《The Rose》是一首傳唱了幾十載的經(jīng)典老歌,不知不覺飄進你我心里。愛就是一朵花,只要心中播種希望,春天來臨時定有馨香玫瑰綻放。想送給你,讓我們心懷玫瑰,聆聽天籟般的歌聲,默記富含哲理的詞句“Lies the seed that with the sun's love,In the spring becomes the rose”。
西城男孩的翻唱版本是The Rose 最知名的翻唱版本,作為主打單曲收錄于西城男孩《The Love Album》專輯中,很多人都是從西城男孩的翻唱版本開始認識這首歌的。
《The Rose (那朵玫瑰花)》中英雙語歌詞:
some say love 有人說
it is a river 愛是一條河
that drowns the tender reed 會淹沒輕柔的蘆葦
some say love 有人說
it is a razor 愛是一把剃刀
that leaves your soul to bleed 讓你的靈魂流血
some say love 有人說
it is a hunger 愛是一種焦渴
an endless aching need 一種無盡的帶痛渴求
i say love 而我說
it is a flower 愛是一朵花
and you is only seed 而你則是唯一的種子
it's the heart afraid of breaking 如果心兒害怕破碎
that never learns to dance 就永遠無法學會起舞
it's the dream afraid of waking 如果害怕從美夢中醒來
that never takes the chance 就永遠也抓不住機會
it's the one who won't be taken
who can not seem to give 如果不愿付出 就永遠沒有回報
and the soul afraid of dying 如果靈魂害怕去死
that never learns to live 就永遠學不會怎么去活
when the night has been too lonely 當夜晚太過漫長
and the road has been too long 當前路太過遙遠
and you think 或者當你認為
that love is only for the lucky and the strong 只有幸運者和強者才有資格得到愛的時候
just remember in the winter 你要記得
far beneath the bitter snow 在厚厚的積雪底下
lies the seed 一顆種子一直都在那里躺著
that with the sun's love 等陽光灑下
in the spring becomes the rose 春天里,它會綻放成最美的玫瑰.