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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once.

I'm always baffled when I walk into a pharmacy and see shelves bursting with various vitamins, extracts and other supplements,all promising to accelerate or promote weight loss.Aisles of marketing genius belie(掩飾)the fact that,  26  ,weight loss is dictated by the laws of arithmetic.Economist Jessica Irvine wrote a book about how she used math to help her lose more than 18 kilograms.If calories taken in are less than calories  27   ,weight shall be lost,and so it is with money.

Despite the  28  of financial products,services and solutions geared towards accumulating wealth,it all begins with the same  29  :getting ahead financially requires a reduction of spending,so that income is greater than expenses.I was reminded of this again recently listening to an interview with Nicole Haddow,the author of Smashed Avocado,explaining how she cracked the property market at 31.It was quite a  30  ,given where she had been two years earlier.

Nicole didn't celebrate her 30th birthday as she had  31  .She was sobbing at the dinner table with her  parents,with whom she had just moved back in.She had no stable income,$12,000 in credit-card debt and no plan,but to her  32  ,her father,an accountant,told her that her financial  33  wasn't as bad as she  thought.He said,on her income,with some changes,she would be able to buy an investment unit within two years,which she did.

Nicole admitted she was fortunate,as she was able to live with her parents and  34  her spending—and life—to get herself on track financially.Creating a gap between her income and spendingrequired aparadigm shift and  35  sacrifice and commitment,but by going into financial lockdown,Nicole gained financialindependence.
















Section B

Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

France's Beloved Cathedral OnlyMinutes Away from Complete Destruction

A)Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris was within“15 to 30 minutes”of complete destruction as firefighters battled to stop flames reaching its bell towers on Monday evening,French authorities have revealed.A greater disaster was averted by members of the Paris fire brigade,who risked their lives to remain inside the burning monument to create a wall of water between the raging fire and the two towers on the west of the building.

B)The revelation of how close France came to losing its most famous cathedral emerged as police investigators questioned workers involved in the restoration of the monument to try to establish the cause of the devastating blaze.Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said that an initial fire aert was sounded at 6:20 pm on Monday evening but no fire was found.The second alert was sounded at 6:43 pm,and the blaze was discovered on the roof.

C)More than C650 million was raised in a few hours on Tuesday as French business leaders and global corporations announced they would donate to a restoration campaign launched by the president,Emmanuel Macron.But as the emergency services picked through the burnt debris,a row was resurfacing over accusations that the beloved cathedral,immortalised in Victor Hugo's novel,was already crumbling before the fire.

D)The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who  should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases,crumbling statues and cracked walls.Jean-Michel  Leniaud,the president of the scientific council at the National Heritage Institute,said:“What happened was  bound to happen.The lack of adequate maintenance and daily attention to such a majestic building is the cause of thiscatastrophe.”After the blaze was declared completely extinguished,15 hours after it started,the junior  interior minister,Laurent Nunez,said the structure had been saved but remained vulnerable.He praised the  actions of the firefighters but admitted the fate of the cathedral had been uncertain.“They saved the main structure,but it all came down to 15-30 minutes,”Nunez said.

E)In a surprise televised address on Tuesday evening,Macron said he wanted to see the cathedral rebuilt within five years.“The fire at Notre Dame reminds us that we will always have challenges to overcome,"Macron said,“Nore Dame is our history,our literature,the centre of our life.It is the standard by which we measureourdistances.It's so many books,so many paintings.It's the cathedral of every French person,even those who have never visited it.This history is ours and so we will rebuild Notre Dame.It is what the French people expect;it is what our history deserves.It is our deep destiny.We will rebuild Notre Dame so it is even more beautiful than before.I want it done in the next five years.We can do it.After the time of testing comes a time of reflection and then of action."

F)The fire,which had started at the base of the 93-metre spire(尖塔)at about 6:40 pm on Monday spread through the cathedral's roof,made up of hundreds of oak beams,some dating back to the 13th century.These beams,known as la foret(the forest)because of their density,formed the cross-shaped roof that ran the length of the central part of the cathedral.As hundreds of tourists and Parisiansstood and watched the flames leaping from the roof,there wasshock and tears as the cathedral spire caught fire,burned and then collapsed into itself.

G)A collection of dramatic videos and photos quickly spread across social media,showing the horrifyingdestruction,and attractingemotional responses from people all over theworld.Indeed, within minutes  the fire occupied headlines of every major global newspaper and television network.This is not surprising  given Notre Dame Cathedral,meaning“Our Lady”,is one of the most recognised symbols of the city of Paris attracting millions of tourists every year.

H)While the world looked on,the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers,where the cathedral bells hang.If the wooden frame of the towers had caught fire,it could have sent the bells—the largest of which,the Emmanuel Bell, weighs 13 tons—crashing down,potentially causing the collapse of both towers.Police and fire services will spend the next 48 hours assessing the“security and safety”of the 850-year-old structure.Nunezsaid:“We have identified vulnerabilities throughout the  structure,all of which still need securing.”As a result,residents of five buildings around the northern side of the cathedral were being temporarily evacuated,he added.Architects have identified three main holes in the structure,in the locations of the spire,the main hall and the upper rooms to the noth of the central aisle.Most of the wooden roof beams have been burned,and parts of the concrete holding up the roof have collapsed.

I)The interior minister,Christophe Castaner,visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.Ash covered the marble diamond-patterned floor and floated in large pools of grey water from the fire hoses.Behind a heap of blackened oak beams that lay piled up where they had fallen,daylight from vast holes in the cathedral roof lit a golden cross over a statue by Nicolas Coustou,which appeared to have escaped damage.Preliminary inspections also suggested the threeornate(裝飾華麗的)stained glass“rose”windows appeared to have survived the fire,officialssaid.However,fire officers have said a complete inventory of the damage will not be possible until the cathedral structure has been deemed safe

J)The culture minister,Franck Riester,said religious relics saved from the cathedral were being securely held at the Hotel de Ville,and works of art that sustained smoke damage were being taken to the Louvre,the world's largest art museum,where they would bedried out,repaired and stored. Sixteen copper statues that decorated thespire had been removed for restoration only a few days before the fire.Relics at the top of the spire are believed lost asthe spire was destroyed.As well as damage from the heat,which firefighters said reached more  than 800 ℃,experts also need to assess damage from the vast quantities of water firefighters poured into the cathedral.One casualty of this was TheGreat Organ constructed inthe 1730s,which was said to have escaped the flames but been significantly damaged by waer.

K)French political commentators noted the devastating fire had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting the country.But criticism over the original state of the building is likely to intensify over coming days.Leniaud told La Croix newspaper:“This is not about looking for people to blame.The responsibility is collective because this is the most loved monument in the country.”Alexandre Gady,an art historian,agreed.“We've been saying for years that the budget for maintaining historic monuments is too low,"Gady said.The Paris prosecutor's office has opened an inquiry into“involuntary destruction by fire”,indicating they believe the cause of the blaze was accidental rather than criminal.

36.The total amount of damage to Notre Dame Cathedral can be assessed only when its structure is considered  safe.

37.Once again people began to argue whether Notre Dame Cathedral was going to collapse even without the fire.

38.The NotreDame Cathedral catastrophe wassaid to have helped unite the French nation.

39.The roof of Notre Dame Cathedral was built with large numbers of densely laid-outwood beams

40.Renovation workers of Notre Dame Cathedral were questioned to find out the cause of the accident.

41.Had the bell towers'wooden frames burned down,the heavy bells would have crashed down.    

42.The timely action of the firefighters prevented the fire from reaching the Cathedral's bell towers.

43.Apart from the fire,the water used to extinguish it also caused a lot of damage to Notre Dame Cathedral.

44.There has been argument over the years as to who should pay for the restoration ofNotre Dame Cathedral.

45.News of the Notre Dame Cathedral catastrophe instantly caughtmedia attention throughout the world.

Section C

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there arefour choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

We often think of drawingas something that takes inborn talent,but this kind ofthinking stems from our misclassification of drawing as,primarily,an art form rather than a tool for learning.

Researchers,teachers,and artists are starting to see how drawing can positively impact a wide variety of skills and disciplines.

Most of us have spent some time drawing before,but at some point,most of us stop drawing There are people who don't,obviously,and thank god for that:a world without designers and artists would be a very shabby one indeed.

Some argue that so many adults have abandoned drawing because we've miscategorized it and given it a very narrow definition.In his book,Stick Figures:Draoing as a Human Practice,Professor D.B.Dowd argues that we have misfiled the significance ofdrawing because we see it as a professional skill instead of a personal capacity.We mistakenly think of“good”drawings as those which work as recreations of the real world,as realistic illusions.Rather,drawing should be recategorized as a symbolic tool.

Human beings have been drawing for 73,000 years.It's part of what it means to be human.We don't have the  strength of chimpanzees (大猩猩)because we've given up animal strength to manipulate subtle instruments,like  hammers,spears,and—later—pens and pencils.The human hand is an extremely dense network ofnerve endings.In many ways,human beings are built to draw.

Some researchers argue that doodling(涂畫(huà))activates the brain's so-called default circuit— essentially,the areas of the brain responsible formaintaining a baseline level of activity in the absence of other stimuli.Because of this,some believe that doodling during a boring lecture can help students pay attention.In one study,participants wereasked to listen to a list of names while either doodling or sitting still.Those who doodled remembered 29 percent more of the names than those who did not.

There's also evidence that drawing talent is based on how accurately someone perceives the world.The human  visual system tends to misjudge size,shape,color,and angles but artists perceive these qualities more  accurately than non-artists.Cultivating drawing talent can become an essential tool to improve people's observational skills in fields where the visual is important.

Rather than think of drawing as a talent that some creative people are gifted in,we should consider it as a tool for seeing and understanding the world better—one thatjust so happens to double as an art form.Both absent-minded doodling and copying from life have been shown to positively affect yourmemory and visual perception,so complain loudly the next time your school board slashes the art department's budget.

46.What do people generally think about drawing?  

A)It is a gift creative people are endowed with 

B)It is a skill that is acquired with practice.

C)It is an art form that is appreciated by all. 

D)It is an ability everyone should cultivate.

47.What do we learn about designers and artists?

A)They are declining gradually in number.

B)They are keen on changing shabby surroundings

C)They add beauty and charm to the world.

D)They spend most of their lives drawing.

48.What does Professor D.B.Dowd  argue in hisbook? 

A)Everybodyis born with the capacity to draw.

B)Drawing isaskill that requires special training

C)The value of drawing tends to be overestimated.

D)Drawing should beredefined as a realistic illusion

49.What have some researchers found from one study about doodling?

A)It is a must for maintaining a base level of brain activity. 

B)It can turn something boring into something interesting.

C)It is the most reliable stimulant to activate the brain.

D)It helps improve concentration and memory.

50.What is characteristic of people with drawing talent?

A)Sensitivity to cognitive stimulation.

B)Subtlety of representation.

C)Accuracy in categorization.

D)Precision in visual perception.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage

The car has reshaped our cities.It seems to offer autonomy for everyone.There is something almost delightful in the detachment from reality of advertisements showing mass-produced cars marketed as symbols of individuality and of freedom when most of their lives will be spent making short journeys on choked roads

For all the fuss made about top speeds,cornering ability and acceleration,the most useful gadgets ona modern car are those which work when you're going very slowly:parking sensors, sound systems,and navigation apps which will show a way around upcoming trafficjams.This seems to be one of the few areas where the benefit of sharing personal information comes straight back to the sharer:because these apps know where almost all the users are,and how fast they are moving almost all the time,they can spot traffic congestion(堵塞)very quickly and suggest ways round it.

The problem comes when everyone isusing a navigation app which tells themto avoid everyone else using the same gadget.Traffic jams often appear where no one has enough information to avoid them.When a lucky few have access to the knowledge,they will benefit greatly.But when everyone has perfect information,traffic jams simply spread onto the side roads that seem to offer a way round them.

This new congestion teachesus two things.The first is that the promises of technology will never be realised as fully as we hope;they will be limited by their unforeseen and unintended consequences.Siting in a more comfortable car in a different traffic jam is pleasant but hardly the liberation that once seemed to be promised.The second is that self-organisation will not get us where we want to go.The efforts of millions of drivers to get ahead do not miraculously produce a situation in which everyone does better than before,but one in which almost everyone does rather worse. Central control and collective organisation can produce smoother  and fairer outcomes,though even that much is never guaranteed.

Similar limitscan be foreseen for the much greater advances promised by self-driving cars.Last week,one operated by the taxi company Uber struck and killed a woman pushing her bicycle across a wide road in Arizona.This was the first recorded death involving a car which was supposed to be fully autonomous.Experts have said that it  suggests a“catastrophic failure”of technology.

Increasingly,even Silicon Valley has to acknowledge the costs of the intoxicating(令人陶醉的) hurry that characterises its culture.What traffic teaches us is that reckless and uncontrolled change is as likely to  harm us as it is to benefit us,and that thoughful regulation is necessary for a better future.

51.What does the author say about car advertisements?

A)They portray drivers who enjoy speed on the road.

B)They present a false picture of the autonomy cars provide.   

C)They pursueindividuality and originality in design concept.  

D)They overestimate the potential market of autonomous cars.

52.What does the author imply about the various gadgets on cars?

A)They can help to alleviate traffic jams

B)Most of them are as effective as advertised.

C)Only some can be put to use under current traffic conditions.

D)They areconstantly upgraded to make driving easier and safer.

53.What does the author say about the use of navigation apps?

A)It is likely to create traffic jams in other places.

B)It helps a great deal in easing traffic congestion.

C)It sharply reduces the incidence of traffic accdents. 

D)It benefits those who are learning to drive.

54.What does the author say about technology?

A)Its consequences are usually difficult to assess.  

B)It seldom delivers all the benefits as promised.

C)It depends on the required knowledge for application.

D)Its benefits are guaranteed by collective wisdom.

55.What key message does the author try to convey in the passage?

A)The consequences of technological innovation need not be exaggerated.

B)Thereis alwaysa price to pay to develop technology for a better world.

C)Technological innovation should be properly regulated.

D)The culture of Silicon Valleyought not to be emulated.






解析:空格句指出,盡管針對(duì)財(cái)富積累的金融產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)和解決方案  28  ,但卻都始于同一個(gè)  29  ;財(cái)務(wù)成功需要減少花費(fèi),這樣收入才會(huì)大于支出。結(jié)合上段末句“減肥由數(shù)學(xué)規(guī)律決定,錢(qián)也一樣”可知,空格句意在承接上段,介紹有關(guān)“財(cái)富積累”的數(shù)學(xué)規(guī)律,其中讓步狀語(yǔ)應(yīng)承上“減肥藥琳瑯滿(mǎn)目”之意說(shuō)明(市場(chǎng)上所提供的)財(cái)富積累方式之多,主句則應(yīng)承上“減肥由數(shù)學(xué)規(guī)律決定”之意說(shuō)明財(cái)富積累也靠數(shù)學(xué)規(guī)律。換言之,空28應(yīng)體現(xiàn)“琳瑯滿(mǎn)目/豐富多樣/五花八門(mén)”之意,A項(xiàng)正確。








解析:空格句前半句介紹妮可的處境“沒(méi)有穩(wěn)定收入,有12000美元負(fù)債,前途渺?!?后半句介紹父親的話語(yǔ)“妮可的經(jīng)濟(jì)  33  并不像她想象得那么糟糕”。空格句后一句繼續(xù)介紹父親的話語(yǔ)“只要有所改變,她就能在兩年內(nèi)買(mǎi)套投資房”。to her  32  應(yīng)傳遞父親的話語(yǔ)給妮可的感覺(jué)/印象,“兩年內(nèi)從負(fù)債累累到有余力投資房產(chǎn)”顯然會(huì)讓悲觀失望的妮可感到驚詫、訝異,空32應(yīng)表示“驚訝/詫異/意外”等,B項(xiàng)正確。








[精解]I段⑤句指出,圣母院的完整受損情況清單要等到結(jié)構(gòu)被確認(rèn)安全之后才可能給出。試題是對(duì)該句信息的改寫(xiě),其中can be assessed only when正確體現(xiàn)原文will not be possible until的內(nèi)涵。


[精解]C段②句指出,爭(zhēng)論重新出現(xiàn),人們指責(zé)圣母院早在火災(zāi)之前就已經(jīng)搖搖欲墜了。試題是對(duì)該句中爭(zhēng)論內(nèi)容的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,argue whether是對(duì)句中a row...over accusations的轉(zhuǎn)述,going tocollapse even without the fire則契合句中was alrcadycrumbling before the fire所隱藏的含義。


[精解]K段①句指出法國(guó)政治評(píng)論人士的觀點(diǎn):巴黎圣母院大火做到了總統(tǒng)馬克龍沒(méi)有做到的事情,即把法國(guó)人民團(tuán)結(jié)起來(lái)。試題是對(duì)該句的概括轉(zhuǎn)述,wassaid是對(duì)political commentators noted的提煉,have helped unite則是對(duì)句中had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting核心義的簡(jiǎn)化處理。


[精解]F段①②句描寫(xiě)了圣母院屋頂?shù)臉?gòu)成:數(shù)百根橡木房梁密集分布,有些已有800年的歷史。試題是對(duì)該信息的提煉,large numbers of對(duì)應(yīng)原文hundreds of,was built with以被動(dòng)式體現(xiàn)文中主動(dòng)式formed之義,densely laid-out wood beams則是對(duì)These beams(指代oak beams)、their density的總結(jié)。


[精解]B段①句指出警方問(wèn)詢(xún)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的修繕工人,以調(diào)查火災(zāi)起因。試題是對(duì)該句as從句中內(nèi)容的概括轉(zhuǎn)述,以被動(dòng)句式傳遞原文主動(dòng)句的內(nèi)涵,其中Renovation workers是句內(nèi)workers involved inthe restoration的概括表達(dá),find out與句內(nèi)establish的僻義“查實(shí);確定”相契合。


[精解]H段①②句回顧火場(chǎng)情形:消防隊(duì)員同大火奮戰(zhàn),力圖阻止大火延燒至鐘樓;鐘樓倘若著火,那么極重的鐘便可能砸落,進(jìn)而導(dǎo)致鐘樓全部坍塌。試題是對(duì)②句假想情景“鐘樓著火將會(huì)導(dǎo)致鐘砸落”的同義改寫(xiě),Had...would have的虛擬語(yǔ)氣句式正確反映原文If...had...could have的語(yǔ)氣。文中twomain towers、both towers均指掛著教堂大鐘的塔樓,亦可稱(chēng)為鐘樓,故試題中bell towers實(shí)為同義改寫(xiě)。


[精解]A段介紹事件:消防隊(duì)員奮力阻止大火延燒至圣母院鐘樓,在千鈞一發(fā)之際使圣母院免于焚毀。試題是對(duì)本段關(guān)鍵信息的提煉,其中timely精確概括原文within“15 to 30 minutes”of completedestruction的內(nèi)涵,prevented同義改寫(xiě)averted,試題以主動(dòng)態(tài)傳遞了A greater disaster was averted的被動(dòng)態(tài)語(yǔ)義。


[精解]J段④⑤句介紹救火用水對(duì)圣母院的損壞:具體損壞情況有待評(píng)估,但圣母院內(nèi)的管風(fēng)琴受損嚴(yán)重。試題是對(duì)④⑤句信息的合理推斷,其中a lot of damage正確反映原文damage from the vastquantitiesof water“大量水帶來(lái)危害”和significantlydamaged by water“被水嚴(yán)重?fù)p壞”的內(nèi)涵“救火用水的傷害也很大”。


[精解]D段①句指出,針對(duì)圣母院的爭(zhēng)論持續(xù)多年,即誰(shuí)應(yīng)為圣母院的整修工作出資。試題是對(duì)該句信息的同義改寫(xiě),其中argument over the years、pay for分別是對(duì)ayears-long dispute、finance的同義改寫(xiě)。


[精解]G段①②句說(shuō)明巴黎圣母院失火引發(fā)的強(qiáng)烈反響,其中②句指出,受災(zāi)新聞在幾分鐘內(nèi)就占據(jù)了全球各大報(bào)紙和電視網(wǎng)絡(luò)的頭條。試題是對(duì)該句信息的改寫(xiě),其中instantly正確反映原文withinminutes凸顯的“引發(fā)反響之快”+caught media attention則反映了向中occupied headlines所展示的“媒體關(guān)注度”。

46.[定位]本題考查人們對(duì)繪畫(huà)的慣??捶ā8鶕?jù)題干定位至第一段(We often think of drawing as...)。

[答案解析]A。第一段指出人們將繪畫(huà)主要當(dāng)作一種藝術(shù)形式而非學(xué)習(xí)工具,因而常常認(rèn)為繪畫(huà)需要天賦(somethingthat takes inborn talent...anart form)。換言之,在人們看來(lái),繪畫(huà)是藝術(shù)創(chuàng)造者與生俱來(lái)的稟賦,并非人人都能通過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)/實(shí)踐而獲得的技能,故A項(xiàng)正確,同時(shí)排除B項(xiàng)。

47.[定位]本題考查設(shè)計(jì)師和藝術(shù)家的相關(guān)細(xì)節(jié)。根據(jù)題干定位至第三段末句(..designers and artists...)。

[答案解析]C。第三段末句指出,沒(méi)有設(shè)計(jì)師和藝術(shù)家的世界會(huì)是一個(gè)極為粗陋的世界(very shabby)。即設(shè)計(jì)師和藝術(shù)家的存在為世界增色,使世界變得更加美麗迷人,故C項(xiàng)正確。

48.[定位]本題考查人物觀點(diǎn)。根據(jù)題干中的人名定位至第四段(Professor D.B.Dowd arguesthat...)。

[答案解析]A。第四段介紹D.B.多德教授的看法:我們錯(cuò)把繪畫(huà)視作一種專(zhuān)業(yè)技能(professional skill),而非個(gè)人能力(personal capacity)。換句話說(shuō),教授認(rèn)為繪畫(huà)并非藝術(shù)家專(zhuān)有,而是每個(gè)人都擁有的能力。第五段則從生理進(jìn)化的角度對(duì)這種個(gè)人能力予以解釋?zhuān)喝祟?lèi)雙手高度靈活,可操控精巧工具,人人都是天生的畫(huà)者(are built to draw)??梢?jiàn)A項(xiàng)正確。

49.[定位]本題考查與涂畫(huà)相關(guān)的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)。根據(jù)題干中one study...doodling定位至第六段③④句(one study...doodling...Those who doodled...)。

[答案解析]D。第六段③句介紹研究方法:受試者涂畫(huà)或靜坐的同時(shí)記人名。④句明確研究發(fā)現(xiàn):邊涂畫(huà)邊記者比邊靜坐邊記者多記住了29%的人名。improve concentration and memory準(zhǔn)確概括此發(fā)現(xiàn),D項(xiàng)正確。

50.[定位]本題考查具有繪畫(huà)稟賦者的特征。根據(jù)題干定位至第七段(drawing talent、Cultivatingdrawing talent)。


51.[定位]本題考查汽車(chē)廣告的相關(guān)信息。根據(jù)car advertisements可定位至首段③句(advertisementsshowing...cars)。

[答案解析]B。首段②向指出汽車(chē)似乎賦予了每個(gè)人自主權(quán),隨后③句指出量產(chǎn)汽車(chē)廣告將汽車(chē)標(biāo)榜為個(gè)性與自由之象征的做法脫離了實(shí)際,這些汽車(chē)大多數(shù)時(shí)候是在擁堵的道路上進(jìn)行短途行駛??梢?jiàn),汽車(chē)廣告中宣傳的個(gè)性和自由與現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的擁堵、消耗不符,B項(xiàng)符合此意,其中a false picture of sth指“對(duì)某事物的不實(shí)/虛假描述”。

52.[定位]本題考查與汽車(chē)上的裝置有關(guān)的暗含信息。根據(jù)gadgets on cars可定位至第二段①句(themost useful gadgets on a modern car)。


53.[定位]本題考查運(yùn)用導(dǎo)航應(yīng)用程序的影響。根據(jù)the use of navigation apps定位至第三段①句(using a navigation app)。


54.[定位]本題考查作者對(duì)技術(shù)的評(píng)價(jià),可定位至第四段②句(the promises of technologywill never berealised as fully as we hope)。

[答案解析]B。該句指出,技術(shù)預(yù)期的好處永遠(yuǎn)不可能像我們所期待的那樣得到充分實(shí)現(xiàn),它們會(huì)受限于無(wú)法預(yù)見(jiàn)或預(yù)料之外的結(jié)果??梢?jiàn),技術(shù)所預(yù)期的好處無(wú)法全部實(shí)現(xiàn),B項(xiàng)正確。seldom delivers對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的never be realised;all the benefits as promised具體解釋the promises of technology、as fully as。

55.[定位]由題干中的key message,in the passage推斷本題考查文章主旨,可結(jié)合篇末總結(jié)段解答。

[答案解析]C。第六段②句指出“為了更美好的未來(lái),周密的管控很有必要”,說(shuō)明技術(shù)創(chuàng)新需要妥善的管控,C正確。選項(xiàng)中be properly regulated同義替換thoughtful regulation。


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