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假設(shè),你要舉例說(shuō)明,自己如何利用人際關(guān)系的原則成功地平息了一位顧客的憤怒,可能會(huì)這樣開(kāi)始:Suppose you want to give an illustration of how you succeeded in calming down an irate customer by using one of the rules of human relations. You could begin like this:

“前幾天,有個(gè)人走進(jìn)我的辦公室。他非常憤怒,因?yàn)榍耙恢芪覀兯偷剿依锶サ南匆聶C(jī)操作不靈。我對(duì)他說(shuō),我們將竭盡所能彌補(bǔ)我們的失誤。過(guò)了一會(huì)兒,他便平靜下來(lái)了,對(duì)我們?nèi)娜庖堰@件事情做好顯得很滿意?!边@則小事件有個(gè)優(yōu)點(diǎn),它十分詳細(xì)??墒撬鄙傩彰⑻厥獾倪^(guò)程以及缺少最緊要的、能使這件事活生生呈現(xiàn)的真實(shí)的對(duì)話。我們?cè)囈辉嚱o它添油加醋一番。The other day a man came into my office. He was pretty mad because the appliance we had sent out to his house only the week before was not working properly. I told him that we would do all we could to remedy the situation. After a while he calmed down and seemed satisfied that we had every intention to make things right. This anecdote has one virtue - it is fairly specific - but it lacks names, specific details, and, above all, the actual dialogue which would make this incident come alive. Here it is with these added qualities:

“上星期二,我辦公室的門‘砰’的一聲被打開(kāi)。我抬起頭來(lái),看見(jiàn)怒氣沖天的查爾斯·柏烈克珊。他是我們的一位???。還沒(méi)來(lái)得及請(qǐng)他坐下,他劈頭就說(shuō):‘艾德,這是你最后的一件事了:你馬上派輛卡車去,把那臺(tái)洗衣機(jī)給我從地下室運(yùn)走?!疞ast Tuesday, the door of my office slammed and I looked up to see the angry features of Charles Blexam, one of my regular customers. I didn't have time to ask him to take a seal. 'Ed, this is the last straw,' he said, 'you can send a truck right out and cart that wash machine out of my basement.'

“我問(wèn)他怎么回事,他氣急了,幾乎無(wú)法清楚地回答。I asked him what was up. He was too willing to reply.

“‘它根本不管用,’他大吼,‘衣服全糾纏在一起,我老婆討厭死它、煩死它了?!疘t won't work,' he shouted, 'the clothes get all tangled, and my wife's sick and tired of it. '

“我請(qǐng)他坐下,解釋清楚些。I asked him to sit down and explain it in more detail.

“‘我才沒(méi)時(shí)間坐下,我上班已經(jīng)遲到了!我想我以后無(wú)論如何也不上這兒來(lái)買家庭用具了。你相信我,我再不干了?!f(shuō)到這兒,他伸出手來(lái),又是打桌子,又是敲我太太的照片。I haven't got time to sit down. I'm late for work and I wish I'd never come in here to buy an appliance in the first place. Believe me, I'll never do it a?gain.' Here he hit the desk with his hand and knocked over my wife's picture.

“‘聽(tīng)我說(shuō),查理,’我說(shuō),‘你坐下來(lái)把情形都告訴我,我答應(yīng)替你做一切你要我做的事,好吧?’聽(tīng)了這話,他才坐下,我們總算能平平靜靜地把事情談了個(gè)清楚?!盠ook, Charley,' I said,' if you will just sit down and tell me all about it, I promise to do whatever you want me to do.' With that, he sat down, and we calmly talked it over."

當(dāng)然,不是次次都要把對(duì)話加進(jìn)講演里去。不過(guò),你應(yīng)該看得出,上面摘錄中單引號(hào)里的對(duì)話,有很強(qiáng)的戲劇性。如果講演者還能模仿一下,把原來(lái)的聲調(diào)語(yǔ)氣表現(xiàn)出來(lái),對(duì)話就更見(jiàn)效果了。而且,對(duì)話是日常生活中的會(huì)話,會(huì)讓講演更為真實(shí)可信。它使你聽(tīng)起來(lái)像個(gè)有真情實(shí)意的人,是在隔著桌子說(shuō)話,而不是個(gè)老學(xué)究在學(xué)富五車的學(xué)會(huì)會(huì)員面前宣讀論文,或是個(gè)大講演家向麥克風(fēng)里吼。It isn't always possible to work dialogue into your talk, but you can see how the direct quotation of the conversation in the excerpt above helps to dramatize the incident for the listener. If the speaker has some imitative skill and can get the original tone of voice into the words, dialogue can become more effective. Also, dialogue gives your speech the authentic ring of everyday conversation. It makes you sound like a real person talking across a dinner table, not like a pedant delivering a paper before a learned society or an orator ranting into a microphone.


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