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CASABLANCA, Morocco — Some things get better astime goes by. Rick’s Café may be one of them.

摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡——隨著時間的推移,有些事情會變得更好。里克咖啡館(Rick's Café)便是其中之一。

Chris Kelley of Bath, England, stopped there onerecent day for lunch on his way to a kite-surfingvacation in southern Morocco, and said he wasimpressed at how lovingly restored the old placewas. It was just like the one in the movie“Casablanca.”

最近的一天,在一次前往摩洛哥南部的風箏沖浪度假之行時,英國巴斯的克里斯·凱利(Chris Kelley)在那里吃了一次午餐,并且表示這個老地方的精心修復(fù)給他留下了深刻印象。跟電影《卡薩布蘭卡》(Casablanca)里的那個咖啡館一模一樣。

Like many visitors here, Kelley was surprised to learn that Rick’s Café Américain never existed, except on a Hollywood movie lot, where the classic film starring Humphrey Bogart and IngridBergman was made.

像這里的許多客人一樣,凱利驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),里克美式咖啡館除了在好萊塢一個片場以外,從未真的存在過。亨弗萊·鮑嘉(Humphrey Bogart)和英格麗·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)主演的那部經(jīng)典影片就是在那個片場中誕生的。

It was 1942, the world was at war, and the eponymous city was occupied by the Axis powers. Rick’s was just the figment of a writer’s imagination.


The owner and founder of the real Rick’s Café in Casablanca is a former American diplomat, Kathy Kriger.

卡薩布蘭卡現(xiàn)實中的里克咖啡館背后的老板和創(chuàng)始人是一位名叫凱西·克里格(Kathy Kriger)的前美國外交官。

“We wanted to make it everything it was in the movie, and then some,” she said.


A dozen white arches supported by columns frame the main dining room, under a three-story, octagonal cupola, and green leather bumpers grace the curved bar top. Palms in the corners, hanging brass chandeliers, beaded table lamps and a baby grand piano tucked into an archwaylend to the period-authentic mise-en-scène.


Not coincidentally, Kriger on most nights can be found standing at the corner of the bar, thewaiters under instructions to refill her wineglass with water until 11 p.m., when a Moroccan Vald’Argan Blanc is allowed. A lot of the regulars call her “Madame Rick.”


The incarnation of Rick’s Café has nothing to do with World War II, but a lot to do with themodern-day war on terrorism, and Kriger’s own small role in it. It also has much to say aboutthe enduring power of a great work of art to affect destinies in real life.


Like a lot of Americans, Kriger was long a fan of “Casablanca,” which often makes critics’ lists ofthe 10 greatest movies of all time. She first saw it in 1974 at a movie festival in her hometown, Portland, Oregon.


“At the end, everyone stood up and applauded,” she said.


Kriger later joined the State Department, which posted her as a commercial attaché to thisAtlantic coastal port, Morocco’s business center and biggest city.


She was stunned to discover there was no Rick’s Café here, which seemed to her a missedmarketing opportunity.


Then came the Sept. 11 attacks, and what she considered a backlash in America againstMuslims. She wanted to fight that backlash, she said.


She decided that a good way would be to show that an American woman, operating alone in aMuslim society, could start a business like Rick’s Café, to act as an exemplar of tolerance, arefuge in a troubled world.


Kriger cashed in her 401(k) plan and found a wreck of an old stately home in the AncienneMedina, the old city of Casablanca, which was then and is still a shabby, litter-strewn place.


The house did not look like much, but it faced the port, had two royal palm trees flanking itsfront door, and inside was an architectural gem in the rough. She enlisted noted interiordesigner Bill Willis to help restore it, and went to a Moroccan bank for a loan.

房子看起來很不起眼,但它面對著港口,前門的兩側(cè)種著皇家棕櫚樹,里面則是一個未經(jīng)雕琢的建筑寶石。她招募了著名室內(nèi)設(shè)計師比爾·威利斯(Bill Willis)幫忙重建,然后去一家摩洛哥銀行貸了一筆款。

The loan wasn’t enough, so Kriger began emailing friends in the States with a pitch that begansomething like: “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, this is the one.”


Many of them responded to the idea of starting a real Rick’s Café. She referred to herfundraising effort as “rounding up the usual suspects,” which inspired the name of thecorporate entity that would own the club.


It was 2002 when she was fundraising, amid much suspicion in America about the finances ofIslamic extremists, so she proactively went to the Treasury Department to explain why peoplewere wiring money to the Usual Suspects Société Anonyme in Casablanca.

2002年,當她籌款時,美國對伊斯蘭極端分子的財務(wù)狀況非常懷疑,因此她主動前往財政部,解釋人們?yōu)槭裁磳㈠X匯給卡薩布蘭卡的非常嫌犯匿名社團(Usual Suspect Société Anonyme)。

Even so, one of her investors, in Lincoln, Nebraska, received a visit from the local FBI office toquestion his investment, she said.


Kriger was interviewing Moroccan candidates for a manager when she met Issam Chabaa. Hementioned he could play the piano. “I asked him to show me, and he sat down and played ‘AsTime Goes By,'” Kriger said. “He was hired.”

為了招募經(jīng)理,克里格面試了幾位摩洛哥候選人,并且遇到了伊薩姆·查巴(Issam Chabaa)。他提到自己會彈鋼琴。 “我讓他給我彈一下,他坐下來,彈起了《時光流逝》(As Times Goes By),”克里格說。“他被錄用了。”

He has been with her since the opening 14 years ago.


Chabaa still plays jazz piano several nights a week, as well as managing the club’s 60 employees. Hardly a week goes by without some diner asking him to “Play it again, Issam.”


Chabaa does play “that song” a lot, but he’s a proud man. When customers say, “Play it again, Sam,” he corrects them: “My name is Issam.”


(Historical note: “Play it again, Sam,” is never actually uttered in the movie; Ingrid Bergman’scharacter, Ilsa, says, “Play it once, Sam, for old time’s sake.”)

(關(guān)于歷史的腳注:電影里其實沒有“再來一次,山姆”這句臺詞;英格麗·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)飾演的伊爾莎[Ilsa]說的是,“彈一次吧,山姆,為了舊時光。”)

What Kriger feels she has created, she said, is a place that can showcase what is great aboutAmerica and Americans, when the country is once again on a protectionist, isolationist bent.


“Casablanca” was, first of all, a propaganda movie, at a time when Americans were debatingwhether to send troops to North Africa and later to Europe. Kriger’s own politics are hinted at inthe restaurant’s menu, which includes dishes like “Obama Family Chili con Carne.” It issurprisingly spicy.


Her Rick’s Café seems a success, filling its tables in five dining rooms over two floors for lunchand dinner on most days. At any given sitting there are guests from such a variety of placesthey would rival the movie’s own very international set of characters, and cast.


Lakeitha Anderson, 49, is more of an exile than a tourist, an American who decided afterPresident Donald Trump’s election that she was leaving the country and taking heremployment recruiting business on the road.

今年49歲的雷凱莎·安德森(Lakeitha Anderson)與其說是在旅游,不如說是在流亡,唐納德·特朗普當選總統(tǒng)后,這位美國人決定離開祖國,在路上從事她的就業(yè)招聘工作。




“I love the oasis feeling of it here,” she said, over dinner. “Especially for people of color, weneed a break from it all.”


Wasn’t the point of the movie, though, that the oasis that was Rick’s Café Américain could notlong evade what was happening in the wider world?


“That may be,” Anderson said, “but I’m going to stay away for as long as I can.”


Kriger, 72 and divorced, said she planned to spend the rest of her days in Rick’s Café, holdingup her corner of the bar when she is not mingling with customers. “This is my assisted livingcenter,” she quipped. Or as Humphrey Bogart’s character, Rick Blaine, put it in the movie: “I’mgoing to die in Casablanca. It’s a good place for it.”

克里格今年72歲,已經(jīng)離婚,她說,她打算在里克咖啡館度過余生,不和客戶打交道時,她就獨自呆在酒吧的角落里。“這里是我的輔助生活中心,”她打趣說?;蛘哒鐫h弗萊·鮑嘉飾演的角色里克·布萊恩(Rick Blaine)在電影中說的:“我會死在卡薩布蘭卡。這是一個死去的好地方。”


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