# Eleanor #
Mondays were the best.
Eleanor couldn't bring herself to smile directly back at him, not in front of everybody. But she couldn't help but smile, so she smiled at the floor and looked up every few seconds to see whether he was still looking at her.
He was.
Today, when she got on the bus, Park actually smiled at her. Like, smiled at her the whole time she was walking down the aisle.
"I missed you," he whispered. She felt tears in her eyes and turned to the window.
Park stood up when she got to their row, and as soon as she sat down, he took her hand and kissed it. It happened so fast, she didn't have time to die of ecstasy or embarrassment.
Tina was looking at her, too, but Eleanor ignored her.
She let her face fall for just a few seconds against his shoulder, against the sleeve of his black trench coat. He squeezed her hand tight.
They didn't say anything more all the way to school. Park walked with Eleanor to her locker, and they both stood there quietly, leaning against the wall almost until the bell rang. The hall was practically empty.