Jason: Freeze!!!
Maggie: Jason, what are you doing?
Jason: Me!?? Maggie what are you doing up!? It's 5:30 in the morning, I thought I heard a burglar.
Maggie: So you grabbed a coat rack??? What were you going to do? Take his rack?
Jason: If it came to that. Is that my famous grandma's dill bread?
Maggie: Yes, it's for dinner tonight, it has to rise for 14 hours you know.
Jason: I know this dinner is a big deal Maggie. But who in the right mind gets up at 5:30?
Mike: Good morning everybody! Hey this works in here.
Jason: Mike what are you doing up?
Mike: Well, I'm not teaching class today.
Jason: It's 5:30
Mike: It is?
Maggie: And your chipper.
Mike: I am?
Maggie: You were whistling
Mike: I was? Aww man I got to sit down, this is all Luke's fault.
Maggie: Who's Luke?
Mike He's one of my students, that little weasel. I mean it was bad enough when it was just him, now he's got everybody doing it.
Maggie: Talking back, cutting up.
Mike: No! Getting A's
Jason: Ungrateful little maggot.
Mike: No no, Dad I'm serious the number of A students in my class have doubled.
Maggie: Doubled!!??
Mike: Yeah, now I got 2
Maggie: Mike, that's great!
Mike: No it's not mom, look at me, I mean I use to be able to sleep in until noon, on a good day till three. Now I'm getting up when I use to go to bed. And I'm whistling.
Maggie: Hey Mike, about the dinner with Kate...
Mike: Oh Oh, yeah mom listen thanks for going through so much trouble, you know how special Kate is to me.
Maggie: I know, I'll expect you at 6:30?
Mike: Right! Wait, wait a minute, that's tonight!? What was I thinking scheduling it on a school night? Oh no what's happening to me!??
更多聽(tīng)力原文: http://vqdolsx.cn/show-85-209341-1.html