy. 如果覺(jué)得太重就告訴我
  - Okay. Whoa! 我可以調(diào)整一下
  A little... yeah. Yeah, a little heavy, baby. (Laughing) 是重了點(diǎn)
  Hi, it’s me. Leave a message after the beep. 請(qǐng)留下口訊
  If you want to leave a fax,  若想傳真過(guò)來(lái)
  buy me a fax machine. 先買(mǎi)一具傳真機(jī)給我吧
  (Beeps) Ike, Fisher. Get up. 艾基?我是菲莎啊
  I can turn this Runaway Bride story around. 我可把逃跑新娘的報(bào)導(dǎo)逆轉(zhuǎn)乾坤
  I’m doing a photo spread for G.Q. today by the convey or belt. 我正在運(yùn)用報(bào)館的傳遞帶印照片
  Meet me. I’ll save your tush. 我要挽救你的事業(yè),請(qǐng)來(lái)見(jiàn)我
  And since I do freelance stuff for G.Q. now, I have an idea. 我?guī)图澥扛缋蛏⒐?br />   - What are you saying?  可以想出妙計(jì)扭轉(zhuǎn)乾坤
  - Vindication. 證明你無(wú)辜
  How would you like some? 想嗎?
  A chance to prove that although your story wasn’t entirely factual, 證明你的報(bào)導(dǎo)雖然并非全部屬實(shí)
  your theory was correct. 但你的理論卻是正確的
  - The real story on Miss Carpenter.  卡小姐的真人真事
  - All the gory details. 全部細(xì)節(jié)都是駭人聽(tīng)聞的
  And if she runs again,  她如果再逃跑的話(huà)
  you got a cover story. 你的報(bào)導(dǎo)就可以刊登在封面了!
  ∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  ∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
  ∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  ∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
  ∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  ∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
  ∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
  ∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
  ∮ She’ll only come out at night ∮
  ∮ The lean and hungry type ∮ ∮ Nothing is new I’ve seen her here before ∮ “歡迎光臨馬里蘭的小鎮(zhèn)”
  ∮ Watching and waiting ∮ ∮ She’s seated with you but here yes are on the door ∮ “硬件店”
  ∮ I wouldn’t if I were you ∮
  ∮ I know what she can do ∮
  ∮She’s deadly, man She could really rip your world apart ∮
  ∮ Mind over matter ∮
  ∮ Oh, the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart ∮
  Here you go. Right upstairs to the left. 你的房間在樓上轉(zhuǎn)左
  Thanks. How late’s the restaurant open? 餐廳幾點(diǎn)鐘打烊?
  - 8:30 every night. 每晚開(kāi)到八點(diǎn)半


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