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子話題(一) 外貌特征


①ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的

②plain adj. 樸素的;簡單的

③handsome adj. 英俊的;帥的

④elegant adj. 文雅的,漂亮的

⑤pretty adj. 漂亮的,俊俏的

⑥ugly adj. 丑陋的;難看的

⑦grey/gray adj. 灰色的;灰白的

⑧pale adj. 蒼白的,灰白的

⑨smooth adj. 光滑的;平坦的

⑩fair adj. (膚色)白皙的;(人)白膚金發(fā)的

?figure n. (人的)體形,身材

?straight adj. 直的,筆直的

adv. 直地,筆直地

?overweight n. 超重

adj. 超重的,過重的

?slim adj. 苗條的

?medium height 中等身材

?average height 一般身材

?below average 低于平均水平

?gentle and graceful 窈窕


①clothing n. (總稱) 衣服

②garment n. (一件)衣服

③dress n. 女裝,連衣裙

vt.& vi. (給……)穿衣;穿著

④suit n. 一套外衣;套裝

⑤uniform n. 制服

⑥blouse n. 寬罩衫;(婦女、兒童穿的)短上衣

⑦underwear n. 內(nèi)衣

⑧sweater n. 厚運動衫,毛衣

⑨belt n. (皮)帶,腰帶

⑩tie n. 領(lǐng)帶,鞋帶,結(jié);關(guān)系

vt. (用繩、線)系,拴,扎

?scarf n. 領(lǐng)巾,圍巾

?apron n. 圍裙

?collar n. 衣領(lǐng)

?pocket n. (衣服的)口袋

?sleeve n. 袖子,袖套

?button n. 紐扣;(電鈴等的)按鈕

vt.& vi. 扣(紐扣)

?zip n. 拉鏈

vt. 拉上拉鏈

?jewel n. 寶石

?jewelry n. (總稱)珠寶

?ring n. 戒指

necklace n. 項鏈

loose adj. 松散的;寬松的

tight adj. 緊的

fit adj. 適合的,合身的

vt.& vi. (使)適合,合身

dress in the latest fashion 穿著時髦

be in fashion 在流行中

be out of fashion 落伍的

follow the fashion 趕時髦


①facial adj. 面部的

②satisfied/content adj. 滿意的

③pleased/delighted adj. 高興的

④confused adj. 困惑的

⑤cheerful adj. 興高采烈的

⑥desperate adj. 絕望的

⑦numb adj. 麻木的,失去知覺的,遲鈍的

⑧frightened/scared adj. 害怕的

⑨embarrassed adj. 尷尬的

⑩nervous adj. 緊張的

?shocked adj. 震驚的

?amazed adj. 吃驚的

?blank adj. 茫然無表情的

?sympathetic adj. 同情的

?gloomy adj. 憂傷的

?indifferent adj. 冷漠的

?be satisfied/content with 對……滿意

?be curious about 對……好奇

子話題(二) 內(nèi)在品質(zhì)


①character n. 品格

②personality n. 個性,性格

③gentle adj. 溫柔的,溫和的

④outgoing adj. 愛交際的,外向的

⑤outspoken adj. 直率的

⑥straightforward adj. 簡單的,坦率的

⑦easygoing adj. 隨和的

⑧sweet­tempered adj. 性情溫和的

⑨independent adj. 獨立的

⑩moody adj. 喜怒無常的,易怒的

?arbitrary adj. 隨心所欲的,專斷的

?aggressive adj. 侵略的;咄咄逼人的

?stubborn adj. 固執(zhí)的,倔強的

?rigid adj. 死板的,僵硬的,固執(zhí)的

?violent adj. 暴力的

?a strong personality 很強的個性

?be independent of 獨立于

?be active in 某方面很積極


①quality n. 品質(zhì)

②virtue n. 美德,品行

③courage n. 勇氣;膽略

④dignity n. 尊貴,高尚

⑤mean adj. 小氣的

⑥generous adj. 慷慨大方的

⑦reliable adj. 可信賴的,可依靠的

⑧determined adj. 堅定的

⑨hard­working adj. 努力工作的

⑩honest adj. 誠實的

?modest adj. 謙虛的;謙遜的

?selfish adj. 自私的

?shallow adj. 膚淺的;淺的

?thoughtful/considerate adj. 考慮周到的

?warm­hearted adj. 熱心的

?confident adj. 自信的

?diligent adj. 勤奮的

?strong­willed adj. 意志堅強的

?merciful adj. 仁慈的

?grateful adj. 感激的

be devoted to 致力于,專注于

be punctual for 守時

be responsible for 對……負責(zé)

be enthusiastic about 對……熱心


①talent n. 天才,天賦

②intelligence n. 智力,才智,智慧

③wisdom n. 智慧

④disability n. 殘疾;無能

⑤intelligent adj. 聰明的,明智的

⑥talented adj. 有才能的

⑦gifted adj. 有天賦的;有才華的

⑧outstanding adj. 杰出的

⑨capable adj. 有能力的,有才能的

⑩competent adj. 能勝任的

?creative adj. 創(chuàng)造性的

?stupid adj. 愚蠢的,笨的

?learned adj. 博學(xué)的;有學(xué)問的

?have a talent/gift for 有……才能

?be skilled in 在……方面熟練

?be qualified for 適合,勝任……

子話題(三) 人體與動作


①organ n. (人,動物的)器官

②cheek n. 面頰,臉蛋

③shoulder n. 肩膀

④fist n. 拳(頭)

⑤lung n. 肺;肺臟

⑥liver n. 肝;肝臟

⑦kidney n. 腎;腎臟

⑧heart n. 心;心臟

⑨wrist n. 手腕,腕關(guān)節(jié)

⑩ankle n. 踝,踝關(guān)節(jié)

?fingernail n. 指甲

?heel n. 腳后跟

?jaw n. 下巴

?beard n. (下巴上的)胡須

?moustache n. 小胡子



①sight vt. 看見,發(fā)現(xiàn)

②view vt. 看,查看

③observe vt. 觀察,監(jiān)視,觀測

④inspect vt. 檢查;檢驗;審視

⑤witness vt. 目擊,目睹

n. 目擊者

⑥weep vi. 哭泣,流淚

⑦stare at 盯著看;凝視

⑧glare at 怒目而視

⑨glance at 瞥一眼;看一眼

⑩catch sight of 看見


①whisper vt.& n. 低語,私下說

②breathe vi. 呼吸

③cough vi. 咳嗽

④scream vi. 尖叫

⑤bite vt.& vi. 咬;叮

⑥sigh vi. 嘆息;嘆氣

⑦yell vi. 叫喊,吼叫

⑧sniff vi. 聞,嗅

⑨yawn vi. 打哈欠

⑩in a whisper 小聲地

?breathe in/out 吸氣/呼氣

?yell at 朝……大喊


①squeeze vt. 擠壓,捏,塞

②tap vt.& vi. 輕敲;輕叩

③reach vt.& vi. 伸手夠到,到達

④tear vt. 扯破,撕開

⑤hug vt. 擁抱

⑥press vt. 壓,按

⑦seize vt. 抓住(時機等)

⑧dip vt. 浸,蘸;把……放入又取出

⑨salute n.& vi. 敬禮

⑩wipe vt. 擦;擦凈;擦干

?wave vt.& vi. 向……揮手示意;揮手示意

?point at 指著

?point to 指向

?tear at 撕扯

?throw at 朝……扔

?knock at 敲


①slip vi. 滑動,滑倒

②rise vi. 上升,上漲,起立

③kick n.& v. 踢

④dash n.& vi. 快跑,沖刺,短跑

⑤dash into 沖進

⑥wander about/around 漫游,徘徊


①swing vt.& vi. 揮舞,擺動

②tremble vi. 顫抖

③twist vt. 使彎曲,轉(zhuǎn)動

④bow to 向……鞠躬

⑤bend down/over 彎身,彎腰

1.So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.


2.Li Hua’s courage is breathtaking. Simply because of his ambition, he wins our admiration.


3.Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance, he has made great achievements in many fields.


4.His charming personality lies in a simple fact that he never hesitates to help others.


5.He seems never feel tired of doing whatever he can to help others, which may be what makes him so popular among all of us.


6.Although he has won countless honors, he never shows any signs of pride.


7. By being devoted to what he does no matter how boring it is, he sets a good example to us.


8.She was quite optimistic and energetic. She brought me a lot of happiness and courage. I learned something precious from her — belief in life.


(2016·南昌高三一模)為了紀念特蕾莎修女,某英文報社組織了一次作文比賽,請你根據(jù)以下要點,以“Life of Mother Teresa”為題寫一篇介紹特蕾莎修女的文章參賽。








Life of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is one of the greatest women in the world.

She was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. At the age of 20, she went to India, where she first worked as a teacher. However, in 1946 Mother Teresa left the school and was trained to become a nurse. ①She was so kind that she began helping the poor, the sick and the homeless in India. Besides, Mother Teresa opened many schools and hospitals in poor countries. ②While she was traveling, she called on people to help those in trouble. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the love and service she had given to unfortunate people.


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