Whether you'd prefer to use lavender orally or as an aromatherapy, it's important to note the differences that exist amongst products. For instance, lavender oil isn't edible and shouldn't be ingested, via Healthline. These kinds of oils can be diluted in lotions, used to spray into the air, or used in diffusers. For oral ingestion, look for lavender teas, edible lavender, and supplements at health food stores and markets. Note that supplements are regulated by the FDA as food, not drugs. As such, products can be falsely marketed and adverse reactions can occur. Consumer caution is advised and you may wish to speak with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplement, via FDA. Fresh lavender, or culinary lavender, is generally deemed safe for consumption. However, lavender sold as decor or craft items shouldn't be consumed. Therefore, sourcing becomes an important aspect of supplementation and consumption.