在希望獲得聽眾互動的較長的講演中,要點可能會有好幾個,但越少越好,而且都必須有支持的材料。在第三章里,我們討論過一種支持講演重點的方法,憑借故事,或出于自己生活的經驗來說明,使聽眾去做講演者要他們去做的事情。這種類型的例子很受歡迎,因為它訴諸人類心中的一種基本傾向,就是“人人愛故事”。事件或意外是一般演講者最常使用的例子,但不是可以支持要點的唯一方法。你還可以使用統(tǒng)計數(shù)字,依科學方式歸納的圖解、專家的證言、類比、展示或證明等。In the longer talk to get action yon will have several points; the fewer the better, but all of them will require support material. In Chapter Seven we discussed one method of supporting the Point of a talk, which is what you want the audience to do, by illustrating it with a story, an experience out of your life. This type of example is popular because it appeals to a basic drive in people, summed up by the slogan, "Everybody Loves a Story." An incident or happening is the kind of example most often used by the average speaker, but it is by no means the only way your point can be supported. You might also use statistics, which are nothing more than illustrations scientifically grouped, expert testimony, analogies, exhibits, or demonstrations.