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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the pasage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified bya letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day,according to research published by Brigham Young University.The  26  is that loneliness is a huge,if silent,risk factor.

Loneliness affects physical health in two ways.First,it produces stress hormones that can lead to many health problems.Second,people who live alone are less likely to go to the doctor  27  ,to exercise or to eat a healthy diet.

Public health experts in many countries are  28  how to address widespread loneliness in our society.Last year Britain even appointed a minister for loneliness.“Loneliness  29  almost every one of us at some  point,"its minister for loneliness Baroness Barran said.“It can lead to very serious  ealth  30  for individuals who become isolated and disconnected.”

Barran started a“Let's Talk Loneliness”campaign that  31  difficult conversations across Britain. He is now supporting“  32  benches,"which are public seating areas where people are encouraged to go and chat with one another.The minister is also  33  to stop public transportation from being cut in ways that leave people isolated.

More than one-fifth of adults in both the United States and Britain said in a 2018  34  that they often or always feel lonely.More than half of American adults are unmarried,and researchers have found that even among those who are married,30% of relationships are  35  strained.A quarter of Americans now live alone,and as the song says,one is the loneliest number.

A)abruptly      F)friendly     K)severely

B)appointments   G)hindered     L)sparke

C)consequences   H)idiom       M)splitting

D)debating      I)implication   N)survey

E)dimensions     J)pushing     O)touches


26.I)【語義判斷】本句意為:______孤獨(dú)是一個(gè)巨大的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素,盡管它是無聲的。由上一句可知,與社會(huì)隔絕帶來的健康風(fēng)險(xiǎn)比肥胖或每天吸15支煙更大,這說明孤獨(dú)是一個(gè)巨大的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“說明,表明”意義的名詞,故本  題答案為I)implication。在備選項(xiàng)中,H)idiom和N)survey 不符合語義,因此排除。

27.B) 【語義判斷】本句意為;獨(dú)居的人不太可能去醫(yī)生_______。由句意可知,獨(dú)居的人不太可能去看醫(yī)生。the doctorappointments意為“就診預(yù)約”, 而go tothedoctor appointments是固定表達(dá),意為“去看醫(yī)生”,故本題答案為B)appointments。 

28.D )【語義判斷】本句意為:許多國家的公共衛(wèi)生專家正在______如何解決社會(huì)中普遍存在的孤獨(dú)問題。由前兩段可知,孤獨(dú)帶來很多危害,那么專家們需要研究如何解決這一問題,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有或接近“研究”意義的動(dòng)詞。備選詞中只有D)debating“討論”詞義最接近,故為本題答案。

29.O) 【語義判斷】備選詞中只有O)touches 符合語法要求,將它代人句中,則句意為“幾乎每個(gè)人在某 個(gè)時(shí)刻都會(huì)感到孤獨(dú)”,符合文義,因此本題答案為O)touches。

30.C) 【語義判斷】本句意為:對(duì)于變得孤立和與世隔絕的人來說,它會(huì)導(dǎo)致非常嚴(yán)重的健康______。由第一段可知,孤獨(dú)帶來很大的健康風(fēng)險(xiǎn),那么自然會(huì)引起嚴(yán)重的健康后果,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“結(jié)果,后果”意義的名詞,故本題答案為C)consequences,


32.F) 【語義判斷】分析句意可知,所謂的“ ______benches”就是人們可以互相聊天的公共座位區(qū)域,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有積極意義的形容詞,以體現(xiàn)出 benches 的積極作用,故本題答案為 F)friendly 。備選項(xiàng)中只有一個(gè)形容詞,也可以由此確定答案。

33.J)【語義判斷】本句意為:這位部長還______阻止 公共交通中斷,以免人們被孤立。本句中的The minister 指的就是英國負(fù)責(zé)孤獨(dú)問題的部長,這是他為了減少孤獨(dú)而采取的另外一項(xiàng)措施,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有或接近“試圖,努力”意義的詞,故 本題答案為J)pushing

34.N)【語義判斷】本句意為:在2018年的一項(xiàng)______中,美國和英國超過五分之一的成年人表示,他們經(jīng)?;蚩偸歉械焦陋?dú)。由句意可知,空格處應(yīng)填入含有“研究,調(diào)查”意義的名詞,故本題答案為 N)survey。

35.K)【語義判斷】本句意為:即使是那些已婚人士,也有 30%的人關(guān)系______緊張。由句意可知,空格處應(yīng)填入表示程度的副詞,故本題答案為K)severely。另外一個(gè)備選副詞A)abruptly 不能表示程度,因此排除。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

What happens when a language has no words for numbers?

A)Numbers do not exist in all cultures.There are numberless hunter-gatherers in Amazonia,living along branches of the world's largest river tree.Instead of using words for precise quantities,these people rely exclusively on terms similar to“a few”or“some.”In contrast,our own lives are governed by numbers.As you read this,you are likely aware of what time it is,how old you are,your checking account balance,your weight and so on.The exact numbers we think with impact everything in our lives.

B)But,in a historical sense,number-conscious people like us are the unusual ones.For the bulk of our species'approximately 200,000-year lifespan,we had no means of precisely representing quantities. What's more,the 7,000 or so languages that exist today vary dramatically in how they utilize numbers. 

C)Speakers of anumeric,or numberless,languages offer a window into how the invention of numbers reshaped the human experience.Cultures without numbers,or with only one or two precise numbers,include the Munduruku and Piraha in Amazonia.Rescarchers have also studicd some adults in Nicaragua who were never taught number words.Without numbers,healthy human adults struggle to precisely distinguish and recall quantities as low as four.In an experiment,a researcher will place nuts into a can one at a time and then remove them one by one.The person watching is asked to signal when all the nuts have been removed.Responses suggest that anumeric people have some trouble keeping track of how many nuts remain in the can,even if there are only four or five in total.

D) This and many other experiments have led to a simple conclusion;When people do not have number words,they struggle to make quantitative distinctions that probably seem natural to someone like you or me.While only a small portion of the world's languages are anumeric or nearly anumeric,they demonstrate that number words are not a human universal.

E)It is worth stressing that these anumeric people are cognitively(在認(rèn)知方面) normal,well-adapted to the surroundings they have dominated for centuries.As a child,I spent some time living with anumeric people,the Piraha who live along the banks of the black Maici River.Like other outsiders,I was continually impressed by their superior understanding of the ecology we shared.Yet numberless people struggle with tasks that require precise discrimination between quantities.Perhaps this should be unsurprising.After all,without counting,how can someone tell whether there are,say,seven or eight cocoruts(椰子)in a tree?Such seemingly straightforward distinctions become blurry through mmberless eyes.

F)This conclusion is echoed by work with anumeric children in industrialized societies.Prior to being spoon-fed number words,children can only approximately discriminate quantities beyond three.We must be handed the cognitive tools of numbers before we can consistently and easily recognize higher quantities.In fact,acquiring the exact meaning of mumber words is a painstaking process that takes children years.Initially,kids learn numbers much like they learn letters.They recognize that numbers are organized sequentially,but have little  awareness of what each individual number  means.With time,they start to understand that a given number represents a quantity greater by one than the number coming before it.This “successor principle”is part of the foundation of our numerical(數(shù)字的)cognition,but requires extensive practice to understand.

G)None of us,then,is really a“numbers person.”We are not born to handle quantitative distinctions skillfully.In the absence of the cultural traditions that fill our lives with numbers from infancy,we would  all struggle with even basic quantitative distinctions.Number words and their written forms transform our  quantitative reasoning as they are introduced into our cognitive experience by our parents,peers and school teachers.The process seems so normal that we sometimes think of it as a natural part of growing up,but it is  not.Human brains come equipped with certain quantitative instincts that are refined with age,but these instincts are very limited.

H) Compared with other mammals,our numerical instincts are not as remarkable as many assume.We even share  some basic instinctual quantitative reasoning with distant non-mammalian relatives like birds.Indeed,work with some other species suggests they too can refine their quantitative thought if they are introduced to the cognitive power tools we call numbers.

I)So,how did we  ever invent"unnatural"numbers in the first place?The answer is,literally,at your fingertips.The bulk of the world's languages use base-10,base-20 or base-5 number systems.That is, these smaller numbers are the basis of larger numbers.English is a base-10 or decimal (十進(jìn)制的) language,as evidenced by words like 14(“four”+“10”)and  31("three”ד10”+“one”).We speak a decimal language because an  ancestral tongue,proto-Indo-European,was decimally based.Proto-Indo- European was decimally oriented  because,as in so many cultures,our ancestors'hands served as the gateway to the realization that“five fingers on one hand is the same as five fingers on the other.”Such momentary thoughts were represented in words and passed down across generations.This is why the word“five”in many languages is derived from the word for“hand.”Most number systems,then,are the by-product of two key factors:the human capacity for language and our inclination for focusing on our hands and fingers.This manual fixation—an indirect by-product of walking upright on two legs has helped yield numbers in most cultures,but not all.

J) Cultures without numbers also offer insight into the cognitive influence of particular numeric traditions.Consider what time it is.Your day is ruled by minutes and seconds,but these concepts are not real in any physical sense and are nonexistent to numberless people.Minutes and seconds are the verbal and written  representations of an uncommon base-60 number system used in ancient Mesopotamia.They reside in our minds,numerical artifacts (人工制品) that not all humans inherit conceptually.

K) Research on the language of numbers shows,more and more,that one of our species'key characteristics is tremendous linguistic(語言的)and cognitive diversity.If we are to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally,we must continually explore the depths of our species'linguistic diversity.

36.It is difficult for anumeric people to keep track of the change in numbers even when the total is very small. 37.Human numerical instincts are not so superior to those of other mammals as is generally believed.

38.The author emphasizes being anumeric does not affect one's cognitive ability.

39.In the long history of mankind,humans who use numbers are a very small minority.

40.An in-depth study of differences between human languages contributes to a true understanding of cognitive differences between cultures.

41.A conclusion has been drawn from many experiments that anumeric people have a hard time distinguishing quantities.

42.Making quantitative distinctions is not an inborn skill.

43.Every aspect of our lives is affected by numbers.

44.Larger numbers are said to be built upon smaller numbers.

45.It takes great efforts for children to grasp the concept of number words.


36.【定位】由題干中的anumeric people和 keep track of 定位到文章C)段最后一句。

C)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,他們的反應(yīng)表明,沒有數(shù)字概念的人很難記住罐子中還有多少堅(jiān)果,盡管總數(shù)只有四個(gè)或五個(gè)。題干中的 anumeric people和keep track of 和原文表達(dá)方式完全一致,且題干中的change in numbers對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的 how many nuts remain in thecan,故答 案為C)。

37.【定位】由題干中的Human numerical instincts和 other mammals定位到文章 H)段第一句。

H)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,和其他哺乳動(dòng)物相比,我們的數(shù)字本能并不像很多人想象的那樣非凡。題干中的Human numerical instincts和other mammals和文中所述一致,且題干中的superior to對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的remarkable, 題干中的as is generally believed對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的as many assume,故答案為H)。

38.【定位】由題干中的anumeric和 cognitive ability 定位到文章E)段第一句。

E)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,值得強(qiáng)調(diào)的是這些不懂?dāng)?shù)字的人在認(rèn)知方面是正常的,很好地適應(yīng)了他們統(tǒng)治了幾個(gè)世紀(jì)的環(huán)境。題干中的not affect one's cognitive ability對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的cognitively normal,故答案為E)。

39.【定位】由題干中的In thelong history of mankind定位到文章 B) 段第一句。

B)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,從歷史意義來看,像我們這樣對(duì)數(shù)字有意識(shí)的人類是不尋常的題干中的In the long history of mankind 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的in a historical sense,題干中的a very small minority 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的the unusualones。 故答案為B)。

40.【定位】由題干中的differences between human languages 和 cognitive differences between cultures定位到文章K)段最后一句。

K)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,如果我們想真正理解我們的認(rèn)知生活在不同文化中有多么不同,我們就必須持續(xù)地探索人類語言多樣性的深度。題干中的 differences between human languages對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的our species'linguistic diversity,題干中的cognitive differences between cultures對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally,故答案為K)。

41.【定位】由題干中的many experiments和a hard time distinguishing quantities定位到文章D)段第一句。

D)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)和許多其他的實(shí)驗(yàn)得出了一個(gè)簡單的結(jié)論:當(dāng)人們沒有數(shù)字詞匯時(shí),他們很難進(jìn)行數(shù)量上的區(qū)分,盡管這些對(duì)于你我這樣的人而言是非常自然的事情。題干中的experiments和conclusion 均和原文一致。題干中的anumeric people對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的people do not have number words,題干中的have a hard time distinguishing quantities 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的struggle to make quantitative distinctions,故答案為D)。

42.【定位】由題干中的 Making quantitative distinctions和not an inborn skill定位到文章 G)段第二句。

G)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,我們不是天生就能夠熟練地進(jìn)行定量區(qū)分。題干中的Making quantitative distinctions 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的 handle quantitative distinctions,題干中的notan inborn skill對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的are not born to,故答案為G)。

43.【定位】由題干中的Everyaspect of our lives和numbers定位到文章A)段最后三句。

A)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,我們的生活是被數(shù)字支配的。就在你讀這篇文章的時(shí)候,你很可能知道現(xiàn)在是幾點(diǎn)了,你多大了,你的支票賬戶余額,你的體重等等。我們思考所用的確切的數(shù) 字影響著我們生活中的一切。題干中的every aspect of our lives 對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的everything in our lives,故答案為A)。

44.【定位】由題干中的Larger numbers和 smaller numbers 定位到文章D段第四句。

I)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,這些小一些的數(shù)字是大一些的數(shù)字的基礎(chǔ)。題干中的Larger numbers和smaller numbers均和原文一致,題干中的to be built upon對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的are the basis of, 故答案為I。

45. 【定位】由題干中的takes great efforts for children和grasp theconceptof number words定位到文章 F)段最后一句。

F) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,這種“順序原理”是我們數(shù)字認(rèn)知的基礎(chǔ)之一,但是需要大量的 練習(xí)去理解。題干中的takes great efforts對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的requires extensive practice,題干中的the concept of number words對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的the foundation of our numerical cognition,故答案為F)。

Section C

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Sugar shocked.That describes the reaction of many Americans this week following revelations that, 50 years  ago,the sugar industry paid Harvard scientists for research that shifted the focus away from sugar's role in heart disease and put the spotlight (注意的中心)squarely on dietary fat.

What might surprise consumers is just how many present-day nutrition studies are still funded by the food industry.Nutrition scholar Marion Nestle of New York University spent a year informally tracking industry-funded studies on food.“Roughly 90% of nearly 170 studies favored the sponsor's interest,” Nestle tells us.Other systematic reviews support her conclusions.

For instance,studies funded by Welch Foods-the brand behind Welch's 100% Grape Juice-found that drinking  Concord grape juice daily may boost brain function.Another,funded by Quaker Oats,concluded,as a Daily Mail  story put it,that“hot aatmeal(燕麥粥)breakfast keeps you full for longer.”

Last year,The New York Times revealed how Coca-Cola was funding well-lnown scientists and organizations  promoting a message that,in the battle against weight gain,people should pay more attention to exercise and less to what they eat and drink.Coca-Cola also released data detailing its funding of several medical institutions and associations between 2010 and 2015.

“It's certainly a problem that so much research in nutrition and health is funded by industry,”says Bonnie Liebman,director of nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest.“When the food  industry pays for research,it often gets what it pays for.”And what it pays for is often a pro-industry finding

-Given thisenv ironment,consumers should be skeptical(懷疑的)whenreading the-latest finding-in nutrition science and ignore the latest study that pops up on your news feed.“Rely on health experts  who've reviewed all the evidence,"Liebman says,pointing to the official government Dietary Guidelines,which are based on reviews of hundreds of studies.

“And that expert advice remains pretty simple,"says Nestle."We know what healthy diets are-lots of vegetables,not too much junk food,balanced calories.Everything else is really difficult to do experimentally.”

46.What did Harvard scientists do 50 years ago?

A)They raised public awareness of the possible causes of heart disease.

B)They turned public attention away from the health risks of sugar to fat.

C)They placed the sugar industry in the spotlight with their new findings.

D)They conducted large-scale research on the role of sugar in people's health.

47.What does Marion Nestle say about present-day nutrition studies?

A)They took her a full year to track and analyze.

B)Most of them are based on systematic reviews.

C)They depend on funding from the food industries.

D)Nearly all of them  serve the purpose of the funders.

48.What did Coca-Cola-funded studies claim?

A)Exercise is more important to good health than diet.

B)Choosing what to eat and drink is key to weight control.

C)Drinking Coca-Cola does not contribute to weight gain.

D)The food industry plays a major role in fighting obesity.

49.What does Liebman say about industry-funded research?

A)It simply focuses on nutrition and health.

B)It causes confusion among consumers.

C)It rarely results in objective findings.

D)It runs counter to the public interest.

50.What is the author's advice to consumers?

A)Follow their intuition in deciding what to eat.

B)Be doubtful of diet experts'recommendations.

C)Ignore irrelevant information on their news feed.

D)Think twice about new nutrition research findings.


46.【定位】由題干中的Harvard scientists和50 years ago定位到首段第二句。

B)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句指出,50年前,制糖業(yè)資助哈佛大學(xué)科學(xué)家將研究重心從糖在心臟病 中的影響,轉(zhuǎn)移到了膳食脂肪。由此可見,他們把公眾的注意力從糖的健康風(fēng)險(xiǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移到脂肪上,故答案為B)。

47.【定位】由題干中的Marion Nestle和 present-day nutrition studies 定位到第二段。

D)【精析】推理判斷題。定位段第二、三句提到,紐約大學(xué)的營養(yǎng)學(xué)家瑪麗恩·內(nèi)斯特爾花了一年的時(shí) 間非正式地跟蹤了各種工業(yè)資助的食品研究。她指出,在將近170項(xiàng)研究中,大約有90%的研究都會(huì)偏祖贊助商的利益。其他系統(tǒng)的研究綜述也支持她的結(jié)論。由此可知,幾乎所有的營養(yǎng)研究都是為資助者服務(wù)的,D)中的Nearly all of them對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的Roughly 90%ofnearly  170 studies, 故答案為D)。

48.【定位】由題干中的Coca-Cola-funded studies定位到第四段第一句。


49.【定位】由題干中的Liebman 和industry-funded research定位到第五段。

C 【精析】推理判斷題。第五段第二、三句提到,利伯曼認(rèn)為“食品工業(yè)為研究提供資金時(shí),通常會(huì)得到相應(yīng)的回報(bào)?!彼麄兯Ц兜耐且粋€(gè)利于推動(dòng)該行業(yè)的發(fā)展的發(fā)現(xiàn)。由此可見,由食品工業(yè)資助的研究,其結(jié)果并不客觀,故答案為C)。

50.【定位】由題干中的 author's advice to consumers 定位到第六段第一句。

D)【精析】推理判斷題。定位句指出,鑒于這種環(huán)境,消費(fèi)者在閱讀營養(yǎng)科學(xué)的最新發(fā)現(xiàn)時(shí)應(yīng)持懷疑態(tài)度,并且忽略新聞推送上彈出的最新研究。由此可見,作者的建議是對(duì)新的營養(yǎng)研究成果三思而后行,D)中的Think twice對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的skeptical,故答案為D)。

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time and move up the corporate ladder.The goal was to reach the top,accumulate wealth and retire to a life of ease.My father is a successful senior executive.In 35 years,he worked for only three companies.

When I started my career,things were already different.If you weren't changing companies every three or four  years,you simply weren't getting ahead in your career.But back then,if you were a consultant or freelancer (自由職業(yè)者),people would wonder what was wrong with you.They would assume you had problems getting a job.

Today,consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor.It shows how valuable an individual is.Many companies now look to these“ultimate professionals”to solve problems their full-time teams can't.Or they save money by hiring"top-tier (頂尖的)experts"only for particular projects.

Working at home or in cafes,starting businesses of their own,and even launching business ventures that  eventually may fail,all indicate “initiative,”“creativity,”and “adaptability,”which are desirable qualities in today's workplace.Most important,there is a growing recognition that people who balance work and play,and who work at what they are passionate about,are more focused and productive,delivering greater value to their clients.

Who are these people?They are artists,writers,programmers,providers of office services and career advice.What's needed now is a marketplace platform specifically designed to bring freelancers and clients together.Such platforms then become a place to feature the most experienced,professional,and

creative talent.This is where they conduct business,where a sense of community reinforces the culture and values of the gig economy ( 零 工 經(jīng) 濟(jì) ) ,and where success is rewarded with good revicws that encourage more business.

Slowly but surely,these platforms create a bridge between traditional enterprises and this emerging  economy.Perhaps more important,as the global economy continues to be disrupted by technology and other massive  change,the gig cconomy will itself become an engine of economic and social transformation.

51.What does the author use the example of his father to illustrate?

A)How long people took to reach the top of their career.

B)How people accumulated wealth in his father's time.

C)How people viewed success in his father's time.

D)How long people usually stayed in a company.

52.Why did people often change jobs when the author started his career?

A)It was considered a fashion at that time.

B)It was a way to advance in their career.

C)It was a response to the changing job market.

D)It was difficult to keep a job for long.

53.What does the author say about people now working for several businesses at the same time? 

A)They are often regarded as most treasured talents.

B)They are able to bring their  potential into fuller play.

C)They have control over their life and work schedules.

D)They feel proud of being outstanding problem solver.

54.What have businesses come to recognize now?

A)Who is capable of solving problems with ease.

B)How people can be more focused and productive.

C)What kind of people can contribute more to them.

D)Why some people are more passionate about work.

55.What does the author say about the gig economy?

A)It may force companies to reform their business practice.

B)It may soon replace the traditional economic model.

C)It will drive technological progress on a global scale.

D)It will bring about radical economic and social changes.


51.【定位】由題干中的the example of his father定位到第一段。

C) 【精析】推理判斷題。定位段指出,成功曾經(jīng)被定義為能在一家公司任職很長時(shí)間并獲得晉升。目的是到達(dá)高位,積累財(cái)富,退休后安度晚年。第三、四句提到了作者父親的親身經(jīng)歷,用以說明該段前兩句的內(nèi)容,即在其父輩的年代,人們對(duì)于成 功的定義是怎樣的,故答案為C)。

52.【定位】由題干中的often change jobs和the author started his career定位到第二段第一、二句。

B) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,當(dāng)作者開始他的職業(yè)生涯時(shí),事情已經(jīng)不同了。如果你不是每三四年就換一家公司,那么就說明你并未在職業(yè)生涯中前進(jìn)。由此可知,人們頻繁換工作是為了促進(jìn)職業(yè)發(fā)展,故答案為B)。

53.【定位】由題干中的working for several businesses at the sametime定位到第三段第一句。

A)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句指出,現(xiàn)如今,能夠同時(shí)為五家企業(yè)工作是榮耀的象征。接下來的一句指出這能說明一個(gè)人的價(jià)值所在。也就是說,能同時(shí)為多家企業(yè)工作的人通常是有價(jià)值的人才, 故答案為A)。

54.【定位】由題干中的businesses和recognize定位 到第四段第二句。





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