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2024雅思考試聽力材料-聽力對(duì)話訓(xùn)練 15








A: So, Michelle, shall we make a start on our presentation? We haven't got that much time left.

A: 那么,米歇爾,我們開始著手我們的展示吧?我們沒有那么多時(shí)間了。

B: No, Adam, but at least we've done all the background reading. I found it really interesting. I've never even heard of the Laki eruption before this.

B: 不行,亞當(dāng),但至少我們已經(jīng)做了所有的背景閱讀。我發(fā)現(xiàn)它真的很有趣。在此之前我從沒聽說過拉基火山爆發(fā)。

A: Me neither. I suppose1783is a long time ago.

A: 我也是。我想1783年是很久以前的事了。

B: But it was a huge eruption and it had such devastating consequences.

B: 但那是一次巨大的噴發(fā),造成了毀滅性的后果。

A: I know, It was great. There were so many primary sources to look at, It really gives you a sense of how catastrophic the volcano was. People were really trying to make sense of the science for the first time.

A: 我知道,真的很巨大。有很多第一手資料可供參考,它真的能讓你感受到火山的災(zāi)難性。那是人們第一次真正想要理解科學(xué)。

B: That's right. But what I found more significant was how it impacted, directly and indirectly, on political events as well as having massive social and economic consequences.

B: 沒錯(cuò)。但我發(fā)現(xiàn)更重要的是,它如何直接或間接地影響政治事件,以及產(chǎn)生巨大的社會(huì)和經(jīng)濟(jì)后果。

A: Hmm, I know. That should be the main focus of our presentation. 

A: 嗯,我知道。這應(yīng)該是我們演講的重點(diǎn)。

B: The observations made by people at the time were interesting, weren't they? I mean, they all gave a pretty consistent account of what happened, even if they didn't always use the same terminology.

B: 當(dāng)時(shí)人們的觀察很有趣,不是嗎?我的意思是,他們對(duì)發(fā)生的事情都給出了相當(dāng)一致的描述,即使他們并不總是使用相同的術(shù)語。

A: Yeah. I was surprised there were so many weather stations established by that time. So you know, you can see how the weather changed often by the hour.

A: 是的。我很驚訝在那個(gè)時(shí)候建立了這么多氣象站。所以你知道,你可以看到天氣是如何按小時(shí)變化的。

B: Right. The writers at the time talked about the Laki haze to describe the volcanic fog that spread across Europe. They all realized that this wasn't the sort of fog they were used to. And of course, this was in pre-industrial times, so they hadn't experienced sulfur-smelling fog before.

B: 是的。當(dāng)時(shí)的作家們用“拉基霧霾”來形容遍布?xì)W洲的火山霧。他們都意識(shí)到這不是他們所習(xí)慣的那種霧。當(dāng)然,這是在前工業(yè)時(shí)代,所以他們之前沒有經(jīng)歷過硫磺味的霧。

A: No, that's true. 

A: 是的,那是真的。

B: Reports from the period blamed the haze for an increase in headaches, respiratory issues, and asthma attacks. And they all describe how it covered the sun and made it look a strange red color. 

B: 那段時(shí)間的報(bào)告指責(zé)霧霾導(dǎo)致了頭痛、呼吸系統(tǒng)疾病和哮喘發(fā)作的增加。他們都描述了它是如何遮住太陽,使太陽看起來像一種奇怪的紅色。

A: Hmm, must have been very weird.

A: 嗯,那一定很奇怪。

B: It's interesting that Benjamin Franklin wrote about the haze. Did you read that? He was the American ambassador in Paris at the time.

B: 有趣的是,本杰明·富蘭克林寫過關(guān)于霧霾的文章。你讀了嗎?他當(dāng)時(shí)是美國(guó)駐巴黎大使。

A: Yeah. At first, no one realized that the haze was caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland.

A: 是的。起初,沒有人意識(shí)到霧霾是由冰島火山爆發(fā)造成的。

B: It was Benjamin Franklin who realized that before anyone else.

B: 是本杰明·富蘭克林最先意識(shí)到這一點(diǎn)的。

A: He's often credited with that apparently, but a French naturalist beat him to it. I can't remember his name, I'd have to look it up. Then other naturalists had the same idea, all independently of each other.

A: 顯然,他經(jīng)常被認(rèn)為是這方面的功人,但一位法國(guó)博物學(xué)家比他先做到了。我記不起他的名字了,我得查一下。后來其他博物學(xué)家也有了同樣的想法,而且都是各自獨(dú)立的。

B: Oh right. We should talk about the immediate impact of the eruption which was obviously enormous, especially in Iceland where so many people died.

B: 嗯,是的。我們應(yīng)該談?wù)劵鹕奖l(fā)的直接影響,這顯然是巨大的,特別是在冰島,有很多人死亡。

A: You'd expect that, and the fact that the volcanic ash drifted so swiftly, but not that the effects would go on for so long, or that two years after the eruption. Strange weather events were being reported as far away as North America and North Africa.

A: 你會(huì)預(yù)料到這一點(diǎn),而且事實(shí)上火山灰漂浮得如此之快,但沒有預(yù)料到影響會(huì)持續(xù)這么長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,或者在噴發(fā)后兩年。據(jù)報(bào)道,遠(yuǎn)在北美和北非都出現(xiàn)了奇怪的天氣現(xiàn)象。

B: No, I found all that hard to believe too, It must have been terrible, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, even if they knew the ash cloud was coming in their direction.

B: 不,我覺得這一切也很難相信。那一定很可怕,而且任何人都無能為力,即使他們知道火山灰云正朝他們的方向飛來。



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