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Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with tenblamks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given ina word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefilly before making your choices,Each choice in the bamk is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each itemon Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more tham once.

Questions 26 to 35 are based onthe following passage

If you've ever looked at the ingredients list while grocery shopping,chances are you've seen the term“natural flavors”.But have you taken a  26  to consider what these naturalflavors actually are?

Most of us might think that“natural flavors”are,well,naturally good for us  A recent study in the journal Appetite found that when the word“natural”appears  on packaging,people  27  that the food within is indeed healthier.In truth,natural  flayors do not  28  much,at least chemically speaking,from theirflavor-boosting   29  artificial flavors.Both can be made in a lab by trained flavorists,but artificial flavors use chemicals to give a product a  30  smell or taste.

Natural flavors come from plant or animal  31  ,like fruit,vegetable,meat,fish or milk that is then processed or refined in some way.In short,natural flavors are  32  from plants and animals to create specific flavors for processed foods.But that does not  33  make it easier to tell what is really in your food.Because the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)has not  34  the term,companies can use it to refer to pretty much anything derived from a plant or animal.And natural flavors can also include a variety of chemicaladditives,such as preservatives.The FDA doesn't require companies to revealwhat additional chemicals a specific item  35  .

So if you want to know for certain what you're getting with your groceries,you might want to stick to the farmer's market.

A)acknowledge    I)implies

B)chance       J)necessarily

C)contains      K)particular

D)counterparts   L)perceive

E)defined       M)second

F)differ       N)sources

G)especially     O)strange



26.M)【語義判斷】首句提到,人們買食品的時(shí)候,很可能看到過“天然香辛料”這個(gè)詞??崭袼诰涮岢鲆蓡枺耗阌袥]有_____想過這些天然香辛料到底是什么? take a second意為“花點(diǎn)時(shí)間”,符合語境,由此確定答案為M)second 。備選項(xiàng)中的  chance可構(gòu)成短語take a chance,意為“冒險(xiǎn)”。由常識(shí)可知,人們在購物時(shí)考慮下配料表中的成分,不需要進(jìn)行冒險(xiǎn),chance 不符合語境,可以排除。

27.L)【語義判斷】由本段第一句可知,我們大多數(shù)人可能會(huì)認(rèn)為“天然香辛料”自然對(duì)我們有好處??崭袼诰渲赋?,當(dāng)“天然”一詞出現(xiàn)在包裝上時(shí),人們_____里面的食物確實(shí)更健康,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“認(rèn)為”意義的動(dòng)詞,由此確定答案為L) perccive.

28.F)【語義判斷】空格所在句指出,至少從化學(xué)角度來說,天然香辛料與人造香辛料并沒有_____太大。由下一句可知,這兩種香辛料都可以在實(shí)驗(yàn)室里由訓(xùn)練有素的調(diào)味師制作。由此可以推斷,從化學(xué)角度來看,兩者并沒有太大區(qū)別,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“區(qū)別,不同”意義的動(dòng)詞原形,由此確定答案為F)differ。differ from sth.意為“不同于某物”。

29.D)【語義判斷】冒號(hào)后的artificial flavors是對(duì)their flavor-boosting_____的解釋。本句中, natural flavors與 artificial flavors是相對(duì)的,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“對(duì)應(yīng)的事物”意義的名詞,由此確定答案為D)counterparts。




33.J)【語義判斷】空格所在句指出,但這不_____更容易分辨出食物中真正的成分。結(jié)合下一句可知,公司可以用天然香辛料來指代幾乎任何從植物或動(dòng)物中提取的東西。由此可知,即使標(biāo)注天然香辛料,也未必能讓人分辨出食物中的真正成分,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“一定,必然”意義的副 詞,由此確定答案為J)necessarily。

34.E)【語義判斷】空格所在句指出,由于美國食品和藥品管理局(FDA)沒有_____這個(gè)詞,公司可以 用它來指代幾乎任何從植物或動(dòng)物中提取的東西。由此可知,F(xiàn)DA沒有界定這個(gè)詞(natural flavors), 所以公司可以濫用這個(gè)詞。因此,本空應(yīng)填入含有“解釋,定義”意義的動(dòng)詞,由此確定答案為E)defined。

35.C)【語義判斷】空格所在句指出,F(xiàn)DA 并沒有要求公司披露某個(gè)特定的產(chǎn)品中_____哪些額外的化學(xué)物質(zhì)。由句意可知,人們并不知道產(chǎn)品中含有哪些化學(xué)物質(zhì),因此本空應(yīng)填人表達(dá)“包含,含有” 意義的動(dòng)詞,由此確定答案為C)contains。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage withten statements attached to it Fach statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 2.

Fake holidayvilla websites prompt warning

A)During the British winter,the thought of two weeks in a coastal villa(別墅)with soul-stiring views of the sea and a huge pool to enjoy is enough to offset(抵消)the labor until the holidays start.For a growing number of people,however,their yearly break is turning into a nightmare as they find that the property they have paid thousands for does not exist and the website through which they booked it has disappeared.

B)Consumers have been warned tobe aware of the potential for deception in this market, which is far from uncommon.In 2017 there were 1,632 cases of reported “villa fraud(詐騙)”,with victims losing an average of £ 2,052,according to Action Fraud,the national center for reporting such frauds.“Millions of pounds are lost each year by defrauded holidaymakers,"says Sean Tipton of the Association of British Travel Agents(ABTA).

C)The problem has ballooned in the last 10 years,with  fauds becoming more and more sophisticated.The fake  websites have authentic-sounding names involving a mix of keywords,typiclly includingthe place name,“summer”,“villas"or“"rentals".Details of legitimate(合法的)villasare often stolen from other sites.“When the fraudsters first started it was unsophisticated—the websites looked amateur and there wasn't a lot of effort,"says Tipton.“Now they are clever.They extensively rip off legitimatewebsites and use a different website name.They'll have pictures of a sales team and it might be a poor actor in New York that is down as their head of sales.”

D)Fraudsters target popular seaside destinations for British tourists visiting Spainwhere prices can soar if demand exceeds supply.Prices arekept within reasonable ranges to avoid arousing suspicion.“A villa might cost £ 5,000 elsewhereand they will offer it at say £ 3,500.But a bit of a giveaway is that the villa will be cheaper than on other websites and there's unlimited availability,”says Tipton.Fraudsters also invest in pay-per-click advertising to feature at the top of search engines when people type in phrases such as“Spanish seaside villas”.

E)With such a degree of professionalism,how can consumers find out if the website they're looking tobook with is trustworthy?“When people book holiday villas they are doing so through rose-colored glasses,"says Tony Neate,chief executive of Get Safe Online,“They should be Googling the property,and looking on websites like Google Maps and StreetView to see if it's there.Also,speak to the person you're booking the villa with on a landline phone,as fraudsters tend to only use mobiles.”He also suggests asking someone not going on the holiday to have a look at the website.“They might spot problems you don't spot.”Another potential red flag is being askedto pay by bank transfer.“The problem is that when the money leaves your account it's in theirs straightaway and it's very hard to track it,”says Barclays Bank head of digital safety, Jodie Gilbert.“We generally recommend other forms of payment,likecredit card.”

F)Little seems to be known about these fraudsters,“There is no way to definitely know who they are,"says Neate.“It could be anyone.It could be your next-door neighbor or organized crime in Russia.”Action Fraud says people should ensure the company rentingthevilla is a member of a recognized trade body such as ABTA

G)“By working with industry partnerssuch as ABTA andGet Safe Online,we are able to issue alerts about the latest threats they should be aware of.If you believe you have fallen victim to fraud or cyber-crime,please report it to Action Fraud,”it adds.ABTA says it is trying to combat the issue by running public awareness campaigns.“It's a growing problem and people can't stop fraudsters being dishonest,”says Tipton.“They're  still going to do it.It's not impossible to stop but as it's internet-based it's harder topursue.”

H)Nick Cooper,the founder and co-owner of villa booking company Villa Plus,estimates his company has uncovered more than 200 fake villa websitesover the past two years, and doesn't believe enough is being done.“It is hopeless to report fake villa websites to the intermet giants who host them,”he says."I found it impossible to speak to anyone  Also,once one bank account gets reported,they simply use another.”

I)For now the only way to stop fraudsters appears ultimately to lie in the hands of the consumer.“When  people book their holidays they get so emotionally involved,and when they find that villa at a good price with availability in peak season,they are an easy target,”saysCooper.“The public has to learn to be far more  aware they are a target for these sort of frauds.”But it's not just the financial cost.“A family will turn up at a villa and find out it doesn't existor the owner doesn't know who you are,”says Tipton.“The problem then is you have to find accommodation at short notice.It can be incredibly expensive but it's the emotional cost,too.”

J)Carla O'Shaughnessy from Sydenham was searching lastyear for a good deal to book a villain Majorca for a summer break for the family.“I was comparing prices online and  found one that came in a bit cheaper than others,"says O'Shaughnessy.She emailed the company via its website,asking how far the villa was from the airport and about local restaurants.“They came back with believable answers;it was all very friendly and  professional,"shesays.Happy with the responses,O'Shaughnessy paidthe full amount of £ 3,000 via bank transfer into the travel agent's account and then forgot about it until a monthbefore thebooking.

K)“I tried logging on tothe website and couldn't,”she recalls.“I Googled the agent's name and there were lots of complaints about him being a fraudster.If only I'd Googled before but I never thought of it.”Although she found another villa in time for their holiday,she admits she was much more cautious.“I paid through a secure third-party site and had phone conversations with the agent.But I wasn't able to relax until we tumed up andI had the keys.”

36.Fraudsters oftensteal villa-booking information from authentic holidaywebsites. 

37.Fraudsters keep changing their bank accounts to avoid being tracked.

38.It is suggested that people not goingonthe holiday mighthelp detect website frauds

39.More and more British holidaymakers find the seaside vllas they booked online actually nonexistent.

40.By checking an agent's name online before booking a villa,holidaymakers can avoid falling into traps.

41.Fraudsters aredifficult to identify,according to an online safety expert.

42.Holidaymakers have been alerted to the frequent occurrence of onlinevilla-booking frauds.

43.It isholidaymakers that can protect themselves from falling victim to frauds. 

44.Holidaymakers are advised not to make payments by bank transfer.

45.Fraudsters advertise their villasat reasonable prices soas not to be suspected.


36.【定位】 由題干中的steal villa-booking information和authentic holiday websites定位到文章C)段倒數(shù)第二句。

C) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,他們從合法的網(wǎng)站上大量剽竊,然后使用一個(gè)不同的網(wǎng)站名稱。題干中的steal對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的rip off,題干中的authentic holiday websites對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的legitimate websites,故答案為C)。

37.【定位】由題干中的changing theirbankaccounts 定位到文章H)段最后一句。

H) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,一旦一個(gè)銀行賬戶被舉報(bào),他們就會(huì)使用另外一個(gè)。題干中的changing their bankaccounts是對(duì)定位句中use another的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為H)。

38.【定位】由題干中的people not going on the holiday和detect website frauds定位到文章E)段第五、六句。

E) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,建議讓不去度假的人看一下網(wǎng)站,他們也許能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)你忽視的問題。題干中的peoplenot going on the holiday對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的someone not going on the holiday,題干中的detect website frauds對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的 spot problems,故答案為E)。

39.【定位】由題干中的 British holidaymakers、seaside villas they booked和nonexistent定位到文章A)段。

A) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位段提到,在冬天,越來越多的英國人的冬季假期逐漸變成一場噩夢,因?yàn)樗麄冏罱K發(fā)現(xiàn)花費(fèi)了幾千元的房子其實(shí)并不存在,而他們預(yù)定假期的網(wǎng)站也早已消失不見。題干中的British holidaymakers指的是英國在冬季假期預(yù)定度假別墅的人。題干中的seaside villas they booked對(duì)應(yīng)定位段中的the property they have paid thousands for,題干 中的nonexistent 對(duì)應(yīng)定位段中的does not exist,故答案為A)。

40.【定位】由題干中的checking an agent's name online和checking an agent's name online 定位到文章K)段第一至三句。

K) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句是一個(gè)受害者的自述。她嘗試登錄網(wǎng)站但登錄不了,她在谷歌上搜索了代理人的名字,發(fā)現(xiàn)有很多人抱怨他是個(gè)騙子。要是她提前搜索一下相關(guān)信息就好了,但是她并沒有想到這一點(diǎn)。這說明提前在網(wǎng)站上搜索信息的必要性。題干是對(duì)定位句的歸納概括,故答案為K)。

41.【定位】由題干中的Fraudsters、difficult to identify和 an online safety expert定位到文章F)段第一、二句。

F) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,尼特說,人們對(duì)這些騙子知之甚少,沒有什么方法可以明確知曉他們是誰。題干中的Fraudsters在定位句中直接出現(xiàn),題干中的difficult to identify 對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的no way to definitely know who they are, 題干中的an online safety expert指的就是定位句中的Neate, 故答案為F)。

42.【定位】由題干中的Holidaymakers,alertedto 和 frequent occurrence 定位到文章B)段第一句。

B) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,消費(fèi)者們已經(jīng)被警告要留意市場上潛在的詐騙風(fēng)險(xiǎn),這種現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)遠(yuǎn)不是個(gè)例。題干中的Holidaymakers對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的Consumers,題干中的alerted to對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的warned to,題干中的 frequen occurrence對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的far from uncommon, 題干是對(duì)定位句的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為B)。

43.【定位】由題干中的holidaymakers 和 protect themselves from falling victim to frauds定位到文章I)段第一句。

I) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,現(xiàn)如今,唯一 一個(gè)能夠阻止詐騙者的方式似乎最終掌握在消費(fèi)者手中。題干中的 holidaymakers對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的consumer, 題干中的protect themselves from falling victim to frauds對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的stop fraudsters,題干是對(duì)定位句的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為I)。

44.【定位】由題干中的Holidaymakers和not to make payments by banktransfer定位到文章E)段最后三句話。

E) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,另一個(gè)潛在的危險(xiǎn)信號(hào)是被要求進(jìn)行銀行匯款?!皢栴}在于當(dāng)錢款離開你的賬戶,就會(huì)立刻進(jìn)入到他們的賬戶,并且很難追蹤?!卑筒丝算y行數(shù)據(jù)安全部門的負(fù)責(zé)人喬迪·吉爾伯特說:“我們通常推薦其他形式的支付方式,如信用卡?!倍ㄎ痪渲饕獜膶<业慕嵌?,建議不要通過銀行轉(zhuǎn)賬的方式支付,而是用其他方式,如信用卡。定位句與題干含義一致,故答案為E)。

45.【定位】由題干中的at reasonable prices和notto be suspected定位到文章D)段第二句。

D)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,價(jià)格會(huì)被控制 在合理的范圍內(nèi),以免引起懷疑。題干中的at reasonable prices 對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的 Prices are kept within reasonable ranges,題干中的not to be suspected 對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的 avoid arousing suspicion,題干是對(duì)定位句的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為D)。

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Eachpassage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Social media can be a powerful communication tool for employees,helping them to collaborate,share ideas and solve problems.Research has shown that 82% of employees think social media can improve work relationships and 60% believe it can support decision-making processes.These beliefs contribute to a majority of workers connecting with colleagues on social media,even during workhours.

Employers typically worry that social media isa productivity killer;more than half of U.S.employers reportedly block access to social media at work.In my research with 277 employees of a healthcare organization I found these concerns to be misguided.Social media doesn't reduce productivity nearly as much as itkills employee retention.

In thefirst part of the study I surveyed the employees about why and how they used platforms like Facebook,Twitter,or Linkedln.Respondents were then asked about their work behaviors,including whether they felt motivated in their jobs and showed initiative at work.I found employees who engage in online social interactions with co-workers through social mediablogs tendtobe more motivated and come upwith innovative ideas.But when employees interact with individuals outside the organization,they are less motivated and show less initiative.

In the second part of the study I found 76%of employees using social media for work took an interest in other organizations they found on social media.When I examined how respondents expressed openness to new careers and employers,I found that they engaged in some key activities including researching new organizations and  making new work connections.

These findings present a dilemma for managers:employees using social media at work are more engaged and more  productve,but they are also more likely to leave your company.Managers should implement solutionsthat neutralize the retention risk caused by social media.

They can create social media groups in which employees will be more likely to collaborateand less likelyto share withdrawal intentions or discussions about externaljob opportunities.Managerscan also use social media to  directly reduce turnover(跳槽) intentions,by recognizing employees'accomplishments and giving visibility to employees' success stories.

46.What does previousresearch about social media reveal?

A)Most employees think positively of it.

B)It improves employees'work efficiency.

C)It enables employees to form connections.

D)Employeesspend much of their worktime on it.

47.What did the author's own research findabout social media?

A)It influences employees'work negatively.

B)It does much harm to employee loyalty.

C)It kills employees'motivationforwork.

D)It affects employers'decision-making.

48.Whatdid the author find in his study about the effect of online social interactions?

A)It differsfrom employee to employee

B)It tends to vary with the platform used.

C)It has much to do with whom employees interact with

D)It ishardto measure when employees interact withoutsiders.

49.What problem was found with employeesusing social media for work? 

A)They seldom expressed their innerthoughts.

B)Most of them explored new job opportunities

C)Theywere reluctant to collaboratewith others.

D)Many of them ended with lowerproductivity.

50.Whatdoes the author suggest managers do to neutralize the retention risk? 

A)Givepromotions to employees fortheir accomplishments.

B)Create opportunities for employees to share success stories.

C)Acknowledge employees'achievements through social media.

D)Encourage employees to increasetheir visibility on social media.


46.【定位】由題干中的 previous research定位到首段 第二、三句。


47.【定位】由題干中的the author's own research定 位到第二段第二、三句。


48.【定位】由題干中的 the effect of online social interactions定位到第三段第三、四句。


49.【定位】由題干中的using social media for work 定位到第四段第二句。

B)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,當(dāng)“我”調(diào)查這 些受訪者如何表達(dá)對(duì)于新職業(yè)和新雇主的接受度時(shí),“我”發(fā)現(xiàn)他們都曾經(jīng)參與了諸如搜索新公司或是建立新的工作關(guān)系等關(guān)鍵性活動(dòng)。由此可知,在工作中使用社交媒體時(shí),大部分員工都會(huì)探索新的工作機(jī)會(huì),故答案為B)。

50.【定位】由題干中的neutralize the retention risk定位到最后一段最后一句。


Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

In the coming era of budget cuts to education,distance leaning could become the norm.

The temptation for those in charge of education budgets to trade teachers for technology could be so strong that they ignore the disadvantages of distance learning School facilitiesare expensive tobuild and maintain,and teachers are expensive to employ. Online classes do not require buildings and each class can host hundreds of people simultaneously,resulting in greater savings,thus increasing the temptation of distance education for those concermed more about budgets than learning.Butmoving away from a traditional classroom in which a living,breathing human being teaches and interacts with students daily would be a disaster.Physically attending school has hidden benefits:getting up every moning,interacting with peers,and building relationships with teachers are essential skills to cultivate in young people.Moreover,schools should be more than simple institutions of traditional learning.They are now places that provide meals.They are places where students receive counseling and other support.

Those policy-makersare often fascinated by the latest technology in education and its potential to “transform”education overnight.But online education does not allow a teacher to keep a struggling student after class and offer help.Educational videos may deliver academic content,but they are unable to make eye contact or assess a student's level of engagement.Distance education wll never match the personal teaching in a traditional classroom.In their first  18 years of life,American children spend only 9%of their time in school.Yet teachers are expected to prepare them to be responsible citizens,cultivate their social skills,encourage successful time management,and enhance their capacity to flourish in an increasingly harsh labor market.Given these expectations,schools should not become permanently “remote” .

The power of the classroom is rooted in the humanity of thepeople gathered in the same place,at the same time.Personal teaching is about teachers showing students a higher path,and about young people going through the process together.Technology,no matter how advanced,should simply be a toolof a good teacher.

51.What mainly accounts for the possibility that distance learming could become the norm?

A)Advances in education technology

B)Shrinkingfinancial resources.

C)Shortage of school facilities.

D)Lack of qualified teachers.

52.What does the author say is onepossible benefit of students attending school physically? 

A)Developing the habit of getting up early.

B)Eating nutritionally well-balanced meals.

C)Growing into living and breathing human beings.

D)Cultivating relationshipswith peers and teachers.

53.What doesthe author think of the latesttechnology ineducation?

A)It may have potential disadvantages.

B)It may render many teachers jobless

C)It may add to students'financial burden

D)It may revolutionize classroom teaching.

54.Whatdoes the author say teachers are expected to do?

A)Enhancestudents'leadership capacity

B)Elevate students to managerial positions

C)Enable students to adapt to the changes in life.

D)Prepare students to be competitive in the future.

55.Why couldn't technology replace a good teacher?

A)It lacks humanity

B)It is still immature

C)It cannot track students'growth

D)It cannot cater to personal needs.


51.【定位】由題干中的distance learning could become the norm定位到第一段。

B) 【精析】推理判斷題。第一段指出,在即將到來的 教育預(yù)算削減時(shí)代,遠(yuǎn)程教育可能會(huì)成為常態(tài)。第二段前三句提到,遠(yuǎn)程學(xué)習(xí)可以節(jié)省建造和維護(hù)學(xué)校設(shè)施的成本以及人力成本,這對(duì)負(fù)責(zé)教育預(yù)算的人非常有吸引力。由此可見,遠(yuǎn)程學(xué)習(xí)可能成為常態(tài)的主要原因是教育預(yù)算的削減,即財(cái)政資源的縮水,故答案為B)。

52.【定位】由題干中的benefit 和 attending school physically定位到第二段倒數(shù)第四句。

D) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,去學(xué)校上課有潛在的好處:每天早上起床、與同齡人互動(dòng)、和老 師建立關(guān)系,由此可知,去學(xué)校上課能培養(yǎng)與同齡人和老師的關(guān)系,故答案為D)。

53.【定位】由題干中的 the latest technology in education定位到第三段。

A) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位段第二至四句指出,在線教育無法讓老師在課后留下一個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)困難的學(xué)生,并提供幫助。教育視頻可以傳遞學(xué)術(shù)內(nèi)容,但無法與學(xué)生進(jìn)行眼神交流,也無法評(píng)估學(xué)生的投入程度,遠(yuǎn)程教育永遠(yuǎn)無法與傳統(tǒng)課堂上的個(gè)人教學(xué)相匹敵。由此可見,作者認(rèn)為最新的教育技術(shù)也存在潛在的缺點(diǎn)和不足,故答案為A)。

54.【定位】由題干中的teachers are expected to do 定位到第三段倒數(shù)第二句。

D) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位句提到,教師被期望將 學(xué)生培養(yǎng)成負(fù)責(zé)任的公民,培養(yǎng)他們的社交技能,鼓勵(lì)他們成功地管理時(shí)間,并增強(qiáng)他們在日益嚴(yán)峻的勞動(dòng)力市場中蓬勃發(fā)展的能力。由此可見, 教師應(yīng)當(dāng)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在未來的競爭力,故答案為D)。

55.【定位】由題干中的technology和 a good teacher定位到最后一段。

A) 【 精析】推理判斷題。定位段指出,課堂的力量根源于在同一地點(diǎn)、同一時(shí)間聚集在一起的人們的人性。技術(shù)無論多么先進(jìn),都應(yīng)該只是一個(gè)好老師的工具。由此可見,技術(shù)不能取代一個(gè)好老師是因?yàn)榧夹g(shù)缺少人性,A) 中的 humanity 對(duì)應(yīng)定位段第一句中的humanity,故答案為A)。


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