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  1. Speaking---forms of communication

  2. Reading --- Is your English too English

  3. Leaving voice mails and Taking messages

  4. Vocabulary consolidation

  5. Self-study exercises

  6. Memo writing

  7. Oral Practice

  8. Homework

  I. Speaking.

  Keeping in touch

  1. frequency n.頻率

  2. formality n.正式程度


  l Which methods of communication do you like best? Letters, phone calls or e-mails?

  I like sending e-mails. They are quick, inexpensive, easy and efficient. Also, when I write my thoughts on the computer, I can edit and organize them to ensure that I am communicating clearly. However, sometimes it takes a long time to receive the reply, so I have to make a phone call.

  Points under consideration for their advantages and disadvantages

  l price

  l speed of communication

  l user-friendliness

  l Time-consuming

  II. Reading.

  Is Your English Too English?


  executive n.執(zhí)行者, 經(jīng)理主管人員

  corporate adj. 公司的

  dominance noun [uncountable]

  the fact of being more powerful, more important, or more noticeable than other people or things優(yōu)勢, 統(tǒng)治

  動詞 dominate

  political/economic/cultural etc dominance 政治/經(jīng)濟/文化統(tǒng)治

  the economic and political dominance of Western countries 西方國家在經(jīng)濟和政治上的絕對優(yōu)勢

  television's dominance over other media 電視在媒體中的統(tǒng)治地位

  exceed verb [transitive] formal

  1 to be more than a particular number or amount超越, 勝過

  Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 工作小時數(shù)不能超過42小時。

  His performance exceeded our expectations. 他的表現(xiàn)超過了我們對他的期待。

  2 to go beyond what rules or laws say you are allowed to do超過

  He was fined for exceeding the speed limit. 由于超速,他被罰款。

  Explanation: communicating internationally

  Para. 2

  bilingual adj.能說兩種語言的

  consistent adjective?反義詞 inconsistent

  1 always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval 連續(xù)的, 持續(xù)的

  consistent in

  We need to be consistent in our approach.我們必須在方法上保持連貫。

  a consistent improvement in the country's economy 該國經(jīng)濟持續(xù)改善

  consistently adverb consistently high performance

  overestimate verb [transitive]

  1 to think something is better, more important etc than it really is過高評價

  反義詞 underestimate

  He tends to overestimate his own abilities. 他總是想過高地評價自己的能力。

  2 to guess an amount or value that is too high 過高地估算

  Most patients overestimated how long they had had to wait to see a doctor. 許多病人都過高地估計了需要等待看醫(yī)生看病的時間。

  estimate noun [countable]

  1 a calculation of the value, size, amount etc of something 計算

  a rough estimate (=not an exact calculation) of how much time we'll need 粗略的估算我們需要的時間

  The figure will only be about two million, less than half the original estimate. 這個數(shù)值只有2百萬左右,比原先的計算少一半還要多。

  2 a statement of how much it will probably cost to build or repair something修理、建設估價表

  The garage said they'd send me an estimate for the work. 汽車修理行說他們會給我寄來一份修車估價表。

  assume verb [transitive]

  1 to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof 估計

  I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out. 我沒有看見你的車,所以我估計你已經(jīng)走了。

  it is/seems reasonable to assume (that)

  I think we can safely assume (=it is almost certain) that interest rates will go up again soon. 我認為我們可以非常放心地預計利率會很快上調(diào)。

  2 assume control/responsibility etc 實施控制/承擔責任

  formal to start to have control, responsibility etc or to start in a particular position or job

  Whoever they appoint will assume responsibility for all financial matters. 不管他們誰被任命,他們都會繼續(xù)承擔所有財政上的責任。

  Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director. …將會擔任總經(jīng)理一職。

  3 to be based on the idea that something else is correct 假設

  The theory assumes that both labour and capital are mobile. 這個理論假設勞動力和資金可以移動。

  Explanation:Assuming too much


  adapt verb

  1 [intransitive and transitive] to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation使適應;使適合

  The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. 孩子們覺得適應新學校很困難。

  adapt yourself/itself etc (to something)

  How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments? 這些昆蟲是怎樣適應新環(huán)境的?

  2 [transitive] to change something to make it suitable for a different purpose 調(diào)整

  adapt something to do something

  The car has been adapted to take unleaded gas. 這輛車被改裝成一輛可以加裝無鉛汽油的車輛。

  adapt something for somebody

  These teaching materials can be adapted for older children. 這些教學資料可以改編后讓大一些的孩子們使用。

  3 [transitive usually passive] if a book or play is adapted for film, television etc, it is changed so that it can be made into a film, television programme etc改編

  be adapted for something

  Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television.這本書改編成電視劇之后有很多兒童紛紛購買此書。

  simplify verb [transitive]

  to make something easier or less complicated讓….更簡單

  an attempt to simplify the tax system 針對簡化稅收體系而做出的努力

  The law needs to be simplified. 法律應該更被簡化。

  a simplified version of the game 一個簡化版本的游戲



  complicate verb [transitive]

  1 to make a problem or situation more difficult 讓問題或情況更困難

  The situation is complicated by the fact that I've got to work late on Friday. 我周五必須要工作到很晚這一事實讓情況更為復雜。

  chunk noun [countable]

  1 a large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape短而厚的一塊(肉、木頭等)

  ice chunks 冰塊

  a chunk of bread 一塊面包

  2 a large part or amount of something 一大部分

  The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary. 租金花掉了我月薪中的絕大部分。

  A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show. 絕大多數(shù)觀眾都在演出結(jié)束之前起身走了。

  Explanation:Keeping it simple

  Para. 4

  idiomatic adj.慣用的, 合乎語言習慣的

  get down to something phrasal verb

  to start doing something that is difficult or needs a lot of time or energy 精心做事

  It's time we got down to work. 該是我們工作的時間了。

  get down to doing something

  I always find it hard to get down to revising. 我總覺得修改起來很困難。

  understate verb [transitive]

  to describe something in a way that makes it seem less important or serious than it really is有意輕描淡寫,保守地說,

  ?反義詞 overstate

  The press have tended to understate the extent of the problem. 平面媒體想輕描淡寫地說明問題的波及面。

  insist on v.堅持, 堅決要求

  specific adjective

  1 [only before noun] a specific thing, person, or group is one particular thing, person, or group 某一具體的事情、人或團體

  games suitable for specific age-groups 專門適合某年齡組的游戲

  2 detailed and exact具體的

  Mr Howarth gave us very specific instructions. …給我們非常具體的指示。

  specific about

  Could you be more specific about what you're looking for? 你能把你正在找的東西說得更具體些嗎?

  Explanation: Understanding cultural difference

  Para. 5

  majority n.多數(shù), 大半?反義詞 minority

  great/vast/overwhelming majority of something (=almost all of a group)

  be in the majority

  a majority of 500

  insensitive adjective 不敏感的,不注意的,

  insensitive to

  She's totally insensitive to Jack's feelings.她一定也不注意捷克的感覺。

  Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales. 那些對國際變化不敏感的公司最終會喪失銷售業(yè)績。

  The service is insensitive to the needs of local people. 這項服務對當?shù)厝藗兊男枨蠼z毫也不關注。

  insensitive to pain對疼痛不敏感

  rely verb

  rely on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb 依賴,依靠

  1 to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do

  ? reliable, reliance

  rely on somebody/something to do something

  Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children. 許多工作婦女依賴她們的親戚幫助她們照看自己的小孩。

  rely on/upon somebody/something for

  Many people now rely on the Internet for news. 許多人現(xiàn)在借用英特網(wǎng)來瀏覽新聞。

  2 to depend on something in order to continue to live or exist 依賴借以生存

  For its income, the company relies heavily on only a few contracts. 這家公司的收入絕大程度上依賴僅有的幾個合同。

  cross-cultural adjective [only before noun] belonging to or involving two or more different societies, countries, or cultures 跨文化的

  cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流

  evaluation noun [uncountable and countable]

  a judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is 評價,評估

  ?同義詞 assessment

  We need to carry out a proper evaluation of the new system. 我們需要對這套新體系做出一個正確的評價。

  They took some samples of products for evaluation. 他們?nèi)〕鲆恍┊a(chǎn)品的樣本作評估。

  evaluate verb [transitive] to judge how good, useful, or successful something is

  ?同義詞 assess

  You should be able to evaluate your own work. 你應該能夠評價自己的工作。

  Explanation: Raising awareness

  III. Leaving voice mails and Taking messages


  1. B

  send me a copy of your department’s figures

  copy noun

  1[countable] something that is made to be exactly like another thing 復印件

  She forwarded them a copy of her British passport. 她將自己的英國護照復印件交給了他們。

  2[countable] one of many books, magazines, records etc that are all exactly the same一份,一張,一本

  a copy of the local newspaper 一份當?shù)貓蠹?/p>

  The hardback costs £16.99 a copy. 這本精裝書一本16.99英鎊。

  The record sold a million copies. 這盤磁帶賣了1百萬盤。

  Free copies are available on request. 如果要求就可以得到免費的資料。

  2. G

  trade fair noun [countable]

  a large event when several companies show their goods or services in one place, to try to sell them 博覽會

  ?同義詞 trade show

  booth (telephone booth), stand

  complimentary adjective

  1 given free to people(免費)贈送的

  There was a complimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room. 在飯店房間里有一瓶免費的香檳酒。

  I've got some complimentary tickets for the theatre tonight. 我得到了今晚劇院的免費票。

  2 saying that you admire someone or something 贊揚的,夸獎的

  complimentary remarks 奉承話


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