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see things in black and white 把什么問題看的過于簡單,刻板

Eg: I'm seeing things in black and white , you're either with us or against us. 我把一切都看清楚了,要么你站在我這邊,要么就反對我。

Eg : You have to stop seeing things in black and white, there are many ways to look at a situation. 你不應(yīng)該如此簡單的看待問題,因?yàn)橛性S多方法的。


save the day 拯救...的一天;幫....很大的忙(引申)力挽狂瀾

例:Our team was losing the game until Duren scored 3 goals in a row ! I saved the day. 直到duran連進(jìn)仨球力挽狂瀾,我們隊(duì)才不至于輸?shù)舯荣悺?/span>


all talk 光說不做

例:You're all talk , There's no way you got five girls phone numbers tonight . 嘿!你在吹牛呢。 今晚你不可能弄到5個(gè)女孩子的電話號碼。

You think you can beat me at tennis ? You're all talk , I've seen you play , and I can beat you playing with my left hand. 你認(rèn)為能在網(wǎng)球比賽中擊敗我。你簡直是吹牛。我看過你的比賽,我能用左手擊敗你!

give sth a shot 嘗試

例:I'm not sure If I'll be able to help you with your homework , but I 'll give it a shot . 我不能確定能否幫助你寫家庭作業(yè)。但是我會去試試的。

You're not really qualified for this job , but I like you ,so I'll give you a shot . 你不是很勝任這項(xiàng)工作。可我喜歡你。所以我會給你這個(gè)機(jī)會的。

ugly display 行為惡劣

例:Can you believe the ugly display, he put on at the dinner party last night? He kept saying the food was bad. 你能相信昨晚他在餐會上的劣行嗎?他一直在抱怨菜的質(zhì)量。

kick yourself 自責(zé)

例:I know you're upset about failing that test, but stop kicking yourself , you tried your best.我知道你在為考試失利而難過,但是你別再自責(zé)了。因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)盡力了。



think twice 仔細(xì)考慮 ,再三考慮


I took the job as soon as they offered it , I didn't even think twice.


itch to do something 迫不及待做...熱切期望

例:Oh, man, I'm itching to get off work , I have a hot date tonight .


pull something off 克服困難做成某事

例:I don't know how we're gonna pull this meeting off , we still don't have all the facts. 我真不知道我們該如何把會開下去。我們又沒有任何數(shù)據(jù)。

leave somebody hanging 把....晾在一邊,不理睬

例:Why didi you ignore me at the part last night? 昨晚你為什么忽略了我?

I can't believe you left me hanging . 我簡直不能相信你能將我置之不理。

They never told me why they turned down my appointment they just left me hanging. 他們沒對外婆解釋為何拒絕我。他們只是把我晾在了一邊。

play dumb 裝傻

例:Stop playing dumb! I know you know who ate the last piece of cake . 別再裝傻了!我知道你清楚是誰吃的最后一塊蛋糕。

When the police get here, Let's play dumb, I don't want to get in trouble for something I didn't do. 警察來這時(shí),咱們得裝傻。我可不想卷入麻煩,我可什么都沒做啊!

turn on the charm 施展,釋放魅力

eg : If you want girl to like you. 如果你想讓女孩喜歡你。

You'd better turn on the charm . 你就要施展你的魅力嘍。

prank: 惡作劇

eg : We're hiding our teacher's bike from her . 我們把老師的自行車藏起來了。

It was a great prank ! 真是一個(gè)太棒的惡作劇??!

She was looking for it for hours . 她已經(jīng)找了好幾個(gè)小時(shí)了.

play a prank 惡作劇

Eg : You guys better stop playing those prank on your sister . 你們幾個(gè)家伙最好別欺負(fù)你妹妹了!

bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要辦

Eg : I can't waste my time in this dead end job . 我再也不想把時(shí)間僵在這工作上了。

I've got bigger fish to fry . 我要去辦更有意義的事情。

Eg : I don't care if I get into BeiDa . 我不在乎是否被北大錄取。

I've got bigger fish to fry . 我還有遠(yuǎn)大前程呢!

I'm going to UCCA . 我即將去南加洲了。

phase 一個(gè)人一生中必經(jīng)階段

例:I went through a phase in high school where I dyed my hair bright purple. 上高中時(shí)我經(jīng)歷了一個(gè)將頭發(fā)染成紫色的階段。

I'm in a phase of my life , when I really need to focus on my career . 我要?dú)v經(jīng)生活中的必經(jīng)階段,那就是我必須要全身心投入到我的工作中。


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