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旅行的藝術(shù):藝術(shù) Ⅶ 令人眼界大開的藝術(shù)-2







文森特·凡·高 [2] 在1888年的2月底來到普羅旺斯。那年他35歲,他決定獻(xiàn)身于繪畫不過是8年前的事。在這之前,他嘗試過做一名教師,繼而是一名牧師,但都不太成功。來普羅旺斯之前的兩年時間,他和他的弟弟泰奧居住在巴黎。泰奧是一名經(jīng)營藝術(shù)品的商人,并在經(jīng)濟(jì)上資助凡·高。凡·高幾乎沒有接受過什么藝術(shù)訓(xùn)練,但是那時他和保羅·高更 [3] 、土魯斯-勞特累克 [4] 已經(jīng)成了朋友,并且他的作品和他們的作品一同在克利希大街的唐布蘭咖啡館展出。

Vincent van Gogh arrived in Provence at the end of February 1888. He was thirty-five years old and had devoted himself to painting only eight years before, after failing in attempts to become first a teacher and then a priest. For the previous two years, he had been living in Paris with his brother Theo, an art dealer, who supported him financially. He had had little artistic training, but had befriended Paul Gauguin and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and exhibited his work alongside theirs at the Café du Tambourin on the Boulevard de Clichy.


I can still remember vividly how excited I became that winter when travelling from Paris to Arles,' Van Gogh would recall of his sixteen-hour train journey to Provence. On his arrival in Arles, the most prosperous town in the region and a centre for the olive trade and railway engineering, Van Gogh carried his bags in the snow (an exceptional ten inches had fallen that day) to the small H?tel Carrel, not far from the northern ramparts of the town. Despite the weather and the small size of his room, he was enthusiastic about his southerly move. As he told his sister, 'I believe that life here is just a little more satisfying than in many other spots.'


Van Gogh was to remain in Arles until May 1889, fifteen months during which he produced approximately 200 paintings, 100 drawings and 200 letters-a period generally agreed to have been his greatest. The earliest works show Arles lying under snow, the sky a limpid blue, the earth a frozen pink. Five weeks after Van Gogh arrived, spring came and he painted fourteen canvases of trees in bloom in the fields outside Arles. At the beginning of May, he painted the Langlois drawbridge over the Arles-Bouc Canal, on the south side of Arles, and at the end of the month, he produced a number of views from the plain of La Crau, looking towards the Alpilles hills and the ruined abbey of Montmajour. He also painted the reverse scene, climbing the rocky slopes of the abbey for a view of Arles. By the middle of June, his attention had shifted to a new subject, the harvest, of which he completed ten paintings in only two weeks. He worked with extraordinary speed: as he put it, 'quickly, quickly, quickly and in a hurry, just like a harvester who is silent under the blazing sun, intent only on his reaping'. 'I work even in the middle of the day, in the full sunshine, and I enjoy it like a cicada. My God, if I had only known this country at the age of twenty-five, instead of coming here when I was thirty-five years old!'


Later, explaining to his brother why he had moved from Paris to Arles, Van Gogh offered two reasons: because he had wanted to 'paint the south' and because he had wanted, through his work, to help other people to 'see' it. However unsure he was of his own powers to do this, he never wavered in his faith that the project was theoretically possible-that is, that artists could paint a portion of the world and in consequence open the eyes of others to it.


If he had such faith in the eye-opening power of art, it was because he had often experienced it as a spectator. Since moving to France from his native Holland, he had felt it particularly in relation to literature. He had read the works of Balzac, Flaubert, Zola and Maupassant and been grateful to these writers for opening his eyes to the dynamics of French society and psychology. Madame Bovary had taught him about provincial middle-class life and Père Goriot about penniless ambitious students in Paris-and he now recognized the characters from these novels in society at large.

繪畫作品也以相似的方式打開了凡·高的視野。凡·高不住地贊揚(yáng)其他畫家,說自己透過他們的作品看到了某些顏色和氛圍。比如,委拉斯開茲 [5] 讓他認(rèn)識了灰色的世界。委拉斯開茲的多幅油畫是以簡樸的伊比利亞家居為題材。在那里,墻是由磚塊或是一種顏色陰暗的灰泥砌成的。到中午的時候,百葉窗被放下來,用于阻止熱氣進(jìn)入屋內(nèi),這個時候主導(dǎo)的色彩就是幽暗的灰色;有時百葉窗并沒有完全關(guān)緊,或是有一部分脫落,會射進(jìn)明亮的黃色光線。這種效果并非由委拉斯開茲發(fā)明,在他之前就有許多人見過這樣的情景,但是幾乎沒有人有這種力量或是天賦,去捕捉這些效果,并將它們轉(zhuǎn)化為可以與人交流的體驗。就好像一個發(fā)現(xiàn)新大陸的探險者,委拉斯開茲已經(jīng)(至少對于凡·高來說)用他的名字命名了這場在光的世界里的探索。

Paintings had similarly opened his eyes. Van Gogh frequently paid tribute to painters who had allowed him to see certain colours and atmospheres. Velzquez, for example, had given him a map that allowed him to see grey. Several of Velzquez's canvases depicted humble Iberian interiors, with walls made of brick or a sombre plaster, where even in the middle of the day, when the shutters were closed to protect the house from the heat, the dominant colour was a sepulchral grey, occasionally pierced, where the shutters were not quite closed or a section had been chipped off them, by a shaft of brilliant yellow. Velzquez had not invented such effects, many would have witnessed them before him, but few had had the energy or talent to capture them and turn them into communicable experience. Like an explorer with a new continent, Velázquez had, for Van Gogh at least, given his name to a discovery in the world of light.


Van Gogh ate in many small restaurants in the centre of Arles. The walls were often dark, the shutters were closed and the sunlight outside was bright. One lunchtime, he wrote to his brother explaining that he had stumbled upon something utterly Velázquezian: 'This restaurant where I am is very strange. It is grey all over … a Velasquez grey-like in the Spinning Women -and even the very narrow, very fierce ray of sunlight through a blind, like the one that slants across Velasquez's picture, is not missing … In the kitchen, [there's] an old woman and a short, fat servant also in grey, black, white … it's pure Velasquez.'

對于凡·高來說,衡量每一個杰出畫家的標(biāo)志就是他們是否能夠讓我們更加清楚地看到世界的某些部分。如果說委拉斯開茲讓凡·高了解了灰色和大廚師們粗糙的臉,那么,莫奈就是落日的導(dǎo)覽人,倫勃朗讓他了解了晨光,維米爾 [6] 則讓他了解了阿爾勒鎮(zhèn)的少女(他在阿爾勒附近看到了一個少女之后,寫信告訴他弟弟說:“她簡直就是維米爾的畫中人?!保?。一陣大雨過后,羅訥的天空讓他聯(lián)想到了葛飾北齋 [7] ,而米利特的麥子和海上圣馬利亞 [8] 的年輕女子讓他聯(lián)想起契馬布埃 [9] 和喬托 [10] 。

It was for Van Gogh the mark of every great painter to allow us to see certain aspects of the world more clearly. If Velázquez was his guide to grey and the coarse faces of large cooks, then Monet was his guide to sunsets, Rembrandt to morning light and Vermeer to the adolescent girls of Arles ('A perfect Vermeer,' he explained to his brother after spotting one example near the arena). The sky over the Rh?ne after a heavy rain shower reminded him of Hokusai, the wheat of Millet and the young women in Saintes-Maries de la Mer of Cimabue and Giotto.


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