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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is  identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words  in the bank more than once.

It can be seen from the cheapest budget airlines to the world's largest carriers:Airlines across the globe   26  various shades of blue in their cabin seats,and it is no  27  .There does appear to be some psychology  behind it.Blue is  28  with the positive qualities of trust,efficiency,quietness,coolness,reflection  and  calm.

Nigel Goode is a leading aviation designer who works at a company which has been delivering aircraft interiors  for airlines for 30 years.“Our job as designers is to reinforce the airline's brand and make it more  29    ,”he says.“But our primary concern is to deliver an interior that  30  comfort to create a pleasant environment.”

“It's all about making the traveling experience less  31  and blue is said to induce a feeling of calm.While some of the budget airlines might use brighter,bolder shades,most others go with softened tones.The  32    aim is to create a home-like relaxing feel,so airlines tend to use soft colors that feel domestic,  33  and  earthy for that reason.”

It's also a trend that emerged decades ago and has  34  stuck.“Blue became the color of choice because it's a conservative,agreeable,corporate shade that  35  being trustworthy and safe.That's why you see it used in all of the older airlines like British Airways,"Nigel  Goode added.

A)associated            F)imitate              K)principal

B)coincidence           G)indication         L)recognizable

C)determined            H)integrate          M)simply

D)drastically           I)maximizes          N)stressful

E)enormous             J)natural              O)symbolizes

26.H)integrate 。  詳解:動詞辨析題。分析空格所在句子可知,本句缺少謂語動詞,因此本空應(yīng)填入動詞。本句指出,世界上大大小小的航空公司的飛機(jī)內(nèi)座椅都會用到藍(lán)色,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“使用,利用”意義的動詞,由此可知本題答案為H)integrate 使融入;結(jié)合在一起”。備選動詞中,其他詞義 均不符合句意,因此排除。

27.B)coincidence。詳解:名詞辨析題??崭袂坝邢薅ㄔ~no,因此本空應(yīng)填入名詞。由下一句可知,所 有航空公司的座椅都會融入藍(lán)色是有其心理學(xué)原因的,所以這不是巧合。由此可知,本空應(yīng)填入含有 “巧合”意義的名詞,故本題答案為B)coincidence“巧合”。備選名詞中,其他詞義均不符合句意,因此排除。

28.A)asociated。 詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂坝衖s,因此本空應(yīng)填入形容詞或動詞的 ed 形式,且與 with搭配使用??崭袂耙痪涮岬?,航空公司的飛機(jī)座椅都會用到藍(lán)色,其背后有心理學(xué)原因。本句揭 露原因,因?yàn)樗{(lán)色能讓人聯(lián)想到積極的品質(zhì),如信任、高效等。因此,本空應(yīng)填入含有“聯(lián)系到,聯(lián)想 到”意義的形容詞或動詞的-ed 形式,故本題答案為A)associated “聯(lián)想;聯(lián)系”。在備選的形容詞或動詞的-ed 形式中,其他選項(xiàng)都不能與 with 搭配,因此排除。

29.L)reognizable。詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂坝衜ore,而且空格作it的賓語補(bǔ)足語,因此本空應(yīng)填入形容詞??崭袂暗膇t指the airline's brand。由句意可知,Nigel Goode認(rèn)為,設(shè)計(jì)師的工作是強(qiáng)化航空公司的品牌,從而使其認(rèn)可度更高。因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“可識別的,可區(qū)分的”意義的形容詞, 由此確定本題答案為L)recognizable “可識別的,可承認(rèn)的”。備選形容詞中,其他詞義均不符合句意,因此排除。

30.I)maximizes。  詳解:動詞辨析題。分析句子成分可知,空格所在部分是定語從句,先行詞是an interior,作從句的主語,而該從句中沒有謂語動詞,又因?yàn)橹髡Z是第三人稱單數(shù),因此本空應(yīng)填入動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。由空格后面的to create a pleasant environment(以創(chuàng)造一個(gè)愉悅的環(huán)境)可知,飛機(jī)的內(nèi)部應(yīng)該讓人感到十分舒適,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“提升,改善”意義的動詞,而 I)maximizes“使增加到最大限度”最符合句意,因此確定答案。在備選的動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式中,O)symbolizes 明顯不符合句意,因此排除。

31.N)stressful 。 詳解:形容詞辨析題。空格前有l(wèi)ess, 而且空格作the traveling experience的賓語補(bǔ)足語,因此本空應(yīng)填入形容詞。本段解釋為什么飛機(jī)座椅采用藍(lán)色。由 and 后面的句子可知,藍(lán)色據(jù)說能產(chǎn)生鎮(zhèn)靜的感覺,也就是說為了讓旅行體驗(yàn)不那么緊張,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“緊張的,有壓力的”意義的形容詞,由此確定本題答案為N)stressful “緊張的”。備選形容詞中,其他詞義均不符合句意,因此排除。

32.K)principal。    詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂坝卸ü谠~the,后面是名詞 aim,因此本空應(yīng)填入形容 詞。本句意為,_____目的是創(chuàng)造一種類似于家的、令人放松的感覺。而本段第一句也提到,所有都 是為了讓旅行體驗(yàn)不那么緊張,由此可推斷創(chuàng)造令人放松的感覺是主要的目的,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有 “主要的”意義的形容詞,故本題答案為K)principal“最重要的”。備選形容詞中,其他詞義均不符合句意,因此排除。

33.J)natural。   詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂暗膄eel作系動詞,而且空格與domestic、earthy構(gòu)成并列,因此本空應(yīng)填入形容詞。由句意可知,航空公司的主要目的是營造輕松的感覺,因此傾向于使用柔和的顏色,讓人感到在家一樣。因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“輕松,放松”意義的形容詞,而J)natural“自然 的”詞義最接近,由此確定本題答案。備選形容詞中,其他詞義均不符合句意,因此排除。

34.M)simply。    詳解:副詞辨析題??崭裉幱谥^語動詞has stuck 之間,因此應(yīng)填入副詞。本句說明飛 機(jī)座椅采用藍(lán)色有悠久的歷史,數(shù)十年前就出現(xiàn)了, 一直留存到現(xiàn)在。stuck(原形是 stick)本義有“卡 住”的意思,說明選用藍(lán)色就像被卡住一樣,自然而然被保留下來,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“簡單地”意義 的副詞,故本題答案為M)simply “只不過;簡單地”。備選副詞中,D)drastically“劇烈地;急劇地”一 般用于說明改變的程度,與句意不符,因此排除。

35.O)symbolizes。 詳解:動詞辨析題。分析句子成分可知,空格所在部分是定語從句,先行詞是“a… shade”,作從句的主語,而該從句中沒有謂語動詞,又因?yàn)橹髡Z是第三人稱單數(shù),因此本空應(yīng)填入動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。第一段最后一句提到,藍(lán)色讓人聯(lián)想到信任、高效等積極品質(zhì)。而本句又提到,藍(lán)色 是一種保守、令人愉悅、企業(yè)性的顏色,______可以信賴和安全。所以本句也是在解釋藍(lán)色的象征意義,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“象征,代表”意義的動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故本題答案為O)symbolizes“象 征”。在備選的動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式中,I)maximizes明顯不符合句意,因此排除。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement  contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is  derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Why Are Asian Americans Missing from Our Texthooks?

A)I still remember my fourth-grade social studies project.Our class was studying the Gold Rush, something all Califormia fourth-graders learned.I was excited because I had asked to research Chinese immigrants during that era.Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area,I had always known that “San Francisco"translated to“Gold Mountain"in Chinese.The name had stuck ever since Chinese immigrants arrived on the shores of Northern  California in the 1850s,eager to try their luck in the gold mines.Now I'd have the chance to learn about them.

B)My excitement was short-lived.I remember heading to the library with my class and asking for help. I remember the librarian's hesitation.She finally led me past row after row of books,to a corner of the library where she pulled an oversized book off the shelf.She checked the index and turned over to a page about early Chinese immigrants in California.That was all there was in my entire school library in San Francisco,home of the nation's first Chinatown.That was it.

C)I finally had the opportunity to learn about Asian Americans like myself,and how we became part of the  fabric of the United States when I took an introductory class on Asian-American history in college.The class was a revelation.I realized how much had been missing in my textbooks as I grew up.My identity had been shaped  by years of never reading,seeing,hearing,or learning about people who had a similar background as me.Why,I wondered,weren't the stories,histories,and  contributions  of Asian  Americans taught in K-12 schools,especially in the elementary schools?Why are they still not taught?

D)Our students-Asian,Latino,African American,Native American,and,yes,white—stand to gain from a multicultural curriculum.Students of color are more engaged and earn better grades when they see themselves in their studies.Research  has also found that white students benefit by being challenged and exposed to new perspectives.

E) For decades,activists have called for schools to offer anti-racism or multicultural curricula.Yet a traditional American K-12 curriculum continues to be taught from a Eurocentric point of view.Being multicultural often falls back on weaving children of color into photographs,or creating a few supporting characters that happen to be ethnic—an improvement,but superficial nonetheless. Elementary school classrooms celebrate  cultural holidays Lunar New Year!Red envelopes!Lion dancers! but they're quick to gloss over (掩飾)the  challenges and injustices that Asian Americans have faced.Most students don't,for example,learn  about  the  laws that for years excluded Asians from immigrating to the U.S.They don't hear the narratives of how and why Southeast Asian refugees (難民)had to rebuild their lives here.

F)Research into what students learn in school has found just how much is missing in their studies.In an analysis,Christine Sleeter,a professor in the College of Professional Studies at Califomia State University,Monterey Bay,reviewed California's history and social studies framework,the curriculum determined by state educators that influences what is taught in K-12 classrooms.Of the nearly 100 Americans  recommended to be studied,77%were white,18% African American,4% NativeAmerican,and 1% Latino.None were Asian  American.

G)Worse,when Asian Americans do make an appearance in lesson books,it is often laced with problems.“There hasn't been much progress,”says Nicholas Hartlep,an assistant professor at Metropolitan State  University.His 2016 study of K-12 social studies textbooks and teacher manuals found that Asian Americans were poorly represented at best,and subjected to racist caricatures(拙劣的模仿) at worst.The wide diversity of  Asian Americans was overlooked;there was very little mention of South Asians or Pacific Islanders,for  example.And chances were,in the images,Asian Americans appeared in stereotypical (模式化的)roles,such as engineers.

H) Teachers with a multicultural background or training could perhaps overcome such curriculum challenges,but they're few and far between.In California,65%of K-12 teachers are white, compared with a student population  that is 75% students of color.Nationwide,the gap is even greater.It isn't a requirement that teachers share  the same racial or cthnic backgrornd as their students,but the imbalance poses challenges,from the potential  for unconscious bias to a lack of knowledge or comfort in discussing race and culture.

I) How race and ethnicity is taught is crucial,says Allyson Tintiangoo-Cubales,an Asian-American studies professor at San Francisco State University.She added that it's not so much about the teacher's background,but  about training.“You can have a great curriculum but if you don't have teachers dedicated (專注于)to teaching  it well,”she says,“it won't work as well as you want it to.”

J) Some teachers are finding ways to expose students to Asian-American issues-if not during school  hours,then  outside of them.This summer,Wilson Wong will lead a class of rising fifth-graders at a day camp dedicated to Chinese culture and the Chinese-American community in Oakland,California. His students,for  instance,will learn about how Chinese immigrants built the railroads in Califomia, and even have a chance to “experience”it themselves:They will race each other to build a railroad model on the playground,with some students being forced to “work”longer and faster and at cheaper wages.Wong,a middle school teacher dtring the school year,hopes he's exposing the students to how Chinese Americans  contributed to the U.S.,something that he didn't get as a student growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area.“I planted the seeds early,”he says.“That's what I'm hoping for.”

K)And,despite setbacks,the tide may finally be turning.Califormia legislators passed a bill last year that will bring ethnic studies to all its public high schools.Some school districts,including San Francisco and Los  Angeles,already offer ethnic studies at its high schools.High schools in Portland,Chicago,and elsewhere have either implemented or will soon introduce ethnic studies classes.And,as more high schools begin teaching it,the door could crack open for middle schools,and,perhaps inevitably, elementary schools,to incorporate a truly more multicultural curriculum.Doing so will send an important  message to the nation's youngest citizens:Whatever your race or ethnicity,you matter. Your history matters.Your story matters.

36.While cultural holidays are celebrated,the injustices experienced by Asian Americans are not exposed in elementary school classrooms.

37.Little information can be found about Chinese immigrants in the author's school library.

38.A middle school teacher is making a great effort to help students learn about the contributions made by Chinese immigrants to America.

39.No Asian Americans were included in the list of historical figures recommended for study in K-12 classrooms.

40.There is an obvious lack of teachers with a multicultural perspective to meet the curriculum challenges in America.

41.Students of ethnic backgrounds learn better from a multicultural curriculum.

42.Now more and more high schools in America are including ethnic studies in their curriculums.

43.A study of some K-12 textbooks and teacher manuals showed that Asian Americans were inadequately and improperly represented in them.

44.When taking a class in college,the author realized that a lot of information about Asian Americans was left out of the textbooks he studied.

45.An Asian-American studies professor placed greater emphasis on teacher training than on teachers' background.

36.E) 譯文:盡管慶祝了一些文化節(jié)日,亞裔美國人所面臨的不公正并沒有在小學(xué)中顯露出來。

定位:由題干中的 cultural holidays,celebrated,injustices 和not exposed 定位到文章 E) 段第 四句:Elementary school classrooms celebrate cultural holidays—Lunar New Year! Red envelopes!Lion  dancers!—but  they're  quick to gloss over (掩飾)the challenges and injustices that Asian Americans have faced.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,小學(xué)課堂慶祝一些文化性節(jié)日,農(nóng)歷新年,發(fā)紅包,舞獅子,但 是這些只不過是聰明地掩飾了亞裔美國人面臨的挑戰(zhàn)和不公平。題干中的 not exposed 和定位句中的 gloss over 為同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的experienced  和定位句中的 faced 意思相近,故答案為E)。

37.B) 譯文:在作者學(xué)校的圖書館里兒乎找不到關(guān)于中國移民的信息。

定位:由題干中的 the author's school  library 定位到文章 B) 段第二至六句:I remember heading to the library with my class anc asking for help.I remember the librarian's hesitation She finally led me past row after row of books,to a comer of the library where she pulled an oversized book off the shelf.She checked the index and  turned over to a page about early Chinese immigrants in Califomia.That was all there was in my entire school library in San Francisco,home of the nation's first Chinatown.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,我記得和同學(xué)們一起去圖書館尋求幫助。記得圖書管理員的 猶豫。她最終帶著我走過一排又一排的圖書,停在了圖書館的一個(gè)角落,在那里她從架子上拉出了一本超大號的圖書。她查閱了目錄,然后翻到了一頁關(guān)于早期來到加利福尼亞州的中國移民的 內(nèi)容。這些就是在美國第一個(gè)唐人街的所在地舊金山的我校圖書館里能找到的所有。根據(jù)這段 描述可以看出,在作者學(xué)校的圖書館里,關(guān)于中國移民的信息少之又少,故答案為 B)。

38.J) 譯文:一位中學(xué)老師正在盡其所能地幫助學(xué)生們了解中國移民者對美國所做的貢獻(xiàn)。

定位:由題干中的A middle school teacher,learm about the contributions 和 Chinese  immigrants定位到文章J)段倒數(shù)第三句:Wong,a middle school teacher during the school year,  hopes he's exposing the students to how Chinese Americans contributed to the U.S.,something that he didn't get as a student growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,中學(xué)王老師,希望他能夠用這種方式讓學(xué)生們了解華裔美國  人對美國做出的貢獻(xiàn),這是他曾經(jīng)還是舊金山灣區(qū)的學(xué)生時(shí)并未得到的。題干中的 Chinese  immigrants 對應(yīng)定位句中的Chinese Americans,題干中的help students learn about對應(yīng)定位句 中的 he's exposing the students to,故答案為J)。

39.F)  譯文:從幼兒園到12年級的基礎(chǔ)教育體系并未將亞裔美國人列在建議學(xué)習(xí)的歷史人物中。

定位:由題干中的 historical figures recommended for study 定位到文章F) 段最后兩句:Of the nearly 100 Americans recommended to be studied,77%were white,18%African American,  4%Native American,and 1%Latino.None were Asian American.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,在將近100位被建議學(xué)習(xí)的美國人中,77%為白人,18%為非 裔美國人,4%為印第安人,1%為拉丁美洲人。沒有一位是亞裔美國人。根據(jù)前文的語境,該句中  提到的是從幼兒園到12年級的基礎(chǔ)教育領(lǐng)域中被學(xué)習(xí)的歷史人物,總結(jié)該段內(nèi)容,即基礎(chǔ)教育領(lǐng) 域中所學(xué)習(xí)的歷史人物并不包括亞商美國人,故答案為F)。


定位:由題干中的lack of teachers,a multicultural perspective和curriculum challenges定位到文章H)段第一句:Teachers with a multicultural background or training could perhaps overcome such cumiculum challenges,but they're few and far between.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,有著多文化背景或是經(jīng)過這種培訓(xùn)的老師或許能夠克服這種 課程挑戰(zhàn),但是他們非常稀少。言外之意,這類老師目前是稀缺的,因此課程挑戰(zhàn)依舊存在。題干中的lack對應(yīng)定位句中的 few and far between,故答案為H)。


定位:由題干中的ethnic backgrounds,learn better和a multicultural curriculum定位到文章D)段第一、二句:Our students-Asian,Latino,African American,Native American,and,yes,white—stand to gain from a multicultural curiculum.Students of color are more engaged and  earn better grades when they see themselves in their studies.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,我們的學(xué)生亞洲人、拉丁美洲人、非裔美國人、印第安人, 白種人在一起從跨文化課程中有所收獲。當(dāng)有色人種的學(xué)生們在學(xué)習(xí)過程中看到了關(guān)于自己的內(nèi)容,往往會更加專注而且取得更好的成績。也就是說,在這種多文化融合的課程中,有色人種的學(xué)生收獲更大。題干中的 leam better對應(yīng)定位句中的more engaged and earn better grades, 故答案為D)。


定位:由題干中的 high schools in America 和 including ethnic studies in their curiculums 定 位到文章 K) 段第二至四句:Califomia legislators passed a bill last year that will bring ethnic studies to all its public high schools.Some school districts,including San Francisco and Los Angeles,already offer ethnic studies at its high schools.High schools in Porland,Chicago,and elsewhere have either implemented or will soon introduce ethnic studies classes.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,去年加利福尼亞州的立法者通過了一項(xiàng)法案,將使種族研究 進(jìn)入公立高中。包括舊金山和洛杉磯的學(xué)區(qū),已經(jīng)開始在高中提供種族研究課程。波特蘭、芝加哥以及其他地區(qū)的高中已經(jīng)執(zhí)行亦或馬上開始種族研究課。概括起來即,越來越多的美國高中正 在將種族研究納入其課程體系,故答案為K)。

43.G) 譯文:對一些基礎(chǔ)教育領(lǐng)域教材和教師手冊的研究表明亞商美國人在其中被不恰當(dāng)?shù)孛枋觥?/span>

定位:由題干中的some K-12 textbooks and teacher manuals,Asian Americans 和 inadequately and improperly represented 定位到文章G) 段第三句:His 2016 study of K-12 social studies textbooks and teacher manuals found that Asian Americans were poorly represented at best,and subjected to racist caricatures(拙劣的模仿) at worst.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,他在2016年對于幼兒園至12年級的基礎(chǔ)教育教科書和教師 手冊的研究中指出,往好了說是亞裔美國人被描述得非常惡劣,往壞了說是他們被種族主義丑化了??梢愿爬?,基礎(chǔ)教育教科書和教師手冊中對亞裔美國人的描述是非常惡劣的。題干中的 inadequately and improperly對應(yīng)定位句中的poorly,故答案為G)。


定位:由題干中的 taking a class in college,information about Asian Americans 和 left out of the textbooks 定位到文章 C) 段第一至三句:I finally had the opportunity to learn about Asian Americans like myself,and how we became part of the fabric of the United  States when I took an introductory class on Asian-American history in  college.The class was a revelation.I realized how much had been missing in my textbooks as I grew up.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,當(dāng)我參加了大學(xué)的一門關(guān)于亞裔美國人歷史的入門課程,我 最終有機(jī)會了解了像我一樣的亞商美國人,以及我們是如何成為美國的一部分的。這門課程揭露 了真相。我意識到伴隨我長大的教科書中缺少了多少信息。綜合定位句可以看出作者在上了大 學(xué)課程后了解了更多關(guān)于亞裔美國人的信息,同時(shí)也發(fā)現(xiàn)在其基礎(chǔ)教育階段對此信息的缺失。題 干中的was left out是定位句中had been missing的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為C)。

45.I) 譯文:一位研究亞裔美國人的教授認(rèn)為相比教師背景而言,應(yīng)更加強(qiáng)調(diào)教師培訓(xùn)。

定位:由題干中的 An Aslan-American studies professor,teacher tralring 和 teachers background 定位到文章I) 段第一、二句:How race and ethnicity is taught is crucial,says Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales,an Asian-American studies professor at San Francisco State University.She added that it's not so much about the teacher's background,but about training.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,舊金山州立大學(xué)的亞裔美國人教授阿利森說,如何教授種族 主義是至關(guān)重要的。她補(bǔ)充說道,這并不關(guān)乎教師的背景,而是培訓(xùn)。題干中的“not so much about…but about…”對應(yīng)定位句中的“placed greater emphasis on…”,故答案為I)。

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished  statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

When is cleaning walls a crime?When you're doing it to create art,obviously.A number of street artists  around the world have started expressing themselves through a practice known as reverse graffti (涂鴉).They find  dirty surfaces and paint them  with images or messages using cleaning brushes or pressure hoses(高壓水管).Either way,it's the same principle:the image is made by cleaning away the dirt.Each artist has their own individual style but all artists share a common aim;to draw attention to the pollution in our citics.The UK's Paul Curtis,better known as Moose,operates around Leeds and London and has been commissioned by a number of companies to make reverse graffiti advertisements.

Brazilian artist,Alexandre Orion,turned one of Sao Paulo's transport tunnels into an amazing wall painting  in 2006 by getting rid of the dirt.Made up of a series of white skulls (顱骨),the painting reminds drivers of the effect their pollution is having on the planet.“Every motorist sits in the comfort of their car,but they  don't give any consideration to the price their comfort has for the environment and consequently for themselves,”says Orion.

The anti-pollution message of the reverse graffiti artists confuses city authorities since the main argument against graffiti is that it spoils the appearance of both types of property:public and private.This was what Lceds City Council said about Moose's work:"Leeds residents want to live in clean and attractive neighbourhoods.We view this kind of advertising as environmental damage and will take strong action against it.”Moose was ordered to“clean up his act.”How was he supposed to do this:by making all property he had cleaned dirty again?

As for the Brazilian artist's work,the authorities were annoyed but could find nothing to charge him with.They had no other option but to clean the tunnel—but only the parts Alexandre had already cleaned.  The artist merely continued his campaign on the other side.The city officials then decided to take drastic  action.They not only cleaned the whole tunnel but every tunnel in Sao Paulo.

46.What do we learn from the passage about reverse graffiti?

A)It uses paint to create anti-pollution images.        

B)It creates a lot of trouble for local residents. 

C)It causes lots of distraction to drivers.       

D)It turns dirty walls into artistic works. 

47.What do reverse graffiti artists try to do?

A)Publicise their artistic pursuit.

B)Beautify the city environment.

C)Raise public awareness of environmental pollution.

D)Express their dissatisfaction with local governments.

48.What do we learn about Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion?

A)He was good at painting white skulls.                   

B)He chose tunnels to do his graffiti art. 

C)He suggested banning all polluting cars.                 

D)He was fond of doing creative artworks.

49.What does the author imply about Leeds City Council's decision?

A)It is simply absurd.                                               

B)It is well-informed. 

C)It is rather unexpected.                                            

D)It is quite sensible.

50.How did Sao Paulo city officials handle Alexandre Orion's reverse graffiti?

A)They made him clean all the tunnels in Sao Paulo.

B)They took drastic action to ban all reverse graffiti.

C)They charged him with polluting tunnels in the city.

D)They made it impossible for him to practice his art.

46. 關(guān)于反向涂鴉,我們能從本文中了解到什么?

A) 它使用顏料來創(chuàng)作反對污染的圖案。        

B) 它給當(dāng)?shù)厥忻裨斐闪撕芏嗬_。

C) 它使司機(jī)分散了很多注意力。           

D) 它把骯臟的墻變成了藝術(shù)作品。

定位:由題于中的 reverse grafhti定位到首段第四、五句;They fnd dirty surfaces and paint them  with images or messages using cleaning brushes or pressure hoses(高壓水管).Either way,it's the same principle:the image is made by cleaning away the dirt.

詳解:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。文章首段第四、五句指出,他們找到一些有污垢的墻面,然后用清潔刷或高壓水  管在上面畫上圖像或文字。不管用哪種方式,原則是一樣的:這個(gè)圖像是通過擦去污垢來畫上的。由此可知反向涂鴉骯臟的墻變成了藝術(shù)作品,故答案為D)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]首段第四句提到,街頭藝術(shù)家找到一些有污垢的墻面,然后用清潔刷或高壓水管在上 面畫上圖像或文字,而非顏料,故排除A) 項(xiàng);首段第六句提到,所有的畫家都有一個(gè)共同的目的;提醒  人們注意我們城市里的污染。而非給當(dāng)?shù)厥忻嬖斐衫_,故排除B) 項(xiàng);文章第二段提及一條交通隧道  里創(chuàng)造的反向涂鴉壁畫旨在提醒司機(jī)他們的污染對地球造成的影響,但這并不能說明反向涂鴉會分散司機(jī)的注意力,故排除C)項(xiàng)。


A) 宣傳他們的藝術(shù)追求。                    

B) 美化城市環(huán)境。  

C) 提高公眾對于環(huán)境污染的意識。                        

D) 表達(dá)他們對于當(dāng)?shù)卣牟粷M。

定位:由題干中的 reverse grafiti artists定位到第一段第六句:Each artist has their own individual style but all artists share a common aim:to draw attention to the pollution in our cities.

詳解:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。文章首段第六句提到,所有的畫家都有一個(gè)共同的目的;提醒人們注意我們城 市里的污染。由此可知,反向涂鴉藝術(shù)家想提高公眾對于環(huán)境污染的意識,故答案為C)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除] A) 項(xiàng)文中沒有提及,故排除;B) 項(xiàng)反向涂鴉雖然產(chǎn)生美化城市的結(jié)果,這并非是反向 涂鴉藝術(shù)家的目的,故排除;D) 項(xiàng)文中沒有提及,故排除。

48. 關(guān)于巴西藝術(shù)家亞歷山大·奧利恩我們了解到了什么?

A) 他擅長畫白色的顱骨。

B) 他選擇了在隧道創(chuàng)作他的涂鴉藝術(shù)。

C) 他建議禁止所有污染環(huán)境的汽車。

D) 他喜歡創(chuàng)作藝術(shù)作品。

定位:由題干中的 Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion 定位到第二段第一句:Brazilian artist,  Alexandre Orion,tumed one of Sao Paulo's transport tunnels into an amazing wall painting in 2006 by getting rid of the dirt.

詳解:推理判斷題。文章第二段第一句指出,巴西藝術(shù)家亞歷山大·奧利恩,在2006時(shí)通過清除灰 塵圣保羅的一條交通隧道變成了一副令人驚嘆的壁畫。由此可見,亞歷山大·奧利恩他選擇了在隧道來創(chuàng)作他的涂鴉藝術(shù)。故答案為B)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]本段第二句指出亞歷山大·奧利恩創(chuàng)造的反向涂鴉是由一系列的白色頭骨構(gòu)成的畫。根據(jù)此信息無法推出亞歷山大·奧利恩擅長畫白色的顱骨,故排除A); 本段最后一句話指出,奧利恩說,每一位汽車駕駛員舒服地坐在他們的車?yán)?,但是他們沒有絲毫考慮到他們的舒適給環(huán)境以及從而  給他們自身帶來的代價(jià)。奧利恩確實(shí)提倡司機(jī)要注意到環(huán)境污染問題,但根據(jù)本句話,無法推出奧利恩建議禁止所有污染環(huán)境的汽車,C) 為過度推理,故排除;本段只是指出亞歷山大·奧利恩創(chuàng)造的反  向涂鴉是由一系列的白色頭骨構(gòu)成的畫。無法推斷他喜歡創(chuàng)作藝術(shù)作品,D) 為過度推理,故排除。


A) 很荒謬。                                  

B) 非常有見地。

C) 很出人意料。                              

D) 非常明智。

定位:由題干中的 Leeds City Council's decision 定位到第三段第二、三、四、五句:This was what Leeds City Council said about Moose's work:“Leeds residents want to live in clean and attractive neighbourhoods.We view this kind of advertising as environmental damage and will take strong action against it.”Moose was ordered to“clean up his act.”How was he supposed to do this:by making all property he had cleaned dirty again?

詳解:觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度題。第三段第二至五句提到,利茲市政府對于“糜鹿”(Moose)  的作品的評價(jià):“利  茲市民想要生活在干凈和有魅力的社區(qū)里。我們認(rèn)為這種廣告是一種對環(huán)境的破壞,我們會采取強(qiáng)硬  措施來抵制它。”“麋鹿”(Moose) 被要求“清除他的作品”。他該怎么做呢,要把他清理的端壁再弄臟 嗎?由此可見,對于已經(jīng)創(chuàng)造好的反向涂鴉作品,無法再清除,故作者對于利茲市政府的決定很荒謬, 故答案為A)。



A) 他們讓他清理了圣保羅的所有隧道。         

B) 他們采取了強(qiáng)硬措施禁止所有的反向涂鴉。

C) 他們控告他污染了城市里的隧道。  

D) 他們讓他不能繼續(xù)他的藝術(shù)。

定位:由題干中的 Sao Paulo city officials 定位到最后一段最后一句:They not only cleaned the whole tunnel but every tunnel in Sao Paulo.

詳解:推理判斷題。最后一段最后一句指出,圣保羅的官員決定不僅清理了整個(gè)隧道,而且把圣保  羅的每一條隧道都清理了。由此可知,隧道清理干凈了,奧利恩就無法在隧道進(jìn)行反向涂鴉創(chuàng)造了。


[干擾項(xiàng)排除]最后一段第二句指出,官員沒有別的選擇,只能把隧道清理了,但也只是清理了亞歷山大已經(jīng)清理的那一部分。而非讓亞歷山大自己親自去清理,故排除A); 最后一段倒數(shù)第二句指 出,市政府官員決定采取強(qiáng)硬措施(drastic action),即清理了該市所有的隧道,而非禁止反向涂鴉創(chuàng)作,故排除 B); 最后一段第一句指出,對于那位巴西藝術(shù)家的作品,當(dāng)局非常惱怒,但是找不到任何理 由向他提出控告,故排除C)。

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are hased on the following passage.

The practice of paying children an allowance became popular in America about 100 years ago. Nowadays,American kids on average reccive about S 800 per year in allowance.But the vast majority of American parents who pay allowance tie it to the completion of housework.Although many parents believe that paying an allowance for  completing chores benefits their children,a range of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal.In fact,the way chores work in many households worldwide points to another way.

Suniya Luthar,a psychologist,is against paying kids for chores.Luthar is not opposed to giving  allowances,but she thinks it's important to establish that chores are done not because they will lead to payment,but because they keep the household running.Luthar's suggested approach to allowance is compatible with that of writer Ron Lieber,who advises that allowances be used as a means of showing children how to save,give,and spend on things they care about.Kids should do chores,he writes,"for the same reason adults do,because the  chores need to be done,and not with the expectation of compensation.'

This argument has its critics,but considering the way chores are undertaken around the world may  change people's thinking.Professor David Lancy of Utah State University has studied how families around the world handle chores.At about 18 months of age,Lancy says,most children become eager to help their parents,and in  many cultures,they begin helping with housework at that age.They begin with very simple tasks,but their responsibilities gradually increase.And they do these tasks without payment.Lancy contrasts this with what happens in America.“We deny our children's bids to help until they are 6 or 7 years old,”Lancy says,“when  many have lost the desire to help and then try to motivate them  with payment.The solution to this problem is not to try to use money as an incentive to do housework,but to get children involved in housework much earlier,when they actually want to do it.”

51.What do some experts think about paying children for doing chores?

A)It may benefit children in more ways than one.

B)It may help children learn the worth of labor.

C)It may not turn out to be the best thing to do.

D)It may not be accepted by low-income parents.

52.According to Suniya Luthar,doing chores will help children learn to

A)share family responsibilities                                     

B)appreciate the value of work  

C)cultivate the spirit of independence                                 

D)manage domestic affairs themselves

53.What does Ron Lieber think should be the goal of giving children allowances?

A)To help to strengthen family ties.                          

B)To teach them how to manage money.  

C)To motivate them to do more housework.      

D)To show parents'appreciation of their help.

54.What does David Lancy say about 18-month-olds?

A)They have a natural instinct to help around the house.

B)They are too young to request money for what they do.

C)They should learn to understand family responsibilities.

D)They need a little incentive to get involved in housework.

55.What does David Lancy advise American parents to do?

A)Set a good example for children in doing housework.

B)Make hildren do housework without compensation.

C)Teach children how to do housework.

D)Accept children's early bids to help.


A) 它給孩子的益處不止一種。                

B) 它能幫助孩子學(xué)會勞動的價(jià)值。

C) 它可能不是最好的辦法。             

D) 它可能不會被低收入父母接納。

定位:由題干中的 paying children for doing chores 定位到首段第四句:Although mary parents believe that paying an allowance for completing chores benefits their children,a range  of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal.

詳解:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。文章首段第四句指出,雖然很多父母認(rèn)為因?yàn)橥瓿杉覄?wù)活而給孩子零用錢對他 們的孩子來說是有益的,很多專家擔(dān)心把零用錢和做家務(wù)聯(lián)系地太緊密了可能不是很理想。由此可 知,專家認(rèn)為給孩子錢讓他們做家務(wù)可能不是最好的辦法。故答案為C) 。題干中的the best thing 對 應(yīng)原文中的 ideal。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]首段第四句提到,很多父母認(rèn)為因?yàn)橥瓿杉覄?wù)活而給孩子零用錢對他們的孩子來說是 有益的,而非專家的看法,故排除A) 項(xiàng);首段第三句提到大多數(shù)美國家長給孩子零用錢會把它和完成 家務(wù)活聯(lián)系在一起。但并未指出專家認(rèn)為這樣會讓孩子懂得勞動的價(jià)值,故排除B) 項(xiàng);原文并未提及 低收入家庭,故排除 D) 項(xiàng)。

52. 根據(jù)蘇妮婭·盧瑟的說法,做家務(wù)能幫孩子學(xué)會        

A) 分擔(dān)家庭責(zé)任                          

B) 領(lǐng)會工作的價(jià)值  

C) 培養(yǎng)獨(dú)立精神                      

D) 自己管理家庭事務(wù)

定位:由題干中的 Suniya Luthar 定位到第二段第一、二句:Suniya Luthar,a psychologst,is against paying  kids for chores.Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances,but she thinks it's important to establish that chores are done not because they will lead to payment,but because they keep the household running.

詳解:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。文章第二段第一、二句提到,心理學(xué)家蘇妮婭·盧瑟反對因?yàn)樽黾覄?wù)而給孩子錢。盧瑟不反對給孩子零用錢,但是她認(rèn)為應(yīng)該明確不是因?yàn)槟艿玫藉X而做家務(wù),而是因?yàn)樽黾覄?wù)才能 讓一個(gè)家庭正常運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。由此可知,蘇妮婭·盧瑟認(rèn)為做家務(wù)能幫孩子學(xué)會分擔(dān)家庭責(zé)任,故答案為A)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]B) 項(xiàng)文中沒有提及,故排除;本段第三句指出,盧瑟建議的獲取零用錢的方法與作家  羅恩·利伯一致。羅恩·利伯建議零用錢被用作一種向孩子展示如何節(jié)省、給予和花在在乎的東西上 的方法。根據(jù)此句話,無法推斷出做家務(wù)可培養(yǎng)孩子的獨(dú)立精神,故排除C) 項(xiàng);第二段第二句指出,盧瑟不反對給孩子零用錢,但是她認(rèn)為應(yīng)該明確不是因?yàn)槟艿玫藉X而做家務(wù),而是因?yàn)樽黾覄?wù)才能讓一 個(gè)家庭正常運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。但并未提及做家務(wù)可令自己管理家庭事務(wù),D) 項(xiàng)為過度推理,故排除。

53. 羅恩·利伯認(rèn)為給孩子零用錢的目的應(yīng)該是什么?

A) 幫助加強(qiáng)家庭紐帶。                      

B) 教會他們?nèi)绾喂芾斫疱X。

C) 激勵他們做更多的家務(wù)。                   

D) 表達(dá)父母對他們的幫忙的感激。

定位:由題干中的 Ron Lieber定位到第二段第三、四句:Luthar's suggested approach to allowance is compatible with that of writer Ron Lieber,who advises that allowances be used as a means of showing children how to  save,give,and spend on things they care about.Kids should do chores, he writes,"for the same reason adults  do,because the chores need to be done,and not with the expectation of compensation."

詳解:推理判斷題。文章第二段第三、四句指出羅恩·利伯建議零用錢被用作一種向孩子展示如何節(jié) 省、給予和花在在乎的東西上的方法。孩子們應(yīng)該做家務(wù),他寫道:“和成人的理由一樣,因?yàn)榧覄?wù)應(yīng)該 做,而不是為了期望得到補(bǔ)償。”由此可見,羅恩·利伯認(rèn)為零花錢教會孩子如何管理金錢,故答案為B) 。 (p干擾項(xiàng)排除 羅恩·利伯并未提及有關(guān)零花錢可增強(qiáng)家庭紐帶,故排除 A); 本段第四句指出,羅恩·利伯認(rèn)為孩子們應(yīng)該做家務(wù),他寫道:“和成人的理由一樣,因?yàn)榧覄?wù)應(yīng)該做。但并未指出零花錢 可激勵孩子做更多的家務(wù),C) 為過度推理,故排除;D) 項(xiàng)原文并未提及,故排除。


A) 他們本能地想在家里幫忙。                 

B) 他們太小了不能因?yàn)樽隽耸裁炊X。

C) 他們應(yīng)該學(xué)會理解家庭責(zé)任。      

D) 他們需要一點(diǎn)動力來參與家務(wù)。

定位:由題干中的 David Lancy 和18-month-olds定位到第三段第三、四句:At about 18 months of age,Lancy says,most children become eager to help their parents,and in many cultures,they begin helping with housework at that age.They begin with very simple tasks,but their responsibilities gradually increase.

詳解:推理判斷題。第三段第三句提到,在大約18個(gè)月的時(shí)候,蘭西說,大多數(shù)孩子會渴望幫助父 母。由此可見,18個(gè)月的大的孩子本能地想在家里幫忙。故答案為A)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]蘭西并未提及18個(gè)月的大的孩子太小了不能因?yàn)樽隽耸裁炊X,故排除B);  本段 第四句指出在很多文化中,孩子也在18個(gè)月大就從很簡單的任務(wù)開始,但是他們的責(zé)任會逐漸增長。 蘭西并未提及18個(gè)月的大的孩子就應(yīng)該學(xué)會理解家庭責(zé)任,故排除 C); 本段第七、八句指出,在美國, 直到孩子六七歲,失去了幫忙的意愿,家長再以報(bào)酬的方法來刺激他們,這個(gè)并非針對18個(gè)月孩子的 做法,故排除 D)。


A) 在做家務(wù)方面給孩子樹立好榜樣。          

B) 讓孩子無償做家務(wù)。

C) 教孩子如何做家務(wù)。                     

D) 接受孩子早期想幫忙的嘗試。

定位:由題干中的 David Lancy和 advise 定位到第三段最后一句:The solution to this problem is not to try to use money as an incentive to do housework,but to get children involve in housework much earlier,when they  actually want to do it."

詳解:推理判斷題。最后一段最后一句指出,蘭西認(rèn)為不要用錢來作為做家務(wù)的動力,而是在孩子 真的想做家務(wù)的時(shí)候,讓孩子更早地參與其中。由此可知,蘭西認(rèn)為美國家長應(yīng)接受孩子早期想幫忙 的嘗試,故答案為D)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除] 原文并未提及美國父母在做家務(wù)方面給孩子樹立好榜樣,故排除 A); 最后一段最后   一句指出,蘭西認(rèn)為這個(gè)問題解決的方法不是企圖用錢來作為做家務(wù)的動力,而是讓孩子更早地參與  家務(wù),在他們真的想做的時(shí)候,而非讓孩子無償做家務(wù),B)曲解了本句話,故排除B);C) 項(xiàng)并未提及, 故排除。


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