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Say It By Spraying It: What Your Perfume Says About You


There's a long-running trope in perfume advertising that perfume speaks, and what it broadcasts is a message about its wearer.


In the 1950s, many perfumes spoke the message of feminine sexuality, a subversive message that was only socially acceptable to be spoken subliminally and invisibly, in perfume. In the 1950s perfume ad for Primitif, under the image of a sultry super-vixen with half-parted lips who looks like she just jumped from the cover of a pulp novel, a tagline asks, 'Why not let your perfume say the things you would not dare to?'


In Guerlain's Chant d'Aromes ad from 1965, we're told that a great perfume must do two things: 'It must express something for a woman that she would like to express herself, and it must be said in away that can be understood by men.' And in a Nuance ad from 1978, a few years before the big-shouldered 1980s fragrances such as Giorgio and Christian Dior's Poison shouted their messages, women were told their perfume shouldn't be too strong or loud. 'If you want to capture someone's attention,' it advised, 'whisper.'

嬌蘭(Guerlain)在1965年的“喜悅之歌”(Chant d'Aromes)香水廣告告訴我們,一瓶偉大的香水應(yīng)做到以下兩點(diǎn):必須能表達(dá)女人想表達(dá)的自己,同時(shí)必須能從某種意義上被男人理解。在寬肩盛行的80 年代,Giorgio和迪奧(Christian Dior)的“毒藥”(Poison)等香水用濃郁的香氛大聲地表達(dá),而就在那之前幾年,1978年的Nuance廣告則告訴女人,香水不應(yīng)該太強(qiáng)烈或者太夸張。該廣告建議稱:“如果你想要吸引別人的注意力,低語傾訴就好。”

Perfumes still 'say' things, of course, but in a post-signature scent era, when women (and men) are offered upwards of 1,000 new fragrances a year to choose from, most people express different things with their perfumes, depending on their moods, the event they're going to, what they're wearing, or whatever they happen to grab on their dressers. Are these eternal, 'essential' truths about their wearers? Not so much, since perfume can be applied and taken off as easily as a Roberto Cavalli leopard print maxi-dress or an L.L. Bean down vest-jacket.

當(dāng)然,如今香水依然能“表達(dá)”很多東西,但是在后標(biāo)志性香味時(shí)代,當(dāng)女人(以及男人)每年有多至1,000種新香水可供選擇時(shí),多數(shù)人會(huì)根據(jù)心情、要參加的活動(dòng)、穿戴或者在梳妝臺(tái)上隨手抓來的香水表達(dá)不同的信息。這些信息能反映出香水使用者永恒的、最本質(zhì)的自我嗎?不見得,因?yàn)橄闼梢院土_伯特·卡沃利(Roberto Cavalli)的豹紋長(zhǎng)裙或是L.L. Bean的羽絨背心一樣穿脫自如。

Here are some of the most popular perfume families -- and what they say about you to others.


Citrus/Marine/Ozonic (i.e. 'clean') -- You probably carry hand sanitizer in your purse and consider organizing the contents of your purse as one of your hobbies. No-nonsense, unsentimental, and efficient, you are the leader of the pack, and probably prefer Tory Burch flats to Louboutin blood-red-heeled stillettos.

柑橘/海洋/臭氧系列(即“清爽”系列)——你可能會(huì)在包里放無水洗手液,同時(shí)把歸類包里的東西作為興趣愛好。你不會(huì)瞎聊、不會(huì)感情用事、行事高效,是團(tuán)隊(duì)的領(lǐng)袖,也許比起魯布托(Louboutin)的血紅底細(xì)高跟鞋,你會(huì)更喜歡托里·伯奇(Tory Burch)的平底鞋。

Floral -- You like baking cookies, hand-writing thank you notes, and the idea of true love. You are a mix of introverted and extroverted. You project a conventional femininity that some would describe as 'classic.' To you, perfume means 'flowers,' and you don't see any need to question what has worked for millennia.


Fruity and Fruity-Florals - Bubbly, flirty, and fun, you don't take anything too seriously, and you're the person people invite to their cocktail parties to get the festivities going. You're open and friendly.


Gourmand -- You are romantic and seductive. After all, you want to smell like vanilla, chocolate, praline, and cotton candy -- things someone could take a big bite out of. Generous and larger than life, you're not sure why someone would decorate her apartment in an all-beige color scheme when purple leopard-spotted wallpaper is available. In spite of the va-va-va-voom quality of the fragrances you like, you are also a comfort seeker. You probably own a hidden pair of jeggings you wear underneath your Snuggie on cold nights on the couch while eating bonbons.


Oriental -- Like the gourmand lover, you prefer perfumes that contain sweet notes of vanilla and amber, but they also need dark and mysterious notes such as frankincense and myrrh. Romantic and sensitive, you live in your own world, or at least do your best to make the one you're in conform to your dreams. Some might describe you as 'intense,' others a 'drama queen.' When your perfume contains the 'tears' or resins that 'weep' from the barks of trees when they're wounded, as labdanum and balsams do, what do they expect?

東方香味系列——跟喜歡美食香味的人一樣,你更偏愛含有甜甜香草和琥珀味的香水,但同時(shí)它們也需要乳香和沒藥等黑暗和神秘的香調(diào)。你浪漫且敏感,活在自己的世界中,或者至少盡最大努力使生活符合你的夢(mèng)想。有人可能會(huì)評(píng)價(jià)你“情感強(qiáng)烈”,也有人會(huì)說你喜歡“小題大做”。當(dāng)你的香水里含有勞丹脂和香脂等樹皮受傷時(shí)留下的“眼淚”時(shí), 他們會(huì)作何感想呢?

Mossy and Woody -- You may be living in the 21st century, but you're what some might have described in the past as a 'dame,' and maybe even a 'dame with moxie.' Like the gal below, no one is going to find you sipping on an Appletini or wearing pink. More than likely, you'll be the one drinking a bitter espresso in the corner café reading Camus, Sheila Heti, or the DSM5 -- for fun. On a sunny Saturday afternoon. You're probably a Scorpio.

青苔和木香系列——你是生活在21世紀(jì),但若在過去,你會(huì)被稱作“夫人”,甚至“勇敢的夫人”。與喜歡下一個(gè)系列香水的女人一樣,你不會(huì)喝蘋果馬提尼或穿粉紅色的衣服。你更有可能會(huì)在一個(gè)陽光明媚的周六下午在一個(gè)角落里喝杯苦咖啡,讀讀加繆(Camus)、希拉·海蒂(Sheila Heti)的書或是第五版《精神疾病診斷與統(tǒng)計(jì)手冊(cè)》(DSM5)——純屬娛樂。你可能是天蝎座。

Leather/tobacco/musk/oud/incense: Voted in high school 'most likely to grow up to be an international spy,' your Platonic ideal of a good night out is donning your vintage Yves Saint Laurent 'Le Smoking' suit, drinking single-malt scotch neat at a dive bar with a mysterious stranger you just picked up at an art gallery in NYC's Chelsea neighborhood, and making out with him -- or her -- in the back of a taxi cab.

皮革/煙草/麝香/烏木/薰香系列——讀高中時(shí)被大家票選為“最有可能成為國(guó)際間諜的人”;你的理想夜生活是穿上復(fù)古的伊夫 羅蘭(Yves Saint Laurent)的 “Le Smoking”套裝,在一間小酒吧喝著純麥不加冰的蘇格蘭威士忌,旁邊是一位你在紐約切爾西(Chelsea)某藝術(shù)畫廊認(rèn)識(shí)的神秘陌生人,之后在出租車后座上與他(或她)親熱。


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