Shang: That was a deliberate(故意的) attempt on my life! Where is she?
Now she is done it. What a mess! Stand aside! That creature is not worth protecting.
Captain: She is a hero.
Shang: It is a woman. She will never be worth anything.
Captain: Listen, you pompous.
King: That is enough.
Captain: Your Majesty, I can explain.
King: I have heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your father’s armor(裝甲), ran away from home, impersonated(化妝) a soldier, deceived(欺騙) your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace, and… You have saved us all.
1) What a mess! 簡直一團糟!
2) That creature is not worth protecting. 這樣的人不值得保護。
3) You pompous. 你這個自負的家伙。
4) You dishonored the Chinese Army. 你讓中國軍隊感到恥辱。