So now, in the midst of my first solo show, I am thinking about my career, why I do this, is it too selfish not to be a doctor or someone more sensible.
Three years ago, my father passed away, I was living in Germany, working as an entry-level landscape architect. I just realized I had made it, I was working in a nice studio on big projects. I was dreaming about it for the past 5 years at the University. However, faith came around and reminded me that my passion was to paint, that art was not a weekend thing, but a goal. I remembered how I was daydreaming about being a successful artist, having a gallery and painting for a living. I don't know how I managed to forget that, but one day I remembered.
I had to realize that no one would come to me and tell me: "Hi, you are an artist now. Please, take this studio, you will paint here and we will admire you." I had to work for that, I had to study more, do more and put myself out there.
So I went back to my home in Bulgaria and decided to try it. I had some money saved and just started to study, paint and share more. And three years later - I am still doing it, which I consider a success because there were some close calls when I thought I wouldn't make it.
The art speaks more than I can, but yes, it is about my feelings and how I perceive the world - actually, all art is, I guess.
Thanks for reading this little story. I hope you like my artwork.
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