( d )
大陸法 continental law
大陸法系 civil law system
代理 agency
代理權 right of agency
代理人 agent
代理行為 act of agency
代位繼承 representation; succession by subrogation
代位權 subrogated right
單獨繼承 single succession
單方民事法律行為 unilateral civil legal act
單一之債 single obligation
擔保物權 real right for security
盜版 pirate
盜版VCD pirated VCD
等價有償原則 principle of equal value exchange
抵銷 setoff
抵押標的物 collateral; estate under mortgage
抵押權 hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage
抵押權的次序 sequence of right to mortgage
抵押權的拋棄 abandonment of right to mortgage
抵押權的讓與 alienation of right to mortgage
抵押權的設定 creation of right to mortgage
抵押權的實現(xiàn) materialization of right to mortgage
抵押權的消滅 extinction of right to
抵押權的效力 deffect of right to mortgage
抵押權人 mortgagee
抵押人 mortgagor
抵押物登記 registration of estate under mortgage
抵押優(yōu)先權 priority of mortgage
地上權 superficies
地役權 servitude; easement
第二順序繼承人 successor second in order
第一順序繼承人 successor first in order
佃權 tenant right
定金 earnest money; deposit
獨生子女 only child
多方民事法律行為 joint act civil legal act