教程:六級詞匯  瀏覽:7  發(fā)布:2024-09-24
  • 提示:點(diǎn)擊文章中的單詞,就可以看到詞義解釋

    1.impartial - adj. 公平的,不偏不倚的
    例句:The judge showed an impartial attitude throughout the trial.(法官在整個審判過程中都表現(xiàn)出了公正無偏的態(tài)度。)

    2.neutral - adj. 中立的
    例句:The country maintains a neutral stance in the international dispute.(該國在國際爭端中保持中立立場。)

    3.detached - adj. 不含個人偏見的
    例句:Her analysis of the situation was detached and factual.(她對形勢的分析冷靜而客觀。)

    4.unbiased - adj. 沒有偏見的
    例句:The survey results were collected in an unbiased manner.(調(diào)查結(jié)果是以無偏見的方式收集的。)

    5.imprejudiced - adj. 沒有偏見的
    例句:The panel members were all imprejudiced and made their decisions based on the evidence presented.(小組成員都沒有偏見,他們根據(jù)提供的證據(jù)做出決定。)

    6.disinterested - adj. 無私的,無利害關(guān)系的
    例句:The trustee managed the fund in a disinterested manner.(受托人以無私的方式管理基金。)

    7.factual - adj. 事實(shí)的,根據(jù)事實(shí)的
    例句:The report is based on factual information and not hearsay.(該報告基于事實(shí)信息,而非道聽途說。)

    8.objective - adj. 客觀的
    例句:The article presents an objective analysis of the current economic situation.(文章對當(dāng)前經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢進(jìn)行了客觀分析。)

    9.equitable - adj. 公平的,公正的
    例句:The company strives for equitable treatment of all employees.(公司努力確保所有員工都能得到公平對待。)

    10.balanced - adj. 平衡的,均衡的
    例句:The argument presented in the essay is well-balanced and considers both sides of the issue.(文章中的論點(diǎn)考慮周全,平衡了問題的正反兩面。)

    11.unbiased opinion - 無偏見的觀點(diǎn)
    例句:He offered an unbiased opinion on the matter.(他就此事提出了無偏見的看法。)

    12.impartial judgment - 公正的判斷
    例句:The jury reached an impartial judgment after careful consideration of the evidence.(陪審團(tuán)在仔細(xì)考慮證據(jù)后做出了公正的判斷。)

    13.neutral position - 中立立場
    例句:The mediator took a neutral position in the dispute.(調(diào)解人在爭端中采取了中立立場。)

    14.fact-based analysis - 基于事實(shí)的分析
    例句:The study conducted a fact-based analysis of the data collected.(該研究對收集到的數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行了基于事實(shí)的分析。)

    15.unswayed by personal interests - 不受個人利益影響
    例句:The decision-maker remained unswayed by personal interests when making the final choice.(決策者在做出最終選擇時,沒有受到個人利益的干擾。)

    16.dispassionate - adj. 冷靜的,不帶感情的
    例句:The critic offered a dispassionate review of the movie.(評論家對這部電影進(jìn)行了冷靜的評論。)

    17.evenhanded - adj. 公平的,公正的
    例句:The teacher was known for being evenhanded in grading her students.(這位老師以公平公正的評分而著稱。)

    18.impersonal - adj. 非個人的
    例句:The service at the bank was impersonal and efficient.(銀行的服務(wù)雖然顯得不近人情,但效率很高。)

    19.fair-minded - adj. 公正的,心胸開闊的
    例句:The arbitrator was known for being fair-minded and making just decisions.(仲裁員以公正無私、裁決公正而著稱。)

    20.unprejudiced view - 沒有偏見的看法
    例句:After conducting thorough research, he formed an unprejudiced view of the issue.(在進(jìn)行了徹底的研究后,他形成了沒有偏見的看法。)

      上一篇:英語六級詞匯短語精選整理:表示主觀相關(guān)的詞匯 下一篇:查看所有《六級詞匯》


